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Posts posted by Vamp

  1. deus ex machina when The Doctor inevitably runs out of lives.

    I think you've hit the nail squarely on the head. The Doctor's comment that "she's too much like me" seems a subtle suggestion that he can't regenerate anymore. Quite why, I don't know.

    What bothered me more, is if she did actually die, and then regenerate, why didn't she change? Or did she not properly die? And how did they not notice that? Gah.

  2. Thats fine then, a search shows that the Judoon are 'rumoured' fo the season finale, so I hope we get a Sontaran/Judoon face off >_>.

    Isn't everyone and their mother from the last four seasons meant to be in the season finale?

  3. I don't think the missing bees is the "Badwolf" of this series, I think it's a red herrin. Along with random comments about the furry yellow and black buggers, there's been two instances in two episodes now where someone's mentioned that their planet has gone missing.

  4. A lot of people have suggested that Criag is more like the character in the books, but I'm not so sure that's true. There's moments in the book that certainly portray Bond as a warmer individual then I fear Daniel Criag's version will ultimately become.

    Thunderball and Moonraker are probably the worst Bond moves for me. I don't consider either to be James Bond movies anyway, Moonraker's just a shitty 70's film and Thunderball seems designed purely so they can show off their ability to do a confusing and vastly shit fight scene underwater.

    I really hope they don't go down the dark route of James Bond too much. Sure, I think it should have darker elements, and at times Bond does need to be cold, and while I hate Roger Moore's versions there does need to be some sense of light heartedness within the Bond films. The books are the books. There's a gazillion films like that but the James Bond film series combines that with a general "fun living" that makes them all the more endearing for me.

  5. Yeah, I thought the second episode was quite a bit better than the first episode. I think Alex will come into her own. Though I wonder if they'll ever mention Annie Cartwright? I could say it happening. Perhaps something happened to Annie? I also agree there's a still a window of possibility for Sam. I wonder if Sam and Annie ever got married or something along that lines.
  6. Somehow BBC 3 went from its originally intended; smart, trendy programming more for the younger audience to "ah fuck it, put in loads of wacky camera shots and something that's either over the top or ironic and we'll whack the fucker on".

    Surely there's some actual talent out there. And while they may be able to experiment with what they show on BBC 3, surely they can realise what's different and what's plain shit.

  7. Sorry to bump an age old thread but this seems the best place to ask. I'm thinking about picking up NHL 08, but the last game I played from the NHL series was NHL 05 for the ps2 and I found it ridiculously frustrating. The majority of the times I tried to attack I got knocked over repeatedly by insane hits. Is it possible to have more time and space on this game (without it being too easy of course) and play an actual game of ice hockey on it?

  8. I studied the documentary, and I personally found it quite interesting. What could be better than heavy metal band meets prat who talks to them about their feelings. I found I liked them more after it, though other people iwll tell you the opposite happens, purely becuase they came off across as pricks. Which makes them more human.

    However, don't pay top dollar for it. If its cheap, get it, if not, rent it.

  9. They need to take out things like your own defenders running away from the ball when you're not playing with them, also a lot of the times for me when the ball goes out and it was clearly for me the opponents gets the goal kick or throw in anyways. I can go on for a while but my point is I want them to make Pro Evo way better than ever and it's not impossible to do so I think.
  10. I think his wife is just there to show further how much the Master can manipulate people, and because it makes him look like the perfect person. He's gone to college, played sport, wrote an autobiography and had a wife.

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