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Media 2.0

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Everything posted by Media 2.0

  1. So yea...what stats do you have maxed out so far, if any? That goes for weapon, body, vehicle. I'm a hitman with my SMG. And not far from being one with the sawed off shotgun. And just a few minutes ago my bike (motorcycle) skill was maxed out.
  2. *shakes head.* This is why you save after every mission.
  3. Meh, this is probaly a suitable place, it's nothing that needs it's own thread...but where in the hell can you find cornrows!?!? I don't think I've seen it anywhere almost. Only blonde cornrows.
  4. Zip is my store. That's right, my CJ's high class baby. Well, SubUrban too. But right now, he has the detail cut, a LS chain, just a regular white tank top (hell..it's hot in the desert), some khaki pants, and some 'Timberland boots'. aka, Brown boots >_>. And right now he has on sunglasses and a gold watch. But I change after about every 3 or 4 days or so..or every few missions...so yea.
  5. Ummm..how the fuck do you jump out of a plane? I'm on the mission where I have to parachute...but I've hit /\, O, everything and he won't jump out. EDIt- Nvmind...for reference, you can't just jump from the plane, (in the mission) you have to get to a certain point. Wasn't high enough. ^_^
  6. In one of the missions once you get to Las Venturas on the back or something, (it'll be right in camera view) there's a big Love Fist poster.
  7. Fist Samurai Sword 9mm Sawed off Shotgun SMG (Hitman Defintely my WoC) M4 Rocket Launcher Camera
  8. Yea, mainly I just want to know is there anywhere to buy a knife? Or do I Just have to steal one from a hooker/find one? Basically...like the hardware shops in VC. Because I've gotten the knife, samarai (sp?) sword, chainsaw etc. just...there's no where to buy them once I leave them.
  9. CSR, K-DST, and Radio Los Santos. Occasionally I'll listen to Radio X or Bounce, and possibly if there's a decent song on Playback. But I pretty much listen to all with the exception K-Rose, K-Jah, and very little SF.
  10. The mod garage should be on your map...the logo is red. Then, just go and find a Blade or Savanah (Damn, you dont know how long it took me to figure that out) and go get it modded. Most don't have hydraulics already, so you have to put it up there, then, you can also add nitrous, change color, w/e. There should have already been a mission where you HAD to do that...so I'm sure you know..
  11. Umm...like the last games there's Police, Taxi, Ambulance, Fire Engine...and there's also pimp, and rob missions. that's all I can think of right now..that may even be it?
  12. Yea...I'll just say, flyings a bitch. (at least the shit they make you do in pilot school) I am currently there right now, and well...it sucks. But hey, I finally got there, just hopefully I want have to use them to much. I just wanna get in a plane and jump out.
  13. Ummm...No. Shit >_>, but I eventually got it anyways, it was just hard as hell And I was joking about the cheating thing, beecause I thought it was fucking impossible to beat that mission.
  14. It's pretty simple..and in a way involves some luck. The part where you get the tractor is easy, then you can just ride out, and even just ride over the people on the way. You'll most likely want to stop teh cars that chase you before you try to keep going. Do not..follow the road, you have to cut through. Basically just go straight to the destination, and the only problem is with this 'cliff', at the bottom is the railroad track, and that's about it. Basically...ride off...and hope you don't land on your top. Then you can continue on with no problems. Or at least it worked for me.
  15. Miami, you had to have fucking cheated or something. I'm stuck on Zero's second mission, this stupid ass RC thing, and it's pissing me off. *runs off crying*
  16. Yea, simple question. I see a bunch of people talking about flying planes, and some of these are people who aren't even that far into the game, so evidently there's some way to fly in Los Santos? I go to Los Santos International, and...there's no actual way I see to go in, and you can't jump the fence to get to the runway area (I'm guessing that's what it is)...so yea, how do you fly?
  17. Ummm..can someone kind of point out where the court is? Because circling around the mod shop...I see nothing.
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