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Posts posted by -A-

  1. Let's just keep the over-arching storyline a little less complicated this time. I got pissed off last season when it became obvious there were at least 10 characters that could convincongly have been revealed as the big baddie - the only defining clues were in the last two episodes.

  2. In terms of Family Guy vs. American Dad - Stan (the father) in AD is bloody hilarious, and you get Patrick Stewart (the legend) guest starring. But the fact is that the entire rest of the supporting cast is utterly atrocious. Roger the alien and Klaus the fish deserve death, and the rest of the family just don't interest me at all. Have Stan subsitute in for Peter on FG, and you'll have the best show. :shifty:

  3. Veronica Mars renewed! I'm so relieved, I thought this was going to be another horrible case of an awesome show killed off prematurely. Seems like it's a 22 ep series reducible to 13 depending on ratings. AND they got moved to directly after the Gilmore Girls, just the spot they wanted. Yes!

  4. Also on that Valenzetti page, right at the bottom, are 4 'ABC' links. Two of them lead to the ABC network site and 2 of them lead to space science websites, one of them NASA. Seems incomprehensible, but surely it's not just included because of the shared acronym?

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