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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. Season 4 is the pinnacle of amazing television. That season was the most brilliant piece of television and writing I have ever seen season wise.


    Now, Season 3 Episode 11 was the best episode of television ever created imo. Yes it even tops Ozymandias from Breaking Bad. Of course imo.

  2. Ive learned to separate this season from the last one even before this season began and because of it I have been enjoying it. I really like McAdams, Ferrell, and Vaughn as they have been splendid. The other protagonist I forget his name because he really does nothing for me at all. I forget he is there most of the time honestly.


    Only complaint I have I think is the backstory and story theres tons of things going on and it seems like a huge clusterfuck.

  3. So looking around the internet all week: Some of these things might be book spoilers and some of them aren't but I don't care enough about people's enjoyment to take 30 seconds and edit this post to say so

    - Looks like the Faith Militant will turn against Cersei this week. Something I saw on behind the episode. Should be fun to see Cersei's downfall.

    - Tyrion and Jorah will meet up with Dany this season. Saw a picture of Dany sitting with her advisors with Tyrion alongside them where it appears they are watching Jorah in the Fighting Pits. Going to guess that this is where the Sons of Harpy surround Dany only to be rescued by her dragon.

    - Don't think we will even get the full battle of Winterfell this season at this point. I think Ramsey will attack Stannis' camp from the looks of trailers and such. There was a picture of the actor doing an interview with some cuts and blood on his face with tents behind him supporting this idea.

    - Jon gonna get stabbed at the end of the season yo.

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