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Posts posted by Mortis

  1. IWC owns for making this another part of the forum.

    The prostituite missions, are exactly like Taxi missions, cept your picking up sexy mommas, and dropping them off where they have there 'job' at.

    The trucker missions are pretty fun, just make sure you don't make a wide turn with your load or it'll break off.

  2. Fists

    Tec-9(I have the highest Weaponskill with this purely from drive by's so much)


    Sawed off Shotgun (I :wub: )

    Rifle gotten from hippies on the mountain



    Satchel Charges

    Spray paint can

    Rocket Launcher

    I just lost my AK-47 :crying:

  3. You probably went on random killing sprees against the ballas, cause they didn't specific ly target at me until later in the game. Then again I always drove fast. The key is though, ignore them. Whatever you do don't shoot back at them, or hit them, or it'll be worse. Just walk as quickly as you can away and do your buisness. Do your buisness only don't be going for joyrides in Balla territory. Hell, I'm at the second island and I walk through balla territory without fear and they don't do shit.

  4. The flowers are in the graveyard for that one mission where you gotta kill people with Big Smoke I do believe. On the right near the second getaway car.

    Also, i don't know what use the flowers are, as I never was able to give them to her. I used the action button, and it just made me bitch slap her with the flowers... and then she said I abused her so the date was over..

  5. The picture is of a boy holding a super nintendo.. which is known for VERY NON VIOLENT games...

    Nothing to worry about, obviously this person has never picked up a video game stick in there life. Just gotta say... "Fuck the haters." So far I think San Andreas is the greatest game ever made.. :pervert:

  6. Drug dealers are black men dressed in black with some gold chains. That's what they look like. You should know that from that one mission where you had to bust a dealer 'cleaning the hood'. Yeah he looks like that.

    Anyways, now I have to do the body harvest mission..... :lol: Samuel L Jackson getting high...

  7. You must eat... that is the key. once you get the muscle, you just go about your normal routine. The important thing is to eat once a day or two. It's just that easy... pretty much like real life a bit.

    :D I eat once a day and my muscle ain't gone down at all.

    Edit: I also noticed, if you have sex with a prostituite, the sex appeal wil go up somewhat. The key is to get a haircut every once in a while, make sure your pimping out..(Cowboy boots... no..) Also muscle does help somewhat. RESPECT is another thing. Depending on how high your respect is.. it'll help sex appeal, which is strange, but it does help somewhat. Cause I got high sex appeal.

  8. Shiiiiiit she died again when I was trying to defend a territory...

    Tip: Don't take ya girlfriend with ya to defend your territories...

    Oh yeah, and if you want easy guns, and armor.. (Without cheating etc. cause I know most prlly cheat... this is the first time I gone non cheat.) Try taking the territory south of your own, the Ammunation. Cause everytime i went to get a gun I kept getting shot.

    Edit: I think I need lessons on how not to abuse my girlfriend... >.< I got some flowers from the graveyard and was trying to give em to her... hit her instead...

    Yeah she's pissed again.... :pinch:

  9. :( I killed my girlfriend...


    I just was going on a regular drive by date with her... and... i tried to help her out with the drive by aiming to the right and she was in the passenger seat...

    "Attention: You have abused your girlfriend."


    "Your girlfriend is dead"


  10. Okay, that was the funniest and weirdest thing to ever piss me off. So, I'm there ready to begin the mission where you lock ammunation. I buy a few guns and decide I should go on foot to Glen Park. As I turn the corner I hear a rumble and the next thing I know a PLANE falls on me and kills me! What the hell?!

  11. :D I beat that mission the first time..

    But I have to say. I crashed 8 times, it's just he seemed to wait up for me and I was always able to cut him off. I went over a bridge ontop of him. Pretty sweet shit.. and yes OG sucks with a gun, so I was trying to gun him myself but couldn't get near him.

  12. Anyone on the street wearing your gang colors in your gang territory. Lock on, after a certain mission you'll have enough respect to recruit 2. Press Up on the D-Pad in order to try and recruit.. some actually won't.. some will..

    Edit: HOLY SMOKES >.<!!! That last mission for Big Smoke is fucking hard as hell. What am I supposed to aim at, I keep getting iced by the big ass truck and motorcycles coming at me. Terminator II all over again...

  13. Confirmed, Lazlow is in the game working at the "V-Rock Hotel". Go to the San Andreas website, and go through the map until you get to the V-Rock Hotel.

    "The home of rock and roll V-Rock..

    Has opened a hotel and casino.

    It's a very rock and roll way to lose money.

    At least they got rid of that dickhead who used to be on the radio."

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