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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. Spoiler

    On the ASOIAF forums, the armchair commanders are out tonight.


    I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. I loved seeing the Bolton banner cut down and the Stark banner in Winterfell. The director of this episode who also did Hardhome, I wish he directed every episode. Not cause he does battle scenes well. but the pacing is just right. 


  2. Me personally, ADWD had the characters I was really into the first 3 books, so AFFC will always be ranked lowest for me. That being said, I do like the Riverlands in AFFC and the Iron Islands. Dorne I really did not care for until Doran's speech. 

    A little over 24 hours until #BastardBowl. I heard this won't be an isolated episode that focuses on the battle for the whole hour, but I imagine it will get at least 30-40 mins of screentime. 



    Read somewhere that we will see Mereen this week, where the Greyjoys arrive...Die Dany Die! (I wish)

    I also imagine we will see what the rumors Cersei was talking about (wildfyre my guess). 


  3. I agree. The Door was the best episode this season and honestly at this moment in time, its not even close. I am hoping this weeks episode can top The Door, its a battle Ive been looking forward to since they were producing it. 

    I believe they said the reveal about Hodor came from George RR Martin himself? I look forward to reading it in the books in 2025 when Winds of Winter comes out.

  4. Decided to give this game a try and downloaded the game of thrones mod. As what most do, I played my first game as Ned Stark, and things were going pretty well for awhile. Me and Cat had like 4 more kids in addition to Jon and Robb, Tywin and Jaime Lanniser died in combat so Tyrion gets Casterly Rock, he and I become friends and then Cersei murders him and takes the Westerlands for herself and tries to team up with Balon to overthrow Robert Baratheon. Sadly, it fails as some of her vassals go against her and she dies. 

    I legitimized Jon Snow and married him off to Margery Tyrell. Then for the lulz, Margery had eyes for me so I slept with her. She gets pregnant and has a son, so I cucked my own son and got my own wife to hate my guts. Doesn't help that I betray King Rob and lose lol and get banished to the wall. While at the wall, Margery dies via gonorrhea and Ned ultimately dies of depression. Poor Ned! 

    Now continuing on as Robb and will see where that goes. I like this game, love the plots and scheming.  

  5. Spoiler

    I knew Blackfish only had 2 options this season, escaping or death and they give him an off screen death. They Stannis'd the man! It broke my heart. 

    After watching this episode a second time, I think it was the weakest episode of the season thus far. It seemed like a jumbled up mess and it could not find its rhythm. Mereen scenes were bad as always  (imo). I thought we would at least see Jon and co. leave the camp they are at to start marching towards Winterfell, but I dont think next week will be a complete isolation episode like the battle on the wall or blackwater, unfortunately. I still look forward to it, it is being directed by the guy who directed hardhome last year. (Littlefinger to save the day?)

    Seeing Cleganebowl hype get curbstomped made me all like :(. Tommen you sack of shit now I actually hope you die Ep 10. Next 2 episodes are due to have a big body count so they got that going for them. The Arya stuff I really don't care for and Varys is going back to Westeros, probably going to Dorne, meaning we get to see Dorne, again..............


  6. Double post 



    Better episode this week than last week. Lyanna Mormont 4 Prez? Was disappointed with the Glovers and I guess no Manderlys, grrr. However, the HOUND~! Was a lil disappointed we did not get the Broken Man speech, but the HOUND~! being back is awesome. Blackfish is back, and boy did I miss him. This was the first episode in awhile I like where Jaime was heading, but then the preview shows him saying how much he loves Cersei, gahhh just keeps going back 5 steps. 

    Kings Landing i still dont care about. Iron Islands eh. Nothing to complain about there. Arya story just needs to wrap up and get her on that ship to Westeros. Battle of the Bastards is coming and Cleganebowl..that is what im talkin' bout.

    and welcome back brotherhood without banners. you killed ian mcshane, you bastards


  7. 5 hours ago, Bobfoc said:

    I always thought of Stannis as a stoic commander who made for some entertaining pieces of dialogue, but not as someone who stood out as a decent candidate for the monarchy. For someone who was quite easily convinced by a religious zealot to burn members of his family to death for failing to convert to his new faith (and this was before he had Shireen sacrificed), I couldn't really see why so many people were rooting for him to become supreme ruler.

    Well in the book for example, he hasn't burned his daughter. In fact, in a chapter of the new book, he is telling his men if he should fall, they will fight to place his daughter on the throne. I think the actor who played Stannis did a great job, but the creators of the show totally got the character wrong. 

    Oh and try and tell me this is not bad ass :P (excerpt from the new book) :



    "I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?"

    But hey, everyone has their opinion of characters and thats totally fine. I don't like Dany at all (books I can tolerate her, the show I really cannot). 

    Also to add on, the show has done well for other character I found like Bronn.

  8. 6 hours ago, Cloudy said:

    Stannis was a chumpstain, book or otherwise. He got his nice little Crowning Moment Of Badass in, and then coasted on that throughout the rest of the book and the show. But hey, he did a single neat thing so let's line up for a blowjob party!

    I disagree, everyone is allowed to their opinion, but hey apparently if you are a fan of him in the books, you are on line to the blowjob party. :rolleyes:

  9. 54 minutes ago, Hellraiser said:
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    Why is everyone so hyped for the blackfish? It seems like whatever website I visit where game of thrones is discussed people are insanely hyped for the blackfish whereas I couldn't even remember who he was until I looked him up. He did not leave a strong impression with me at all.



    Badass in the books. Same reason why a lot of people who read the books loved Stannis, he was a badass in the books too. Show totally butchered his character, and countless others. Would you rather see the Blackfish or Dorne?


  10. Spoiler

    I hate Dany and her redundant speeches we have been hearing for 5 years. 

    However, another bright spot on this episode were the quick clip flashbacks of the Mad King yelling "burn them all!" Wildfire is being heavily foreshadowed...perhaps Bran just found out how to defeat the White Walkers? We have already seen wildfire once for a reason.


  11. It is good they are diverging because I thought the last 2 books (AFFC and ADWD) were the weaker books. They drag out hardcore and if they were following the books by heart, Tyrion would not have met Dany, Stannis would be going around talking to all of the mountain clans, Dany would still be doing nothing in Mereen (at least now she got her Dothraki horde in the show), Sansa would still be in the Vale, etc. 

    But I do agree that they made Euron look like a complete chump in the show thus far. Hes edging closer and closer to being Dorned.

  12. Going to be making a bold prediction:



    Next week as Meera and Bran are being chased by the Wights, they will be saved, by none other than Benjen Stark. Will he be in human form? I am not sure. There is a character who helps bran get to the tree who was an Other named Coldhands, which many of theorized to be Benjen Stark.


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