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ZJ Penn

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Posts posted by ZJ Penn

  1. What exactly happened? All I've read is that something happened between Clarkson and a producer, but that's it. No details.

    He punched a producer and, being on a final warning is probably going to be sacked. Although maybe not, seeing as he'll only appear on ITV/Sky/Channel 5 by summer in a carbon copy show.

    I'm glad though. To paraphrase Stewart Lee, I hate Top Gear and everything it stands for :shifty:

    • Like 3
  2. I thought the referee had a brilliant game. Agreed with everything and wish more stood up to players like he did.

    And it's so weird seeing a Man United side this poor. Ferguson is an all time great manager but the team he left behind was weak and it's just getting worse.

    • Like 1
  3. I have such a backlog to get through I can't even think about Apotheon right now. Dying Light, Far Cry 4, Lords of the Fallen, Counterspy, Rogue Legacy, Transistor (?), Dragon Age, The Crew and Alien. And that's without thinking about Type 0, Bloodborne, Hardline this month and Batman, Witcher 3 and ES:O on the horizon.

    Oh to still be at university...

  4. Absolutely. I heard in the new Fantastic Four movie Reed Richards doesn't have the grey bits above his ears.

    If so I'm going to put my foot through the cinema screen and send Miles Teller the bill.

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  5. I want Dying Light but I'm not into paying £40 for it...

    Eh I tend to buy on the principle of £1 for each hour of gameplay and it sounds like it'll meet that easily. Plus two of us are playing it so double it.

    It's the reason I'd never grab anything like The Order or Alien: Isolation at full price. Too much buyers remorse. I think the only exceptions were Last of Us and Uncharted, which are arguably still worth a £50 layout.

  6. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is hilarious.

    Darkplace with the DVD commentary over the top is funnier than 99.999% of things I've ever seen.

    Also, throw in Bottom, Mighty Boosh, House of Fools, Office (UK), Alan Partridge and Saxondale for my list.

    • Like 1
  7. Do I pick up Dying Light or do I pick up any two of Metro, Rayman and Saints Row?

    Just to counter what everyone else said, we picked up Dying Light yesterday and, while I've only watched her play it, it looks like great fun.

    It looks like it's the game Dead Island should have been.

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  8. I am soo bad at Lords of the Fallen. Think I need to pick a lighter class like Rogue or Outlaw to be less clunky. The control scheme doesn't really agree with me either.

    And Far Cry 4 is just 3 with a new skin. Not necessarily a bad thing but the game broke itself for me early on though as with minimal effort I unlocked a sidearm grenade launcher with the ability to carry like 50 grenades. It's like Arnie in Terminator 2 but for the whole game.

  9. Reviews don't begin and end with big companies though. Metacritic is a terrible example because they're pulling reviews from everywhere when what you as the buyer need to do is find two or three like minded people.

    One of my favourite things about EWB is that the board covers nearly all my interests and there are a core group of members who I can see have interests similar to mine and want the same things from the games they buy.

    Sure you're opinion is your own but there must be people you trust who share them with you? Why wouldn't you be interested in what they think before putting £50 down on a new game?

  10. The first eight or so events (off the top of my head) are dull but totally worth watching as part of the Sakuraba timeline - his story is one of the most compelling in MMA history. Plus there are some gems in there, the Saku vs. Newton fight is a great grappling match.

    Plus starting in 2001 will mean you miss the Openweight GP. So yeah if you have access to them and the time I'd watch them all chronologically for the full experience.

  11. So I'm finding myself actually looking forward to Type O next month. Maybe because it feels like the first time the fans, media and Square are united in "no its not a turn based, mid-90's traditional FF" and are just letting it be what it is.

    Not to mention Crisis Core gameplay on next gen is enough to sell me regardless. Should pull me back in after XIII-3 was the first FF I didn't play.

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