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Posts posted by LexChaney

  1. You told me to read Raw lol and there was no Venis push i'm glad it hasn't happen yet becuase i would like it too build and Blackman and Venis don't seem like a cool team.

    I will read Smackdown and give my thought's later on that i can see your on full steam for No Way Out and i'm looking forward to the ppv.

    Daffney's push is coming along keep it going.

  2. Pretty sweet card for Raw man, it seem's you have a lot on the line for No Way Out which i know will be a good PPV Daffney is one thing i'm loving about Raw and i know she will probaly be good.

    Big Show god i hope Waltman and Waterman put him away for good i'm not feeling the Big Show at the moment and could Venis get a big push as a tag team champion who know's looking forward to Raw man keep up the good work dude.

  3. TNA Impact! on NBC


    6th Febuary 2006

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The new TNA Impact! music video begin's to with "HeadStrong" by Trapt being the new opening theme a recap is shown of the last Impact! where Sting saved Eddie Guerrero after he beat Raven and Abyss in the main event.

    The action come's down to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he welcome's the fan's to the show and give's them a run down of tonight's action at the Impact! Zone.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to Impact! here on NBC, What a show we have for you tonight Abyss will be in the Main Event with Raven and Kevin Nash is here tonight.

    What a ride your in for so don't go changing the channel:

    No DQ

    Alter Boy Luke vs Tyler

    Hudson: Our first match of the night is a re-match from last week's Impact! where Tyler failed to pick up his first win over Luke it was after the match that Tyler attacked Luke:

    Luke and Tyler stand off in the ring as the referee check's them before he call's for the bell both men check each other out and there is bad blood in the air tonight as the fan's can see Tyler was like a crazy man last week when he made his debut after the loss to Luke he took Luke and the referee out and left them to the emt's.

    Both me quickly tie-up but Tyler's learnt his flaw's from last week and quickly preform's an eye rake blinding Luke before he kick's him with a low blow the referee warn's him but can't do anything due to the No DQ rule in the match.

    Unlike last week's match which was ok this was a solid contest and seemed to get the fan's more into after they have had time to ajust to Tyler who is still failry green at this stage.

    At about the seven minute mark Tyler hit's his finisher "The Inverted" smashing Luke's head into the canvas and following it up with a three count as the referee make's the count.

    Tyler come's away with the win as the referee check's on Luke who is out of it after the brainbuster style finisher.

    Winner: Tyler



    Hudson: So Tyler this week manages to get a win over Alter Boy Luke but i don't think this will end there with these two our next contest also features a new star called Tina she is the sister of Valentina and unlike her sister she is used to in ring work she will be taking on Lisa Marie who beat Valentina into the ground last week could we see Tina getting some revenge for her Sister here:

    Lisa Marie vs Tina

    Tina got a mixed reaction from the fan's in the Impact! she mainly got a few boo's probaly becuase she is the Sister of Valentina they must think it run's in the family Lisa Marie got a face reaction from the fans many know her as Victoria in the WWE and must have been fan's of her or they don't like Tina who seem's to be a pretty good looking lady.

    The two diva's put on a good match with Tina actualy holding her own in the contest and showing some good reflexe's in the contest the fan's seemed to warm to her after the five minute mark while Victoria looked like she wasn't having a good time in the match.

    From out of the back Valentina quickly came to ringside to distract Lisa but is distracted her sister Tina where from behind Lisa rolled her up in a pin with her shoulder's on the ground she pinned Tina if it wasn't for the distraction of Valentina, Tina may have won this match.

    Both of the lady's put on a solid effort in this match and was a lot better than last week's encounter.

    Lisa has her arm lifted by the referee as Tina get's out of the ring as Valentina try's to talk to her sister Tina just walk's past her and into the back.

    Winner: Lisa Marie



  4. Mike Awesome Out of Impact!

    Report's are kind of blured at the moment of what has happen but Mike Awesome will not be at Impact! this week due to an Injury he picked up, Awesome was surposed to be Jimmy Rave's and Kevin Nash's plan to take out Samoa Joe.

    So instead booking plan's have changed, many are thinking of Nash and Rave doing a promo or something for now Nash has been giving out a lots of idea's and seem's pleased with his role.

    Awesome will be out of Wrestling for about 16 month's with a knee injury so that put's him out of coming into TNA as well as his trip to Japan later this month AJPW have another star to fill in for Awesome at the meantime.

    Spoilers for Impact! {Don't read if you want a surprise}

    There is no Truth in the rumor that Scott Hall will be at Impact! this week TNA is letting Hall get back into shape before his return so he will not be taking Awesome's place at this moment in time.

    Tina, Valentina's sister is expected to debut at the show and take on Lisa Marie.

    Also Abyss is expected to have James Mitchell at his side in the main event with Abyss being pushed to the Main Event scene.

  5. TNA Impact! on NBC Preview


    6th Febuary 2006

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    Main Event Non-Title

    Abyss Vs Raven in a Straitjackets match

    if Raven win's Abyss will not be in the Lethal Lockdown match where the NWA Title will be on the line.

    Kevin Nash and Jimmy Rave will pick someone to take out Samoa Joe and Valentina in the Career Killer match.

    John Cena and Ron Killings "Mixed Raced Rappers" Vs Frank James and Billy the Kid "Revolution X"

    The Rappers Tag Team Title's will not be on the line in this match as they go agaisnt Revolution X who will be looking to have some fun in the match.

    Tyler Vs Alter Boy Luke

    After his loss last week Tyler claimed that Luke's life was ending one minute at a time and will he end it on Impact! this week tune into find out.

    Roster and future plan's



    The Monster known as Abyss who has ripped througth most of the star's in TNA in recent week's when Abyss has finished with Frank James and Billy The Kid rumor's say that Abyss will form a team with an unkown alliance and take on the NWA Tag Team Champion's.

    Abyss has no had a taste of gold in TNA yet so that must make him more hungry for it.


    AJ Styles

    The Former World Champion was written out of the storyline's of TNA and said to have defected to the WWE but was surposed to come back at Lockdown as part of Team Sting but early on this month a Ripped Bicep had to put the plan's on hold and it will be a good 7 month before Styles can return to the ring and hit the Styles Clash.

    Styles stated on his website that it was a damm shame that this injury forced him from getting his revenge on Raven and Russo.

    Styles has been in the ring in the last few week's for TNA before the injury as the masked man who attacked Raven.


    Billy The Kid

    His feud with Abyss and them the formation of Revolution X with the now named Frank James has made The Kid the most talked about star in TNA and the fan's want to see more of him what will happen when he has taken care of Abyss who will be on Revolution X's hit list.


    Team 3D

    Most of the TNA fan's don't that they had signed the man known as D-Von Dudley as well as Bubba Ray Dudley but due to trademark and legal issues they haven't been on screen yet but one thing can be sure they will go througth the tag team's in TNA like a knife througth butter and no table will be left standing.


    Eddie Guerrero

    After jumping ship's to TNA from the WWE Eddie has made an Impact! by stealing the NWA World Championship as well as the wheel's off Raven's car what will he do next to prove he is the best in TNA.

    Source's close to Eddie claim that Chris Benoit could be the next to jump ship to TNA.



    Valentina's sister is also a part of TNA she hasn't appeard on screen yet but with her profile being placed on TNA.com it's only a matter of time before does.

    Tina claim's that she doesn't want to be just eye candy like her sister she want's to mix it up in the ring.


    Kevin Nash

    Having made his return last week on Impact! helping out Jimmy Rave the former WWE and WCW World Champion will ne mainly be the talk and brain behind Jimmy Rave but will be making an Impact! in the ring at some stage as well as starting a war to get his close friend Scott Hall a job back at TNA.

  6. :Movie Poster:


    :The Jacket:

    Tag Line(s): "Terror has a new name"......"When you die, all you want to do is come back"....."I was 27 years old the first time I died"

    Plot Outline(s):

    The film centers on a wounded Gulf war veteran who returns to his native Vermont suffering from bouts of amnesia. He is hitching and gets picked up by a stranger, things go pear shaped when a cop pulls them over and is murdered by the stranger. The vet. is wrongly accused of killing the cop and lands up in an asylum. A quack doctor prescribes a course of experimental therapy, restraining him in a heavy duty straight jacket-like device, and locks him away in a body drawer of the basement morgue. During course of his treatment he gets flashbacks and visions of his future , where he can foresee he is to die in four days time. The catch is he doesn't know how. Thus commences the classic race against time.
  7. Screaming Daffney yeah i'm a big fan of her glad to see her here, by the way i still have the tooth ache that's why i'm only giving small feedback...becuase it's a wisdom tooth :thumbsdown: but i have something to read which has really come together like 1PWCorino said Venis is usaly good maybe give him a run as a minor champion to test him out.

    Kane and Austin is getting than and it will be interesting to see how thing's will get on...keep up the good work man.

  8. ~Sorry for the delay in show's and that also Impact! has now been put on an early evening broadcast which i am very happy with but some of the show will be toned down for young fan's who are watching :pervert: ~

    TNA Impact! on NBC


    30th January 2004

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The new TNA Impact! music video begin's to with "HeadStrong" by Trapt being the new opening theme a recap is shown of the last Impact! where Eddie Guerrero stole Raven's world title and Sting defeated Raven and Vampiro in the main event.

    The action come's down to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he welcome's the fan's to the show and give's them a run down of tonight's action at the Impact! Zone.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to Impact! here on NBC with the new evening time slot so we can show the rest of the world that real wrestling is still out there and what a ride your in for tonight if you have just tuned in, Jimmy Rave will take on Chris Sabin while his new manager Lisa Marie will take on his former manager Valentina let's go to ringside for the first match of the night:

    Alter Boy Luke vs Tyler

    Hudson: Our first match of the night we don't have any information on Tyler this seem's to be someone who has come out of no where:

    Luke and Tyler stand off in the ring as the referee check's them before he call's for the bell both men check each othet out before they tie up in the ring with a quick test of strength that Tyler clearly win's knocking Luke to the mat, before he slap's on a sleeper submisson hold Tyler and Luke do the usual act of the applied sleeper where Luke look's like he's about to fade before he come's back and take's Tyler down to the mat with a spinning heel kick.

    Tyler goes for his finisher "The Inverted" he pick's Luke up high into the aire but Luke reverses the move and hit's "The Holy Driver" and pin's Tyler's shoulders to the mat as the referee make's the three count Alter Boy Luke come's away with the win as the new boy Tyler show's off an impressive display on the opening match of the night.

    As the referee hold's Luke's hand in the air Tyler low blow's the referee before he quickly pull's Luke around and lift's him high into the air before he bring's him crashing back down with his version of a brainbuster "The Inverted" as Luke lies on the mat out of it the emt's rush to the ring as Tyler show's no respect as he mount's onto Luke and hammers away at him with some right and left mounted punches.

    Winner: Alter Boy Luke


  9. The Jeremy Kyle show is pure class in the morning there's always a drama lol, Cash In The Attic is ok but i prefer it when Alistair was on the rest are crap and that other shit Carbooty or what ever no i will not watch it.

    Yeah me and my gran always watch stuff like that it's Saw 3 tommrow i think or the second part to Evil Dead she was watching Ash and saying how good looking he was that was before the blood :D

  10. Father Dowling Mysteries all the way that nun is way too sexy to miss :D

    Diagnosis Murder is too shit for word's man that can piss me off also Quincy was ok "Ok Sam" every week the victim alway's had the same injury as ruptured freakin spleen man anything new to add on that Quincy.

    I do like Diagnosis Murder i always' watch it with my Grandma but we missed it today because of Evil Dead that we were watching.

    I alway's watch the what ever's on before Cbbc because my tv time start's with Neighbors.

    Where's the best detective off all man you should be shot why isn't he in there Columbo


    "Just one more thing" i also forgot Mr Monk.

  11. The very best of Back to the Movies.

    It's a mixture of a load of different song's from some of the best film's it's a three Cd set and is pretty good.

    Just a few track's to note are-

    Berlin- Take My Breath Away

    Phil Collins- Agaisnt All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)

    All Saints- Pure Shores

    Ray Parker Jr- Ghostbusters

    Simple Minds- Don't You (Forget About Me)

    Huey Lewis and The News- The Power Of Love

    Survivor- Eye Of The Tiger

    Gorillaz- Feel Good

    Ben E. King- Stand By Me


  12. I'm enjoying this diary now and it's getting into the swing if thing's and man does it bring back a lot of memory's i actually watched Spring Stampede on video last night after reading your show so i could get into the frame of mind for it.

    Everything seem's to be fitting into place for "The New Blood" so it will be good to see what happen's the Nash/Awesome feud as well as Sting/Vampiro has me hooked keep up the good work man and stay with it.

  13. Some news for you all lol also i placed some spoiler tag's on them because it could effect future storyline's.

    Booking plan's for Lockdown changed

    As it seem's now Raven will defend the NWA World Title at Lockdown in a one on one match of who ever the fan's pick the original plan's of a Team Sting Vs Team Raven had to be scrapped when one of the star's became injured after working for ROH.

    The main star was none other than AJ Styles who for the past few month's has been away from TNA on the storyline of the WWE picking him up it was before ShowDown that AJ Styles made a written deal with the company.

  14. Impact! on NBC preview

    30th January 2004

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    Tyler ?

    TNA's new star Tyler will debut on Impact! tonight as he take's on Alter Boy Luke we don't much information on Mr Castle but we will let the fan's know when we do.

    PayBack's a Bitch

    Valentina will take on Lisa Marie who is now Jimmy Rave's new manager what can we expect to see in this match Lisa Marie is un-stable as it is.

    Challenger's and Champion's fan's vote

    For the 1st time ever the fan's will get to vote who should face Raven for the World Title on the last Impact! before Lockdown.

    Raven will make four pick's of who his choice's are and his fan's can vote for them and Sting will name his choice's for the match so his fan's cam vote for them.

    Which ever Wrestler from both team's get the highest vote will take Raven on in a title match on Impact!.

    Confirmed Fight's

    Tyler Vs Alter Boy Luke

    Lisa Marie Vs Valentina

    Jimmy Rave Vs Chris Sabin

    Eddie Gurrero and Konnan Vs Raven and Abyss

    *Card Subject to change*

  15. wow man, interesting show...

    first off man, poor shark boy, getting squashed by Joe. Poor shark boy man. What did he ever do to you?

    Cena over Daniels...out of interest, are you a Cena mark? i wont lie to you and tell you that it hurt me a little inside (well not really :P) but its interesting to see how you're using Cena.

    Finally, good main event. I definately like how you're using Eddie. Can't wait to see how you go with it

    good luck

  16. I have been meaning to get around to leaving feedback but it's what tooth ache can do to you lol.

    A pretty good show coming off the PPV and i like where your going with this it has me very interested and what else might happen, WWF Hardcore Champion Key Open Challenge now that has my attention so i will be looking forward to Smackdown and i hope The Undertaker kill's Lance Storm (Y) .

    Keep up the good work man i would leave a little more feedback but my mouth is killing lol and it's Halloween no sweet's :thumbsdown:

  17. Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    23rd January 2004

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before a video package is shown of the Final Resolution PPV that has just been with Sting in the Main Event with Rave where Vampiro returned in the Human Torch match and helped Raven win as well as Raven attacking Vampiro after the match.

    Also Eddie Gurrero's debut at the PPV.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he get's ready to welcome the fans to Impact! and give them a quick run down of tonight's action.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to TNA Impact! here on NBC, At Final Resolution it was Sting in the Main Event to Vs Raven and Sting was about to win the match before Vampiro made his return to TNA these two have had there battle's before and tonight Sting will take on both Raven and Vampiro.

    Also John Cena the New NWA Tag Team Champion will face off with the man that stole a win over Jeff Jarrett at the PPV Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe who turned on Shark Boy will face none other than Shark Boy with Valentina at ringside and where does Jimmy Rave stand in all this, Plus Eddie Gurrero will be here at the Impact! Zone as well:

    Samoa Joe with Valentina Vs Shark Boy

    Scott Hudson: Ok our first match of the night these two men were on the same page but that all changed at Final Resolution and tonight Shark Boy will be after pay back:

    The referee call's for the bell as Shark Boy and Samoa Joe go at it Joe hammer's a way at Shark Boy with several like quick-fire right chop's to the chest of Shark Boy but Shark Boy hit's the rope's and take's Joe down to the canvas floor with a spinning heel kick to the face area but Joe is back to his feet as if the move didn't effect him he quickly take's Shark Boy to the canvas floor with a clothesline to the neck area nearly snapping Shark Boy in two as Valentina the evil witch look's on with Joe's towel around her neck.

    Joe whip's Shark Boy into the corner turnbuckle before hitting with a running bodypress followed up by a Modified Tazmission before Joe quickly hit's The Island Driver and cover's Shark Boy as the referee make's the three count.

    Valentina enter's the ring as she and Joe quickly put the boot's to Shark Boy but from out the back Jimmy Rave come's down to the ring with a Steel Chair he nail's Joe from behind with it as Joe goes down straight to the mat Valentina look's on as Jimmy show's her the finger having saved his partner or former partner from a beatdown.

    Winner: Samoa Joe


    :I won't hit a woman but she will:

    Valentina quickly slap's Jimmy Rave as Shark Boy and Samoa Joe lie on the canvas floor it's as if she want's Jimmy to hit her he quickly get's the microphone.

    Rave "I know it what's you could do with a good beatdown or maybe something else and hell i would have given it to you a few week's ago but my advice to you now is to back and walk away while you still can...because i see you for what you truly are a no good BITCH...."

    Valentina slap's Jimmy straight in the face and lay's a few right hand's to him before Jimmy wrap's her up as from out of the back a woman wearing purple come's out she enter's the ring and stare's at Valentina before she nail's Valentina with a stiff kick to the gut before she pick's her up with a lot of strength and powerbomb's her to the canvas floor.

    Jimmy stare's at the woman before taking to the microphone.

    "This right here is my new woman i would like you to meet Lisa Marie the new Bitch of TNA....and Valentina i don't hit woman but she does and you keep running your mouth i'm going take you out"

    Lisa and Jimmy leave the ring with Valentina, Shark Boy and Samoa Joe flat out in the center.


    Scott Hudson: Lisa Marie the new bitch of TNA what the hell was that all about is that Rave's new girl he was on about if that's his girl who's his bodyguard.

    Next up John Cena Vs Christopher Daniels:

    John Cena Vs Christopher Daniels

    Cena and Daniels stand in the ring it is Daniels who get a good responce from the crowd as Cena stand's over at the other before the referee call's for the bell both men go at it Daniels take's Cena down to the mat Sidewalk Slam and hit's him again in the head with a Enziguri Daniels is taking it to the tag team champion John Cena after walking out of Final Resolution with a good win over Jeff Jarrett.

    Cena come's back into the match later on by hitting Daniels with an elbow smash before he take's him dow with a Spinebuster to the canvas floor Cena goes for the pin but only get's a two count in this fast paced match as Daniels hit a standing dropkick onto Cena and goes to the top rope for a moonsault but Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring and shove's Daniels off the top rope which allow's Cena to hit his finisher The Impact! for the three count.

    Jarrett enter's the ring as Cena get's out and walk's to the back as Jarrett begin's to pound away at "The Fallen Angel" Several more referee's come to the ring and break it up but Daniels isn't moving and Jarrett seem's happy with the damage he has caused.

    Winner: John Cena


    Scott Hudson: Cena steal's the match with the help from Jeff Jarrett this war is far from over with Daniels and Jarrett i think it has only just begun:

    :Another man's loss is another man's find:

    The camera's go backstage to where Vince Russo and Raven are speaking they are talking about Vampiro and Raven mention's that he didn't need any help until Russo remind's him that he wouldn't be the World Champion now if it wasn't for Vampiro as Vampiro come's around the corner they begin to talk tactic's Raven put's his World Title on the floor and place's on his elbow pad's before Russo tell's them to to come to his office they make there way there but Raven has forgot to pick up his NWA Championship off the floor ?

    From around the corner Eddie Guerrero walk's near the belt before he spot's it on the floor as big smile come's over his face.

    "Oh Mamacita you are looking fine i say, Now let me erm...take you to the lost and found before someone steal's you (Eddie laugth's)"

    Eddie walk's off smiling to himself with the NWA World Title in his hand.


    Scott Hudson: (Laughing) Eddie Guerrero has erm just found Raven's lost World Title and speaking of Raven his match is next:

    Sting Vs Raven and Vampiro

    This will be a handi-cap match with the man Sting was facing at Final Resolution and the man that cost him the match.

    Raven and Sting start the match of as Raven take's Sting down to mat with a Drop Toe Hold before he lock's on an arm-bar but Sting reaches for the rope's breaking up the submission as both men get back to there feet Sting run's over to Raven but Raven again drop's him to the floor with the Russian Leg Sweep before he tag's in Vampiro who come's at Sting Flying Spinning Leg Lariat but Sting evade's the attack and drop's Vampiro with an Atomic Drop to his knee to the groin Raven get's back in but Sting throw's him over the top rope and he crashes to the canvas floor Raven doesn't seem to know that his World Title has been lost somewhere.

    Vampiro hit's a chokeslam on Sting but to no effect as Sting get's to his feet he fight's away at Vampiro before Raven say's "Screw It" and walk's back up the ramp leaving Vampiro and Sting all alone in the ring.

    Vampiro goes for the Nail in the Coffin but Sting hit's him with his Scorpian Death Drop and pin's Vampiro to pick up the win on Impact!



    Scott Hudson: Sting come's away with the win over Vampiro here on Impact but the big story is that Eddie has stolen the World Title:

    Sting quickly run's after Raven backstage but Raven quickly make's it to the parking lot and hop's in his car as he tries to start his car the camera look's at Raven car and see's that the tires have gone missing off it, Sting quickly open's the car door and hit's Raven with his baseball bat as referee's and staff break up the fight the camera look's over to another car which is a low rider where Eddie is sat with several tires around him and the World Title around his waist.

    "VIVA LA RAZA!!!!!!!!! "

    Impact! goes off the air.

    1.09 rating for 'Impact!'!

    attendance level was 3004 people.

    $90120 from ticket sales

  18. 23rd January 2004

    Impact! preview

    The backlash

    Fan's at the Impact! zone will see the backlash from Final Resolution when Sting take's on Raven and Vampiro in the Main Event in a handi-cap match.

    Putting the Ex in Legend's of the Deep

    Samoa Joe will take on Shark Boy with Valentina at ringside at the double cross from the PPV what will Shark Boy do.

    Also Jimmy Rave has claimed on his website TheRave.com that he has found a new manager and a bodyguard so if Valentina and Samoa Joe want a piece of him they need to try harder Rave has claimed that he is no longer with Valentina.

    Jarrett's Revenge

    Jeff Jarrett has claimed that Revenge will be his on Impact! as Daniels will not get away with his action's but Daniels has said that Jarrett is all talk

    Also Eddie Guerrero will be on Impact! so what fun will Eddie be up to ?


    Raven and Vampiro Vs Sting

    John Cena Vs Christopher Daniels

    Samoa Joe and Valentina Vs Shark Boy

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