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Posts posted by Yitzy

  1. Music: Is that what they call it now? Bwahahahahah... they both are teh suxorz. But forced I say Duff.

    Actress: Is that what they call it now? Bwhahahahahah... Duff is only good in Lizzy McGuire (I don't watch it on my own, I have two younger sisters. Rather than argue, I just sit down and wait till they get bored and leave) She sucked in Cheaper by The Dozen. Lohan just sucks.

    Hotness: Is that what they... Just kidding. Hilary Duff.

  2. Cade, LaMont, London, Excalibur, and Angle all headed for Las Vegas. They didn't spend much time in California. Why Vegas? They all figured they could make some more money.


    Austin headed south, His plan was to go through Arizona and New Mexico to get to Victoria, Texas. Once there he could dump his bug and get his truck. But on the way to Arizona he ran into controversy.

    Austin was waiting for the light to turn green, when a Green Del Sol pulled up next to him,

    Driver: Well, Well, Well, Look what happened to Stone Cold Steve Austin. Or should I say... Fruity Cold Steve Austin.

    *The Passengers Laughed*

    Austin thought that was the worst joke ever. So he replied by sticking his middle finger out the window.

    Ooooooooh! Looks like Steve is gettin pissed. We better not tell him about those trees we cut down before.

    *More Laughs*

    Austin: You shut the hell up, i'm in an interesting situation...

    I'm guessing... You beat up another one of your wives, and you stole her car?

    *More Laughs*

    That sent Austin off the deep end. He got out of his car, went to the Rice Burner, opened the door, unclipped the seat belt and punched the driver straight in the face. Austin then threw him out of the car as the passengers were getting out themselves.

    The driver tried to tackle Austin but Austin countered it with a Lou Thez Press and started pummeling him with his fists, till the 2 passengers pulled him off. Austin elbowed one in the face while the other ran. The Driver was getting up, Austin went over and kicked him in the gut, and then hit the Stunner! Unfortunetly, the Driver sold it like The Rock.

    One passenger came over and stuck out his hand for a handshake. Austin took one look at it, kicked him in the gut and gave him the Stunner. He too sold it like The Rock.

    The other passenger came over, and bent down. Austin gave him the Stunner.

    As the Driver was getting up, Austin noticed a hammer on the ground and started smashing the Driver's car. He smashed everything, The mirrors, the lights, the hood, the body kit parts. The whole car was a wreck.

    Hey Kid, Look what I did to your car!

    With that, Austin opened up the hood, and threw the hammer in the engine... While it was still running. Some cruncing noises took place and smoke started rising from the engine.

    Austin promptly got in his bug and drove away.


    Spike Dudley found out that his car didn't run too well so he went to go have it checked out at a local car repair place. He didn't want to risk it breaking on some unknown highway in the middle of nowhere. While they were working on his car he decided to take a walk around the city.


    Tito Oritiz went around the city in his Bus. He decided he was going to get a disguise. He found a costume place in the city and looked for some hippie clothes...


    Hogan was desperately looking for someway to sell this bike thing of his. He thought he could sell it at a wrestling collectibles store, if he signed it or somthing, cause who wouldn't want a bike thing ridden and signed by the immortal Hulk Hogan brother?

    Before he went in the wrestling collectibles store, he thought that he may be overwhelmed by fans he remembered seeing a costume store about 3 miles back...


    As he was going in the store Tito Ortiz was going out, At first Hogan didn't reconize Ortiz, but He recoginized him soon enough to give him the Big Boot and Legdrop. Hogan pinned Ortiz, they both could hear a robotic voice count 1-2-3! Then the voice said, "Tito-Ortiz-You-Are-Required-to-stay-within-2-miles-of-this-location-If-you-cheat-you-will-be-disqualified-from-this-race."

    Hogan gave out a big laugh while Ortiz was cursing himself, while Hogan was standing around lauging Spike Dudley came around the corner, he saw Hogan. He snuck up behind him, and hit the Dudley Dogg off a telephome pole! Pin 1-2-3! Now it was Spike's turn to laugh! While Hogan was cursing the robotic voice.


    Race results as they stand:

    1. Paul London

    2. Cade Sydal

    3. LaMont

    4. Excalibur

    5. Eric Angle

    6. Dr. Cube

    7. Steve Austin

    8. Spike Dudley

    9. Hulk Hogan - FROZEN

    10. Tito Ortiz - FROZEN

    OOC: Could a mod move this to the Diary Cube? I was originally going to use EWR to do the matches, but it was easier just to go through my head.

  3. Halo 2 comes out Nov 9th here in the U.S and... Hey... That's My Birthday!!!! So looks like I don't need to spend any money on that.

    I don't know anything else, but i'm lucky that my Bithday, Hannukah and Christmas are all close together :shifty:

    I also need to get $10 for this tape of an unknown indy worker, you may have heard of him... His name is Cade Sydal... ;)

  4. The NBC Broadcast sucked.

    Later I found out that the Canadian Channell (CBC) Started an hour earlier, so while NBC was on Lebanon, CBC were all ready on Greece.

    After it was over on CBC, I flipped back to NBC and they were on Bjork's song. The God damn announcers were talking over the music. I know the song was bad, but that's still disrespectful. And after that they had the thing where the runner ran through the ribbons for where it was throughout the years. And the NBC announcers were talking over the Stadium Announcer. Even though the stadium announcer added the effect of it.

    I am officially watching all the olympics on CBC. Screw you NBC and your American Broadcast.

    Oh and if anyone's interested, this morning The Switzerland [sP] beat Canada in men's beach volleyball.


    (It's the Martial Arts bathroom joke)

    I mean it was funny the first time I heard it, but wow, we don't need the same joke over and over. The "You Call Me On The Pay Phone" jokes were pretty funny though.

    Ralphie's was good, but I don't think he ever has a bad one.

    Anyway Congratulations to John. At least it wasn't Gary.

    Wow they are starting up season 3 really fast. At least i'll get to hear Cathleen again.

    Yeah to Awnser your question Hellfire, Gary was 3rd, Alonzo was 2nd, John was 1st.

    I'm gonna assume that pretty much everyone who made it to the top 6 will have their own segments on somthing on Comedy Central.

  6. Bah! Can someone tell me where the last winter olympics were held? (2 Years ago)

    I know that the last SUMMER olympics were held in Sydney (2000) and that the winter olympics were held in Nagano. But I can't think of where the last winter's were. I know it was somewhere in the US, because Bush was there, and Iraq wasn't.

  7. I didn't see the entire show last night, but I did see the final three's stand-ups.

    John's was awesome, I laughed at that one alot. It was the best of the night.

    Alonzo's was also good, but I think he's the only one to be consistantly funny.

    Gary's once again sucked. The only one I chuckled at was the Fig Newton stuff. And after he did that he forgot his next joke. He said "I Love Cookies" twice then he started talking about somthing else.

    Gary got the biggest pop though, sadly. (Stupid America)

    Right now, I'm rooting for anyone but Gary, I like John's hyperactive humor and Alonzo is just funny.

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