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Posts posted by Bill1996

  1. That last part is completely speculation. As for PWG, I hear about them a lot on various wrestling forums. Are they having the same buzz as a few years back? No, but I'd still say a bit more than Shimmer is, not to mention, regardless of building size or anything like that, they are in fact drawing more fans. Would Shimmer draw more if they moved to a bigger building? Maybe. But maybe they'd draw the exact same amount, too.

    Just out of curiosity, where are you getting current or recent attendance figures for PWG? Reason I ask is, you said that PWG is drawing more, but I haven't been ble to find any recent attendance figures for them (and by recent, I mean 2010-2012)... In fact, the only thing that I've found regarding attendance in 2012 was that they were cancelling WrestleReunion and scaling back events, due to low attendances: http://www.wrestlereunion.com/wrestlereunion-update-la-and-more/

    Unfortunately, 2012 in Los Angeles saw a dramatic decline in our attendance from the previous year and made the idea of returning there extremely unlikely. We felt it was in our best interest to get through our next two events before making any longer term decisions, as the success of those two cities would likely play a role in our decision making. Quite simply, Toronto sales didn’t meet our expectations. Despite nearly one year of advance notice and having lots of local promoters and media helping to publicize the event, we didn’t reach enough people interested in our product.

    Some of the Admin comments after the article are telling as well:

    Admin Comments:First Year, Second Year, Third Year they all were a loss. We gave it three years to build a loyal following we did that just not one big enough. At this time there is no point speculating when and if I plan another event it will be announced until then the answer is the same no events planned at this time.

    The three years he's referring to, I have to assume were 2010, 2011 and 2012... The last WrestleReunion before those was 2005, which Wikipedia states had an attendance of 550... So, I have to assume, the past three years, the attendance was significantly below 550.

    Admin Comments – We’re not trying to run an ROH type of event where we ask you to show up at 7pm and leave at 11pm. Chris, maybe we’re wrong, but if people don’t want to travel a little bit for this type of event, obviously we don’t have enough people interested in our product.

    Finally, you're comparing PWG to Shimmer, when really, in the game, we're comparing PWG to Shimmer and Shine combined. I'm not sure how many people The Orpheum (where the Shine iPPV's are being run) holds, but I do know that Lenny Leonard, who does commentary for DGUSA, EVOLVE and Shine, said that there were more people in attendance for Shine than there were in the same arena for the last EVOLVE show.

    Again, not trying to argue, just posting what info I found.


  2. It's not that I don't care on how the rankings are, but I'm not the best at ranking them because I don't follow too many of the Indy feds. I didn't even know about Shimmer and Shine together until I saw this thread (maybe I did, but I forgot). I do follow a lot of wrestling, but I'll just stay out of it since, I never really use the feds in question. I either create a new one to begin with, or use TNA or WWE. However if in a few days, nobody else responds, I may check it out and offer my opinion.

    No biggie... If you don't follow it, you don't follow it... I just want to present my thoughts on the matter and give everyone a fair amount of time to rebuttal.

    Really, what I want to avoid is making a decision on something, implementing it and then the next month, having people bitch and moan for the better part of a page over something that was adjusted...

    Look no further than the current discussion over Davey Richards' overness... The guy is at 74 over currently and I've seen damn near a page of posts debating what would, at most, result in a 4 point drop to 70... IMO, it's a bit ridiculous, especially when we just did an overness tree that everyone had the chance to weigh in on last month.

    I wouldn't put Shimmer at higher than PWG. I would say Shimmer should be in the 12-15 range.

    OK, I'll admit, I don't know a lot about PWG, just did a bit of research on them last night and fit them into your suggested range (18-22). Here's what I can tell you about Shimmer and Shine, since I do know a fair amount about them:

    1: Shimmer is pretty much guaranteed to run two sets of 4 DVD tapings per year... That's 8 shows per year.

    2: Shine is currently planning on running 1 iPPV per month... That's 12 shows per year. The Shine production team primarily consists of the same people that handle DGUSA and EVOLVE.

    3: Shimmer will be a part of WrestleCon in 2013, a festival of sorts taking place in NJ on WrestleMania weekend. Other promotions involved are DGUSA, EVOLVE, CZW and Chikara.

    4: The attendancde for the Shimmer tapings are over the 200 mark and, my guess is, the reason is due to the fact that their home base (The Berwyn Eagles Club) has a capacity of 230, set by the local fire marshal.

    5: A good amount of Shimmer fans that go to events are traveling from overseas as well, specifically to come to the shows. I don't know if that is the case for PWG (or any other indy promotion) as well, but personally, I'm really amazed that so may of the fans pay hundereds of dollars in airfare, hotels, etc, just to go to a Shimmer show. That's onre of the reasons I relly felt they should be considered a Cult promotion. Adding Shine into the mix just reinforced that feeling.

    6: Tickets for the October 27-28 tapings went on sale on May 20th (5 months beforehand)... Front row for both days sold out in about 4 hours.

    Not necessarily arguing, saying Shimmer/Shine should be ahead of PWG, just presenting the reasons why I initially put them ahead of PWG... Again, I don't know a lot about PWG at all, so I'd love to see any info you might have on PWG and your reasoning on why they should be ahead of Shimmer/Shine.


  3. Upon thinking it over, NWA-F1 hasn't run in 4+ months. WXW C4 runs 2-3 times a month. I think they would be a great replacement, given that they are about the same size as F1. I will be providing stats for all of the workers as well as the company so it is ready for next month's release, if Bill is interested in swapping it out for NWA F1.

    Doesn't matter to me... Currently, I have Resistance Pro's roster ready to go in as well, just need suggestions on the promotion info (Size, Image, Risk, etc).

    One thing I will say is that I want to get all of the promotions in the game adjusted into an agreeable order before I add or remove any promotions... That's one reason I'm trying to get feedback on how I slotted the Cult promotions... So far, you're the only one to respond with an opinion.

    Normally, I'm up later into the evening, but probably won't be up much longer tonight, so hopefully more opinions on the matter will come in overnight.

    Based on the opinions I get, I'll adjust the Cult list and see if we can come to an agreement there, so we can move onto the Regional promotions.


  4. 2CW should be above in my opinion. I would put PWS at the current level LLUSA is at. LLUSA should be down to 60/65 I would say. I would have it on my radar for removal by I'm thinking October because of the fact they need to run the current tappings in the bank and PERHAPS that can drum up interest in more shows or doing more tappings.

    As for running shows increasing PI, I think the bigger issue is if they run larger shows in more different locations, it should help more than XYZ wrestling runs two shows out of a VFW hall each month while ABC wrestling runs once a month in the hockey rink on the other side of town..If they run bigger venues and get more fans then yes, BUT if they run smaller venues like I know CHIKARA's Syracuse show was smaller than their normal shows (cause I went to the early 2CW shows there) then it shouldn't. This is why CHIKARA is a cult promotion, they are a larger promotion. PWG at this point is not as big as once was, don't have as many stars as they once had and also does not run as frequently so I would put them lower. Plus it does not help them that they only pretty much run out of Reseda, CA and not wrestle every where in Cali. I would say attendence and where they run should have much more weight than how many times they run.

    Fair enough...

    Really, though, at this point, I'm really just asking if there are any changes that people would suggest to the image numbers I proposed for the Cult promotions:

    ROH: 76

    CHI: 48

    DG-EVO: 37

    CZW: 29

    SWA-SW: 24 (Shimmer Women Athletes/Shine Wrestling)

    PWG: 21

    The bolded ones would be my suggested changes... These were the ranges Kris suggested, so I tried to stay in those to get a rough frame:

    I would put it (PWG) at 18-22 Cult. I would put CZW around 24-28, and DG-USA to 29-34.

    So far, the ones I didn't suggest changing are ROH, CHI and DG-EVO... Should ROH be a bit higher...? Should CHI go up a little? Is DG-EVO good at 37, or should they be a little closer to Chikara?

    Just really looking to make sure we have the Cult promotions images agreed upon at the moment.


  5. So, in short, IMO, it should be looked at as a whole, taking those three things into consideration:

    1: How many different places they run.

    2: Attendance at the events.

    3: How many events are run.

    I don't think any one element should trump another... IMO, they should all be factored in equally.

    To be honest, when I posted before, I didn't realize that DG-EVO has run in that many places... With you posting the info that you did, I would agree that DG-EVO should have a higher image than CZW.

    Based on the info provided and Kris' suggestions, here's what I'm thinking about the Cult Promotions now. The bolded would be changes from the chart posted at the start of the month:

    ROH: 76

    CHI: 48

    DG-EVO: 37

    CZW: 29

    SWA-SW: 24 (Shimmer Women Athletes/Shine Wrestling)

    PWG: 21

    PWS would move down to Regional... With 2CW being at 87 and LLUSA being at 81, should we slot PWS higher than 2CW, in between 2CW and LLUSA, or below both of them?

    Seems I'm in the minority regarding WWC and ECCW, so we'll not mess with those for the time being.

    Feel free to keep discussing, the bolded numbers above are just what I'm thinking, based on the info presented and Kris' suggestions.


    The thing is with DGUSA/EVOLVE is the number of shows has changed due to both promotions being combined now. By this point last year, DGUSA ran 9 events under that banner and EVOLVE ran 3 events (their only showings for the year.) This year DGUSA has run 6 events and EVOLVE has run 8 events.

    I honestly don't see why saying a promotion runs more often helps increase it's awareness. To me when a promotion runs 2 times a month in their home base, it does not really do anything to me. If it is like CHIKARA, ROH or DGUSA where they run double shots in two different cities, I lean on that more.In the case of PWS, they historically run one big show every three months. Which I know DGUSA does too, mainly due to the talent issues for Dragon Gate. Being that PWS only runs a handful of show but they are big shows and 2CW run one if not two shows a month and there are a number of big shows Living on the Edge mainly comes to mind, I would put them higher.

    LLUSA should be lower at this point due to how inactive they have been. I would possibly put them on the shortlist of promotions to remove from the game. The stuff on hulu is a year and a half old footage that was filmed for season two (the aired shows are finally up which would be episode 8-11) and season three. They have run house shows with some constant talent but it is not like they were in 2010 or even 2011 when they aired footage. I have not heard if they will tape more footage for another season on hulu or no. I donot know the attendence for the recent LLUSA touring shows.

    So, you're saying that you don't think that how many shows a promotion puts on should have any bearing whatsoever on their image? Because, I wholeheartedly disagree.

    Now, should it be the ONLY factor? No, but to say that the amount of shows a promotion runs shouldn't have any bearing at all, I think is very incorrect. You said yourself that LLUSA should be dropped due to their inactivity (meaning not running shows). If a promotion's image should be dropped due to not running, shouldn't it go up if they are running more than in the past?

    If promotion A runs one show a month and draws 300 people, while promotion B runs 2 shows a month in the same spot and draws 150 people to each, I'd say promotion A would be the more popular (higher image) promotion. They drew 300 in one show, where it took promotion B 2 shows to get the same draw.

    But, if promotion A runs one show a month and draws 300 people, while promotion B runs 2 shows a month in the same spot and draws 300 people to each, I'd have to give the edge to promotion B...

    I noticed that you didn't suggest any changes to the image numbers I suggested... If you don't have a problem with the numbers, it's all a moot point, becuase in the in-game aspect, we'd agree on the "hierarchy" of the promotions.

    I was also a bit confused on whee you felt PWS and 2CW should be in comparison wiht each other. Should PWS be ahead of 2CW or vice versa... Again, 2CW is currently at 87 Regional, so there's not much room above them, if we want to put PWS ahead of them.

    I got that LLUSA should be lowered... How much lower...?

    We have WWE at Global, TNA at National and are working on sorting out the order of the Cult promotions. Once we get that done, we can work on sorting the Regional promotions.


  6. Well, I just checked out both of their websites and here's what I found:

    This is the number of events that PWG and CZW have each put on over the last 3 years:


    2012 - 5 To Date... 1 2-Day Scheduled

    2011 - 10 (1 2-Day Event)

    2010 - 10 (1 2-Day Event)


    2012 - 10 To Date... 1 Scheduled

    2011 - 20

    2010 - 18

    Just based on the number of events each put on per year and the fact that I also read some info about the PWG WrestleReunion being cancelled due to poor attendance, it's looking like PWG and CZW should AT LEAST switch spots on the chart on the front page and possibly, have CZW switch spots with DG-EVO, based on how DG-EVO and CZW compare with one another...

    So, in short...

    I'm thinking CZW should go to 29 Cult, dropping PWG down to 15 Cult. After that, there could be a discussion on whether or not to flip the images for DG-EVO (37) and CZW (29)...

    Here's the DG-EVO event numbers for 2010-2012:

    2012 - 12 To Date... 1 Scheduled (1 3-Day, 3 2-Day)

    2011 - 17 (4 3-Day, 1 2-Day)

    2010 - 16 (4 2-Day)

    With the numbers being that close (with CZW even having a slight edge over BOTH DGUSA and EVOLVE combined) I would think that we should readjust those three promotions (CZW, DG-EVO and PWG) into the following images at the Cult level:

    CZW - 37

    DG-EVO - 29

    PWG - 15

    As always, we can continue to discuss... Just basing the changes on how many shows these promotions are promotiong, while taking the attendances into account, when possible.


    I wouldn't agree with that. If you are looking at shows run by a promotion, using how many shows a promotion runs is a bad method and instead you should look at where a promotion runs. CZW has run Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Indiana and Ohio while DG-EVO has gone to Ontario (unsure as iHEARTdg does not list Evolve results) , California (684 attendance), Massachusetts (652 attendance for Revolt 2012), New York (600 attendance for Freedom Fight 2011), Philadelphia (700 attendance for Bushido 2011), Illinois (783 attendance for Untouchable 2011 and 712 attendance for Enter The Dragon 2012), Indiana (444 attendance for Chasing The Dragon), Wisconsin (356 attendance for Way of the Ronin 2011), Michigan (412 attendance for Untouchable 2012), Florida (352 in Hollywood and 1024/1038 for Miami), and the Carolinas (unsure as iHEARTdg does not list Evolve results) in the past 12 months alone. DG-EVO is more known than CZW to the national audience.

    Source: 2011 DGUSA results on iHEARTdg.com & 2012 DGUSA results on iHEARTdg.com

    PWG I think should be a high regional at this point, it is not that much of a hot bed like it use to be. For some reason, the California scene is not as hot as it once was.

    Here's what I said earlier about determining a promotion's "size":

    While, IMO, travel should be a factor in determining what size a promotion is, the amount of events that they do and the number of people that go to those events should play into the equation as well.

    So, in short, IMO, it should be looked at as a whole, taking those three things into consideration:

    1: How many different places they run.

    2: Attendance at the events.

    3: How many events are run.

    I don't think any one element should trump another... IMO, they should all be factored in equally.

    To be honest, when I posted before, I didn't realize that DG-EVO has run in that many places... With you posting the info that you did, I would agree that DG-EVO should have a higher image than CZW.

    Based on the info provided and Kris' suggestions, here's what I'm thinking about the Cult Promotions now. The bolded would be changes from the chart posted at the start of the month:

    ROH: 76

    CHI: 48

    DG-EVO: 37

    CZW: 29

    SWA-SW: 24 (Shimmer Women Athletes/Shine Wrestling)

    PWG: 21

    PWS would move down to Regional... With 2CW being at 87 and LLUSA being at 81, should we slot PWS higher than 2CW, in between 2CW and LLUSA, or below both of them?

    Seems I'm in the minority regarding WWC and ECCW, so we'll not mess with those for the time being.

    Feel free to keep discussing, the bolded numbers above are just what I'm thinking, based on the info presented and Kris' suggestions.


  7. SHIMMER as cult makes perfect sense to me. Surprised to learn it's not already.

    I'd also recommend leaving ECCW at small. Based on the Upcoming Events and Results pages on their website, there are a few diffferent cities there, but one is Vancouver and the others I see (Surrey, Port Coquitlam, New Westminster) are all suburbs of Vancouver. :)

    Re ECCW: completely agree, when is the last time they headed up to St. George? I Don't really see them touring the entire Province. Secondly, the Population in BC is less than Half of the states in the US, their exposure would be similar to a promotion that toured their state of Alabama, Louisiana, or Tennessee. Hell even Puerto Rico has a population just a few hundred thousand from BC, a Puerto Rican promotion would be on the same level. "That would be assuming the promotions had events across thier state/Province" They are not a regional promotion IMO.

    OK, then, here's the thing...

    Currently, British Columbia has a population of a little over 4.6 million: http://www.statcan.g.../pop-bc-eng.htm

    Puerto Rico's population is at just under 4 million: http://www.indexmund...cs_profile.html

    WWC, whch is a Puerto Rican promotion, is at the Regional level in the game... Keep in mind that there are 2 major promotions in Puerto Rico too... IWA (which isn't in the game) and WWC...

    As far as I'm aware, ECCW has no "competition" in their area... Put that all together and they should be ahead of WWC, which again is a Regional promotion with a 67 image... That's 2/3 of the way to Cult.

    Another point: ECCW seems to be running AT LEAST 2 shows, if not 3 shows a month. While, IMO, travel should be a factor in determining what size a promotion is, the amount of events that they do and the number of people that go to those events should play into the equation as well.

    I know that WWC has a TV show as well, so that should factor in too, but I still think that WWC and ECCW should be a helluv a lot closer than they are currently. If we don't want to bump ECCW up to Regional, that's fine but then I think WWC should come down in image from 67 Regional.

    That's one of the reasons I think PWS should be dropped to Regional. While they get big attendances, they hold all of their events in the same place and they've only held 3 eevnts all year, with their 4th coming up in September.

    I'm gonna see if I can't get some recent info on PWG and CZW, as far as events held and attendances go, to see where I would suggest placing them.


    From what Kris Classic has said they do anywhere from 200 for smaller shows to upwards of 1,000 for COD, Best of the Best and Tournament of Death. To me, these are outliers because they are the big three of CZW similar to the Anniversary Show, WrestleMania weekend, Best in the World, Death Before Dishonor and Final Battle are for ROH. OBVIOUSLY, the larger known events will get the attendance either due to expectations on past shows or being in larger venues. Currently CZW mainly runs shows in a hockey rink in Voorhees, NJ called "Flyer's Skate Zone" which from experience of going to shows in a hockey rink, you CAN get maybe 400/500 people on the rink to watch the shows, not including if the venue has bleachers.

    PWG currently runs out of Reseda, CA besides the Kurt Russlemania series that they do in conjuncture with the Wrestle Reunion or whatever the exact convention at LAX every January is called. The venue in Reseda I believe is an American Legion as per results I found for their most recent show "Threemendious III" (source:wrestle view.)

    Well, I just checked out both of their websites and here's what I found:

    This is the number of events that PWG and CZW have each put on over the last 3 years:


    2012 - 5 To Date... 1 2-Day Scheduled

    2011 - 10 (1 2-Day Event)

    2010 - 10 (1 2-Day Event)


    2012 - 10 To Date... 1 Scheduled

    2011 - 20

    2010 - 18

    Just based on the number of events each put on per year and the fact that I also read some info about the PWG WrestleReunion being cancelled due to poor attendance, it's looking like PWG and CZW should AT LEAST switch spots on the chart on the front page and possibly, have CZW switch spots with DG-EVO, based on how DG-EVO and CZW compare with one another...

    So, in short...

    I'm thinking CZW should go to 29 Cult, dropping PWG down to 15 Cult. After that, there could be a discussion on whether or not to flip the images for DG-EVO (37) and CZW (29)...

    Here's the DG-EVO event numbers for 2010-2012:

    2012 - 12 To Date... 1 Scheduled (1 3-Day, 3 2-Day)

    2011 - 17 (4 3-Day, 1 2-Day)

    2010 - 16 (4 2-Day)

    With the numbers being that close (with CZW even having a slight edge over BOTH DGUSA and EVOLVE combined) I would think that we should readjust those three promotions (CZW, DG-EVO and PWG) into the following images at the Cult level:

    CZW - 37

    DG-EVO - 29

    PWG - 15

    As always, we can continue to discuss... Just basing the changes on how many shows these promotions are promotiong, while taking the attendances into account, when possible.


  8. SHIMMER as cult makes perfect sense to me. Surprised to learn it's not already.

    I'd also recommend leaving ECCW at small. Based on the Upcoming Events and Results pages on their website, there are a few diffferent cities there, but one is Vancouver and the others I see (Surrey, Port Coquitlam, New Westminster) are all suburbs of Vancouver. :)

    Re ECCW: completely agree, when is the last time they headed up to St. George? I Don't really see them touring the entire Province. Secondly, the Population in BC is less than Half of the states in the US, their exposure would be similar to a promotion that toured their state of Alabama, Louisiana, or Tennessee. Hell even Puerto Rico has a population just a few hundred thousand from BC, a Puerto Rican promotion would be on the same level. "That would be assuming the promotions had events across thier state/Province" They are not a regional promotion IMO.

    OK, then, here's the thing...

    Currently, British Columbia has a population of a little over 4.6 million: http://www.statcan.gc.ca/ig-gi/pop-bc-eng.htm

    Puerto Rico's population is at just under 4 million: http://www.indexmundi.com/puerto_rico/demographics_profile.html

    WWC, whch is a Puerto Rican promotion, is at the Regional level in the game... Keep in mind that there are 2 major promotions in Puerto Rico too... IWA (which isn't in the game) and WWC...

    As far as I'm aware, ECCW has no "competition" in their area... Put that all together and they should be ahead of WWC, which again is a Regional promotion with a 67 image... That's 2/3 of the way to Cult.

    Another point: ECCW seems to be running AT LEAST 2 shows, if not 3 shows a month. While, IMO, travel should be a factor in determining what size a promotion is, the amount of events that they do and the number of people that go to those events should play into the equation as well.

    I know that WWC has a TV show as well, so that should factor in too, but I still think that WWC and ECCW should be a helluv a lot closer than they are currently. If we don't want to bump ECCW up to Regional, that's fine but then I think WWC should come down in image from 67 Regional.

    That's one of the reasons I think PWS should be dropped to Regional. While they get big attendances, they hold all of their events in the same place and they've only held 3 eevnts all year, with their 4th coming up in September.

    I'm gonna see if I can't get some recent info on PWG and CZW, as far as events held and attendances go, to see where I would suggest placing them.


  9. I thought we were bumping PWS down to regional though?

    I think it's worthy of a discussion... Personally, I think thsy should be Regional. But, to be fair, I don't know a lot about them.

    I was making suggestions based on what is in the game currently, that's why I said PWG and PWS were both currently Cult.

    I don't want to just make a decision on my own... If someone else has an explanation as to why they should remain Cult, by all means we should discuss it.


  10. Yeah, we're just going to accept the overness boost as part of the game and not worry about it. If we drop overnesses for TNA, why wouldn't we do it for all of the other promotions? Just doesn't make sense. Especially since with a Cult promotion like ROH, do you drop them 10 points off of where they "should" be, because of the possibility to rise in size twice? Just seems silly.

    I will say that, with us not worrying about the overness boost, TNA and ROH should probably be a bit higher in image than they are currently. While I don't agree with the 10-15 points that Kris suggested earlier, I do think a 5-7 point boost should be discussed, especially since the reason we didn't want them higher was due to getting to the overness boost "too quickly."

    We can discuss it further, but I think TNA would be good around 79 National, while ROH would be good at 83 Cult. Just my opinion on the actual numbers.


    Would that prevent them from gaining the boost too quicky? I think the general issue was several months into the game, TNA moved up to Global, and then a few months after that was constantly battling the WWE, which isn't realistic at all. I think as long as that timeline is elongated, it will suffice. Otherwise we're just going to be back at square one. I guess I mean to say, at some number, whatever that is, if they're on the precipice of moving up a level, then it's silly to put them there and not just bump the size. TNA doesn't strike me as an almost global company.

    Well, if you put TNA at 79 National, as I suggested, They'd need to gain 21 image points to get to Global. I don't really know how quickly image can be gained, but from my experience, it's 1-2 points per TV show and a bit more for a PPV... So, in the game, TNA would probably be pushing Global in around 2 months, assuming they continue to gain in image.

    But, even if you keep them at 73, in 2 months of gameplay, you're still going to be around the low to mid 90's mark in image. Leaving them at 73 might mean it takes 2 1/2 months to get to Global as opposed to 2, but in the end, regardless of where you put them, it's not going to be 100% "realistic" because the image will be (or should be) going up.

    There's not really a way to prevent TNA from battling WWE, unless TNA never gets within 40 points of WWE. With WWE at 78 image, they can only go 22 points higher. If TNA needs 21 points (again, using my suggestion of 79 National) just to get to Global, WWE should be right around the 100 Global mark by the time TNA is going Global.

    In short, I don't think bumping TNA up to 79 National would get them into a war with WWE much quicker than keeping them at 73 would. In either case, WWE is gonna likely be near 100 Global by the time TNA hits the Global level, meaning that they won't go to war until TNA hits 60 Global (40 point within WWE's 100 Global).

    Hope that makes sense.


  11. Also, why I'm on here, I wanted to give my opinions on some promotion size adjustment that I personally feel we shoould look intoo doing. I posted the chart in the first post so that eeryone could see where all of the promotions currently are. I said last month that I would hold my opinions back until next month, so, here, they are. Feel free to discuss these or other potential adjustments to promotions. Again, that's why I put the chart up.

    I honestly think that both APW and SCW should be removed. APW isn't what is once was and SCW, from the best of my research is pretty much just a trainig facility, as opposed to an actual promotion. At the very least, if people want to keep these two promotions in, I think they should both be dropped to a Small size, as opposed to Regional, which they both currently are.

    I also feel IWC should be dropped to a Small promotion, While I don't think they should be removed, since they seem to be pretty up-to-date, they aren't the promotion that they used to be and I think they'd fit better as a Small promotion.

    HWA is another that I feel should be dropped down the list. I don't think that these days, they are worthy of a 72 image at the Regional level. I don't know that a drop all the way to Small is necessary, but I do think their image should be dropped a significant amount at the least.

    ECCW, IMO should be a Regional promotion. They go to various parts of the Province of British Columbia in Canada. That, IMO, is a pretty good definition of "Regional." Looking at the chart, I'd have them in APW's spot, right around 30 at the Regional level.

    Finally, the one that's probably gonna create the most debate... Shimmer. At this point, I feel they should be a Cult promotion. Here's my reasoning:

    First off, the relationship with the newly formed Shine promotion in Florida, IMO gives Shimmer a big boost. If you combine Shimmer and Shine, similar to what was done with DGUSA and EVOLVE, the two promotions (Shimmer and Shine) will combine to have a minimum of 21 shows throiughout the next 12 months. Here's the breakdown:

    Shine: 1 iPPV per month - 12 shows

    Shimmer: 2 tapings of 4 DVDs per taping - 8 shows

    That's 20 events. Finally, Shimmer has announced that they will be a part of WrestleCon, which will be taking place on WrestleMania weekend in New Jersey. Shimmer will be filming volume 53 on Saturday, April 6th. That would again mean that Shimmer and Shine will combine for 21 events over the next 12 months.

    Other reasons that I feel Shimmer should be Cult:

    The WrestleCon event will have 5 promotions hosting live shows during the event: DGUSA, EVOLVE, CHI, CZW and Shimmer. The first 4 promotions are in the game as Cult promotions... I don't see why Shimmer should be any different. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Official-WrestleCon-Announcement-With-DGUSA--EVOLVE--CHIKARA--CZW--SHIMMER--More-.html?soid=1103872774606&aid=i9X4tL9xkiM

    Shine (The sister promotion to Shimmer) is primarily promoted by Sal Hamaoui and other members of the DGUSA/EVOLVE staff are heavily involved as well. Lenny Leonard, who does PBP for DGUSA/EVOLVE was the PBP commentator for the first Shine event last month and he mentioned that the attendance for the first Shine event was larger than the last EVOLVE show, with both events taking place in the same venue.

    Based on the currrent chart, I'd put the Shimmer/Shine promotion at around 20 Cult, give or take a few image points. Two promotions that are currently Cult (PWG and PWS) I'm not really 100% should be that high and, based on if we adjust those promotions, along with others around that area, that could change my mind on she Shimmer/Shine image number.

    But, I do feel that Shimmer/Shine should be a Cult promotion at this point... Behind DG-EVO and right around CZW's level... I don't knot how often CZW runs and/or how many fans they draw to shows to know for sure if they should be above or below CZW.

    Again, feel free to discuss... Just giving my opinions.


  12. Yeah, we're just going to accept the overness boost as part of the game and not worry about it. If we drop overnesses for TNA, why wouldn't we do it for all of the other promotions? Just doesn't make sense. Especially since with a Cult promotion like ROH, do you drop them 10 points off of where they "should" be, because of the possibility to rise in size twice? Just seems silly.

    I will say that, with us not worrying about the overness boost, TNA and ROH should probably be a bit higher in image than they are currently. While I don't agree with the 10-15 points that Kris suggested earlier, I do think a 5-7 point boost should be discussed, especially since the reason we didn't want them higher was due to getting to the overness boost "too quickly."

    We can discuss it further, but I think TNA would be good around 79 National, while ROH would be good at 83 Cult. Just my opinion on the actual numbers.


  13. Bill, if you want, I'll take down my notes of the before and after in my game. It was all auto booked, likes yours was I presume.

    Feel free to, though I'm starting to think that, in the end, we probably should just accept the boost as a part of the game... Otherwise, why would we stop at adjusting everythng for TNA? 30-some other promotions, if they raise in their size during the game, would be getting this boost as well. Seems to be just too mch trouble to worry about for what really amounts to a minimal boost that pretty much every promotion in the game could end up getting, and getting multiple times if they jump more than one size during gameplay.

    Also, to be fair, in the test I ran, I adjusted TNA's Image to 99, so that I could see the boost pretty much immediately. Starting at 73 National and booking shows, PPV's, etc would likely net a different result when the player got to Global, because overnesses would go up (and maybe down) between the start and when they hit Global. I adjusted the game so that there was really no time to adjust the overneses via gameplay.


  14. Although before I get ahead of myself and appear to only be posting to hero worship, I do have to question one small detail. As stated, avid TNA fan, and predominantly play with this organisation in the game. One of my biggest names to focus and build around is Matt Morgan and have noticed that he has been removed. I understand all the contract stuff that was going on and the comments/interest re. WWE, but has he actually left the company? Not the best source I know, but he's still on the roster page on TNA's website and found an interesting article the other day that made mention of his name in the Aces and Eights situation?

    Well, he's still on the TNA website's roster page, but then again, so are Ric Flair and Velvet Sky.

    Short answer, I'm not personally 100% sure of his contract situation, but agai n, I don''t really watch or follow TNA, so I can about guarantee the reason that I removed him is because someone posted in the monthly threads that he was no longer with TNA.

    My question would be, when was his last appearance on TNA? If it's been a while, why would they not be using him, unless of course, he wasn't contracted to them anymore?


  15. I thought the idea was, that if they get that boost when they move up, we would simply lower them all by 5 points now so when they go global, their numbers would be accurate?

    Doing something like that was discussed, but dropping all of TNA's over by 5 could potentially drop some workers out of the range that they need to be in to be at a certain card position. That would mean not only dropping the worker down 5 points overness at the start of the game, but also dropping them down the card.

    I suppose we could run a test to see who it affects (if anyone) but that seems like an awful lot of adjusting to do when we could simply set TNA at a very low Global level and not have to worry about doing all of that.

    For anyone interested, I just ran the test I mentioned earlier and these are the results. Besides Hogan and Muhammed Lawal, every worker did receive a boost, between 3-7 points. Hogan didn't, due to being at 100 already and Lawal didn't, due to being in development. So, we now know the boost only happens to workers not in development:

    Abyss - 82 89

    AJ Styles - 87 90

    Al Snow - 64 71

    Alex Silva - 26 30

    Austin Aries - 83 87

    Bobby Roode - 86 92

    Brooke Hogan - 61 68

    Bully Ray - 83 88

    Chavo Guerrero - 68 73

    Chris Sabin - 74 79

    Christopher Daniels - 76 81

    Christy Hemme - 62 69

    Crimson - 66 70

    D'Angelo Dinero - 74 81

    Devon - 79 82

    Dixie Carter - 68 72

    Douglas Williams - 72 77

    Eric Bischoff - 83 89

    Eric Young - 74 80

    Gail Kim - 67 72

    Garett Bischoff - 54 59

    Gunner - 66 72

    Hector Guerrero - 57 61

    Hernandez - 72 78

    Hulk Hogan - 100 100

    James Storm - 82 85

    Jeff Hardy - 93 99

    Jeff Jarrett - 86 90

    Jeremy Borash - 61 68

    Jesse Sorensen - 52 59

    Joey Ryan - 57 61

    Karen Jarrett - 67 70

    Kazarian - 74 79

    Kid Kash - 62 65

    Kurt Angle - 94 98

    Madison Rayne - 66 69

    Magnus - 69 75

    Mickie James - 76 81

    Miss Tessmacher - 61 67

    Mr. Anderson - 86 89

    Muhammed Lawal - 38 38

    ODB - 67 72

    Rob Van Dam - 89 95

    Robbie E - 67 72

    Robbie T - 64 71

    Rosita - 46 52

    Samoa Joe - 84 89

    Sarah Stock - 54 61

    So Cal Val - 54 61

    Sting - 92 97

    Taeler Hendrix - 36 42

    Tara - 71 75

    Taz - 69 75

    Winter - 64 71

    Zema Ion - 62 69

    It looks like the boost the worker gets depends on what overness they currently have and how it relates to their card position... Makes it really tough to predict who's gonna get a 3 point boost and who would get a 7 point boost.

    Again, we could drop everyone 5 points to start off, but that could possibly cause more problems in where they should be on the card.

    We bump them to a low Global, there's no boost to worry about and no need to mess with the overnesses, card positions, etc.

    So, long story short, we got 3 options:

    1: Leave everything as is and just accept the boost as part of the game.

    2: Bump TNA to a low global and not have to worry about adjusting overnesses or card positions at all.

    3: Drop everyone 5 points and run the risk of having to adjust card positions to compensate. Keep in mind, this would also be a bit of a disadvantage for anyone playing as TNA until they hit the Global level.

    IMO, options 1 and 2 are probably the best ones. Option 3 could cause more problems and would really be inaccurate until the player hit Global level. If the player didn't play as TNA, it would in effect put TNA on a lower level than they really should be, when it comes to overnesses and card positions.


  16. Although I disagree with TNA not being Global, another solid update from you, so thank you.

    Just a note for everyone:

    Before I dropped TNA to National, I adjusted all of the overnesses that were on the overness ladder discussion. After I dropped TNA to National, my fear was that there would be some workers that would need to be adjusted, card-position wise, due to their overnesses.

    However, once I dropped them, there weren't any workers that had this issue. In short, what this means is that all of the overnesses that we currently have for TNA workers, they will work if TNA is at a National or Global level.

    The thing I'm wondering is, when TNA goes from National go Global in a game, will the workers' overnesses get a boost or not? Perhaps the boosting only occurs when needed to get the worker within the range of the card position he has...?

    If they do, I would argue that TNA should go back onto the Global level, so that that boost doesn't occur.

    If they don't, that would tell me that it doesn't really matter if we bump TNA's image up, as Kris suggested, since the workers won't be getting a boost anyway.

    The only way we're gonna find out would be to run a test and see what happens... I might be able to do it in the not-too-distant future, but if someone else can do it quicker, by all means, feel free.

    My thought would be, while running a test, the smart thing to do would be to autobook everything, so that an overness doesn't changes based on booking something.

    Any other opinions on this are welcome.

    In ROH's case, there were only 2 workers that needed adjusted and it was a pretty slight adjustment... So slight that I honestly don't remember what was changed.


  17. Hey Bill, quick question, who is Amazon? I didn't have a pic in my pictures and saw I'm supposed to change it to Ayesha Ray. The only ones close to Amazon I have are Amazona, Lady Amazon and Isis The Amazon. Is it one of those three?

    No, Ayesha isn't any of the three you mentioned.

    She's a British female, one of the many trained by Sweet Saraya Knight (and the rest of the Knight family). She was added to the game a few months or so ago, originally under the name "Amazon."

    If you're just needing a picture for her, one can be found here: http://www.genickbruch.com/index.php?befehl=bios&wrestler=12709

    Her facebook page is here, if you want other pics to choose from: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Female-Predator-Amazon/102804999835916


  18. Thanks Bill, you're the man! I would give TNA and ROH and 10-15 point image bump, though.

    That would put TNA at 83-88 National and ROH at 86-91 Cult... Wouldn't be too long before TNA was Global and ROH was National... The same situation everyone was bitching about last month.

    That's the exact reason why I wanted to leave them as they were... With TNA as a low Global and ROH as a low National... To prevent either (or both) of them from jumping to the next level so soon in a new game.


  19. my Ewr must have bug because its not changed in mine with the new uptade

    Must be installing it wrong...

    I dunno which update you are downloading but, the main thing is to simply replace the DATA folder in your EWR folder with the one included in the zip file... Starting a new game will then give you the current data.

    If you want to start on August 1st, as the current update is desigend to do, simply turn your computer clock back to July 2012 while starting a new game... You can turn it back to the correct date once the game loads.


  20. - Rename Lord Tensai = Tensai

    - Natalya = Heel

    Not to be a dick, but did you actually look at the update posted?

    Tensai has been renamed for a month or two now and Natalya is Heel in this update...

    Why? Show some recent footage with her acting heelish.

    She turned heel on the July 25th edition of NXT... That's why I changed her, anyway.


  21. OK, a few things I need to go through... First, the "Removed" List:



    Akinari Yasuzawa - No Pic, No Info

    Alex Super Fly - No Pic, No Info

    Alexandra Hernandez - Couldn't find anything on her.

    Anthony Barlett, Jr. - Only info I could find is EWR related.

    Benny Dredd - Only info was from OVW in 2004

    Blinky - Had an alter ego of "Chester Burry," but still didn't find a pic or info.

    Dynamo - Only info I could find is EWR related.

    Headstone - No Pic, No Info

    Horsha - Duplicate of Luther Reigns (Horshu)

    John Hope - Only info was from one match in 2002.

    Rico Suave RME - Only info I could find is EWR related.

    TAIRA - Incomplete in-game stats (0 for Over and Charisma)

    The Machine - No clue on who this is. Nothing to really go off of, either.



    Abe - No Pic, No Info

    Arnel Carnigo - No Pic, No Info

    Brian Williamson - No Pic, No Info

    Bruno Leclerc - No Pic, No Info

    Chico - No Pic, No Info

    Everett Marshall Jr. - No Pic, No Info

    Also, since there were a lot of changes to promotions, I wanted to post the spreadsheet of where all of the promotions currently sit. Everything in Red was changed this month:


    I need to get moving, but will be back later to post more notes.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?8z3p8w2gpyhmsey

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?my0f9jdwb38i883

    BEGIN: http://www.mediafire.com/?i6ld69kxa3lkik0

    • Like 8
  22. OK... Since this incident just happened and there's been a bit of back and forth on it, I made some changes earlier (based on the posts) and these are the current attitudes and behaviors for the 4 workers being discussed:

    Davey Richards - 59, 63

    Tony Kozina - 66, 68

    Kyle O'Reilly - 66, 68

    New Jack - 54, 19

    If anyone feels they need to be adjusted from there, feel free to continue debating, but be as quick as possible... August update will be up within the next 24 hours (actually, probably within the next 15 hours, but who's counting...)


  23. BTW, looking at the data, there is a Naoki Tanizaki and a Naoki Tanisaki. Are they the same person?

    Pretty sure they aren't... From what I can recall, one of them got injured and another worker was playing the part during the injury, but using the z in Tanizaki, as opposed to the s in Tanisaki...

    Red (or whatever name he's going under now) probably can explain it better, but pretty sure they are two different people.


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