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Posts posted by Vamp

  1. Someone I know has recently watched the film (how I don't know) and says it was quite a dissapointment. Visually it's meant to be quite superb, but there's very little content and the slow motion scenes are said to incredibly grating.

    Which is kind of what I was dreading, yet at the same time expecting. It's ok to have such films, but when it had the potential to have a great story behind it at well I can't help but feel pissed of at the state of the film industry.

  2. Not today, but meh.


    I know a lot of people comlain about the Brosnan Bond films, but this one is about as good as James Bond films get. It's not totally faitful to the feel of the books, but if it was, it'd be a boring action movie. Pierce Brosnan is arguably one of the better James Bond actors, in that he has everything right other than the fact that you feel he's totally indestructable. Perhaps the second or third best James Bond film.


    Tommorow Never Dies

    A part of me wants to hate this film, but I simply can't. I don't like the storyline, I don't like the female characters, I don't like the storyline and I don't like the constant action scenes in the film. And yet, at the same time, it's incredibly charming. I doubt Ian Flemming would like it, but I guess that's not the point. I'd have prefered, however, if some of the action scenes has been cut, if the Chinese woman was left out and instead we had more build up on the villain. Having him appear as a good guy before turning out evil (much like Moonraker, the book, not the film) would have made a great film.


  3. I've got just one question, how in the hell do you counter moves in UCMs? I didn't think it was possible, but then as Rey Mysterio I did that senton hurrincanrunna move, only to be caught in an Ultimate Control Powerbomb by JBL. Is it just a regular counter, or do you press R3 at the same time?

  4. Bar the blatant attempt at making the show look edgy and adult (seriously, a whole episode based on a nymph alien was really taking the piss) I think Torchwood shows a lot of premise. It's not Doctor Who, that's for certain, but as a sci-fi series it's a pretty good one.

    I like the fact that there's so much intrigue around Captain Jack as well. Why's he immortal, how did he go back in time, how did he get off the space station, what does he know and why was that hand so fucking important to him (though I must confess to already having an idea as to what that could be). That character's going to be the reason to tune in each week.

    Though it has to be said that it looked like Russel T. Davis had suddenly come across the greatness that is Buffy and Angel and decided to copy their brilliance. But meh, I'll let it slide.

  5. I love the whole "desperately longing for them to get together only to never fucking know what happens" aspect of the Tim and Daisy relationship from Spaced. A part of you thinks it's inevitable that those two realise what they mean to each other and you're desperate to see it, but then there's an ending where they just snuggle up and you never know and yet it's so incredibly satisfying.

  6. To be fair, the very first post contain a comparison between the two stating +44 was better, I'm merely giving my own opinion that I don't think that's true. As for why there's a comparison between the two groups, I don't think it's a surprise really. Musics always being compared; one band to another, one genre to another, and due to the split I've always considered the scenario to be very similar to football rivalries. Liverpool are compared to their rivals Everton, Man U are compared to Chelsea. Same was as +44 are compared to AVA.

    Strangely, I've listened to the song and I find myself expecting to like it with each new listen but I don't. The style's there for me, it's just very flat, where as to me the AVA stuff conjured up a lot of emotions.

  7. Yeah, I put that over in a really crappy way. I meant that it's not different to what children of that age are normally exposed to, whether it be bible stories or childish tales.

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