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Posts posted by Mortis

  1. The book is meant to get more mature as they go along, J.K. Rowling stated she was furthering the darkness/maturity level of the books as they came. Fourth was extremely dark by comparison of the first three, and the fifth was mind numbing. She made that promise that 'every summer there'll be a HP book' until the final book, which is the 7th one. Anyways, she missed a couple summers, maybe that's why the fifth and fourth were so long. Sadly, the sixth is going to be shorter =/

    Either way though, she did this mostly for people who read it as they grow. I'm the age of Harry Potter, and every year as I age, he does too, so it's sorta frigging odd to me how he seems to be going through the exact same crap I'm going through such as 'anger outbursts' in the fifth book.

    Yeah, in the fifth book let's just say Harry becomes the angst :lol:


    Edit: Progressive darkness as stated above, he lost his naiveness in the first book, and slowly began to see the world more and more. The first an evil man still lives(which is bad but it could be worse), second one someones kidnapped and people are being petrified, third one there's a 'killer after Harry' and he has a morale dilemma about it, fourth one someone is stalking him worse than the third book, and he sees someone die(You can read the back of the book to get all this info so it's not really spoilers), the fifth one someone very close to him dies, he's the king of angst, and he seems to lose his innocence.

  2. I like some NIN, but alot of there songs other than singles are boring, that's the entire reason people download things off the internet, bands like NIN making money off of albums for a couple good singles, and the rest of the album being total shit.

    I like Closer by NIN, but too many people rave about them, and it's a bit annoying. I'll take classical music over incessant rambling anyday. ^_^

    Though of course, i probably will buy the album, who knows it may grow on me.

  3. I believe there's more than 5 wrestlers real, just alot of amatuers, I remember seeing one guy who had a record of breaking peoples body parts or something on there.

    Anyways, it's a good game, a bit repetitive after a couple days of it, but still definately the best Boxing Game available....

    Even better than Ready to Rumble Boxing.. :D

  4. Jughead, GI Joe, Passion of the Christ 2, the dig at fox....

    Definately the funniest episode I've seen, probably not just out of the jokes, but out of sheer happiness that it's come back. The graphics look better, and the opening actually seems to of been rerecorded. Possibly the greatest Family Guy Episode ever, I suggest everyone watch it, I'm watching it again on Sunday that's for sure.

  5. In america it's referred to as the 'editors edition' not the DVD version. But there is a difference. The one that costs more has more content on it, and mods on it directly from the editors, and the most popular mods available. It's basicly to where your multi-player experience (Let's face it UT 2004 is best known for that) is the most friendly/convenient. If you have the money to spare, go ahead and get it, if not then just buy the cheaper one as I'm sure you could find better mods. Either way, I paid more for the edittors edition. I love that game, but i had to uninstall it due to so many Naruto EPs being downloaded.... plus I played Final Fantasy XI, and that costs alot of memory with the CoP expansion.

    Anyways, hoped that helped. :thumbsup:

  6. Alright, this is hard, and it takes a bit of time. The key is though, to find a character you really like, and try to master there fighting style. If you have a friend, or a second controller, just plug it up and put it on 2 P and then just beat the shit out of the opponet who isn't moving, if you have a friend have them react a bit.

    Have them defend themselves faster, and faster. You need to do combos, and about everything on the move list you can think of. Start slow, work your way up to the bigger stuff. You'll get it once you've practiced it enough. That's about it, it requires more timing than anything, having to get the timing between buttons. Once you get that down(Which is different in each fighting game somewhat).

    Read strategy guides on the character form gamefaqs.com and see how they did it, sometimes they'll offer a bit of strategy.

    Good luck, you'll get better with practice, I"m sure. Just hang in there. :thumbsup:

  7. Best Comedian: Lewis Black

    I like Chris Rock, Patrice O'Neal, Colin Quinn, and of course George Carlin. But my favorite of all time is Lewis Black, I'd listen to his "Black Album" on the school computer with a friend while we were supposed to be doing work, we'd have it 'playing' on the headphones while it looks like we're listening to the 'computer lesson'.

    Good times, I almost got caught alot though because I was laughing so much, nearly cried. Teacher thought I was just a bit special. :lol:

  8. Alright, it's official, we're going to have a tournament. I'll edit this post as people sign up. Post after this saying you want to be in it. I'll assign numbers, and set up the brackets once everyones signed up, we'll have probably 8-16 spots, so if your wanting to get into Soldat, now's the time to start.

    People who've signed up





    Norris Scott



    Brock Lesnar

    This is the first bracket, anyone else who wants to join had best join quickly as the tournament's this weekend.

  9. I call shenigans and frequent use of pussy weapons on Mortis. You are to be brought to a Kou-rt, you have the right to a Kou-turney, if you can't Kou-opperate with this then you'll spend the night in the Kou-stablishment.

  10. Like I said 123 isn't the best episode and I suggested 110-119, 50 60/61.

    Naruto is very monologue driven, and is inspired by Dragonball, but is alot better than Dragonball. Look at the way they explain Chakra, and jutsu's. Actually using seals etc. it's fascinating the three arts of Nin, Gen, and Tai. Plus 123 is awful when you compare it to Rock Lee/Gaara. Go look for the Rock Lee/Gaara, or if you have AIM/MSN PM me and I'll send the Rest In Pieces music video featuring Sasuke/Itachi. If you take any of those episodes you'll be pleased. 123 had no action in it really, the best part was Rock Lee getting drunk and Gai running into the door.

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