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Posts posted by Alex.

  1. Spoiler

    Ramsay is going to be around the showrunners love him and Ramsay is the product of the showrunners infatuation with making the show as "shocking" as they can. I thought Dany's ending there was very, very lame. Did they run out of money in the budget to have Drogon come rescue her and burn the Dothraki leaders instead? I would've bought the Dothraki bending the knee to her if Drogon saved the day. 


    At this point, I think the best story they have going for them is the North. Jon and Sansa reuniting was amazing to see and they are beginning to move forward to the battle of winterfell which will not be disappointing. Also Bran's vision next week looks really cool in the sense we maybe learning about the history of the white walkers. I am 100% down with that.


  2. I think its more to do with the fact he changed up the story and it wasn't fully true. If it wasn't for Reed Ned was going to be toast but I find that some of the people who are criticizing how Dayne was killed are the same book snobs who complain about the snow not being on the ground outside the Winterfell walls. But I do think the show in terms of quality has dropped. Even the writing of the dialogue has dropped quite a lot and makes me think that whoever is writing the episodes, it maybe a 13 year old boy. 

    Besides that, there are some good things this season. I like The Wall, the North and I am hyped up for the Iron Islands. 

  3. Even Danys story in the books has gotten old. Her story in the fifth book was a drag (granted the whole book was) but it got to the point where I began skipping her chapters. Arya is learning something throughout her whole story as previously said. 


    I just wish the Mereen story in the show would conclude already. I have a feeling Daario is the leader of the Sons of the Harpy.


  4. They had dialogue from the books for the ToJ I don't know why they changed it, it was perfectly put by GRRM. 

    That being said, the dialogue has sucked. I feel at times I am watching a show written by a 15 year old boy who just discovered urbandictionary. Tyrion's lines have been terrible for the most part. Always need a Varys cock joke. And Dany has been saying the same lines since Season 2. Hence why I am just tired of her personally.

  5. I see her beating Tai in the Final 3. But I don't think Tai will make it to the Final 3. As for Joe, I recall reading pre-season that there were 3 medevacs for this season. I also recall in the pre season trailer that Jeff came to visit the camp at night to talk to Joe. That hasn't happened yet, so perhaps there is a medevac in the finale? 

  6. Spoiler

    Yup Ramsay killing Roose will be the beginning of the end for the Boltons. They will have the Karstarks, but I have no idea what other Northern house would be with him. ALSO, I imagine the Freys will not be too happy about their daughter dying the way she did. It would be ridiculous to have the Freys not want revenge for it. Maybe the Freys will allow Littlefinger and the army of the Vale thru the bridge to avenge them?



    ^The trailer for next week. Lot of interesting things going on. What do you all think about ToJ?

  7. Spoiler

    - Ramsay part was a lowlight of the episode for me. I dont think Roose would get caught like that..ever. Also I really hate the fact that this show tries to go for "shocking moments."

    - That being said I enjoyed this episode. The first 15-20 mins was great I thought. Bran was the highlight for me. 


  8. Some of the plot holes in this show are pretty bad and obvious hence why they are looked at. However, there are some plot holes, like the snow at winterfell, where I saw people on another forum arguing over snowdrift. Thats a bit too much for me. But pointing out something like Mel having that necklace off in a scene in S4? I believe and she didnt transform into Granny.

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