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ZJ Penn

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Posts posted by ZJ Penn

  1. In other news, I'm going to rape people until they build unrapeable people. That will teach the world! On the plus side, some of you may get a free game if your friend gets raped by me. Not if you do, just if your friend does and it's mildly inconvenient for you.

    Happy holidays every one!

    Sounds like someone had tears at Christmas!
  2. I got Destiny for Christmas. Any of you fools still playing it?

    It's good fun if you've got friends playing it and the mechanics are tight enough that the arena mode might be worth the money alone but PvE content can be burned through quickly.

    I liked it but might be biased as I paid £40 for it, played it to death then traded it in for £42...

    I also got Evil Within for Christmas but haven't touched it yet.

  3. I'm in the rare position of having nothing to play urgently as I'm not allowed to buy anything in case it turns up for Christmas.

    I'm hoping to pick up Mordor, The Crew, Evil Within and Far Cry 4 in the sales if I don't have them already and WMMA4 once the bugs are ironed out.

    I also have a drawer full of (3)DS RPGs to play that's full to the point of not knowing exactly what's in there anymore. I know there's Radiant Historia and a few Dragon Quests as well as some others.

    I'm actually most stoked to play the stuff in early 2015, namely Elder Scrolls Online and Arkham Knight.

    And I miss Clubs. I'd play most nights but don't think I could live with myself if I bought a One for just that.

    In the meantime my currently playing list is Oblivion GOTY on PS3...

  4. Well duh, I don't have a rocket launcher!

    And you wouldn't scare me if you did!

    But seriously, you can't cause a motorway pile up like that and not expect someone in an attack chopper to blow it all up. That's just what happens in GTA Online!

    • Like 1
  5. The soundtrack is somehow even more fitting than it was before.

    Had a quick run w/Niner before dinner. For Kevin Nash's Black Dad, he moved fast.

    I find a good strategy is to just repeatedly run over him with your car until Penn blows you up with his copter.

    Like an airborne Judge Dredd.

    You're lucky I'm not a high enough level to get a rocket launcher yet.

    You don't scare me!
  6. The soundtrack is somehow even more fitting than it was before.

    Had a quick run w/Niner before dinner. For Kevin Nash's Black Dad, he moved fast.

    I find a good strategy is to just repeatedly run over him with your car until Penn blows you up with his copter.

    Like an airborne Judge Dredd.
  7. Try playing as less good teams?

    I have. I tried Hull, Lyon and Stoke but the 20 minute match search is kind of off putting.

    I don't mind playing Madrid, but can't it at least be every other game? Or at least play properly.

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