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Media 2.0

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Everything posted by Media 2.0

  1. Uh ok.. Welcome to 4 years ago. We know that, so uh go away now. Man I'm still voting 3 times a day trying to get that boy Kaysar in there.. let's hope that there won't be any repeats of a few years ago when entire towns were campaigning to keep their local houseguest in the game. ←
  2. I think the pre-season trainings keep whatever bonuses you have for the whole season, and the ones during the season boost your stats for the upcoming game. Here's something I can never figure out. The computer shifts it's players around before the snap... but I have no idea when I should be doing that stuff. Any sites I could visit to help teach me this crap? ←
  3. And I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but while I LOVED playing Pong back in the day, the graphics sucked compared to anything made in the last 10 years. If someone reinvented Pong with utterly amazing gameplay yet the game looked the same, would it sell? Why not try to incorporate the fantastic gameplay you say he has with some at least half assed decent graphics? If he can't do the graphics up to snuff, perhaps he needs to find help from someone who can? I mean, if you're charging $15 for something it better LOOK like its worth $15 yannow? TGC ←
  4. Lol, people watching a reality tv show complaining about other people watching a reality tv show. Anyways, I of course like this show, and this week should be really interesting considering Kaysar won the HOH, and we know everyone wants him and Janelle out of the house. Hopefully he puts both Eric and Maggie up, or Eric and Ivette..because I love seeing stuff like a group of people getting together..and then you take out the leader, just to see those people scurry. Although Eric's mind control adds a little something to the game, I just think it'd be more interesting to see what happens without him down. And all I can say is Janelle is one smart ass, and hot ass chick. edit-
  5. I'd say probaly X-box. I finally got one last Christmas, and since then that's what I've played most. I only hook up my PS2 now on rare occasions if I want to play Basketball (don't have one for Xbox) or possibly Smackdown. Or if I want to play something online. But I've come to love the look and style of Xbox games, the graphics are great. Even though yea, that goes for pretty much all next gen games..and I also like some of the exclusive games like KOTOR, Fable, Halo (Not so much) etc. Edit- Yea, I'm also loving the look of GTA on the Xbox better. (I had never played the other II on Xbox.) Just the sort of shiny, smooth look of the cars is great, although at times they smack things like bricks. But whatever. Although the controls are weird to get use to, i'm loving GTA for the Xbox.
  6. http://cube.ign.com/articles/624/624499p1.html Great new videos. Of course it's still in early production, so you have things like Hassan as being announced from LA as Hardcore Holly :s, and Carlito from Toronto etc. There's a lot of mistakes but that doesn't change the fact that the entrances at least, and the new characters look awesome. I don't have a GC, but this definitely makes me look forward to SDvsRAW2 as last year they had the same characters pretty much.
  7. Seriously, of the like 'MTV Audience' (which I consider myself to be apart of in many respects..even though everyone hates them/us all), seriously who the hell would choose something like Ray, over ND, or Kill Bill etc. Yea, it's a great movie, but its the type of movie that would win Grammies, or Emmy's whatever, which it did. Not a fuckin MTV movie award. That actually would be a joke. And well, ND was an MTV production, so you know some kind of strings were pulled or something. And as for Lohan...even in her bulimic/crackwhore mode, she's still one of the biggest stars out there to most of the teen audience. (which even surprises me) so that's understandable that'd she'd win... It's obvious when going into the MTV productions, who more then likely would come out the winner. I don't think anyone should continue to expect (and this made be a bad example) someone like..Charlize Theron, to win over the likes of a Lohan, or Christina Aguilera (if she was in a movie)
  8. I'm not really an anime fan, although I do love the look of most of the characters, but saw the first episode and I think this show will have me hooked. It was just awesome. It was especially cool how they kept switching from Mugen to 'Gene' (?, if that's just how it's spelled..pretty odd for a anime name) in the beginning. And Mugen overall looks to be kickass character.
  9. Thoughts I posted at another board after it aired Well, it's over. And that was a fucking crazy episode. Like others I knew it probaly wouldn't be someone on the regular cast list, and Aaron is sort of in between so it definitely caught me off guard. Umm..just WOW. And, they fucking left cliffhangers!!! That sucks. But at the same time, it doesn't as there's something to look forward to..but come on. For one, we don't know what happens between Logan and Weevil. We also don't know who showed up at the door, although I'm guessing it was Duncan. (Watch it turn out to be like...Logan) And also, it actually literally pissed me off when Veronica's mom stole the money, now that's just fucked up. But damnit, I can't wait for next season, and the cliffhangers are just gonna make it even worse. But really, I just want to know who was at the door. Obvious choices are Duncan or (well, less obvious) Wallace as he is her best friend, and knew Veronica was probaly at home alone since his mom went to visit Keith. I noticed after someone else pointed it out. So it could be either.
  10. I probaly won't get any for quite a while, as they'll probaly be around...gas prices when they come out. >_> Get it?...yea. I'll probaly just rack up on Xbox/PS2/maybe a bunch of PS1 games that I already see for cheap as they lower the prices with the new games coming out and everything. So I'll just have a huge Xbox/PS2 library instead of having a new console.
  11. It's for the Xbox 360, PS3 generation. Madden 06 (comes out in August) looks pretty much like 05..
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