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Posts posted by MyKILLv2.0

  1. I couldn't agree more. What tonight does is remove any chance OSU has of playing in the title game. And it probably starts the "Sanchez for Heisman" tour, too. But Ohio State is by no means out of the Big 10 based off tonight.

    ... or did I mis-read what HttK said? I thought he meant that OSU could still end up in a BCS Game (the Rose Bowl), just not THE BCS game.

  2. Ohio State HAS to play Pryor more in the second half. The team is completely lifeless with Beckman at the helm with USC's attacking defense. Not that Pryor can bring them back, if your defense is letting them go up and down the field on every possession.

    ... very disappointing first half for OSU.

  3. I don't view Alex Smith a bust... only because I don't think he deserved to be the number one pick in the draft. To me, he's just a quarterback who failed at making the transition from college to NFL.

    Happens a lot.

    There is NO REASON why Alex Smith should have ever been taken number one, NONE, other then pure stupidity. Coming out of college, he didn't come with the same hype as say a Ryan Leaf, a Carson Palmer, a Peyton Manning, a Tim Couch. And had Alex Smith been drafted with the 20th pick (around where Rodgers were taken) not the first, he wouldn't be a bust in most people's eyes. He would just be a failure. It's not his fault the Niners over drafted him.

    And it's really a sad thing too. As a Niner fan, I really think Mike Nolan is a solid coach, and has built up the their defense into a solid unit. He's drafted Patrick Willis, Frank Gore, Manny Lawson, Veron Davis... the list goes on an on. He knows how to build a team. He just missed completely on Smith, and it's a shame that it'll cost him his job more then likely because of it.

  4. People were claiming/saying that Moss was taking plays off last year, so why will this year be any different?

    ...Though, speaking of the Pats. I still don't understand why the they turned away Chris Simms. I am sure Matt Cassell is a decent enough QB to weather the storm and take the team to the playoffs (especially considering the Pats schedule is light and the only real competition in the East are the Bills), but I would think that you would want a more experienced back up then a rookie.

  5. If Newman is back this week, Pacman could play a few snaps at wide out. With that said, I agree. Unless for some reason Romo got banged up on the three or four times Cleveland managed to touch him, I don't understand why the Boys signed another quarterback, when they needed depth at wide out.

  6. Unlike Tony Romeo, Eli plays his best in the big games :shifty:

    Exactly. Eli is like the Peyton from an evil parrell universe. He plays average (at best) when things are calm or easy, but when the pressure is on, he turns into this great QB. He'll likely suck next week against the Rams, then drop three touchdowns on the Cowboys. It's silly when you consider Peyton is the exact opposite, slinging 5 TDs agasint the hapless Texans and Titans, and then tossing four picks when he plays the Patriots or Chargers.

  7. How do you not see very many losses on that schedule? 'Bama has to go to Georgia (who by the way is the top ranked team in the nation), LSU (who despite being slightly overated is still damn near unbeatable at home... especially at night), and Tennesse (which is a tough place I play no matter what you did last year), and then they have to play Auburn at home (who has owned them over the last few years). That's four brutal games right there, and then when you add on that 'Bama has a history losing to someone stupid like a So Miss, La Tech, Arkansas, Ole Miss, ect... I don't see 'Bama doing much better then 8-4, possibly 9-3.

    Don't get me wrong, I actually think 'Bama is on the right track. However I think they are still a year or two away from challenging for the SEC title.

  8. Good lord, if 'Bama wins this game and Clesom is able to put it together after tonight and win the ACC, we'll have to hear the SEC homers brag all year on this game. Ugh.

    On an unrelated note... I heart Erin Andrews. Not Rachel Nichols hot, but loads of cuteness.

  9. This one looks to be the worst in the entire series... which is truely saying something.

    I'm still trying to follow the logic. Scary Movie poked fun at scary movies. Date Movie poked fun at date movies. Epic Movie poked fun at epic movies. Diaster Movie pokes fun at Juno, ID4, and whatever Miley Cirus movie they were making fun of?

  10. I think OSU could easliy drop their game to USC, and still play in the title game. In fact, because OSU will start the season out so high, they might be able to even drop a Big 10 game on top of that and still play. Maybe. It all depends on what happens in front of them, and how highly the four letter network thinks of them. After all, LSU lost two games last year to unranked teams, and still won the BSS Title

    ... I wouldn't put money on it, but it could happen none the less.

  11. I never understood why Coach got so much heat in the first place. True, he was no JR, but who is? I actually liked him better then I do Michael Cole simply because he was able to do what JR does, and that is show personality. Michael Cole comes off way to bland for me.

    ..as a secondary announcer, I disliked Coach, only because he went over board in trying to be heel instead of just being an annoying.

    But over all, I never understood the heat Coach got. He did an "ok" job when taking over for JR the two or three times he was asked, and was great as the side kick to the authority, whether it was Bischoff or Vince. I always enjoyed his character.

  12. Yeah, there have been reports that both Green Bay and the Steelers wanted him as their back up this year, but he wouldn't sign unless he had a chance to start. Same story as last year, which is why he ended up in Oakland, was because that was the only place where he could start.

  13. Lets play the game of name a QB who wasn't good enough to be a starter, and only got to see action due to injury or poor play by the starter!

    Marc Bulger, 3 Pro Bowl Appearences! Never earned the starting job and probably never would have if Warner didn't get injured.

    Tony Romo, 2 Pro Bowl Appearences! Undrafted, never won the starting job untill Drew Bledsoe proved inept halfway through a season.

    Tom Brady, 4 Pro Bowls, 3 Super Bowl Wins, 2 Super Bowl MVP Awards! And he never earned the starting job.

    You never know what someone can do untill they actually get placed in the role of starting QB, however it may happen. Some people are late bloomers, Drew Brees was bad enough that the Chargers were ready to replace him, then things clicked for him and now he's a Pro Bowl caliber QB. O'Sullivan is winning the job fair and square, you can't shit on him and say he's a horrible QB untill he actually proves that he is.

    This isn't to say I don't think he'll suck, its just stupid to claim that since he's yet to earn a starting job in the NFL he's a terrible player.

    There's a major flaw with that train of thought. Tom Bradey, Tony Romo, & Marc Bulger were all drafted by their teams (Romo signed as an unrestricted rookie). Now were they expected to come in and be a franchise quarterbacks? No... but after being drafted, their teams quickly realized they had something special in each of them, and believed they could help the team in some fashion. There were talks of Romo being prep'd as a started for about a full year before he took over for Bledsoe, so it isn't like either of these three guys blindsided anyone with being successful. Maybe to the degree that they were successful, but its not like any of these guys were thought to be complete bums once their teams saw them.

    O'Sullivan on the other hand has been on eight different teams in six years.... so I wouldn't say that the teams that he has played for hold him in as high regard as Romo, Brady, or Bulger when they were unproven.

    In fact, about the only "journeymen" type quarterback I can think of in the NFL right now who is even comparible to O'Sullivan in terms of being totally unproven, and played for multiple teams, is Derek Anderson (who Toe pointed out), who only played for one previous team... the Ravens, and ya know, it's not like the Ravens have a clue about quarterbacks either.

  14. See, I just disagree with you. We agree on the points you make about Culpeper... I do not dispute that. But I keep on getting preached at like I'm driving the Culpepper to Canton bus. <_< I'm not saying Culpepper is great anymore. In fact, I think I stated that he should be a back up on a good team. However I'm saying that O'Sullivan isn't very good and shouldn't be the starter for the Niners. He is by no means a drastic improvement over Alex Smith (I don't know if he is an improvement at all, honestly). He has shown NOTHING in the NFL execpt that he couldn't ever get on the field. You claim they are equal... I ask you how? Culpepper may very well be in later stages of his career where he should be a back up, but O'Sullivan has yet to proven he is even that good. Your defense was that he didn't have the injury problems of Culpepper... of course he isn't going to get injured... you very seldom get injured standing on sidelines holdinga clip board and a water bottle. And even in preseason he doesn't look impressive. He makes horribles reads, and throws terrible picks.

    ... with all of this said, he will probably go out tonight and throw three touchdowns, and make me look retard.

  15. Yeah seriously Sweeten. You do realize athletes don't stay in peak physical shape forever right? Their talents can drop off completely. Such is the case with Culpepper. Since completely destroying his knee and losing Randy Moss he has been terrible. Not okay, not satisfactory, not average, TERRIBLE.

    If you didn't know, this is the year 2008, not 2004. Daunte Culpepper since coming back from his injury hasn't proved he can do much of anything besides throw interceptions and be delusional about his ability to be a starting quarterback in the NFL

    I don't care if the year is 1994, 2004, or 2144... Daunte Culpepper will FOREVER be better then O'Sullivan. Even if the brother died at this very minute, he would have more ability then O'Sullivan does breathing. I'm not trying to sound like Culpepper would come in and lead the Niners to the Superbowl. At this point in his career, he is a back up on most good teams. Green Bay wanted him as a back up. Pittsburgh wanted him as a back up... but to the Niners, he has to be a better option then O'Sullivan.

  16. Culpepper seriously? you gotta be kidding. they are pushing for someone who knows or can learn the system so why bring in someone else who hasn't even done anything in the nfl since he was on minnesota?

    Because he has shown that he can be a better QB then any of the other q'backs that the Niners have at the moment. As I said, I hope Liv is correct and Smith will do fine. And nor was I saying that Culpeper would be their cure all for the Niner's franchise. All I am saying is that I wish they would have brought someone like Culpepper in, who if Alex does struggle with the system, or just his play in general, you could put someone back there who has proven at some point in his career he can get the job done. Hill started like two games, and Sullivan couldn't get on the field, on any other team in the league. If not Culpepper, someone who has least shown they can be a decent starter in the league.

  17. I don't mean to come off as totally blasting O'Sullivan, Shaun Hill, or Alex Smith. I understand that since Battle and Johnson are out, and Bruce didn't play the first game, they aren't throwing to the most talented guys in the world... or even on the team. And I'll concede that Mike Martz typically has never made the wrong choice for QBs. He subbed in Warner, then Bulger, then moved to Detriot, and hand picked Kitna. However, I've never been impressed with O'Sullivan yet, despite the coaching staff giving him every chance to suceed, and so while I wouldn't pitch a fit if Alex Smith were to start at QB (which is what I forsee happening) I would much rather have them bring in someone like Culpeper, whom has proven he can start in this league, to push Smith for the starting role, rather then someone who is unproven. Especially on a year in which if the Niners don't do anything special, the franchise is likely to clean house and start all over next year.

    I hope Liv is right about how things will work out, and I'm just being a bleeding vagina about the whole mess. <_<

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