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Posts posted by Vamp

  1. Considering Moffat was the one who asked for her to be saved rather than killed off, I'd say it's a guarantee at some point during Moffat's run.

    I wouldn't be so sure about that since the Moff later said that he was surprised as anyone to see her live and even more surprised when people credited to him. Apparently he just voiced his opinion that it would be too obvious to kill her off at the end of that episode and RTD seemed to get the impression that Moffat had an idea for her or something. I can't see her coming backreally, and if she does I really don't see it being for a long run really.

  2. It had a lot of really good stuff but there was something that didn't click. It seemed like not a lot was happening, which it was, maybe it was just a little too subtle? I dunno. I liked the intent and the thought behind all of it but it was kind of missing a spark. But then its the first regular episode we've had in ages. And I like the Discworld homage.

  3. A lot of people consider Honey Ryder to be near the top of such lists and I've always wondered if part of the reason for her character being so good is because of the material about her in the book? She's one of Flemming's more interesting female characters. That and she's hot, obviously.

  4. Why does everyone believe that the second series of Ashes to Ashes was meant to be the last? I know Life on Mars was two series but its been well published that they wanted three series of Life on Mars to wrap it all up and that they were likely to do three with Ashes to Ashes to tell the story they had intended to tell.

  5. I honestly think that Three Lions was as close to perfect a football game as you could get. Sure Pro Evo came along and made everything run smoother and so forth but I had the most fun with Three Lions. And I think the shooting system was actually pretty awesome really.

  6. I loved the first two series of Skins, even if the second one was a bit too strange at times considering what the show had previously been, and even if Chris' death storyline was pretty shoddy writing, but I couldn't for the life of me get into series three. I watch a couple of episodes and just didn't warm up to it at all. I was all for the decision to carry the series on with different characters but they were nowhere near as well written as the first bunch. I don't even know if there was one likable one out of the whole bunch. They seemed to swtich from having one dislikable character in the first one to having a whole cast of twats.

  7. Fair enough, but so do loads of other people. I didn't mind the mentions so much tonight to be honest, its just after all the moments that Take That seemed to join people at the Royal Albert Hall show its started to grate. Its probably more because I'm not a fan of Take That at all.

    However, I'll stress that I'm not knocking him for raising all the money, fair play to the guy, a tremendous amount of hard work must have gone into it and I'm sure the kids thank him.

    • Like 1
  8. Is it me or is this the worst line up for quite a number of years? Is it because they had so many good singers on the Royal Albert Hall show instead? Other then the Dr. Who clip, and the Poirot thing, and I suppose the newsreaders for their sheer effort everything's been a bit rubbish.

    And whenever Eastenders do something light hearted, like Children in Need, or that Christmas shwo a few years back (especially the Christmas show in fact) I always think, if Eastenders was like that whenever its on I might actually watch it. Obviously it would completely change the show and probably lose it thousands of viewers but hey, who cares right?

    And not only did Take That, or more specifically Garry Barlow, seem to hog that Royal Albert show like it was actually a Take That gig, but he gets two mentions tonight I as well? Grr, go away.

    • Like 1
  9. I had to watch this in media along with Thirteen and Brick as a way of studying how teens are represented in the media, it was an experiance. Personally, I wouldn't have chosen to watch this film, and why people would hunt it down for a second viewing (unless studdying it for its technique of gritty presentation) is kind of beyond me. Not that I dislike films that challenge us, that's not it at all. I love films that entertain, and I love films that make you think "fuck" and challenge you. Alfie's difficult viewing at the end, being pro-abortionist as I am, but I love it for it, Kids, I don't love it.

    Its not for me to dispute whether the action that takes place in this film is realistic or not, since I don't know much about the inner city in New York in the 90's. I won't dispute that what happened in the film couldn't have happened, even in suburban England I've seen things or heard of things not a million miles away from this, but I would question whether its an entirely accurate or fair portrayal of the city at that period. But then, why should it be?

    It does create strong emotions, it does make one feel like they're living in a box somewhat, and it was bloody disturbing. Which is intention and therefore it does a good job. But for me its just too bleak to say that I'd enjoy the film. I mentioned Alfieearlier with its bleak ending but its got a message there, an optimistic message. It isn't, abortion is murder, its more don't do abortion, its more about presenting it as a bad choice, but a choice. This film doesn't really have that kind of message. It just says, god the inner city is fucked up. Which it is, but its not presented a choice, its not suggesting that there's any way of fixing that, because by and large, there isn't.

    I'd question how people like it. More in the sense that I don't think its truely possible to like the film, and I don't think its meant to be liked. I think its a film that can be respected though. But if people do believe they like it, then I suppose they do. And more power to them.

    As for Thirteen, I didn't care for it at all. But that's more because at that point I was so sick of hearing about the plights of women that I just thought "oh fuck off" all the way through it. Seriosuly in that year of study all I pretty much learnt is that its tough to be a woman, and that's hard to relate to when you're born in a world where that's not so true or prominent anymore. Plus I found vast bits of it to be rather boring. It was interesting the way that, and I've long since forgotten any names, 5that bad girl who led the nicer one astray seemed to be presented as an "other". Almost like an "alien" in an adult sci-fi, or a disease or something.

    Unfortunately, for me, these films don't help the image of youths in anyway at all. I'm a big believer, working with children and working with people younger than me who had social or personal problems and found some sense of salvation through a unofficial of sorts school project, that youths certainly in the western world are treated in an appaling way. There's a great deal of prejudice against them in the way they are presented in the media, and these films, even if they do help expose the problems youths face, don't really help matters.

  10. Is it me or has Rhod Gilbert aged dramatically all of a sudden? I was surprised how good he was, I wasn't expecting much, but I wouldn't mind seeing him as a regular host. Although he probably looks a bit too old to be credible for the role now. He's welsh accent seems to suit any barbs he makes at people though.

    I still don't get the love of Noel Fielding. He might have been decent in other things but he doesn't make any jokes at all. He just dressed up weiredly, wears some makeup, talks quietly and doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on and that's meant to be funny? In a way he's a bit like Paul Metron on HIGNFY who isn't really fussed about the politics bit of the show, and is more sort of there to have fun now, but Paul makes jokes and generally attempts to be funny. Noel doesn't. I'm worried it's me, because everyone else seems to adore him, and that I'm just not getting it?>

  11. I've also been working my way through House. I love Hugh Laurie and the cast is great, but I'm not sure how much I like the new Team House that appears in series 4 onwards. I don't know why they changed it all up, but apart from 13 and the guy from Harold and Kumar, I don't really have any interest in the other doctors.

    They decided that the original trio had seen to much to be shocked by anything House did anymore. Which I suppose makes sense. Although in the fifth series they seem desperate to bring the original three back.

  12. especially as the only reason there is no series next year is to accomadate Tennant wanting to do Shakespear.

    Except that's not true, the series break was planned before Tennant accepted the play offer, and Tennant only accepted to do Hamlet after the decision had been made. It was actually to keep the series fresh. And is, if anything, a good decision.

  13. I suppose this weeks was at least decent, possibly good. I'm not a fan of Johnny Vegas anyway, although he wasn't too bad here, the whole ratings thing was a bit boring and seemed to get in the way sometimes. Although I was fine with the ending. I still think the Bill Bailey thing is an issue, but I can't see them deciding on a replacement for a while, if ever. I suppose the guest host thing works sometimes on HIGNFY, the only problem is you've often gotta take the shit with the smooth.

  14. I've only ever written awful lyrics, most of which sound pathetic and poppy. However, I'm willing to post them up and look a fool. :blush:

    Been Your Saviour

    When you’re down and in trouble

    I’m the one you call

    Why can’t you leave me alone?

    You know I’ll never let you fall

    Life’s a struggle

    It’s always been one

    You’re in pain

    I know that hun’

    But you can’t get through it

    You haven’t got the strength

    You haven’t even tried

    I see you falling

    And I come a running

    I can’t let you drown

    It’s my life I’ll ruin

    Forget my beating heart

    I’ll just let it break apart

    For you I’d die

    Just to see you smile

    And though I know I shouldn’t

    Because you broke my heart so long ago

    And while I ought to hate you

    I can never let you down

    I hear your yells at night

    And I forget my hate

    I see you bleeding

    And I patch your wounds up

    And if I could

    I’d kiss you gently on the cheek

    And tell you it’s all ok

    I’d die to save you

    From this nightmare

    But I can’t

    I’ve been your savoiur

    But I’m not meant to be

    Don’t be surprised when we part



    I'm drowning in your humour

    While mine is rather dry

    To be frank you look like a bean pole

    Where as I'm rather well formed

    Your mumma is a copper

    My Dad's a star in rock 'n roll

    Like that's gonna stop us

    I haven't heard from mine at all

    We're from different planets

    Yet they keep on colliding

    And we're spinning out of control

    At least it means that life is never dull

    This might just be a flash

    Or it could be a life time

    All I know is life's too short

    I'm living for the now

    You dance in the West End

    I dance like a fool

    I'm earning a thousand pounds an hour

    You're living off the dole

    Your friends think you're crazy

    Mine think I'm getting old

    They said to me that this could never work

    I don't know what you've been told

    We're from different planets

    Yet they keep on colliding

    And we're spinning out of control

    At least it means that life is never dull

    This might just be a flash

    Or it could be a life time

    All I know is life's too short

    I'm living for the now

    When you're being wedded

    You'll be beautiful in white

    And when I'm getting divorced

    I'll more than likely be sleeping with a whore

    Your shuttles off to Venus

    You're going back to where you were born

    Mine seems destined for hell

    But I've got a life to live before

    We're from different plants

    Yet they keep on colliding

    And we're spinning out of control

    At least it means that life is never dull

    This might just be a flash

    Or it could be a life time

    All I know is life's too short

    I'm living for the now

    Not One For Regrets

    What do you think when you look at me?

    Do you see me as scum?

    I bet you’re glad you’re not my mum

    You call me all sorts of names

    From a sinner to the devil

    But in all honesty babe

    I’m just living a life of no regrets…

    You text me today

    To tell me that you hate me

    Be honest to yourself girl

    You enjoyed it as much as me.

    You tell me I’m a gonna die lonely

    And you’re probably right

    But to be honest babe

    I wouldn’t be fussed if I died tonight.

    See what I’m trying to say

    Is I’m living a life of no regrets

    I've got five golden bullets in my gun

    And lightening in a bottle

    I guess what I'm trying to say 'hun

    Is that I'm living a life with no regrets

    What do you mean when you try to say

    That you thought that I loved you

    You seemed to have misunderstood me babe

    You were just my easy lay.

    I’m not looking for a noble peace prize

    Nor any wife and kids

    I just want some fun girl

    And if you’re not up for that

    I guess you can move along now

    Good luck and all that shit

    See what I’m trying to say

    Is I’m living a life of no regrets

    I've got five golden bullets in my gun

    And lightening in a bottle

    I guess what I'm trying to say 'hun

    Is that I'm living a life with no regrets

    The sky opened up for me today

    I saw God at about quarter to three

    I’d love to say it was moving for me

    But to be honest, there wasn’t much he could say.

    Does it make you feel better

    If we pretend I’m Satan?

    Would it make you feel better

    If I hide my feelings away?

    See what I’m trying to say

    Is I’m living a life of no regrets

    I've got five golden bullets in my gun

    And lightening in a bottle

    I guess what I'm trying to say 'hun

    Is that I'm living a life with no regrets

    And I know that one day

    When I’m old and grey

    I’ll be lying on my death bed

    And there’ll be no one beside me

    I guess that’ll show me.

    Show Stealer

    Intro-Instrumental Piece

    Verse 1:

    There he stood

    In the centre of the stage

    The house lights out

    The guitar set to blaze

    He took his mic

    And stepped into the spot light

    And for that one second

    The world was his stage.

    Chorus 1:

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s always the highlight of the night

    He has the crowd in his hands

    And a thousand dollars in his pockets

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s the one the world watches

    With baited breath

    For he fears nothing

    Not even death…

    Verse 2:

    The crowd all rise

    They stand on their feet

    They clap and cheer

    And there he stands

    His hands on his hips

    Whispering in their ear

    Mr. Manipulator:

    Which song would you like to hear?

    Chorus 2:

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s always the highlight of the night

    He has the crowd in his hands

    And a thousand dollars in his pockets

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s the one the world watches

    With baited breath

    For he fears nothing

    Not even death…

    Middle 8:

    They call you the Show Stealer?

    Well here, take my gun

    You’ll shoot yourself in the head

    But the world won’t miss you, my son…

    Verse 3:

    There was once a man

    Who had all the fame

    That there ever was to claim

    Show Stealer they called him

    I never knew his real name

    I always wondered though

    Where could he have gone?

    Chorus 3

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s always the highlight of the night

    He has the crowd in his hands

    And a thousand dollars in his pockets

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s the one the world watches

    With baited breath

    For he fears nothing

    Not even death…

    Chorus 4:

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s always the highlight of the night

    He has the crowd in his hands

    And a thousand dollars in his pockets

    They call him the Show Stealer

    He’s the one the world watches

    With baited breath

    For he fears nothing

    Not even death…

    See, I told you there were god awful.

  15. It looks like they're going with a different compainon for each of the specials, which is a nice idea. The doctor travells alone, which is something we hven't seen in the new series despite that being all he ever talks about, while keeping an assistant in place which the BBC feels is needed.

  16. It was, by far, the best episode they've done with a famous author. It wasn't outstanding, but it was good harmless fun.

    Sadly, despite the writer behind the next episode, it looks amazingly shit.

  17. She didn't regenerate because she didn't completely die - Time Lords have a few survival mechanisms before they have to regenerate, the most famous of which is the two hearts...chances are one of her hearts was stopped, and after a brief pause, her second kicked in. I have no idea what the Doctor meant by the "she's too much like me" comment.

    Yeah, that's what I mean. How did a doctor who's supposedly smart on time lord stuff or the doctor himself not think to check for that? I dunno, it just bugged me.

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