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Posts posted by Yitzy

  1. So in addition to having my first on screen apperance... I also get to excort Randy Orton to the hospital. The doctor checked him out and said that he should be OK in a couple of weeks. Orton requested the entire month of October off. So I gave it to him. I think those internet smarks are getting to him.

    As I was driving back to the hospital, I got a phone call from Eric Bischoff.

    Me: Hey Eric, what's going on?

    Eric: Do you know what's up with Elix Skipper?

    Me: ...Hm... Oh yes, Now I remember, he told me that he accepted a written contract offer from TNA.

    Eric: Well why the fuck didn't he tell me? I would of made a counter offer.

    Me: Well I don't think he wanted to stay here...

    Eric: Shit. Well there's a storyline gone. Oh yeah, did you set up that Cafepress shop?

    Me: Yes, Oh I also got many calls from some Tough Enough rejects like Jake, Scott, Justin, Jonah even Wendell. I personally think that with this Daryl and Chris thing that you could make a stable...

    Eric:I'm the booker Harvey not you. *click*

  2. Excalibur was called. Excalibur decided that if he had the money, he would continue to work at PWG. But he would live in a big ass mansion. Like the Playboy mansion.

    Excalibur opened the door to see his vehicle and saw...

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    Although it would be cool to drive a replica of the same car Chevy Chase drove to Wally's World. In reality, the car is lame. The car also smelled really bad... like a person died in it.


  3. I pick Harvey Whippleman!



    I was sick of Vince. That's why I left WWE. To him I was nothing more than a gopher. "Harvey could you do this" "Harvey could you do that" I WAS SICK OF IT! But I couldn't talk back to Vince, because I neeeded the money. So when I heard that Bischoff was starting a new promotion, I jumped on that bandwagon.

    So when I drove my Woody Station wagon down to Kearny High School, I was pumped. Eric told me that I was a road agent and may have a few On Screen apperences.

    Anyway, when I got to the School the only other person there was Eric. Eric then ran over the card. After a while people started showing up. I talked to Cena and Regal and people. I belive Chis N. came with some girl. I suspected it was a groupie but then I realized that this was Chris we were talking about. I noticed that most people were staying away from New Jack. Why no one liked him and he responded that he was a "vile, repulsive thug that , 80% of the time, he kills the person in the ring." I went over to New Jack to introduce myself and in his respond he angerly mumbled somthing. Anyway It was time for the event soon.

    After The Event

    Well here's a couple of things I noticed during the show:

    -That ladder match was a classic.

    -This Willie the Gangster from the boxcar or whatever shit, has got to go. I pray to god that Eric doesn't make him rap.

    -I think that David should stop impersonating his father. And I hear he wants get rid of the gimmick. He should get a face turn where he says that he can't be in his father's shadow anymore.

    I talked to William after and I asked him about the staple to the forehead and stuff. And it turns out that he was pretty angry about New Jack and he said that next show he wants to take him 1 on 1. I don't want this match to happen though. Both guys will end up dead by the end. Regal would be harder with his submission moves and New Jack would hit Regal with everything that he can find.

    I tried to find New Jack after the show but he was already gone.

  4. oh! Why does Hogan get the cool lookin vehicle while Austin has to drive a hippie mobile? I hope Hogan knows how good that thing drives. This diary has a very interesting concept. Though I wonder if this diary will include Don West on an ambulance with a heart inside a lunchbox. And who will be the guy who falls asleep even though he is standing up, hey just wondering if you will add scenes from the movie in thsi one thats all :D

    OOC: Well, Austin's car is actully, you know, A CAR, and Hogan's is like a bike. In a drag race what do you think will win? Also there might be secnarios in the diart that are similar to the movie, but Ed Pittsingworth = John Cleese's character and Bruno = Dave Thomas' character.


    Dr. Cube was called. He knew exactally what he would do with the money. Take over the world. Duh. But to his horror, when he opened up the door he saw...

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    It just didn't fit. An evil scientist driving an 18 wheeler. I mean he's going to have to stop at all those truck stops and stuff. This is going to be one scary trip for Dr. Cube.


  5. I read a few of the books in 4th grade....

    Then my bitch teacher took them from me for reading in class... <_<

    Then again, maybe I don't.

    The books were teh l33T. You got to try to find out who did whatever crime in that chapter. In every book Mr. Body would die at the end but in the next book, in the introduction, There was some odd reason why he didn't die. Like in one he got shot but in the next book you found out he didn't die because the killer was using colored bullets that pierced everything but human skin.

  6. Next called was Hulk Hogan. He was wearing a sleeveless Hulkamania shirt with yellow jeans. That's right yellow.

    As Bruno led Hogan down the hall, Hogan already knew what he would do with the money. Be a movie star Perhaps even be a director at one point. I'm sure many people around the world are cringing at that very thought.

    Any way Bruno opened the door and hogan saw...

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    Hogan: Are you on drugs brother? Hogan is a Real American brother. You see this Chinese on this side? This would be more suited for that Funaki dude. Or that Taka guy. Or that Dragon dude.

    Hogan suddenly had a thought. With his Worldwide fame he would certainly be able to scam someone on the streets to give him a better car.

    Fine i'll take it brother. As Hogan began putting his bag in the back.

    Bruno thought to himself: Green Phantom>Hulk Hogan.... Brother



    OOC: That's all the updates for tonight, because, quite frankly, I still have to think about what to give the rest.

  7. Steve Austin was called and Bruno led Austin down the hallway to pick his number and door. He was wearing an Austin 3:16 T-Shirt and Jeans.

    Steve thought, that if he got the money, he open up a bar. In Texas of course.

    Steve opened his door and behind it was...

    Steve: You have got to be fucking kidding me. Is this some sort of sick joke? *Points to Bruno* Are you behind this? I bet you are. Well you can go to hell...

    With that he went to kick Bruno in the gut for a Stunner, but Bruno caught it and over a loud speaker he heard Ed Pittsingworth's voice.

    Steve you can eaither take the car or you can leave this compitition and all 10 million dollars.

    Steve was no dummy. After Bruno let go of his foot. He mumbled somthing and put his bags (Which 87% of was taken up by a cooler which had many 6 packs in it) into his new:

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    VW Beetle!


  8. Spike had no idea what he was going to do with the money. He had a thought of starting up a new ECW type promotion. Just so he can stop being a Cruiserweight Jobber on Velocity. Spike took his number and followed Bruno to the door. Inside was:

    user posted image


    OK so the last person you expect driving a Pink Caddy would be Spike Dudley. But Spike wasn't complaining. Until he got inside and found out that the only Cassettes inside was old 60s music and the Radio didn't work. And there was somthing sticky on the passenger seat...


  9. OOC: It's not dead!!!!!

    I have had all day Tae Kwon Do these last 4 weeks. But after this week I am free to work on it!

    I have already started on the picking of the vehicles. In fact I already have Cade Sydal's pick all done. And I'm almost done Spike Dudley's.

    I have decided to post each Vehicle selection seprately, That way I can post during this week. So without further Adu here is Cade Sydal's random choosing of a vehicle!



    Bruno and Ed led Cade Sydal down a hall to a lotto ball machine, Cade took a ping pong ball out of the machine, the ball had a 6 on it, Bruno then took Cade down another hall.

    As Cade was walking, he thought to himself: What would he do with 10 million?

    Cade: Well if I had 10 mil. I would first go marry J'Lo to prove SeanDMan wrong, then, J'Lo would have to bring me to all the award shows she goes to, that will get my face on TV, I get nationwide, possibly even GLOBAL fame, so then a big wrestling promotion would HAVE to hire me!

    Bruno stopped at a door that had a big 6 on it, Cade opened it to find...

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    Cade: Sweeeeeeeet!

    Cade didn't care if he won the contest or not... he is going to be crusing across country in a Dodge Viper! Cade got into the car and heard the door close and lock behind him.


  10. I don't see how they could ever do "I love the 00s."  You can't pronounce it, and nothing has happened these first four years, I doubt anything's gonna happen the next six.  I dunno how they're going to get an hour out of 1999, the most boring year ever!  It's gotta be 30 minutes about Monica Lewinsky, 15 minutes about the latin explosion, and 15 minutes about the Y2K scare.  Because that's really all that happened in 99.  Adjust for commercials.

    Nothing has happened these first four years? What the the hell are you on?


    Dale Earnhardt dies


    Kill Bill

    Raegan dies

    Ray Charles dies

    Anthrax Scare

    NY Blackout

    War on Iraq

    Tillman dies


    Dixie Chicks, Anti-Bush

    *We didn't start the fire.*

    All of these things (plus alot I forgot) would be featured in a "I love the 00s" (They should call it "I love the two-thousands"). In fact I have a Rolling Stone that my dad took from Mailboxes Ect. that was a "This stuff happened in 2003" issue.

    How do you know that nothing is going to happen in the next six years? Can you tell the future? On September 10th 2001 did you expect that the World Trade Center would fall the next day?

  11. A Hurricane movie...now I'd watch that....

    Who WOULDN'T watch that?

    Ummm... If they want to make a comedy super hero movie, at least use a fake super hero.... Oh Wait, Pixar is already doing that. And it probably will still be 10 times better than this.

    Hey, At least this Green Lantern movie will be better than The Hulk :rolleyes:

  12. Damn they both are good. But i'm gonna have to give my vote to Norris. I like how everything is blended. It gives it a certain feel.

    My Vote: Norris

    P.S: I hope you both realize that "Broadway Presents" would never be on a poster. Because Brodway is in a theatrical company and/or a director. If you did want to put "Broadway" on the poster, you could of put "LIVE, On Broadway!" or somthing.

  13. Thank's for the site Veg, there are alot of cool gimmicks, unfortunetly i can't get any other link to work. Except ZIMs and the gimmick files.

  14. I have the game, (I downloaded it for nostalgia sake, and waiting for TEW) But only with the default stuff. If anyone knows where I can get other stuff, please show me the way.

    EDIT: Also could anyone get the Commercials to work? I could never get it to work.

  15. OK, I personally like the XBox. (I really don't like the GameCube). I HATE the GameCube controller with a passion. One of the reasons is because I have unusually large hanfs, when ever I use the GC controller, I get horrible cramps from it. Also, picking of the system really depends on what you like, if you like, platformers and action-aventure games, Get a GC, if you like Shooters and fighting games, get an XBox.

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