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Posts posted by Mortis

  1. It burns your fat, then your muscle, then very quickly depletes your health. It depletes health faster than muscle/fat. Muscle it'll depelete it about once every 30-60 seconds usually.

    Also, if you can try and just grab something quick and eat it. Cause honestly if it's going to take long your fucked.

  2. One, make sure your straight before doing it.

    Two, get a car.

    Three, honk your horn at them as you pass a hooker by...

    Four, press right on the d-pad to accept it..

    Five, let her in and find a secluded place.

    Six, let the bumping begin (Literally as the car moves)

  3. You cannot dual wield SMGs, hitman increases your hit ratio, ammo capacity("Ammo per round without having to reload"), and increases damage, once you get hitman on SMG it's pretty easy to blow up a car, just try to aim at it and shoot.. I used it and I sorta regret it cause i was too close to the car. Blew it straight up in my face. :angry:

  4. Lazlow is supposed to have alot of appearances in the game, minor mostly. Right now I'm listening to his radio show where he's interviewing OG Loc, this is the first time I actually heard the show not a commercial, so my question is, has anyone else seen him? Is it true he might work at the V-Rock Hotel?

  5. In the tutorial for stealth mode, they explained you can do it in stealth mode, I guess I took it literal and thought only in stealth mode. I do it in stealth mode anyways, as 99% of the time I don't want the bitch to turn around. :devil:

  6. Okay, the key to the drug dealer thing is, always try and reply positively. "Man you need to clean yourself up." Sometimes they'll back down. If not they'll pull a gun on you but if you have your gun out just quickly press R1 and kill the mother fucker. Collect the cash and you'll get plenty of that.

    I never can find alot of drug dealers, I just mince em when I see em, that's about it.

    Somehow, I bet once you all discover the truth we're going to have random pot cracks in here.

    Use the VooDoo for the low ryder mission. Voo Doo kicks ass, and I'm a bad driver too. It blows all other cars out of the water.

  7. Knife is the greatest weapon of all... I've done so many lethal kills like in Manhunt it isn't even funny.

    Just in case anyone wants to know how, stealth mode(L3), then sneak up behind them and once your knife is raised press circle, and watch the blood squirt.

  8. I believe I could finish the game too...

    If I had no life whatsoever, played the game 24/7 without sleeping and was that pathetic of a person.

    99% of the time they spoil the game for us because they have nothing better to do in life. Not that it spoiled me cause i don't read any of GameFAQs threads unless I really am in need of help on a mission.

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