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VA Finest 1

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Posts posted by VA Finest 1


    King of The Ring Recap for 6/24/1991

    by Maurice Porter

    Rick The Model Martel w/Tammy vs. Texas Tornado

    The Model of the WWF made his way to the ring first with his modeling agent Tammy holding his can of arrogance spray. Tornado’s are known to be very quick and very violent, The Texas Tornado demonstrated that as he ran into the ring and immediately started the attack on the Model. Tornado was on fire as he whipped Martel from post to post. After a 3 punched combo, and back body drop Tornado followed that up by clothes lining the Model over the rope. Tornado wasted no time in going after him as he slammed Martel onto the mat. Tornado seemingly was gonna do more damage until Tammy stepped in front of him, even a riled up Tornado wasn’t going to hit a woman and Martel took advantage with a thumb to the eye followed up by sending the Tornado into the ring post. Martel put some more boots to the Tornado before he threw him back into the ring. Martel used the ring rope to choke Tornado. After some more illegal tactics Martel focused his attack on the back of the Tornado. Martel repeatedly whipped Tornado into the turnbuckles and went for a cover which got a two count. Martel picked up Tornado and gave him a backbreaker which was followed by another cover for a two count. Martel threw Tornado outside the ring and whipped him into the steel rail. Martel scooped up Tornado and rammed the back of the Tornado in the steel post. Martel went back into the ring to let the referee count out Tornado, Tornado was able to get back in at eight and Martel immediately pounced on him. Martel called for the end of the match as he slapped the Boston Crab on the Tornado. Tornado was barely holding out but caught a break as Martel made the mistake of having the hold on too close to the ropes which allowed Tornado to grab the ropes which forced the hold to be broken. Martel whipped Tornado to the ropes and made another mistake as he ducked his head leading to a knee in the mouth by the Tornado. Both men got to their feet with Tornado getting the advantage, after some near falls Tornado got the Claw on and followed up with the Discuss Punch that sent Martel to the outside of the ring. Tornado brought Martel back in and lifted him up for a press slam, but his back gave out as Martel fell onto Tornado and held him down to get the three count and advance to the final.

    Muta w/Mr. Fuji vs. Tito Santana

    Mr. Fuji led an extremely focused Muta to the ring, Tito made his way to the ring and before he got completely in the ring Muta jumped him. Muta immediately put the kicks to Santana. Muta whipped him into the corner and followed up with a hand-spring elbow combination. Muta lined up Santana and let some vicious chops into Santana. Muta stalked Santana methodically picking Santana apart with kicks to the mid-section of Santana. Muta threw Santana outside of the ring and distracted the referee which allowed Fuji to get some shots into Santana’s mid-section with his cane. Santana limped back into the Muta as Muta was waiting as he let into Santana some more. Muta whipped Santana into the ropes and hit him in the mouth with a corkscrew type elbow. Muta covered Santana in which Santana kicked out at two. Fuji yelled to Muta for a submission hold and Muta obliged as he put Santana into a surfboard. Muta broke the hold only to put Santana into a dragon sleeper. The referee checked to see if Santana was going out, he almost did but he picked his arm up right before it went down for the third time, the hold was broke as Santana placed a foot on the rope. Muta went on the apron and looked at Fuji signaling for the end, he climbed the top rope and came off with the

    Moonsault which Santana rolled out of the way. Both men got to their feet as the exchanged blows, despite the beating he took Santana got the advantage. Santana hit punched Muta a few times, he followed up with a dropkick, a clothesline, a whip to the corner which was culminated by as he punched Muta ten times to the count of the fans. Santana covered Muta for a two count. Santana hit a sunset flip and got another two count. Santana set Muta up for the Flying Forearm, he came off the rope and hit it square in the mouth and covered Muta for the three count.

    WWF Tag Team Title Match

    The Nasty Boys© vs The Legion of Doom

    The next match pitted Jimmy Hart's WWF Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys against The Legion of Doom, Animal and Hawk. This match featured the two baddest teams in the World Wrestling Federation. They would need that as the match was a Chicago Street Fight. Also Jimmy Hart was banned from ringside. The match was even more important for the Legion of Doom because they may not get another shot if the lose. Hawk and Knobbs started off the match, Hawk came out firing with lefts and rights, he came off the ropes to shoulder block. Hawk tagged Animal who came of the ropes to do the same move as Hawk with the same results. Animal dragged Knobbs to the corner and L.O.D pounded Knobbs right down into the mat. Despite the fact it was a street fight L.O.D kept the match in the ring for the most part, L.O.D was on fire as they looked to make quick work of Knobbs. Animal ran of the ropes only to get a Saggs knee to the back. Saggs was tagged in and threw Animal over the ropes, Saggs went outside and picked up a chair and hit Animal in the back. Knobbs came outside and got a cheap shot in and threw Animal into the steel steps. Knobbs was tagged in and threw Animal right back outside of the ring. Knobbs slammed Animal onto the mat, then he took a camera wire and choked Animal with it. This became the pattern of the match as The Nasty’s spent the next five minutes wearing Animal down getting near falls. To rub insult to injury The Nasty’s setup Animal for the Doomsday Device, however Hawk didn’t allow it as he knocked both of the Nasty’s down. Hawk was tagged in and cleaned house. He hit a dropkick on Saggs, clothesline Knobbs, hit a shoulder block on Saggs and clotheslined Knobbs. Hawk called for the realDoomsday Device, Animal lifted Saggs and Hawk hit it. Hawk covered but Knobbs broke it up. Knobbs threw Animal out of the ring and went outside to get the title belt. Saggs held up Hawk and Knobbs charged in, Hawk ducked and Knobbs hit his own partner with the belt. Animal threw Knobbs out and Hawk covered Saggs for the three count to crown new tag champions

    Flag Match

    Sgt. Slaughter w/General Adnan and Col .Mustafa vs All-American Bob Backlund

    Sgt. Slaughter made his way to the ring with General Adnan and Col. Mustafa Iraqi flag in hand. All-American Bob Backlund came out to the ring with old glory. The referee set the flags up and the match was underway. Both men being veterans that they were started the match off slowly, Backlund gained the early edge by locking Slaughter in a few Arm-Locks, however that lasted on a short amount of time as Backlund started to focus on body parts of Slaughter and gained the upper hand in wrestling which forced Slaughter to leave the thing and re-think things. Instead of waiting Backlund came to confront Slaughter on the outside of the ring, this proved to be costly as Slaughter reversed a Backlund Irish Whip attempt which sent Backlund into the steel rail. Slaughter walked over to Backlund, picked him up and scoop slammed him onto the mat. Slaughter rolled into the ring which allowed for Adnan and Mustafa to deliver some cheap shots. The referee saw this and immediately sent those two men back to the locker room. Slaughter picked up Backlund into a Bear Hug and rammed Backlund back first into the steel pole. It was clear that Slaughter had a strategy and that was to focus on the back of Backlund. Slaughter threw Backlund back into the ring attempted a pin but Backlund kicked out at two. For the next ten minutes Slaughter used all kinds of moves on Backlund’s back from backbreakers, to elbow and knee drops on the back to a Bear Hug. Slaughter sensed the end finally locked the Camel Clutch on Backlund. The fans started a USA, USA, USA, chant, even though he was in great pain he somehow managed to grab the ropes which forced Slaughter to break the hold. Slaughter went for the flag on the pole but Backlund came from behind and hit an atomic drop. Backlund deviated from his norm and started to brawl with Slaughter. This threw Slaughter off guard as he got Slaughter down. Backlund locked the Chicken Wing on but Slaughter got out after being in it for a brief time. Backlund picked Slaughter up who thumbed the eye of Backlund, with the referee checking on Backlund, Slaughter took the turnbuckle pad of. Slaughter tried to rammed Backlund’s head into the exposed steel but, Backlund reversed and slameed Slaughter into the steel which knocked him out cold. Backlund went for the flag and grabbed it off the pole to win the match.

    Million Dollar Title Match

    The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase© vs Virgil

    The Million Dollar Title was on the line as the former bodyguard Virgil took on The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. Virgil made his way to the ring first, DiBiase who was without Sherri due to the fact she was banned from ringside slowly and calmly made he way to the ring. The match started off in Virgil’s favor as he turned it into a brawling affair. Virgil used lefts and rights as he looked more like a pro boxer then a pro wrestler. Virgil clotheslined DiBiase over the rope, and DiBiase decided to take a bit of a breather. DiBiase got back into the ring and got the advantage as he thumbed Virgil in the eye. DiBiase placed Virgil into the corner and let into him with some chops. DiBiase sent Virgil off the ropes and caught him with a sharply placed elbow to the face of Virgil, DiBiase covered Virgil and got a two count. DiBiase scooped up Virgil and dropped him down onto the mat. DiBiase locked on a front face lock to take some of the starch out of Virgil. DiBiase succeeded in grounding Virgil and making this into a wrestling contest in which he systematically took Virgil apart piece by piece getting numerous near falls. DiBiase did he pattended three fists drops and got a near three count which was very close. DiBiase climbed to the seconds rope and fell back with an elbow drop, Virgil was quick enough to roll out of the way. Virgil started firing back and he finally got the Million Dollar Dream on DiBiase, however it is DiBiase’s hold and he got out of it with a back suplex. Both men got up slowly, Virgil exploded off the ropes but DiBiase ducked and slapped on the Million Dollar Dream. Virgil fought it for a while but it wasn’t enough as he submitted to give the win to DiBiase.

    WWF Intercontinental Title Match

    Mr. Perfect© vs Bret The Hitman Hart

    It was said by the announcers before the match started that a fan poll said this was the match that they most looked forward to. Hart made his way to the ring first, despite being the biggest match in his career Hart didn’t seem nervous, after he gave his trademark pink glasses to a fan he eagerly awaited the champion. Mr. Perfect took his time as he made his way to the ring, Perfect was confident as ever and made the challenger wait due to his slow walk to the ring. The match started with both men face to face, Perfect slapped Hart but was met right back with a slap of his own. Perfect grabbed Bret by the hair and dragged him to the mat, Hart showed he wasn’t gonna be intimidated as he grabbed Perfect by the hair and dragged him to the mat. Hart whipped Perfect off the rope and caught him with an arm drag, Hart went for the whip again but Perfect reversed and hit Hart with an arm drag of his own. The next five minutes or so consisted of some of the best display of back and forth wrestling seen in a long time. Both men were in great condition and they were gonna need that because this match seemed like it was gonna go a long time. In this kind of match mistakes would be crucial and Hart made the first mistake of the match as he rammed his shoulder into the steel pole. Perfect immediate covered Hart and got a two count. Perfect took the upper arm of Hart and clotheslined it on the rope. Perfect took the arm of Hart and dropped a leg on it, he covered Hart for another two count. Perfect laid the arm out on the mat and dropped a knee on the arm of Hart. Perfect decided to do some major damage to the arm as he threw Hart shoulder first into the steel pole. Perfect covered Hart again who barely kicked before the three count. Perfect scooped Hart up and slammed him shoulder first onto the mat. Perfect allowed Hart to sit-up which led to the necksnap by Perfect, he covered Hart again and again Hart barely kicked out. Perfect decided to get some cheap shots in as he slapped Hart in the back of the head. Perfect dragged Hart by the ropes only to choke him with it. Perfect whipped Hart into the turnbuckle and Hart violently crashed against the turnbuckle. Perfect covered Hart again for another two count. Perfect picked Hart up and hit a shoulder breaker. Sensing the match was nearly overly Perfect went for the Perfect Plex, he hit it and the referee counted to two and two/ninths before Hart got out. Perfect was enraged at the referee for what he perceived to be a slow count. As Perfect still talked to the ref Hart came up from behind and rolled Perfect up for a two count. Perfect rushed Hart into the corner and let in some chops to Hart. Perfect moved back and charged Hart only to get Hart’s boot to his face. Hart grabbed the legs of Perfect and monkey flipped Perfect into the post. Hart covered Perfect and got a two and a half count. With hart on the offensive he decided it was time to work on the leg of Perfect. Every time Perfect tried to get up, Hart kicked him in the leg to send him back down to the mat. Hart grabbed the legs and drove his boot to the right leg of Perfect. After he worked the legs for a few more minutes Hart hit an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline and a pin attempt that got a two count. Hart picked up Perfect and hit a backbreaker that got another two count. Hart picked Perfect up again and hit a Russian leg sweep that was followed up by and elbow from the second rope and a cover that was extremely close to three. Hart didn’t waist anytime as he slapped the Sharpshooter on Perfect. Perfect was in extreme pain but did not quit as he held up, and eventually got to the ropes. With both men up Perfect reversed a Hart move and put on a sleeper. After the arm almost went down three times Hart with the fans cheering him on got near the ropes, Hart propelled himself with his legs as he put them on the turnbuckle and fell back on Perfect as the referee counted one, two, three. After the referee gave him the title Hart climbed the turnbuckle and showed the title off to his fans.

    King of The Ring Final

    Tito Santana vs Rick The Model Martel w/Tammy

    The King of The Ring Final had the plot of former tag champs and two men who absolutely hated each other in The Model Rick Martel against Tito Santana. Tammy led the always confident Model down to the ring, he finally got to the ring after admiring himself as he always did. Santana came to the ring and got into the ring, both men came to the center and started each other down. With both men a bit tired from their earlier match the match started off very cautiously. Martel locked on a headlock which was reversed by Santana. The first five minutes of the match consisted of both men countering each others holds. Santana got the first advantage as he got Martel down with a front face lock. As the match progressed Santana evoked a strategy that involved working on Martel’s leg. Martel hobbled around the ring and begged off Santana, that didn’t work as Santana continued on the offensive. Martel’s break in the match came when Santana prematurely went for the Flying Forearm, he missed and crashed down onto the mat. Despite the bad leg Martel went to work as his dropped some elbows on the back on Santana. Martel placed some boots to the back and followed that with a whip into the turnbuckle. Martel picked Santana up and hit a suplex, he followed with a cover that led to a two count. Martel picked up Santana and hit a backbreaker and went for a cover again which was another two count. Martel picked Santana up and drove some forearms into the back of Santana. Martel placed Santana on the ropes and crashed down onto the back of Santana, he covered him up and Santana kicked out at two. The next part of the match demonstrated the true arrogance of Martel, instead of going for the Boston Crab, Martel decided to admire himself and the work he had done in the ring. This allowed Santana recovery time and when Martel finally turned around he was met with a dropkick to the mouth. Over the next three or four minutes Santana was the one getting all the near falls. Santana hit the Flying Forearm on Martel, however Santana was still in a lot of pain and he couldn’t make the cover. Santana climbed to the tope rope and hit a flying cross body, the momentum rolled Martel on top of Santana and with some hooking of the tights Martel got the three count to win the King of The Ring.

    WWF World Title Match

    Hulk Hogan© vs Ravishing Rick Rude

    All of the waiting was over and it was time of the main event. The challenger Ravishing Rick Rude made his way to the ring. He took the microphone and did his usual routine, when he took his robe off it revealed a picture of a fallen Hulk Hogan on the back and with the words “The End of Hulkamania.” The roof went off the place as the World Wrestling Federation Champion Hulk Hogan made his way to the ring. The match started with Rude and Hogan locking up with each other, Rude is a strong man but he ain’t Hogan strong and that showed as Hogan shoved him to the mat. Rude was ticked off and got into Hogan’s face who responded with a punch that sent Rude to the mat. Rude got up and charged Hogan, that was like hitting a brick wall as Rude hit the mat. Hogan picked Rude up and clotheslined him, he followed up with a back body drop and clothesline Rude again, this time sending him over the ropes. The crowd was going while with Hogan being the ring leader. Rude came back into the ring and it was more of the same, with Hogan using his power to dominate. Rude seemed to be finished until he hit a DDT out of nowhere, this gave Rude the opening he needed to work on the neck of Hogan. Rude dropped repeated forearms on the neck of Hogan, he locked on a front face lock which put some more pressure on the neck of Hogan. Rude continued the work on the neck over the next five to seven minutes of the match. With Hogan done, Rude came off of every turnbuckle with a forearm to the neck of Hogan, he covered Hogan and got a near three count. Rude picked up Hogan and hit a big piledriver, he covered Hogan again and got another very close count. Rude felt the neck was soft enough and he didn’t waste anytime as he hit the Rude Awakening. He covered Hogan for the one, two, thr Hogan kicked out. Rude was in shock and Hogan began to Hulk up. Rude tried punching Hogan but Hogan was impervious to it, he blocked a Rude punch and followed up with three punches, followed by the big boot and the Legdrop, he covered Rude one, two, three to retain the title.


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 6/18/1991

    by Maurice Porter

    PTW started off with The Brooklyn Brawler taking on Koko B. Ware with Frankie with him as usual. Koko picked up the victory following athe Ghostbuster.

    Pre-record comments by Ravishing Rick Rude were shown. Rude was he wasn't at the arena tonight because he has been in intense training to insure that he will become the new WWF Champion this Sunday at The King of The Ring.

    Todd Becker and Reno Riggins were served to the wolves, as they took on the team of Haku and The Barbarian. Haku and Barbarian faced little opposition as they picked up and easy victory following a Thrust Kick by Haku.

    More pre-record comments were shown, this time it was The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase who was at his luxorious Summer restort. DiBiase said come the KOTR he would effectivly be taking out the trash in reference to Virgil.

    Hillbilly Jim was in singles action as he took on The Mountie with Jimmy Hart. Dispite dominating ninety percent of the match Hillbilly lost as The Mountie was able to sneak out a victory.

    Video was shown of WWF Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys, they said they would give everyone a preview of the match with The Legion of Doom this Sunday at the KOTR. They took out two L.O.D dolls and threw them all around, finally covering and counting to 3.

    The texas Tornado took on Col. Mustafa who was with General Adnan. Midawy through the match The Model Rick Martel along with his Modeling Agent Tammy popped up on the rampway. They two were getting some last minute scouting done for the KOTR. This was a distraction for the Tornado but he overcame it and put on The Claw followed by a Discuss Punch to get the win.

    The next match pitted Jake The Snake Roberts versus Jim Powers. The contest wasn't a long one as Jake hit the DDT on Powers to get the win. After the match The Ultimate Warrior's music played which sent Jake into a sense off shock, The Warrior did not come out but the music played.

    Slick led Yokozuna out to the ring for what would be his first true test since coming to the WWF. The opposition for the night was Greg The Hammer Valentine. Valentine tried his heart out and even seemed to wobble the big man with some of his tradional hard shots but it wasn't enough as Yoko hit the Banzai Drop to get the win.

    Bret The Hitman Hart was backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund, Hart said that Sunday would be the biggest night of his career and he intends to make good on it and become the new WWF Intercontinental Champion.

    The main event put the IC Champion Mr. Perfect against Hacksaw Jim Duggan. The match was very important for Perfect because he did not want to go into the KOTR following a loss. He didn't lose as he picked up the win following the Perfect-Plex.

    PTW ended with comments from WWF Champion Hulk Hogan. Hogan said with all the little Hulkamanicas behind him there's no way that he will lose the WWF Title at the KOTR.

  3. WWF Championship: Bret Hart© vs. Yokozuna

    Winner: Bret, I hope he wins

    Steel Cage Match - Mr. Perfect vs. Ric Flair

    Winner: Flair, knowing Flair someone will cause a shock by debuting and helping Flair win the match

    WWF Intercontinental Championship: Tatanka vs. Shawn Michaels©

    Winner: Michaels, I liked Tatanka when I was a little kid but, Tatanka as IC Champ, c'mon now

    Hulk Hogan vs. Jake Roberts

    Winner: Hogan, As much as I'd love for Jake to DDT Hogan out of the WWF, ain't gonna happen, no way Hogan loses at Wrestlemania

    The Undertaker vs. British Bulldog

    Winner: Taker, Bulldog is a dead man walking

    WWF Tag Team Championships: The Steiner Brothers© vs. Natural Disasters

    Winners: Steiners, Don't know how but they'll get the job done, it wouldn't surprise me to see Money Inc play some role in the match

    Bob Backlund vs. Rick Martel

    Winner: Martel

    Double Jeopardy Match - Big Bossman vs. Repo Man

    Winner: Bossman

    Jim Duggan vs. Razor Ramon

    Winner: Razor

    Marty Jannetty vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    Winner: Bam Bam

    The Hart Foundation vs. The Headshrinkers

    Winner: Hart Foundation


    Superstars Recap for 6/16/1991

    by Isaac Ward

    Superstars started off with the massive team of the Natural Disasters with Jimmy Hart in action against the team of Barry Hardy and Chris Walker. The Disasters legitimately sqaushed these two as the picked up the victory following the Aftershock by Earthquake.

    Pre-record comments of The Legion of Doom were shown. L.O.D talked about the fact their long chase for the WWF Tag Team Titles will come to an end next Sunday at the King of The Ring as they will finally win the belts.

    Jim Powers was in one on one action against Yokozuna with Slick. The match probably lasted all of 30 seconds as Yoko crushed Powers with the Banzai Drop to get the victory.

    Haku took on Greg The Hammer Valentine in a match that featured two of the hardest hitting men in the WWF. Both men traded shots back and forth that would make anyone cringe at the site of them, however Haku landed the hardest shot as he hit the Thrust Kick to get the win.

    More pre-record comments were shown, this time it was Virgil. Virgil said he will do what he has done all of his life and that it overcome the odds to win the Million Dollar Title at the KOTR.

    Tito Santana was in action, his opponent for the night was Smash of Demolition with Mr. Fuji. Smash tried to overpower Santana but Santana showed a big heart as he overcame it and got the victory with the Flying Forearm.

    Fuji was right back at it again as Tanaka was in singles action, he would face offf against Ricky The Dragon Steamboat. The match really wasn't the focus as Steamboat picked up the victory following the Flying Cross Body. After the match Kato and Muta came into the ring and a 3 on 1 attack occured with the Orient Express holding Steamboat up as Muta got some shots in.

    The main event of the night was a tag team match pitted Sgt. Slaughter with General Adnan and The Mountie with Jimmy Hart against the team of The Big Bossman and Bob Backlund. This match up had a ton of bad blood in it and it showed as all four men brawled to a double DQ.


    Wrestling Challenge Recap for 6/15/1991

    by Deion Porter

    WC kicked off with Canadian Strongman Dino Bravo with Mouth of The South Jimmy Hart taking on The Italian Stallion. Against Bravo the Stallion looked any thing but a stallion as Bravo used his power to throw him around the ring like a rag doll finally picking up the victory following the Side Suplex.

    A preview video of The King of The Ring was shown, the video highlighted all of the wrestlers involved and all of their respective matches.

    The New Foundation was in tag team action, they squared off against the team off Bob Bradley and Butch Stanley. The Foundation used great team work to pick up the victory following the Hart Attack.

    Pre-record comments by Mr. Perfect were shown. Perfect said with the KOTR only eight days away Bret Hart has that amount of time to back out and save humiliation because if Hart gets in the ring at the KOTR, he will find out why Mr. Perfect is the perfect Intercontinental Champion.

    Slick led Romeo Roma to the ring, he faced off against Davey Boy Smith. Romeo's cheap tactics allowed him to stay in the match and ground Smith, however on this day Smith was too powerful and finished off Roma with the Running Powerslam to get the win.

    The Orient Express were in action next as Mr. Fuji led to the ring, this was the first time in a while that they teamed up since Tanaka's injury. In that time Kato established himself as a rising competitor in the singles ranks. They took on the team of The Buschwackers. Dispite not being teamed up in a while the OE came out on top as Kato pinned Luke following the Rising Sun.

    The Model Rick Martel led to the ring by hs modeling agent Tammy took on Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Duggan used his power to throw Martel off balance but in the end Martel outsmarted Duggan which doesn't take a lot to do. Martel baited Duggan to charge him in the corner which he did and ended ramming his shoulder into the steel post, Martel rolled him up for the 1-2-3 and the win.

    The main event of the night saw the tag team specialists themselves The Rockers in action, they truly would need every tag move they knew as the took on the team of Jake The Snake Roberts and The Undertaker who were with Paul Bearer. The Rockers got the majority of their offense on Roberts but it wasn't enough as they had no answer for The Undertaker who hit Jannety with the Tombstone Piledriver to get the win.


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 6/10/1991

    by Andy Powell

    PTW started off with The Big Bossman in singles action against Frankie DeFalco. Bossman looked crisp as he finished off DeFalco in little time picking up the victory following the Bossman Slam.

    Backstage Mean Gene was with Jimmy Hart and The Mountie. Hart hyped The Mountie up as the true law in the WWF and when the time comes right he will show The Big Bossman how Canadian justice is served.

    Hart led The Mountie into action against Chris Walker. The match wasn't much of a contest as Mountie picked up the victory after making Walker submit to the Boston Crab. After the match The Mountie shocked Walker with the cattle prod for good measure.

    Mr. Fuji led the ever improving Kato into action against Jamie Magnum. Kato was calculated and efficent with his attack, qualities in which Fuji instills in all his men and won the match with the Rising Sun.

    The Barbarian and Davey Boy Smith went one on one in singles action. With both men trying to move up the ladder this was an important contest, the end came when Barbarian missed a high risk move and Smith capitilized with the Running Powerslam and pinfall to get the win.

    Fuji clients once again were in action as Demolition took on The Buschwackers, like the previous match this was another contest to move up the ladder. Demolition would be the team moving up the ladder of success as they finished off Luke with the Decapitation Elbow to get the win.

    In a match between two off the most technical wrestlers in the WWF The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase with Sherri took on All-American Bob Backlund. As excepted the contest was an excellent display of wrestling, but that was all ruined in the end as Sgt. Slaughter made his way on the rampway with an American Flag in hand, Slaughter started to rip the flag which got Backlund's attention, this allowed DiBiase to sneak up from behind and lock on the Million Dollar Dream to get the win.

    Okerlund was backstage with Ricky The Dragon Steamboat and Bret The Hitman Hart. Both men talked about their upcoming tag match against Muta and Mr. Perfect.

    WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect made his way out to the ring followed by Muta with Mr. Fuji. Hart and Steamboat came out and the match was on as all four men started off brawling. After the initial brawling the match turned into a great wrestling match with four talented wrestlers in the ring. The end came when Hart reversed a roll-up attempt and pinned Muta 1-2-3 for the win.

    Okerlund was backstage with Ravishing Rick Rude. Rude talked about how the purpose of tonight was to soften Hogan up some for he would be worn down come the King of The Ring on June-23rd.

    Rude and The Nasty Boys with Jimmy Hart took on the team of Hogan and The Legion of Doom in the main event. Unlike the last match this contest was strictly a brawl with Hogan and L.O.D coming out on top as Hogan pinned Rude following the Legdrop.


    Superstars Recap for 6/9/1991

    by Maurice Porter

    Superstars opened up with Tito Santana in singles action against Frankie DeFalco. Santana has been on quite a roll as of late highlighted by a victory over Mr. Perfect to advance to the semifinals of the King of The Ring. That continued as Santana beat DeFalco following the Flying Forearm.

    WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect was in action as he took on Jamie Magnum. Magnum stood no chance against as the champ as Perfect perfectly finished him of with the Perfect-Plex to pick up the victory.

    Pre-record comments of The Model Rick Martel and Tammy were shown. Tammy did most of the talking as Martel spent the time admiring himself, the focus of her words were the Texas Tornado and the KOTR.

    The Warlord with Slick was in action next, he went one on one against Hillbilly Jim. Warlord looked pretty impressive picking up the victory with the Full-Nelson.

    Number one contender for the WWF IC Title Bret The Hitman Hart was in action next, Hart went one on one with Smash of Demolition with Mr. Fuji. These two were familiar with each due to facing each other numerous times in tag matches between The Hart Foundation and Demolition including the great tag title match at Summerslam 1990. Just like Summerslam, Hart came out on top as he forced Smash to submit to the Sharpshooter.

    Bret's former partner in the Hart Foundation, Jim The Anvil Neidhart was in competition as he took on The Undertaker with Paul Bearer. These two big men put on a pretty good match with Anvil even phasing the dead man on occassion but the dead man showed great strength as he hit the Tombstone Piledriver on Neidhart and pinned him 1-2-3 for the win.

    Hulk Hogan was back stage with Sean Mooney, Hogan talked about Ravishing Rick Rude and his upcoming match tonight against Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys.

    The main event for the night was Hogan against Knobbs with Jimmy Hart. Knobbs got the early advantage as he jumped Hogan before the bell and maintained it for a decent amount of time. Knobbs being a tag wrestler wasn't used to going at it alone and it showed as he wore down and Hogan took advantage eventually winning the match after the Legdrop.


    Wrestling Challenge Recap for 6/8/1991

    by Isaac Ward

    WC kicked off with the Legion of Doom in tag team action. They took on Brooklyn Brawler and Tom Bennett. L.O.D wasted no time as the picked up the victory following the Doomsday Device.

    Backstage Sean Mooney was with Ted DiBiase who made some comments about Virgil and their upcoming match at the King of The Ring.

    DiBiase led tot he ring by Sherri took on Jim Powers in singles action. DiBiase as usual was very efficient as he picked up the victory with the Million Dollar Dream.

    Samba Simba was up next and he sqaured off against Jake The Snake Roberts, Simba used his strength to mount a little offense but a little offense isn't enough to beat someone like Roberts who turned the tide and finally finished off Simba with the DDT.

    Backstage Mooney was with a very, very, confident Slick, Slick was with his newest client Yokozuna. Slick presented Yoko as a very dominant force and posed the question who could beat him?

    Yoko had his second match in the WWF as he took on the Birdman Koko. B Ware, now Koko is a veteran and he isn't a pushover by any means but nothing he did seemed to phase Yoko who finally had enough and buried Koko with the Banzai Drop to get the win.

    Texas Tornado was backstage with Mooney, Tornado said time seems to be in slow motion as it ticks down to win he will have Rick Martel one on one at the KOTR.

    Tornado was in the main event and he took on Crush who was in singles action. Mr. Fuji wasn't with him and that was due to the fact he and Muta were watching tapes of Ricky Steamboat to prepare for the KOTR. Crush showed some flashes but they weren't enough as Tornado wore him down and finished him off with The Claw to get the win.


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 6/3/1991

    by Deion Porter

    PTW was kicked off with General Adnan leading the team of Sgt. Slaughter and Col. Mustafa into action against Reno Reggins and Tom Becker. Sgt and Mustafa wasted no time as Slaughter picked up the victory with the Camel Clutch.

    Jimmy Hart led two of his clients, The Mountie and Dino Bravo into tag action. Their opponents for the night were The Big Bossman and Superfly Jimmy Snuka. Both teams showed a good amount of teamwork considering they've never teamed up with their respective partners, in the end The Mountie pinned the Bossman for the win, cameras show Mountie hooked a lot of the tights of the Bossman.

    In the third King of The Ring quarterfinal match Jake The Snake Roberts took on The Texas Tornado. The winner would face Rick Martel in the semifinals. Jake pulled out all of the stops to try and get the win but it wasn't enough as the Tornado picked up the win by following up The Claw with the Discuss Punch.

    The music of Slick hit and he made his way to the ring confident as ever. Slick got te mic and said through one of his contacts throughout the world he has found someone to dominate the ranks of the WWF. He said this man hails from Samoa but made his name in Japan Slick introduced Yokozuna and out came a huge man well over 500 pounds.

    Samba Simba was the unlucky son of a gun that had to face off against Yoko, the match probably didn't last 45 seconds as Yoko easily won and finished off Samba with a Banzai Drop.

    Legion of Doom was backstage with Gene Okerlund. L.O.D spoke about how they can't wait for the KOTR so they can win the WWF Tag Titles for all of the little Legion of Doomers.

    L.O.D had a match against Todd Bennett and The Brooklyn Brawler. L.O.D made short work as the won the match with the Doomsday Device. After the match The Nasty Boys stormed to the ring with chairs and knocked L.O.D silly with them.

    Bret hart was backstage with Okerlund. Bret said after all of Mr. Perfect's trying to avoid giving him a Intercontinental Title Shot at KOTR he would finally have his chance and at KOTR he would prove that he is the better man.

    Speaking of Perfect he had a match against Davey Boy Smith. These two put on one heck of a match as both men showed their great ability. In the end Perfect slipped out of a Running Powerslam attempt, kicked Bulldog in the gut and hit the Perfect-Plex to get the 1-2-3.

    The final match in the quarterfinals of the KOTR. The winner would face Tito Santana in the semifinals. Muta came out first with Mr. Fuji, Muta was very intent on getting revenge for the loss he suffered at the hands of Steamboat. Steamboat made his way out second and the match was on. The match was up in the balance until Fuji, distracted the ref which allowed Muta to spit red mist in the eye of Steamboat, with Steamboat blinded Muta hit the Moonsault and covered Steamboat 1-2-3 to advance.

    The last thing of the night was the contract signing for the WWF Title Match. Ravishing Rick Rude signed the contract first, Hogan signed it second and as soon as Hogan signed it Rude decked him with a clothesline, Rude put the boots to Hogan before he picked Hogan up and hit The Rude Awakening. Satisfied at what he did Rude put the WWF Title on his waist, stood over Hogan and swung his hips around over the falling Hogan.


    Superstars Recap for 6/2/1991

    by Maurice Porter

    Superstars started off with Bret The Hitman Hart taking on The Brooklyn Brawler. Hart made short work of the Brawler as he won in quick fashion by making the Brawlwer submit to the Sharpshooter.

    Ricky The Dragon Steamboat had a pre-record interview in which he spoke about his problems with Muta as of late and his upcoming quarterfinal King of The Ring match with Muta tomorrow night on Prime Time Wrestling.

    Jimmy Hart led Earthquake to the ring, Jim Powers was the unlucky victim tonight as Quake wasted no time picking up the victory following the Aftershock.

    Texas Tornado was backstage with Sean Mooney, Tornado talked about his quarterfinal match in the KOTR with Jake The Snake Roberts and he pointed out if he beats Roberts he would face Rick Martel in the semifinals and he couldn't to get his hands on Martel.

    Speaking of Martel he was in action and led to the ring by his talent agent Tammy, the opponent for tonight was Samba Simba. Simba showed off some power but Martel looked sharp as his finished off Simba with the Boston Crab.

    Mr. Fuji led the team of Kato and Muta to face off against the New Foundation. The match was a good contest throughout and Fuji's guys came out on top as Muta covered Owen following the Moonsault.

    Jake Roberts also had pre-record comments in which he said now that he's ended The Ultimate Warrior's career he can focus on winning the KOTR and that starts with beating the Tornado tomorrow night.

    The main event of the night put the Big Bossman and Virgil against The Mountie and Ted DiBiase with Jimmy Hart and Sherri respectfully. Bossman and Virgil came out on top as Bossman pinned DiBiase following the Bossman Slam.


    Wrestling Challenge Recap for 6/1/1991

    by Andy Powell

    The first show of the month of June kicked off with The Italian Stallion taking on The Warlord with Slick. Warlord made short work of the Stallion as he made him submit to the Full-Nelson. After the match Slick yelled into the camera, "if you thought that was impressive, wait till Monday Night.

    General Adnan led Colonel Mustafa into action against Bob Backlund. Mustafa very much held his own in there nearly winning the match on a few occasions, in the end it wasn't enough as he subcomed to the Chicken Wing giving Backlund the win. Backlund's night was not over a Sgt. Slaughter made his way to the ring as it became a 3 on 1 beating, the beating ended with Slaughter placing the Iraqi flag over Backlund.

    Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys did an interview with Sean Mooney as the spent their time dissing the Legion of Doom.

    Speaking of L.O.D they were in action as they faced off against the team of Haku and The Barbarian. These two teams both did a great job in putting on one heck of a match that L.O.D won in the end with the Doomsday Device.

    The next interview was with Virgil, Virgil said at King of The Ring he would finally have Ted DiBiase one on one and he would take that Million Dollar Title.

    Sherri led DiBiase to the ring for a match against Owen Hart. Despite giving up years of expirence the younger Hart held his own as he impressived everyone with his array of moves. in the end Owen ran out of moves it seemed and DiBiase quickly slapped on the Million Dollar Dream to pick up the victory.

    Rick The Model Martel made his way out to the ring in a nice suit, Martel got the microphone so he could introduce someone. Out came a young blond named Tammy who Martel introduced as his talent agent for all his modeling endervours.

    The main event was Greg The Hammer Valentine against Ravishing Rick Rude. The Hammer brought some hard shots but Rude brought the Rude Awakening and pinned Valentine 1-2-3 for the win.

  12. Kevin Nash vs. Booker T © - Special Enforcer at ringside: Goldberg

    Winner: Booker T

    Mike Awesome and Lance Storm (Tag Team champions) vs. the Filthy Animals (Cruiserweight Tag Team champions)

    Winners: Storm and Awesome

    David Flair vs. Ken Shamrock

    Winner: Shamrock

    Chris Kanyon vs. Shawn Stasiak

    Winner: Kanyon

    (if Malice or Knoble win, Knoble gets the title. If the Wall or Helms win, Helsm retains)

    Malice and Jamie Knoble vs. the Wall and 'Sugar' Shane Helms ©

    Winners: Helms and The Wall


    Who was the mystery man on the phone to Eric Bischoff? Rob Van Dam

    Who will get the pin in the Cruiserweight title match?Helms

    Who is the 20th man in the Hardcore battle-royal?...Raven

    ...and is he the same guy on the phone to Bischoff?No

    What match will get the best rating?Tag Title Match


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 5/27/1991

    by Deion Porter

    PTW kicked off with Kato led to the ring by Mr. Fuji going one on one with Chris Walker. Kato looked impressive once again as he picked up the victory with the Rising Sun.

    The Mountie with Jimmy Hart was next, his opponent for the night was Samba Simba. The Mountie didn't have too many problems as he won the match, his problems began after the match as The Big Bossman ran to the ring and chased The Mountie all the way to the back.

    Pre-recorded comments of Slick were shown, once again his talked about his newest client who will debut in the very near future.

    The other halves of Legion of Doom and The Nasty Boys squared off as Animal took on Jerry Sags. This time the L.O.D member came out on top as he pinned Sags following a Powerslam.

    An update of the condition of The Ultimate Warrior was given. Doctors said they had removed just about all snake poison but the Warrior would still have affects from it and they said their not sure if the Warrior could ever come back again.

    The first quarterfinal match in the King of The Ring took place as Rick The Model Martel took on Bret The Hitman Hart. The match was an even affair until Mr. Perfect stuck his noise in Hart's business, Perfect distracted Hart long enough to allow Martel to sneak up on Bret and roll him up for the 1-2-3.

    After the result Perfect stood in the ramp way and thought it was funny that he cost Bret a shot at the KOTR. However that changed as WWF President Rowdy Piper came out from the back. Piper said if Mr. Perfect does not advance to the semi-finals of the KOTR then he would have to defend the WWF Intercontinental Title against Bret Hart at the KOTR.

    In six man action the team of Demolition and Muta with Mr. Fuji took on the team of The Rockers and Ricky the Dragon Steamboat. The end of the match came with the Rockers and Demoliton on the outside Steamboat rolled Muta up who reversed and got the 3 count by hooking the tights.

    After the match more pre-record comments were shown, this time it was Bob Backlund who accepted Sgt. Slaughter's challenge for a flag match at the KOTR.

    The next match was another quarterfinal match in the KOTR. Mr. Perfect faced off against Tito Santana who has been hot in recent weeks. Perfect didn't seem to be focused 100% on the match and it showed as Santana hit the Flying Forearm and pinned Mr. Perfect for the victory. Now it will be Perfect defending the IC against Bret Hart at KOTR.

    The main event for the night was Typhoon with Jimmy Hart taking on Hulk Hogan. Typhoon used his weight to dictate a good portion of the match, however as he usually does Hogan made his comeback and finished Typhoon off with the Legdrop to get the victory.

  14. Thanks for all the feedback, quick note the last show was Wrestling Challenge I don't know why I put Prime Time Wrestling


    Superstars Recap for 5/26/1991

    by Andy Powell

    Mr. Fuji led Kato to the ring for a match against Barry Hardy. Kato has been progressing nicely in singles action and seems prime to continue that development. Kato won the match with a move called The Rising Sun (Tornado DDT).

    Haku and Jim Neidhart were up next and the two bigmen actually put on a decent match. Haku scored the win following a vicious Thrust Kick.

    Jimmy Hart was with The Nasty Boys backstage to be interview by Sean Mooney. Hart said his overreacted when he heard the match for the King of The Ring, after thinking on it because The Nasty's are the baddest team around and it fits into their plans and at KOTR L.O.D will get nastysized.

    L.O.D took on The Nasty's but it was singles action as Hawk took on Brian Knobbs. This turned out to be a good match as Knobbs got the victory following some help from Hart.

    Fuji was back again, this team with Muta who faced The Big Bossman in the first round of the KOTR. Muta was firing away but the Bossman wasn't backing down as the two men went toe-to-toe the entire match. The end of the match came when The Mountie came down to ringside and picked up the nightstick of the Bossman, Bossman saw this and yelled at The Mountie, this allowed Muta to roll up the Bossman 1-2-3 to advance.

    The Model Rick Martel faced off against Davey Boy Smith in another 1st round match in the KOTR. Davey dominated most of the match but in the end it was Martel who snuck his way to a victory.

    Jake Roberts was backstage with Sean Mooney. Mooney wasted no time in asking about the whereabouts of The Ultimate Warrior. Roberts said he wouldn't tell but he would show. Roberts had footage and it showed a dark room, Roberts was there, so was The Undertaker and Paul Bearer. The Warrior on the ground beaten down, Jake said he had a surprise and brought out a back of poisionous snakes, Jake let the snakes out on the Warrior and the footage stopped. Not going into too much detail Roberts said he showed some mercy, the snakes did there job but Jake didn't let them do as much as possible but he did say it would be a long time before the Warrior shows up.

    Roberts was in the main event as he took on Jimmy Snuka in the last 1st round match in the KOTR. The two veterans had a tightly contested match that was won by Roberts with the DDT.


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 5/25/1991

    by Deion Porter

    Slick led Power and Glory to the ring to face off against The Bushwackers. Power and Glory picked up a much needed victory as they hit Luke with the Power-Plex and covered him for the 3 count and win. After the match Slick yelled into the camera, "Tha Docta of Style got someone comin' to dominate the WWF."

    Sean Mooney was backstage with Sgt. Slaughter. Slaughter said he was gonna get straight to the point and he did by challenging Bob Backlund to a flag match at the King of The Ring.

    Highlights from last Monday's Rude/Hogan match were shown.

    Paul Bearer led The Undertaker into action as he squared off against The Birdman Koko. B Ware. The question around was what Taker and Jake Roberts did with The Ultimate Warrior. The match itself was a short contest as Taker won the match following the Tombstone Piledriver.

    Sean Mooney was with a less than 100% version of the Texas Tornado, Tornado was still hurt due to Rick Martels attack at the SNME. Tornado said Martel would get his and he is very focused and intent on winning the KOTR.

    Tornado's 1st round match was against Canadian strongman Dino Bravo along with Jimmy Hart. Bravo took advantage of the injuries as he dominated the match. With all hope fading Tornado put it all on the line and caught Bravo with a vicious discus punch and covered him 1-2-3 for the win.

    Sean Mooney was with WWF Intercontinental Champion Mr. Perfect. Perfect talked about how only a perfect man could truly be a king. When asked about Bret Hart, Perfect brushed him aside by saying he has a very busy schedule but he'll try and find a way to slide Bret into it.

    The main event was another KOTR 1st round match as Perfect took on Greg The Hammer Valentine. Valentine put a spirited fight but was no match for the champ as Perfect finished him off with the Perfect-Plex to advance in the tournament.


    Prime Time Wrestling Recap for 5/20/1991

    by Maurice Porter

    Shane Douglas was the opponent for a mad Muta led to the ring by equally as mad Mr. Fuji, Muta is mad after he was dealt his first WWF loss by Ricky Steamboat at Saturday Night Main Event. Douglas took advantage of the fact that Muta seemed to no to be properly focused on Douglas getting some near falls. In the end Fuji got his man back on track as Muta finished off Douglas with the Moonsault to pick up the victory.

    After the match Fuji looked into the camera and sent out a warning to Steamboat, saying that this was just the beginning.

    Butch Stanley and The Brooklyn Brawler were the opponents for the tag team specialists, The Rockers. The Rockers made quick work of the match finsihing off Brawler after the Double Fist Drop to pick up the victory.

    WWF President Rowdy Piper made his way to the ring with microphone in had. Piper made a lot of announcements. He announced a rematch between the Nasty Boys and Legion of Doom for the WWF Tag Titles at King of The Ring, however he put a special stipulation in that the match would be a Chicago Street Fight meaning anything goes and no DQ or countout. He announced that Virgil would get another shot at Ted DiBiase for the Million Dollar Title at the King of The Ring, he said that no one would be allowed at ringside for this match. The last annoucement was the actual King of The Ring field and the first round matches, with three of those matches schuduled for tonight. The 4 men who make the King of The Ring itself will sqaure of in the semi-finals and the last 2 men in the finals Here's the field

    Bret Hart vs The Warlord

    Davey Boy Smith vs Rick Martel

    Texas Tornado vs Dino Bravo

    Jake Roberts vs Jimmy Snuka

    Mr. Perfect vs Greg Valentine

    Tito Santana vs The Mountie

    Muta vs Big Boosman

    Ricky Steamboat vs Haku

    Speaking of King of The Ring, the first round match took place as Haku took on Ricky Steamboat. Haku dominated most of the match due to his strength and the fact Steamboat was a little worn out after the long match with Muta. However Steamboat pulled through and picked up the victory following the Flying Crossbody off the top rope.

    Jimmy Hart and The Mountie were backstage with Gene Okerlund. Hart was nerve wrecked because of Piper's annoucement about L.O.D and the Nasty Boys. Mountie finally calmed Hart down and they got to business. They talked about Tito Santana and how Mountie will defeat him just like he did at Wrestlemania VII. Before they were done they got in some negative comments about The Big Bossman

    This was the second of three schuduled first round matches in the King of The Ring, as The Mountie with Jimmy Hart took on Tito Santana. Mountie was right this was a Wrestlemania VII rematch but he was wrong about the outcome of the match was Tito hit the Flying Forearm and pinned 1-2-3, to advance and get the win.

    Bret Hart was backstage with Okerlund. He talked about how big of an oppurtunity that the King of The Ring was and about his opponent in the 1st round The Warlord. He said he was focused on the Warlord for the most part but he still had Mr. Perfect on his mind and intends to get revenge for SNME.

    A confident Slick led The Warlord to the ring for the last first round match of the night, I would be confident too if I managed someone as big and powerful as The Warlord. Most of the match Hart was on the defensive as Warlord was hitting everything he had, but Hart showed get toughness by not gettting beat and as Warlord finally slipped up Hart capatilized Rolling up Warlord with a quick small package and getting the 3 count.

    Okerlund was backstage with Ravishing Rick Rude who was preparing for his World Title Shot against Hulk Hogan. Rude said finally Hogan stopped ducking and finally he would win the World Title.

    The main event was here, a confident Rude made his way to the ring first,revealing some trunks with Hogan layed out on the back. Hogan made his way out to a thunderous ovation. The match started with Rude on top as he jumped Hogan. Rude maintained this for most of the match getting near fall after near fall. Rude finally softened Hogan enough where he called for the end. Rude set Hogan up and hit The Rude Awakening, and covered Hogan for the 1-2-2.5 Hogan kicked out. Rude was in shock as Hogan hulked up. Hogan hit Rude with 3 punches and sent him off the ropes and hit a back body drop. Rude was smart enough to roll out of the ring. Hogan followed suit and the two men brawled on the outside. With the ref nearing a 10 count Rude ducked a clothesline and Hogan ran smack into the steel pole. Rude got into the ring at 9 and the ref reached 10 to give Rude a countout victory.

  17. Due to the fact I've been real busy as of late SNME will be shorter then it would be, I didn't want to delay it so I decided to make the results shorter


    Saturday Night Main Event Recap for 5/18/1991 by Isaac Ward

    Mr. Perfect, Haku, and The Barbarian vs Bret Hart & The New Foundation

    The Saturday Night Main Event kicked off with the six man tag. Anvil and Haku started off the match, the two shoulder blocked each other to see who was stronger. With no one giving an inch Anvil outsmarted Haku and go the advantage. Anvil worked over the arm and tagged Bret in who continued work on the arm. Bret continued on the arm and tagged Owen in who worked on the arm. The Harts used good strategy in working on a body part. The tide of the match turned when Owen caught a knee in the back from Perfect. Haku tagged Perfect and Perfect worked over Owen, Perfect baited Bret into the ring a few times which led to double and triple teamming on Owen. Perfect tagged in The Barbarian who used his power to throw Owen around the ring. After some near falls Haku was tagged back in and continued the assualt on Owen. Owen was sent off the ropes and Haku caught him with a big thrust kick, instead of going for the cover Haku tagged The Barbarian who climbed the top rope, he came off with a headbutt but Owen rolled out of the way. Both men made the tags, to Bret and Perfect. Bret and Perfect ducked it out in the middle of the ring with Bret getting the better of it. After a few minutes and some near falls by Bret the match turned into a 6 man brawl with men brawling on the outside, the ref when outside the ring to try and restore some order. This left Bret and Perfect in the ring and Bret slapped the Sharpshooter on Perfect, Bret let go of the hold because the ref was still on the outside. Perfect went to his trunks and pulled something out, when Hart turned around Perfect waffled him with some brass knuckles. Perfect his Bret with the Perfect Plex and the ref finally got back into the ring and counted 1-2-3 giving Perfect's team the victory.

    Millon Dollar Title Match

    Ted DiBiase© w/Sensational Sherri vs Virgil

    Both men started the match in the center of the ring talking trash back and forth to each other. DiBiase finally slapped Virgil and Virgil's response was a slap back followed up by rights and lefts. Virgil was a man on a mission and it showed as he dominated DiBiase in the beginning. Virgil looked particulary impressive in a sequence in which he hit a clothesline, dropkick, and a back body drop, DiBiase went to outside to break the momentum. Vitgil followed and slammed DiBiase's head into the ring. The tide of the match turned when DiBiase whipped Virgil into the steel steps. Virgil almost got counted out as he barely made his way back into the ring at 8. DiBiase went to work as he systematicaly took Virgil apart. The attack was well calculated and every move had a purpose as DiBiase didn't not waste a motion. Virgil was wearing down and it showed as he was barely kicking out of DiBiase's pin attempts. Despite this Virgil showed a lot of heart and fought his way back, however both men's chances of winning were put on hold when Virgil accidently ran into the ref. Virgil got up first and put a sleeper on DiBiase, DiBiase was out but so was the ref. Seeing her man in trouble Sherri came in the ring and hit Virgil with a loaded purse, it was loaded cause Virgil fell quickly. Sherre put DiBiase's arm over Virgil and got out of the ring. The ref came back in and counted 1-2-3 to give DiBiase the win.

    The Model Challenge: Rick Martel vs The Texas Tornado

    The ring was setup as a mini run-way as the two men made their way to ringside. Martel was wearing a tennis outfit (the one he would at the 1992 Summerslam) while Tornado was in his ring gear. Martel was up first and did his walking up and down the ring to boos from the fans. Tornado was next and every move he made was greeted by cheers from the fans. Just as The Tornado was going to be announced as the winner Martel picked up his can of arrogance and hit Tornado in the head with it, after a few boots Martel locked Tornado in the Boston Crab which he held on until various officals finally forced him to break it.

    WWF Tag Team Title Match

    The Nasty Boys© w/Jimmy Hart vs The Legion of Doom

    The two teams brawled, brawled, and brawled some more. The teams brawled before the bell rung. Finally the bell rung but the two teams were still brawling. L.O.D was gonna do everything to get the belts and the Nasty's were gonna do everything to keep them. Eventually the Nasty's gained the upper hand as they went to work on Hawk. You name it, the Nasty's did every illegial move in the rule book. There wasn't too much thought to the Nasty's attack, it was strike and cheat, anything to keep the belts. The stragety proved to be effect as they were wearing Hawk down and it was a matter of time before the finished him off. Hawk had a say in that and he made a mini-comeback which allowed him to tag a fresh and rested Animal into the ring. Animal just overpowered the Nasty's with his strength. Once Hawk regained some strength he was tagged in as L.O.D set-up Sags for the Doomsday Device, Hawk came off and hit the clothesline, he covered Sags for the 1-2-and then a megaphone crashed down on Hawk. Jimmy Hart had made his way into the ring and hit Hawk before the ref could get to 3 which caused a DQ. The Nasty's hightailed but forgot about Jimmy Hart who received the Doomsday Device for his troubles.

    The Ultimate Warrior vs The Undertaker w/Paul Bearer

    The Warrior came out as he usually does 100 miles an hour while The Undertaker went more like 10 miles an hour. When he did came out Taker has a big body bag with him. The Warrior was hitting the Taker with everything but it didn't seem to phase him. Finally Taker had enough and started to choke the Warrior repeatedly always breaking the count at 4. Taker showed great quickness for a big man with his flying clothesline and walking the rope holding Warrior's arm as he drovehis fist into the arm. Throughout the match Taker's attack mainly consisted of punches and chokes. Taker lifted Warrior with one hand and chokeslamed him to the mat and got a near 3 count. Taker signaled for the end and lifted Warrior and hit The Tombstone, Taker covered but the Warrior kicked out and got to the ropes. Warrior started to shake his ropes and now he was impervious to pain. Warrior made a cmeback and was finally starting to phase the Undertaker. Now Warrior called for the end and hit the Gorilla Press and hit it. This led to Jake Roberts coming to the ring and jumping the The Warrior which led to a DQ. Taker and Roberts worked on the Warrior and put him in the body bag and left.

    Ricky The Drago Steamboat vs Muta w/Mr. Fuji

    This was the open challenge laid down by Mr. Fuji to anyone who would accept, Steamboat did and now we have a match. The match was an outstanding one and as men gave a great performance and a great display of wrestling and counter wrestling. The match went back and forth with Steamboat dominating the early parts of the match. Steamboat used his arm-drags, chops, and dropkicks among other moves to gain the advantage. Muta wasshowed that he was up to the challenge as he came back displaying his great martial arts and aerial ability. Both men got many near falls and the match had the fans into it from the start. The two men alos showed that they were well conditioned as the match went well over twenty minutes. In the end Steamboat reversed a Muta move and rolled him up to get the 1-2-3 and the victory which dealt Muta his first lost. Both men had nothing to be ashamed of and losing to Steamboat isn't a bad loss. Steamboat extended his hand out to Muta in a show of Respect. Muta's response was green mist to the face of Steamboat followed by a roundhouse kick. Muta and Fuji left to the boos of the crowd.

    Hulk Hogan & Bob Backlund vs Ravishing Rick Rude, Sgt. Slaughter, & Col. Mustafa w/General Adnan.

    Hogan and Backlund started off the match in control as the combination of Hogan's power and Backlunds wrestling ability keep the three men off balance. Rude, Slaughter and Mustafa had a plan coming in and that was to work on Backlund who was seen as the weak link which would leave Hogan 3 on 1. Well that strategy happened as Backlund got into the wrong corner and the three men went to work on win. The focus of the attack was the back and neck area. Rude worked on the neck first and tagged Slaughter who used his bulk to work on the back of Backlund. Mustafa came in and continued the work that Rude and Slaughter started. Backlund was wearing down and Slaughter seemed to have put the finishing touches on Backlund as he put him in a bearhug. Seeing enough of this 3 on 1 Hogan came in the ring and clotheslined Slaughter and even gave Rude and Mustafa some shots. What this allowed was Backlund to crawl over and tag Hogan while Slaughter tagged Mustafa. Of course as he usually did Hogan cleaned house and dominated. In the end it was Hogan and Rude, Rude went for the Rude Awakening but Hogan overpowered him, sent him to the ropes, hit the big boot and followed up with the Legdrop and covered Rude 1-2-3 for the win. After the match Slaughter, Mustafa, and Adnan came into the ring and jumped Hogan and Backlund. Rude got the WWF Title and hit Hogan in the head with it. After some initial celebrations Hogan hulked up and cleared everyone out of the ring but Hogan was mad.

    Hogan was so mad that he picked up a mic and told Rude if you want this title so bad come and get because on Prime Time Wrestling it's gonna be Rude vs Hogan for the title if Rude would accepted. Rude noded his head yes and Monday they will go at it.

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