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Media 2.0

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Everything posted by Media 2.0

  1. "Burn In My Light" (This is the new name...) by Mercy Drive
  2. Media 2.0


    It's The N. lol but yes the show does in fact rule. And it always leaves 'something to be desired' but in a good way. Plus they always make me want to watch the next season from the previews, just to see how much everyone changes in a span of a few months...and that is..A LOT.
  3. Well it's decent..but it's pretty stupid. I mean if they were going to do it like that, they should have done the half face/half face like the Invasion poster...and not using Vince McMahon who isn't even playable. I think I prefer the 'coming soon' boxart which was just black with the logo on it.
  4. I've never played one before or anything but still...at first it was 100$!? I mean...the Gamecube is a hundred dollars, and the handheld has always been considered 'the lesser form'. So IMO that's crazy. But meh..whatever, I still think that's high, but I dont plan on getting one so the price is fine with me.
  5. Guess this means no more LOW. (They do make it right?)
  6. I said a 20$ Gamecube title. Music, can be downloaded. Movies, can be downloaded. Games are fun. And I think it's pretty obvious you have a love for games . So why not get another?
  7. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    Ok...while it looks crazy as hell...the dude dances his ass off every time. "And for the millonth time...Hey Ya God damnit" THE HAIR!!?!?
  8. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    Well, I don't know if you noticed, (well of course you have but anyways) but MTV isn't just about Rock anymore...nor should it be, even if it just so happened to be all the rock fans that took the extra time to vote. Doesn't mean the other genres aren't highly popular, otherwise TRL would be empty almost every other week :/. also...damn Jojo even has an 'older' talking voice, and Carly Patterson is...damn. ^_^ Top part in response to B-rad's post
  9. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    ...Holy shit..if that doesn't sound like the Brady Bunch song..
  10. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    Chapelle's not hosting, he just had a quick segment like everyone else. There's nothing to these shows nowadays. It's a bunch of shitty artists winning awards for painfully lame videos simply because they get a lot of airplay and/or sell a lot of CDs. IMHO, VIDEO awards should be awarded solely for the best videos, even if the song sucks. ←
  11. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    ...he just kinda came out of nowhere, Didn't expect to see Stevie Wonder in this..thought just usher..
  12. Media 2.0

    MTV VMAs

    Wow...Millian's kinda hanging out of that dress..:/
  13. oooookkk Mainly laughing because I agree with this so much...
  14. Even so..I really couldn't see that happening. I mean, Madden/Espn well in ways 'it's just a bunch of guys' it adds a name to a jersey..and gives him a premade face basically (for most) and plus the roster updates are mainly for things like trades and stuff. But could you possibly see that happening on SD? How much detail would have to go into the update of just one..person, especially with the beefed up graphics now, I couldn't see that happening. Not unless developers just like...made a CAW in CAW mode, and had it available for download..but that only brings up a resounding 'Yea right.'
  15. Batista vs RVD vs Kane vs HBK http://media.sports.ign.com/articles/542/542703/vids_1.html Benoit vs Kurt Angle http://media.sports.ign.com/articles/542/542467/vids_1.html Orton vs HHH vs Cena http://media.sports.ign.com/articles/542/542137/vids_1.html Benjamin vs Flair http://media.sports.ign.com/articles/541/541877/vids_1.html
  16. Eugene vids http://media.ps2.ign.com/media/670/670847/vids_1.html And for those who don't really read up on SD or anything..yes, it is a CAW. The Game spot vids http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/wwesmac...sraw/media.html
  17. Hell fuckin yea...that's all I can say. I was hoping that Marvin would win HOH, and he did..and finally another week without Marvin having to be on the block. He's becoming the person I want to win this. As of now it's between him and Diane, and with the way recently he's been 'outspoken' it's made me like him better.
  18. Meh..did a search but all I got was the backyard wrestling diary that someone started. Saw the vid of it, and decided to make a thread because the game doesn't look that bad. Actually looks a hell of a lot better then the first one, and the fact there are more..actually wellknown characters (New Jack, Nick Mondo, etc.) it looks like it will be good, and Ill at least pick it up for a rental. http://streamingmovies.ign.com/ps2/article...%3D%3CURL%2F%3E
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