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Posts posted by Bill1996

  1. OK, gonna make this quick... No "Beginners" update this month, as I'm still operating on my wife's laptop and likely will be for a while. Looks like I got everything backed up though, so that's the good news.

    I'd expect February's update to be somewhat of an "update lite," as I don't have my picture software available and I don't know when I'll be getting my laptop back. I'm planning on doing all of February's work on my wife's laptop, so I'm gonna have to operate at less than what I'm used to and of course, have to work around her schedule.

    But, like I said, the good news is, everything is backed up now, so that, when I do get the laptop back, I should be able to get back up gto full speed quickly.



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?31y99p7r6qg73vq

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?c7672e8282r2dpf

    • Like 8
  2. Stop using IE, it's 2013 man!

    Pshhhh... I hate changing once I get used to something... Hell, I bought cassette tapes over CD's until after the year 2000...

    A mild worry of mine with my laptop is that, if they can't fix it, I get a new one... Problem is, new computers now have Windows 8 on them.

    I'm just starting to like 7... I used XP until I got the my laptop less than 2 years ago.


  3. Yes it does double post. You're either hitting post twice because the page doesn't refresh after you post or you're using IE.

    Odd, I've always used IE...

    Either way, quick update: Save to the desktop worked fine... Transferring to my backup drive now.

    I know this might seem like taking "unnecessary steps," but I always back up a certain way and want to make sure it's done right and is going to work before moving any further ahead.

    But, as I said, looking good so far.


    • Like 2
  4. OK, I've pulled the Harddrive out of my laptop and slaved it to my wife's laptop... The drive appears to be fine. I'm backing up everything onto her desktop and after that, will back it all up onto my normal backup drive. Assuming all goes well, it'll be like I just backed everything up today, which means nothing will really be lost. Assuming that goes well, I should be able to work off of my normal backup, as I did when my laptop screwed up last time. If I can work off of my backup, I can get January out likely tomorrow afternoon/evening.

    So far, so good... Keeping my fingers crossed and can't make any promises, obviously.


  5. OK, very bad news here...

    I went to turn my laptop on this evening and am not getting a response of any kind. So, it's likely gonna have to go back into the shop and get fixed.

    The big problem is, I don't have a recent backup and currently have no way of getting the info off of my harddrive in order to upload the January update.

    If there's anyway I can access the info off of the drive, I'll probably be able to get the update up... If not, I might have to wait until I get the laptop back and then transfer all of the info on the harddrive before being able to do much of anything.

    So, long story short, everything is in kind of a holding pattern at this point. I'm gonna play with it a bit tonight and see if I can't figure out a way to access thre drive. If I can, as I said, I'll be able to get January up. If not, the next update might not be for a while.

    Apologies in advance, gonna see what I can do, though.


    • Like 1
  6. SWA-SH

    - Remove April Hunter, Ariel, Ayumi Kurihara, Daizee Haze, Hailey Hatred, Jazz, Jessie McKay, Leon, Mena Libra, Mia Yim, New York Knockout Nikki, Nikki Roxx, Rain, Ray, Serena Deeb

    First off, you have to remember that the SWA-SW roster covers both Shimmer and Shine. I also usually keep the workers on the roster unless it's been over a year since they have worked in the promotion.

    April Hunter, Jazz, Mia Yim, Nikki Roxx and Rain are all in Shine. Kurihara, Hatred, McKay, Leon, Mena Libra, NYK Nikki and Ray were all on the Shimmer tapings in March.

    That leaves Ariel, Daizee Haze and Serena Deeb... Haze and Deeb were injured for a good part of the year, while Ariel was pregnant. I usualy don't remove workers due to injury, or in a female's instance, a pregnancy. Madison Eagles was also out with an injury for a good part of the year, but has been announced to be returning at the next Shimmer show.


  7. While personally I would remove Linda, I can see the argument for keeping her - as a comparison, Jesse Ventura appeared as a guest referee on a WWF event while Governor of Minnesota.

    It's not really even about the prospect of her returning... It's about the fact that, if she does, I don't have the hassle of having to add her back to the database. This thought holds true for ANY worker currently in the data.

    Think of it this way: Before WrestleMania 27, The Rock wasn't involved in anything wrestling for what, 7 years? So, as a result, I remove him. I also have to remove all of his relationships, tag teams, alter egos, etc. Then, he comes back and, obviously, I'm gonna get 20 posts telling me to add him back into the game. So now, I have to add him back, along with all of those relationships, alter egos, tag teams, etc... That eats up a nice chunk of time. Time I could be using doing other stuff. With The Rock in the database and by not removing him, it takes maybe 30 seconds to add him to WWE.

    It really just doesn't make sense to remove workers from the data, unless it's quite obvious that they are done with wrestling (like Kamala losing his legs, a worker dying, etc). I've even started removing workers who I can't find info on. In the past, I was even against that. But, if I can't find info on them at the end of 2012, they probably aren't going to be missed. Hell, most of the workers I remove, I'd bet that many people don't even know that they were in the data in the first place.

    Not to sound like a jerk, but I'm guessing that a lot of people don't realize what all is involved in adding or removing a worker, especially when they have "add-on" info like alter egos, relationships and tag teams. A guy like The Rock has something like 15 relationships alone. It's not just "click a button" and the guy is added or removed. It's making sure that you have added or removed all of this "add-on" info as well.

    After doing monthly updates for 6 years now, I learned early on that adding and removing workers was not a real smart thing to be doing too often, which is why usually, once a worker is in the data, they stay there, unless there is a damn good reason to remove them. "They haven't been on TV" isn't a good enough reason, IMO.


    • Like 5
  8. I agree with Linda McMahon needing to go. Should have been out a long time ago.

    I agree as well, let's over rule Kris on this one. No more Linda in the game.

    The rule I have used has always been, as long as accurate info can be found on a worker, they'll stay in the game. Linda's info (Birthmonth, age, etc) is easily found. There's no real reason to remove her.

    I gave the exact same explanation last month when someone suggested removing Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. Their info is easly found, so again, no reason to remove them.

    In most cases, only if I am unable to find accurate information on a worker will they be eligible to be removed from the game. There are a couple exceptions, like Kamala losing both of his legs, but obviously, because of that, he is physically unable to wrestle again. Instances like those, however, are few and far between.

    The reasoning for this is pretty simple. It is a major pain in the ass to put a worker back in after removing them. Many times, people have suggested removing someone, or moving them to staff... Then, when I do, the worker shows up wrestling again and people want them back in as a worker. The database can hold something like 30,000 workers. We're not gonna run out of space, I don't think.

    Then, even if I did consider removing a worker, what would the criteria be? A year? Two? More? Steve Austin and The Rock (before his return prior to WM 27) would have been candidates for removal if the timeframe was a year. What about Undertaker, who we only see once a year now? Should he be removed?

    In short, it's just a big pain to remove workers, only to have to add them back when they appear somewhere. Granted, some might not appear in a wrestling capacity again... But, as I said, I don't think we'll ever fill the database.

    Now, in Linda's case, I could see an argument for removing her from WWE, as I don't think she holds an official position there anymore, similar to how shane is no longer with WWE in the game, but there's no reason to remove her from the database entirely.


    Yeah if we're going to add people that have no connections at this moment to the wrestling business, let's add Bob Dole while we're at it.

    Also, add worker Mitt Romney:

    Overness: 100

    Charisma: 0

    Technical: 0

    Brawling: 0

    Speed: 0

    Tick Diva.

    First off, Bob Dole is 89 years old... Too old for the database.

    Second, Mitt Romney has never had any connection with Pro Wrestling, at least not that I'm aware of... His charisma would be higher anyway, seems he got over 60 million votes.

    Linda has had pretty significant connections to Pro Wrestling. As I said before, she might not be involved "at this moment," but there's no harm in leaving her in, since it's not hurting the database at all. However, it is a big pain in the ass on my end to remove a worker, only to see them pop up somewhere and have people want them re-added to the database. It saves me a bunch of time that can be used doing other updates that need to be done.


    • Like 10
  9. I agree with Linda McMahon needing to go. Should have been out a long time ago.

    I agree as well, let's over rule Kris on this one. No more Linda in the game.

    The rule I have used has always been, as long as accurate info can be found on a worker, they'll stay in the game. Linda's info (Birthmonth, age, etc) is easily found. There's no real reason to remove her.

    I gave the exact same explanation last month when someone suggested removing Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. Their info is easly found, so again, no reason to remove them.

    In most cases, only if I am unable to find accurate information on a worker will they be eligible to be removed from the game. There are a couple exceptions, like Kamala losing both of his legs, but obviously, because of that, he is physically unable to wrestle again. Instances like those, however, are few and far between.

    The reasoning for this is pretty simple. It is a major pain in the ass to put a worker back in after removing them. Many times, people have suggested removing someone, or moving them to staff... Then, when I do, the worker shows up wrestling again and people want them back in as a worker. The database can hold something like 30,000 workers. We're not gonna run out of space, I don't think.

    Then, even if I did consider removing a worker, what would the criteria be? A year? Two? More? Steve Austin and The Rock (before his return prior to WM 27) would have been candidates for removal if the timeframe was a year. What about Undertaker, who we only see once a year now? Should he be removed?

    In short, it's just a big pain to remove workers, only to have to add them back when they appear somewhere. Granted, some might not appear in a wrestling capacity again... But, as I said, I don't think we'll ever fill the database.

    Now, in Linda's case, I could see an argument for removing her from WWE, as I don't think she holds an official position there anymore, similar to how shane is no longer with WWE in the game, but there's no reason to remove her from the database entirely.


    • Like 4
  10. "Miss Tenille" is Tenille Tayla aka Emma who is signed to WWE.

    Pretty sure this isn't the same person... Miss Tenille was in the data before I started working on it. I started doing updates in January of 07 and had worked on the data at least 6 months before that. Genichbruch says Emma started in 2005, but has no records until 2009. She's only 23 currently and wouldn't have even been old enough for the data in Jan 07, much less before.

    I did a little research and found that she worked under the name "Valentine" at the start of her career. There is a Valentine in the game, but the pic I have doesn't really look like Emma, but their ages and birthmonths are the same. The Valentine in the game has no relationships, or anything, so it could very well have been her, as this was one of the very first workers I added to the data. That being said, I can't find any additional info on Miss Tenille, either.

    What will likely happen, unless I, or someone else, can find more info on this, Miss Tenille and Valentine will be deleted from the game (due to not being able to get info) and I'll give Emma the alter ego of "Valentine."

    Honestly, I think it's safe to say we can remove Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson from the game. I don't seem them ever coming back to wrestling.

    99.9% of the time, the rule of thumb on removing workers is, unless we can't get any info on them (like birthmonths, ages, etc) once they are in, they stay in. It prevents me from having to re-enter them later when they appear on a show somewhere and people want them re-added. Since Stacy and Torrie's info is pretty easy to find (and is correct in the data) there's no real reason to remove them.


  11. OVW

    Jamin Olivencia is the the OVW Television Champ

    Taeler Hendrix is the new OVW Women's Champ

    Alex Silva & Sam Shaw(called Gut Checkers) are the new OVW Southern tag Team Champs

    Rob Terry is the new OVW Heavyweight Champ

    Sam Shaw is not yet in the data. It is something that is being proposed since September but has not been achieved.

    Reason Shaw isn't in the data... Nobody has given any stats.


  12. OK, just a quick note...

    I still have 4 pages of backlog from this month alone, but there's only 10 pages for the entire year (which is really good, since some years have had over 20 at the end of the year). I could have taken another day or so and gotten some of it added for this month, but it'll be more productive on my end to simply release the December Update now and have that extra time to play catch up, in order to get as much of the backlog updated and to get new stuff added in time for the January 2013 Update. So, if you have made a request recently and it hasn't been discussed or updated in the data, it's probably still on the backlog pages. Again, hoping to really tear into that this month and get everything as updated as possible for the January 2013 Update.

    Some might notice that Rena Takase has been removed from the game. Reason being, it's a duplicate of Leon (Worker #5389).



    FULL: http://www.mediafire.com/?g7sktlj76xx7ch4

    DATA: http://www.mediafire.com/?c867uac7ll5hg0z

    BEGINNERS: http://www.mediafire.com/?e16c5hvcv2s0t6j

    • Like 6
  13. Wanted to post a few notes...


    - Finisher: Rename to Heart Breaker

    - Other Finisher Rename it to Evesault

    Never heard either of these moves referred to with these names... Just because someone calls it something on YouTube doesn't mean that that's the move's name.

    Rey Mysterio

    - Finisher: 619

    This has been discussed before. Mysterio always finishes with something after hitting the 619... That's why it's not his finisher.

    Tyson Kidd

    - Uncheck Booker

    He served a s booker during his time with Stampede Wrestling.

    Vickie Guerrero

    - Change to Non-Wrestler

    This one, I'm willing to discuss... From what I've seen, she's still serving as Ziggler's manager...

    Could have more comments later, but I'll save them for the December Update thread... Update should be out sometime today.


  14. For anyone curious, I added Dani (Alisha Ceraso) earlier today:

    BMonth: Dec, haven't found her age yet, stayed with 22

    Lightweight, Written deal with WWE, Face/DEV Deal/Staff Member, $15K

    8-3-6-17-19-21-54-91-86, Diva checked

    Fins: Low Blow/Bitch Slap

    Just "Model turned wrestler" type stats... If anyone has changes, feel free to comment.

    Mercedes KV was renamed earlier today as well...


  15. tumblr_m9e7o6ysEw1rdi35lo1_500.jpg

    add a LOVE Relationship between Brad Maddox and Paige.

    Yeah, I love every girl I have a picture taken with, too.

    Just don't see enough here to confirm a "love" relationship...

    I know it's probably irrevelant but change Del Rio's short name to ADR

    The thing is, the only thing that I know of that the short names are used for is the match reports, which is similar to play-by-play... I don't hear Michael Cole calling him "ADR," but I do hear him say "Del Rio."

    Add Wes Brisco to TNA. Turn him heel and change his gimmick to 'Biker'

    No problem adding him and turning him heel... But, for the "Biker" gimmick to work, the worker has to be a heavyweight, which Wes Brisco is not... In fact, he's under 200 lbs, IIRC.


  16. Not that I care too much, but cagematch shows his age as 71, born in 1941. http://www.cagematch.net/?id=2&nr=23

    Yeah, I know... Like I said, there certainly is conflicting info out there.

    Obsessed With Wrestling and his Myspace are two other sites that say he was born in 1936, making him 76:



    Without asking him, there's no way to know 100%. I've always had him as being born in 1936, though and I don't recall anyone objecting.


  17. Bill,

    Everywhere I've looked has Abdullah at 71 years old, and turning 73 in January. That gives him 3 more years to be included in the game.


    It's been suggested Abdullah is 66 years old, born Nov. 2, 1936. But he disputes that. "I'm 29," he says. "I'm still fast."

    This was back in 2003.


    Second November 1936 (76 years)

    It's hard to confirm, as there are conflicting sites out there, but I've always believed Slam and Genickbruch more than some other sites, like Wikipedia.


  18. Thank you!

    OK, notes:

    Remove James Tyler Bailey from WWE. Wasn't he fired months ago? Change him to Production

    Change Rob Feinstein to Production.

    Switch Cary Silken to Production

    I removed Bailey from WWE, but, we're currently at the minimum number of Road Agents, so we'll have to leave these three as Road Agents until we get others to replace them.

    TBH, I don't know about everyone else, but I would rather have the game generate a few staff members than have the data in there inaccurate. BTW we could change the following guys to Road Agents to compensate for those three: Abdullah the Butcher, Ronnie Garvin, and Ivan Koloff.

    To be fair, they aren't really "inaccurate," as many staff members wear multiple hats IRL... In EWR, we have to put them under one spot. But, I have swapped Garvin and Koloff over to Road Agents and moved Bailey and Feinstein to Production. Abdullah won't be in the December Update, as he turns 76 this month, making him too old for the data. So, for the time being, Silken will remain a Road Agent.


  19. Posted this in the other one but I think meant to put it here: Does WWE need to start off with all production staff it has theres a ton, doesnt the game only require like 1?

    Does it need them? No, for the game to run, it doesn't NEED them per se... But, since we're going for the most accurate update to the current real-life situation and they are employed by WWE, they are in theose spots.

    Unless you're playing as WWE, the computer will fire many of the staff members soon after starting a new game. If you're playing as WWE and want to fire some, you certainly can.


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