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Posts posted by Mortis

  1. I used the jetpack, it isn't cheating either, it's actually somewhat encouraged. Yes, I still killed everyone, I just chose to use the jetpack, cause i use that whenever I can, cause Jetpacks>*.

    You actually went in stealth though? :ph34r: :thumbsup: Glad someone was able to do it. I don't give a damn for stealth, I'm more of the dynamic player. Too short of an attention span to do it stealth wise. Took me forever to beat MGS just for that reason...(Well only 3 days but you get the picture.)

    As for the cabin mission, it's normally hard if you get into chase mode, it always enters chase mode with me... I just kill the FBI guards really quick with the shotgun(There will always be spares if you want to time it right). Then quickly head to the side door after a couple shots, the guy will leave the side door and head for his vechicle. Shoot him as he does, take a picture... and wala... much easier than a car chase... took me forever in a car chase up the mountain then down, then up, then down.... It was exhausting... and yes we went up and down alot, I think the AI went insane, and he kept driving up till I drove up then he'd drive off the side of the mountain and land miraculously on his front, while I'm stuck on my crappy motorbike jumping off only to hit the ground the same way except miraculously, i'm bounced off the bike and onto his windshield.

  2. Personally I think the idea is brilliant. For once a comic book with an actual story. I think it could be made into the greatest super hero type movie ever.. if it's done right. I bet it'll have too many 'X-Men Innuendo's etc. But if it sticks to the story and concentrates on the time a little more than the actual mutagenics, I'll love the movie.

  3. Xenogears had a huge soundtrack that i loved, then i even listen to some of Chrono Cross/trigger along with some FF's.

    Xenogears is the best though, and don't dispute it, for a PSone engine, it had full orchestra themes, and songs that would have your bones chill. Also, the total impact of the soundtrack added to the feel of the game so much it made up for all the graphics, even though i like the graphics, others didn't like it so much. Xenogears has a couple songs that will make you cry if you hear them in there entirety from the soundtrack.

  4. Sellout. :(:crying:

    Halo and Halo II is a must, depending on if your a star wars fan try a couple of those games, also definately try RAW out. Try some of the RPGs i've heard of.. like umm.. i forgot the name...

  5. American Wedding is more of a teen movie, you have to be about 15 to enjoy it, which is why I enjoy it. In a time where short attention spans rule, it's basicly for those sort of viewers, there is a good message behind it, you just have to dig deep to see it.

    There's alot of other shitty movies I just can't stand anymore... Wizard of Oz anymore.. I swear if i see the movie, or the play one more time I'm going to kill Dorothy with the red slippers.

    Honestly though, there's some worse movies out there... I mean haven't you ever seen... such as the last Rocky movie...

  6. Every once in a while you can find jumpers off of buildings, which is an oddity.

    Also, near the area between Los Santos and San Fierro somewhere, I do believe if you swim deep enough you can find a butcher like person at the bottom that swims around. I thought it was going to kill me. It could of been something mis shapen, but i swear it was like The Butcher from Manhunt.

    Also, in Los Santos, near Carl's Moms house. I just beat the game, and it was 1:33, and it was a Tuesday. I looked to the sky and saw a UFO. It was metallic looking, blue, and had yellow lights on the side. I tried to look with the sniper but couldn't find it as it was already gone. It was quite quick, and looked very very weird.

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