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Posts posted by LexChaney

  1. TNA "Final Resolution"

    "There will not be a Final Resolution this is only the start"

    IPB Image

    Sunday 18th January 2004

    From The Metro Center, Rockford, Illinois

    A video package for TNA "Final Resolution" begin's to play as the theme music "DeadSouls" by Nine Inch Nails begin's to play as well as the video show's the recent show's and the feud's that have been happening as well as high-light's of the friday night's Impact! on NBC.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he gets ready to welcome the fan's.

    Scott Hudson: Hello TNA fan's and welcome to this month's TNA PPV Final Resolution.

    Tonight former WWE Superstar John Cena will team up with Ron Killings to face the NWA Tag Team Champion's Legend's of the Deep who have had there share of problem's in the recent week's Legend's of the Deep were meant to face America's Most Wanted but Harris and Storm claimed they had a booking somewhere else so the match was changed also Samoa Joe will be at ringside and he has been a major force in the balance of Legend's of the Deep.

    Also B.G James will face The Outlaw tonight these two have been on a crash course for this match tonight but one thing has stood in there way Abyss who has been screwed by both men who have helped each other and don't know it.....Now it's over to you Mike Tenay:

    Mike Tenay: Hello everyone and i'm Mike Tenay please let me welcome you to Final Resolution as well as all those matches that Scott mentioned we have the major star coming into TNA no one know's who it is....Well we don't even know so it's going to be a surprise for us as well.

    Also it's about revenge tonight as Christopher Daniels take's on Jeff Jarrett, Daniels has claimed that Jarrett is like the devil and it's time for the Angel to come out on top.

    In the Main Event Raven will take on Sting these two have been having a war of the word's for two month's now and it was at Hard Justice were Sting made his return as these two will fight in a Human Torch match...a match which Sting does not like:

    The Camera's go to the backstage area where John Cena is ready to come to the ring as the Mixed Raced Rappers, He get's ready for the interview.

    Cena" Yo Yo Yo...keep the camera on the money right here, you guy's think there's a big star coming to TNA tonight well your looking at him people talk about what is wrong with America today and the first thing people do is look at me...you think because i'm new around here that i give a crap this is like an Asylum and you lot are so stuck up with your freakin medication you think i'm the next big thing...you have one life and one shot my shot is now"


    Scott Hudson: Some bad word's out of the mouth of John Cena if his mother was here she'd make him wash it out with soap:

    Mike Tenay: We know John Cena can talk the talk and maybe walk the walk but i'd like to see his face when he set's his eye's on Samoa Joe:

    NWA Tag Team Championship Match

    Legend's of the Deep with Valentina and Samoa Joe Vs Mixed Raced Rappers

    Over the last few week's Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy have had some problem's but Valentina and Samoa Joe seemed to have helped them patch up the rocky time they have had as Valentina and Joe stand at ringside as the Mixed Raced Rappers make there way to the ring trying to look very hip Jimmy Rave actually provoke's a cheap pop from the crowd when he grab's the microphone and lay's into both of the Dr Dre's.

    "My 86yr old GrandMother is more hip than you two so get your asses to this ring so i can firmly kick you back to the WWE"

    Rave and Killings lock up in the ring as Shark Boy and Cena wait on the outside Cena seem's to be avoiding eye contact with Samoa Joe which seem's a good move as Joe just stand's there with his white towel around his neck with the blood of America's Most Wanted around it.

    Rave take's down Killings but Killings want's no part of Rave so he tag's in Cena who look's shocked and refuses to get in the ring until Samoa Joe walk's around to there tag position Cena quickly perks up and say's he want's to go at it ?

    Cena quickly hit's Rave with several punches to the chest area but they look very weak before Cena run's to the rope's he come's back and take's Rave down to the mat with a Running Neck Snap.

    Rave quickly tag's in Shark Boy but Cena irish-whip's him into the corner before he run's over with a shoulder thrust into the upper-body of Shark Boy.

    Killings gets off the ring apron and walk's over to where Jimmy Rave is and pull's him off the mat as both of them trade blow's Shark Boy get's ready to finish Cena but Cena pokes him in the eye and pull's out some brass knuckles as the referee tries to break up the fight on the outside Valentina send's Joe into the ring to stop Cena, Joe just stand's in the ring stopping Cena from hitting Shark Boy as Shark Boy get's to his Samoa Joe does a 180 and look's straight at Shark Boy before taking him down with a Dragon Suplex to the ring floor before Joe get's out of the ring and pushes Killings and tell's him to get back in the ring.

    Jimmy Rave see's what's going on and tries to get back in the ring but Samoa Joe grab's hold of him and keep's hold of him as Valentina stand's there and tell's Jimmy to stop struggling as she smile's at Joe.

    Inside the ring Cena and Killings pile on top of Shark Boy as the referee make's the three count.

    Winner's: Your winner's and New Tag Team Champion's The Mixed Raced Rappers

    :Walk or be Carried:

    Inside the ring Killings and Cena begin to pound away at Shark Boy as Samoa Joe let's go of Jimmy Rave who didn't lose the match Valentina who has turned on Legend's of the Deep look's at Jimmy who want's to help Shark Boy she tell's him what to do and by the look's of thing's these two still like each other.

    "Jimmy walk away now or be carried because if you don't go now Joe will destroy you"

    Jimmy Rave look's into the ring before he look's at Valentina and Joe before he walk's off up the entrance way to the back as Joe and Valentina enter the ring before doing a number on Shark Boy with Cena and Killings

    Scott Hudson: What a double cross Samoa Joe and Valentina have turned on Shark Boy and left him but Jimmy Rave is still yet to lose here in TNA he didn't lose the match it was his tag team partner:

    Mike Tenay: It's what happen after the match what has me, Walk or be carried and he walked out of here but i don't think he wanted to leave his partner and he still love's that woman:


    The Camera's go backstage to where wrestler's and staff are walking about and talking about the new arrival and who it could be propped up near the wall in the corner is a sledgehammer as the camera's go back out to the ring area

    The Outlaw Vs B.G James

    In the last few week's these two have been helping each other and didn't know it and tonight they face each both are former partner's and know each other well.

    The Outlaw take's James down to the canvas with Body Press Slam but this doesn't keep James down long he get's back to his feet hit's The Outlaw with a hard right punch to the face which has the crowd worked as both begin to slug away with right and left's to each other there is no love loss with these two.

    The Outlaw looked more pumped up his match tonight that he has done in recent week's the same can be said for B.G James as both men were looking in good shape as they went at it both men were getting a lot of offence and this match was very close The Outlaw quickly hit The Gunn Slinger on James before pinning him the referee goes for the count but James kick's out after two to make the match carry on.

    The contest was going in the favour of The Outlaw but the tide of the match has changed as James hit a Pumphandle Drop to the canvas as he cover's The Outlaw's shoulder's but the referee only get's a two count before both men begin to slug at it again with right's and left before Abyss storm's to the ring James and The Outlaw don't see it to the last minute before Abyss wrap's his hand's around the neck of The Outlaw and James he take's them down to the mat with a double chokeslam.

    Winner: No Contest

    Scott Hudson: I think Abyss has left his mark on both men:

    :The Re-Formation:

    The referee call's for the bell as Abyss stand's tall in the ring before kicking and punching away at both men he stand's up before looking at his work as both men lie in on the floor before from off the top rope Sean Waltman hit's a Spinning Heel Kick taking Abyss down but only for now as both men get to there feet Abyss is up first and get's set to chokeslam Sean Waltman from behind The Outlaw nail's him with a low blow before Sean Waltman hits The Buzzkill.

    The Outlaw, Sean Waltman and B.G James stand in the ring before looking at Abyss on the floor before they make there hand's in the style of an "R"

    The three shake hand's and hug but they have taken there eye's of Abyss who again is back to his feet he run's over and clothesline's Sean Waltman before he's back to his feet James run's over but get's a big boot to the face before Abyss hit's the Black Hole Slam on The Outlaw as Abyss stand's tall in the ring.


    The Camera's go backstage to where it show's Sting arriving out of his car the camera look's next to Sting's car where a Motorbike is parked up with a leather coat hung over it.

    The camera goes to the interview area where Christopher Daniels is he is stood about to talk before Jeff Jarrett and The Harris Brother's come on the scene they quickly ambush Daniels and leave him on the floor in a pool of his own blood right before his match with Jeff Jarrett


    Jeff Jarrett Vs Christopher Daniels

    The war with Daniels and Jarrett has been happening for over the last month or two after Daniels got the chance to face Raven for the World Title at Hard Justice it was Jarrett who cost Daniels his chance of a World Title and screwed him when Daniels had to face Jimmy Rave but it was Daniels who also brought in Sid Vicious to take care of Jarrett and he got the job done.

    Now it will be Daniels Vs Jarrett the fan's have just seen Daniels attacked backstage by Jarrett but Daniels makes it to the ring after being looked at by the Emt's.

    The Referee call's for the bell as both men tie up but Daniels take's Jarrett down to the mat with a drop kick showing no sign that the attack will stop it may have made more hungry for a win.

    Jarrett nail's Daniels with an elbow smash but Daniels just crumples to the mat and stop's moving as Jarrett and the referee look on the fan's look down as Christopher Daniels lie's on the mat very hurt.

    The Referee call's for the emt's to come out as Jarrett turn's around to get out of the ring but Daniels quickly move's and wrap Jarrett in a pin the referee turn's around and see's this and goes to make the count but Daniels has hold of Jarrett's tight's as the referee make's the three count.

    Winner: Christopher Daniels


    Scott Hudson: Daniels steal's this one by tricking everyone one...what a dam shame the match had to end like that:

    Mike Tenay: Cheater's always get what's coming to them and maybe Jarrett will get his revenge but what a good tactic it was after we saw Daniels get knocked down backstage:

    Raven is backstage at the interview area as he stand's there ready to go into his match with Sting as Trinity hold's the microphone.

    Raven"Sting this seem's like old time's and you keep coming back for more and more, you think you've found your passion again for wrestling you think the old flame is still there well Sting the flame is there and tonight you will feel the flame's on flesh as the flame's burn into you.

    Sting you've felt the flame's before and they burned so bright you think your some hero to these kid's today Sting I'm your anti-hero you want to be like and tonight you will lie in a bed of fire as you can cry out in the rain as the rain tries to cool your burnt your flesh because it's Raven's time...what about me...what about Raven"


    NWA World Championship

    Human Torch Match

    Sting Vs Raven ©

    Raven and Sting has been at war since the Impact! after Showdown and Sting returned at Hard Justice and went at it in the final segment of the night with Raven.

    Raven called himself Sting's Anti-Hero and claimed that's who Sting wanted to be as the fan's are ready for this Human Torch Match.

    Sting and Raven quickly lock in the match as Raven throw's a few punches Sting just stand's there before slapping his own face and putting his arm's behind his back and telling Raven to hit him some more Raven does but this does nothing Sting scream's for Raven to hit him harder but there having no effect before Sting tell's Raven "Now my turn" Raven bolt's from the ring to the outside and tries to go into the crowd but Sting grab's him and pick's him up and drop's him groin fist into the steel guard rail as the fan's at ringside are loving this the torch at the entrance way burn's brighther Sting pull's Raven by his hair off the guard rail and onto the mat's at ringside.

    Sting place's Raven head on the steel step's before moving backward's Sting tries to hit Raven with a Stinger splash but Raven move's and Sting goes knee first into the steel Raven kick's Sting in the head before pounding away at him.

    Raven walk's off up to the entrance way to where the fluid is as he pick's it up and walk's back to the ring he place's the can in the ring and look's for Sting but he isn't at ringside Raven look's under the ring before Sting's bat strike's him in the face and come's from out under the ring before hitting Raven again with the bat Sting look's under the ring and pull's out a table before he get's into the ring and grab's the can of fluid and spray's it on the table before he light's it Raven is already on the canvas of the ring as the table at ringside begin's to burn Sting get's onto the canvas and grab's Raven but Raven fall's into the ring so does Sting.

    Sting stand's in the ring and tries to pick Raven up before from the ceiling a figure drop's down wearing a Sting mask doing the old style Sting entrance we used to see he quickly take's off the mask to reveal none other than "The Dark Angel" Vampiro here in TNA.

    Vampiro quickly grab's hold of Sting before he throw's him out of the rope's and into the burning table the referee call's for the bell as the staff put Sting and table out as Raven retain's his title.

    Raven stand's up to see Vampiro handing him his title belt before Raven nail's him with The Raven Effect it looks as if Raven wanted to beat Sting by himself Vampiro look's to be Vince Russo's doing.

    Winner: Raven


    The ring clear's as the fan's await who the new face of TNA is they have waited all night this is what the PPV is all about as the theme music hit's.

    "If your not cheating your not trying"

    A man walk's out of the back before a stunned TNA crowd on the stage is none other than Eddie Gurrero who slap's his chest with his hand before giving them a little taunt the fan's eat this up as Eddie take's to the microphone.

    "What's up Home's, so it was me Eddie Gurrero all along coming into TNA...a few day's ago i was at the Royal Rumble facing Chavo and i get told Eddie your going to get a WWE Title shot (Eddie does his classic face look) huh anyhow Vince kept asking me we need to get together to do you contract i said sure man, i'll come and see you to sort out my contract we can sit there and sort it out i with you and so i was going to sign my new contract but.....I Lied...i wasn't going to sit on the fence and wait until it was time i've seen the bull shit so why don't i come here were it will be Eddie Gurrero's time to shine all the time...but who say's i can't have a little fun as well"

    TNA Final Resolution PPV goes off the air with Eddie Gurrero standing in the ring.


    Overall Rating: 79%

    0.72 buy rate for 'Final Resolution'!

    The attendance was 8521 people.

    $1800000 from pay-per-view revenue.

  2. Right lol i started to read from Vengeance and i will look back more into your diary later today so please bare with me on the feud history and such the pre-ppv heat was pretty ok with the Main Event of Trish and Jazz also the intro coming into Vengeance was very well written and actually got me more into to it.

    I was expecting Head to be with Al Snow instead of Ivory :D

    Mero i'm glad he didn't win because giving Tajiri this run as Champion could be good and i see your using him right.

    Oh how good it is to see well i mean read about the APA well i'll be dammed but D'oh they didn't win but that was kind of the problem with them there better at quick beatdown's and promo's than matches i'd better change that Bradshaw may beat me up now for calling him over the internet.

    As for Kurt Angle's promo wow it was like i was watching him and hear him very well written and thought out right you have a taste for writing for Kurt Angle and it show's oh it's true it's dam true.

    Test even thougth he lost to The Undertaker he seem's like he might be getting a good push and at least there no Scott Steiner in sight for him to feud with also Kane's handi-cap win was pretty cool i knew the Hardy's didn't stand a chance when they face the big red machine also good "Don't try this at home" lol they need a new one and it should be that i think.

    Shawn Stasiak win's that is a shock but this could be a stepping stone for him if he doesn't record his friend's talking that is and this win could kick start a good career for him because the crap they put on him with Planet whatever was weak....didn't expect Edge to lose.

    You might want to edit this lol (The Rock bt. Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle and The Rock at 25.43 to become the WWF Championship Number One Contender)

    But The Rock i wanted Angle but can expect everything as he did do a good promo earlier on in the night.

    They feedback may be a load of crap but i did enjoy the show and it's gonna make me want to read more and more keep up the goodwork man.

  3. *Final Card*

    TNA "Final Resolution"

    IPB Image

    Sunday 18th January 2004

    From The Metro Center, Rockford, Illinois

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    "There will not be a Final Resolution this is only the start"

    Theme Song: "DeadSouls" by Nine Inch Nails

    NWA Tag Team Title's

    Ron "The Truth" Killings and John Cena "Mixed Raced Rappers" Vs Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy "Legend's of the Deep"

    Instead of facing America's Most Wanted, Legend's of the Deep will have to take on "The Mixed Raced Rappers" with Samoa Joe at ringside can Rave and Shark Boy retain there belt's ?

    The OutLaw Vs B.G James

    Both men have had problem's with each other and Abyss in the last few week's will tonight be the Final Resolution for this feud or will Abyss seal the fate of both men.

    Jeff Jarrett Vs Christopher Daniels

    Jarrett cost Daniels his title shot at Hard Justice and screwed him out of his own belt on Impact! two week's later will Jarrett walk away the winner or can Daniels prove why he is "The Fallen Angel"

    NWA World Title Match

    Human Torch Match

    Raven© Vs Sting

    TNA.com announced that the match would now be a Human Torch Match this does not look good in the favour of Sting and this will be Raven's first Human Torch Match what do Raven and Vince Russo have on there mind for Sting.

    Plus the new face of TNA will be at Final Resolution who is it ?

    predictions are welcome if you would like to have a go and see if your right.

  4. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    16th January 2004

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before a video package is shown of the last week's Impact! where Raven was attacked by a masked man in the Main Event as well as the Mystery man watching Vince Russo and Raven earlier on in the night.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he get's ready to welcome the fans to Impact! and give them a quick run down of tonight's action.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to TNA Impact! here on NBC, It was last week in the Main Event of Impact where Jeff Jarrett took on Raven and from out of the crowd a man wearing a mask came into the ring and attacked Raven costing him the match at this time we still don't know who the man is, But tonight in the Main Event it's all on the line where Sting will face Jeff Jarrett and if Jarrett win's Sting will leave TNA for good but if Sting win's he get's to face Raven at Final Resolution this Sunday but there's just one problem Vince Russo is the referee and i can't see him calling it down the middle:

    Jimmy Rave Vs Shark Boy

    Scott Hudson: Ok our first match of the night these two men are tag team partners and the tag team champion's in recent week's both haven't seen eye to eye but with help of Valentina and Samoa Joe they have become stronger as friend's:

    Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy quickly go at it after the referee call's for the bell getting the first match of Impact! underway Shark Boy nail's Jimmy Rave with a drop-kick to the face but Jimmy Rave reverses the move and counter's it with a Tiger Suplex as Shark Boy's shoulder's are on the mat the referee goes to make the count but Shark Boy power's out of the move and lock's Jimmy Rave in an Arm-bar taking him back down to the canvas floor as Rave reaches for the rope's breaking up the submission hold as the fan's seem to be getting behind both members of "Legends of the Deep".

    Rave take's Shark Boy back down onto the canvas floor with a hip-toss before both member's of America's Most Wanted enter the ring Rave and Shark Boy don't see them as Rave goes for the Northern Lights Bomb but Chris Harris quickly nail's him in the back of the head with a Axe handle smash as the referee call's for the bell the match end's in a draw thus making Jimmy Rave still yet to be pinned here in TNA.

    Harris and Storm quickly take both men down with The Death Sentance as the fan's scream and get picture's of it.

    Winner: No contest

    America's Most Wanted stand in the ring having taken both member's of "Legends of the Deep" out before they take to the microphone

    Harris "Yo Shark Boy and Rave wow what a match and it seem's you two are looking forward to your title match with us this Sunday well we can't make it this Sunday to the PPV so you won't be facing us you will be facing this man"

    "You want to know the Truth......" Ron "The Truth" Killings make his way out to the Impact! Zone

    "What can i say good work boy's many of you thought that when Fame and Fortune finished for good that our little pack was too...well no you see, us boy's always look after each other and since America's Most Wanted can't face you guy's at Final Resolution they asked me and i can hear it now who's your tag team partner Ron well i don't need to tell you people this guy is just like me pure trash you see i was once a rapper and this guy is too and it's going to be 4 real when he enter's TNA this sunday when the Carolina Kliq open up on you two because that is The Truth"


    Scott Hudson: Did we hear that right it won't be America's Most Wanted taking on Legend's of the Deep and that it's going to be the Carolina Kliq and who is this partner that's coming in...he's a rapper ?:

    The Outlaw's music play's up as he come's out of the back and make's his way to the ring

    "Now give me a minute everyone and i will show you what's going to happen this Sunday to that 6'10" - 350 lbs piece of cr*p Abyss you see Abyss you might have a few problem's but it's been so easy beating your ass all over Impact! i want to save the fan's the trouble of buying the PPV and seeing an Abysmal match out of you so come on down here and we can finish this now"

    The Outlaw stand's in the ring before the theme music of Abyss play's up as the light's on the stage come back on stood there is a midget dressed as Abyss as he start's to taunt like Abyss before looking at The Outlaw in the ring who seem's to find this very funny.

    The Mini-Abyss and The Outlaw stand in the ring as The Outlaw place's his finger on the top of Mini-Abyss's head as Abyss tries to run at The Outlaw the fan's seem to be finding this funny too as The Outlaw drop's to the flor and let's Abyss place his hand around his neck as he does a mock chokeslam.

    From behind The Outlaw the real Abyss get's into the ring before he kick's The Outlaw in the back of the head before The Outlaw get's out of the ring leaving the mini-Abyss all alone Abyss quickly wrap's his hand's around the neck of the small man and pick's him high into the air before walking over the rope's and chokeslam's him out of the ring and onto the floor below as Abyss stand's tall in the ring.


    Scott Hudson: The OutLaw having fun at Abyss but it may be Abyss who could have the last laugth this Sunday...that poor little man (Laugth's)....and now folk's the Main Event you have been waiting to see Sting Vs Jarrett........Russo as the referee

    Sting Vs Jeff Jarrett with Vince Russo as the referee

    Sting and Jarrett stand in the ring they both know what is on the line as Russo call's for the bell the fan's scream as both men lock up Sting throw's Jarrett down to the canvas with a test of strength as the fan's go wild as he taunt's Jarrett like he did many time's in WCW.

    Jarrett doesn't know what to think he quickly shout's at Russo "What the hell was that".

    Sting run's over to Jarrett but Jarrett jump's into the air as Sting goes right underneath him before Jarrett land's back onto the floor he nail's Sting with a Drop Kick as Russo look's on Jarrett lock's Sting in his own move the Scorpion Death Lock as Russo rushes over he check's Sting and ask's him if he want's to quit Sting say's no but Russo run's over to the rope's "Ring the bell" Russo screw's Sting out of any chance that he has of facing Raven this sunday.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett


    The fan's begin to to throw thing's in the ring as Russo raises the hand of Jeff Jarrett making him the winner of the match as Sting lie's on the floor with his career being over but for some strange reason when Russo called for the bell it didn't get called ?

    Scott Hudson :What a screw job by Russo and Jarrett...just to keep the belt on Raven:

    Russo look's over to where the bell ringer is and scream's to him to ring the bell as Jarrett is already halfway up the stage but there's a problem as a man stand's at ringside with the bell keeper the fan's cant see who it is as he is wearing a cap

    "This has happen before and it's not going to happen again"

    The man take's off the cap standing at the table is Bret Hart as he quickly sprint's after Jarrett he grab's him by the back of his neck and throw's him back into the ring.

    Russo doesn't know what's going on but Bret Hart throw's Russo outside of the ring before he call's for the bell himself.

    Scott Hudson: What the match is being re-started with Bret Hart as the referee:


    Sting Vs Jeff Jarrett with Bret Hart as the referee

    The match get's back underway as Russo scream's at Hart saying he's finished and that it was a big mistake to show up here on Impact!.

    Jarrett begin's to scream at Hart as well before Sting irish-whip's him into the corner before he give's him a Stinger Splash into the corner Sting quickly pull's Jarrett away from the rope's and goes for the cover but only get's a two count before Sting trap's him in the Scorpion Deathlock...Jarrett tries to hold on but the pain is too much he tap's out as Hart call's for the bell.

    Winner: Sting


    Sting stand's in the ring with Bret Hart having earned himself a title shot at the champion Raven this sunday at Final Resoltuion The screen begin's to flicker on the stage before a video begin's to play

    A man stand's in a ring on the video but the fan's can't see who it is "He was the next in line for a World Title shot he he stand's by three thing's he was the big star who worked for three company's ECW...WCW and the WWE he was to face there WWE Champion at there next PPV until a big defection that will set the tone of TNA forever see him this sunday at Final Resolution"

    The video stop's as TNA Impact! goes off the air.

    {Sorry about some mistake's in there as i've been busy this week and i know the show is kind of cr*p but i'm going to make the ppv better}

    Who could Ron Killings partner be ? and who is the major star coming to TNA ? find out at Final Resolution

  5. The Marine

    With this film i wasn't really expecting much but it was a lot better than "See No Evil" at first i thought oh it's John Cena but he played the part very well and the action is pretty good and the story kept me wanting to watch more.

    A lot of people will have the own view of this film and there own say but i thought it was pretty good and sit's well on my dvd collection and the part that made me laugth was when one of the guy's said "He's like The Terminator he won't die" the look that Robert Patrick gave was pretty funny.

    There's actually some pretty funny line's that may make a few of you laugth i'd give the film a chance and i'm glad i did.


    Morgan: Hey Man, You said there were no crocodiles in these marsh!

    Bennett: Those are Alligators.

    Morgan: Are they Hungry?

    [Looking at Alligators eating the body]

    Bennett: Not Anymore!

  6. TNA Impact! preview

    Last week on Impact! Jeff Jarrett defeated Raven in the Main Event this week in the Main Event of Impact! Sting will be at the Impact! Zone to take on Jeff Jarrett with Vince Russo as the guest Referee if Jarrett win's Sting will leave TNA for good and if Sting win's he will get his chance to take on Raven at Final Resolution this Sunday can Sting over come the odd's put in front of him.

    Also Jimmy Rave will face off with his tag team partner Shark Boy ahead of there match this sunday when they face America's Most Wanted with Samoa Joe being the ringside enforcer.

    Question's: Can Sting overcome the odd's have your say here ?

    Also who is the masked man that attacked Raven ?

  7. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    9th January 2004

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before a video package is shown of the last week's Impact! where Jimmy Rave defeated Christopher Daniels in the Main Event with the help of Jeff Jarrett.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he get's ready to welcome the fans to Impact! and give them a quick run down of tonight's action.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to TNA Impact! here on NBC, Last week on Impact! Jimmy Rave didn't show up for his tag team title match with America's Most Wanted which left Shark Boy all alone to face both member's after the match America's Most Wanted were about to injure Shark Boy and Valentina until Samoa Joe came down to the ring and took out Chris Harris and James Storm all by himself.

    We saw B.G James and The Outlaw have an eye to eye after The Outlaw saved James from Abyss and in the Main Event Jeff Jarrett helped none other than Jimmy Rave come away with the win and the X-Division Championship, As of tonight Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy will team up tonight and take on America's Most Wanted...Dixie Carter has said if Jimmy Rave doesn't show up she will strip Legend's of the Deep of there tag team title's.

    Abyss will be out for revenge as he take's to the cage to face The Outlaw and in the Main Event Jeff Jarrett will take on Raven in a non title match.....Hang on folk's I'm being told there's an incident backstage with Shark Boy we've have got a camera on scene as we go back there now!:

    :The fallen friend:

    The camera's go backstage to where there are several staff member's and other TNA wrestler's around Shark Boy as Emt's are checking him out stood near them is Valentina and Jimmy Rave asking the Emt's if he's ok Dixie Carter arrive's on the scene and and ask's the Emt's if he's ok to wrestle tonight.

    The Emt tell's her that there going to take him to the hospital as he's unconscious and no one seem's to know what has happened.


    Scott Hudson:So it look's as if the match now with America's Most Wanted will be a handi-cap match well Shark Boy had to do it last week why not Jimmy Rave:

    America's Most Wanted Vs Jimmy Rave

    "Coming to the ring now the former NWA World Tag Team Champion's...they are "The Wildcat" Chris Harris and " The Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm they are America's Most Wanted"

    America's Most Wanted get a load of heat from the fan's as they make there way to the ring ready to take on Jimmy Rave in this handi-cap match the grin on there face make's it look like they know what happened to Shark Boy.

    "Coming to the ring with Valentina....From Atlanta, Georgia with a height and weight of 6'0" - 200 lbs he is one half of the NWA Tag Team Champion's and the X-Division Champion......Jimmy Rave"

    The fan's boo Jimmy Rave for the action's of last week but there are some Jimmy Rave fan's in the Impact! zone who offer him there surport hey they may be Shark Boy fan's too.

    Scott Hudson: Jimmy Rave who is 15-0 could end up with his first loss tonight as he goes take on America's Most Wanted...wait a minute what's this:

    Dixie Carter's music plays up as she come's out onto the stage and talks to the fans.

    Carter: After what happened to Shark Boy this match was going to be a Handi-cap match but that isn't right when Shark Boy was taken out by both of you Harris and Storm is it so i made the right choice and this come's from the board of director's who i just got off the phone with where playing it by the book tonight you will take on Jimmy Rave but also this man who Valentina asked for:

    Scott Hudson: What so this is going to be a tag team match now:

    As America's Most Wanted are watching the stage Jimmy Rave sneak's into the ring and hit's Chris Harris with the NWA Tag Team Belt which make's the referee call for the bell to get the match under-way Rave drop's the belt and take's down Storm with a knee to the face as the fan's are still watching the stage area for the tag team replacement.

    The sound of a tribal war dance are heard as the stage goes black as Valentina watches on and so does Jimmy Rave the whole arena are watching the stage as from out the back Samoa Joe appears wearing his towel around his neck he sprint's to the ring and enters it into the war zone he quickly run's at Chris Harris and hit's him with a Running Corner Yakuza Kick to the head before he turn's to James Storm who dart's out of the ring he want's no part of Samoa Joe tonight no not after last week Joe hit's Harris with The Samoan Elbow Drop before Rave lock's on a Camel Clutch as the fan's are to there feet as Harris tap's out to the submisson move as Rave break's the hold Samoa Joe grab's hold of Shark Boy's Tag Team Belt and hold's it high in the air before he command's Rave to pick Harris back up Rave picks him up and Joe drop's him to the mat with The MuscleBuster as Joe send's the message out loud and clear.

    Valentina enter's the ring and thank's Joe, Rave turns to get out of the ring but Valentina grab's him by the fore-arm Rave think's he's about to be slapped closes his eye's and cover's his face as Valentina plant's him but with a kiss to the face as the fan's cheer.

    Winner's: Samoa Joe and Jimmy Rave


    Scott Hudson: Does this mean that Legend's of the Deep are back or is it for one night only and what's the story with Samoa Joe and America's Most Wanted ?:

    :Watching the prey:

    The camera's go backstage to hte outside of Vince Russo's office where he is stood there looking at a list as Raven is stood behind him both of them are having a laugth at Sting.

    Vince Russo "He come's in with a baseball bat and his paint does a three minute beatdown at Hard Justice and then again vanishes into thin air...yeah he's the same old Sting alright"

    Raven and Vince Russo walk off leaving the camera watching the door near the corner of the office a figure in the shadow's look's on


    Scott Hudson: Who in the hell was that Raven and Russo didn't see who it was and we don't know who was it Sting or what can someone get the camera back there so we can see:

    Cage Match

    Abyss Vs The Outlaw

    "Coming to the ring standing at 6'10" and 350lbs he is Abyss"

    Abyss who come's to the ring first get's a very good amount of crowd reaction after what he planned to do to B.G James last the week.

    "From Houston, Texas he is The Outlaw"

    The Outlaw come's to the ring ready to face Abyss and Abyss look's like he's out for blood tonight after the attack from The Outlaw last week.

    Both men are in the ring as the referee call's for the bell the match get's underway as both lock up Abyss pick's The Outlaw up with a lot of strength and throw's him into the steel cage.

    The fan seem to behind both men in this contest and there looking forward for the steel cage to come into play, Abyss run's over to The Outlaw to hit a clothesline but Outlaw move's and lock's up with Abyss and pick's him up into the air in a Hanging Powerslam The Outlaw show's a lot of strength in preforming the move as he lift's Abyss high into the air before dropping him down onto the mat.

    As Abyss is on the mat The Outlaw climb's half way up the Cage as Abyss climb's to his feet Outlaw jump's off the side of the cage onto him with Body Press but Abyss counters the hold into a sideslam and slam's The Outlaw onto the canvas floor and climb's back to his feet Abyss begin's to flex his hand's calling for the Chokeslam as The Outlaw climbs to his feet Abyss wrap's his hand's around the neck of The Outlaw and brings him high up into the air before slamming him back down onto the canvas floor with the Chokeslam.

    Abyss goes for the cage door but as he's about to get out B.G James run's down to the ring and slam's it right into the face of Abyss knocking him onto the floor.

    The Outlaw start's to move as James make's his way to the cage with a steel chair in hand he slide's it into the ring and run's to the back leaving The Outlaw to pick up the chair and place it on the floor before hitting The Gunn Slinger onto the steel chair before escaping the cage to come away with the win.

    The Outlaw look's a little confused to as how the chair got in the ring but waste's no time in getting out of the arena as Abyss come's around as he run's after The Outlaw or is he after B.G James

    Winner: The Outlaw


    Scott Hudson: I don't think The Outlaw is aware that it was B.G James that helped him out what is the story with these two and Abyss will we ever find this out and now to the Main Event a non-title match with Jeff Jarrett and Raven:

    Main Event

    Jeff Jarrett vs Raven

    "From Nashville, TN with a height and weight of 5'10" - 230 lbs he is Jeff Jarrett"

    Jarrett come's to the ring to a good responce of his hometown fan's he stand's in the ring waiting for Raven to come to the ring.

    "And coming to the ring now with Vince Russo he is the NWA Champion he come's from Atlanta, Georgia with a height and weight of 6'1" - 244 lbs this is Raven"

    Raven climb's into the ring before sitting down in his typical stance as the referee collect's the belt and give's it to Sol Cal Val as he check's both men and get's ready for the match Vince Russo climb's out of the ring and stand's at ringside.

    The referee call's for the bell getting the Main Event underway as Raven quickly Irish Whip's Jarrett to the Corner and follow's into him with a Clothesline.

    Jarrett fall's to the canvas as Raven lock's on a sleeper hold but Jarrett get's to the rope's and breaks the hold as Raven goes to drop the knee Jeff move's out of the way as Raven smashes knee first into the canvas.

    Jarrett quickly locks Raven in a Figure Four Leglock but to no avail as Raven reaches for the rope's Jarrett refuses to break the hold so the Referee breaks it up both men get to there feet as Jarrett Drop Kick's Raven back down to the canvas as Russo quickly get's up on the mat he distract's the referee Jarrett quickly goes for the cover but the referee doesn't see it Jarrett tries to tell the referee but Raven deliver's a low blow before spinning Jarrett around and smashing him with the Raven Effect and cover's him but Russo still has the referee distracted from out of the crowd a man as he climb's to the ringside he's wearing a mask before he climb's into the ring he pull's out some spray and sprays Raven in the eye's before he nail's him with Raven's own move the Raven Effect.

    The man pull's Jarrett over onto Raven making the cover and then climb's out of the ring before going back into the crowd as the referee turns around to make the 3 count.

    Winner: Jeff Jarrett


    Scott Hudson: Who in the hell was that in the mask he took out Raven was he the same person who was watching backstage ?:

    The camera's look back into the ring where Raven and Jarrett are on the canvas with Vince Russo standing there as TNA Impact! goes off the air.

  8. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    2nd January 2004

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before a video package is shown of the last Impact! of 2003 where Sid Vicious returned as Christopher Daniels bodyguard and took out Raven and Jeff Jarrett as payback.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he get's ready to welcome the fans to Impact! and give them a quick run down of tonight's action.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to TNA Impact! here on NBC this is the first Impact! of 2004,

    Last time on Impact! Sid Vicious came into the Impact! zone and beatdown anything with a heartbeat and left Jarrett and Raven in the ring.

    Tonight "Legend's of the Deep" where surposed to take on America's Most Wanted but Jimmy Rave has failed to turn up at The Asylum and so Shark Boy will take on both member's in a handi-cap match this all came about after last week's Impact! and Hard Justice where Valentina and Jimmy Rave have been having problem's in recent week's.

    Christopher Daniels will be in the Main Event we have no word who else will be in the Main Event this must be Jarrett's doing or Dixie Carter's:

    :Trouble in the rank's:

    Valentina and Shark Boy are sat in the locker room as Valentina appear's to be on her mobile as Shark Boy sit's there with both NWA World Title belt's.

    Shark Boy: Well.....?:

    Valentina: There's no answer he must not be in or he's on his way:

    Shark Boy:For god's sake this is all your doing if you'd have gone along with it none of this would have happened i don't blame Jimmy.....i blame you, since you came into this team you've caused nothing but trouble:

    Valentina: Who's the reason why your wearing those tag title's in the first place....your to blame as much as i am you should have told me that Jimmy had feeling's for me:


    Shark Boy Vs Chris Harris and James Storm

    "The following match is now a handi-cap match from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea he is one half of the NWA Tag Team Champion's coming to the ring with Valentina......Shark Boy"

    Shark Boy come's out to a great reaction from the fan's he still seem's pretty mad about the whole Jimmy thing and he blame's Valentina but the fan's don't seem to care they want Legend's of the Deep back and fast.

    "Coming to the ring now the former NWA World Tag Team Champion's...they are "The Wildcat" Chris Harris and " The Tennessee Cowboy" James Storm they are America's Most Wanted"

    America's Most Wanted get a load of heat from the fan's as they make there way to the ring ready to take on Shark Boy.

    The former champ's waste no time and Storm the ring there ambush Valentina and Shark Boy this isn't really a match more like a quick beatdown as they hit Shark Boy with The Death Sentance and Harris quickly pin's him as Storm keep's hold of Valentina before the pair take her down also with The Death Sentance as Shark Boy and Valentina lie in the ring, showing that it's Jimmy Rave that really make's the team.

    Winners: America's Most Wanted

    Scott Hudson: If Jimmy Rave is watching your team need's you and now:

    :The after-shock:

    Storm goes to the outside for a steel chair as Harris picks up Shark Boy storm take's him down with a chair shot the head before Storm grab's hold the chair he place's it over the head of Valentina and onto her throat he look's at Harris and screams for him to go up top and jump down on it the fan's scream for him to stop as he climb's the turnbuckle.

    Scott Hudson: Stop this....he's going to break her in half....{The light's in the arena go out} What in the hell:

    From the entrance way Samoa Joe stand's there as Harris jump's down as both men get ready for him, Joe storm's the ring as the fan's chant "Kill....Kill" they want to see Joe kill them.

    Samoa Joe hit's the ring and hit's James Storm with Dragon Suplex as Storm goes onto the floor Harris tries to a get a few shot's in but Joe doesn't feel them he's straight back up to his feet before he hit's a The MuscleBuster on Harris.

    Joe look's at the chair around Valentina he quickly pull's it away and pick's up James Storm and hit's him right in the head before he does the same to Harris.

    Samoa Joe stands in the ring with the chair in his hand with America's Most Wanted's blood all over it.

    Scott Hudson: Samoa Joe has just taken out both member's of America's Most Wanted by himself and saved Shark Boy and Valentina again and what for:


    B.G. James Vs Abyss

    "Coming to the ring standing at 6'10" and 350lbs he is Abyss"

    Abyss who come's to the ring first get's a little bit of a crowd reaction but not much the fan's don't seem very happy after what he did to Brother Runt last time on Impact.

    "Coming to the ring with a weight of 236lbs he now resides in Jay, Florida B.G James"

    James gets a great fan response from the TNA Fan's as he enter's the Impact! Zone.

    The Referee call's for the bell as Abyss quickly spear's James but James quickly gets to his feet to hit a Shake, Rattle & Roll something from his previous day's before TNA.

    Abyss floor's him with a big boot to the face but only get's a one count as James make's it to his feet he stick's both of his finger's into his eye's.

    Before James hit's his Pumphandle Drop only to get a two count he quickly has words with the referee from behind him Abyss quickly sit's up like a monster from a horror movie before he wait's for James to turn around he hit's him with a The Black Hole Slam for win.


    Scott Hudson: Abyss has come away with the win but it doesn't look like he's done yet:

    Abyss goes under the ring and come's out with a bag before entering back into the ring he open's the top of it before tipping it upside down about 1000 Thumb tacks fall onto the floor as the crowd go wild, Abyss picks up James and set's him up for a Chokeslam right to hell and into the thumb tacks.

    :The Re-formation or not:

    As Abyss is set to hit the Chokeslam The Outlaw jumps over the guard rail from out of the crowd and enters the ring he quickly low blow's Abyss and stops James from getting a Chokeslam and some medical help.

    James hasn't know what has happened and see's Abyss on the floor he turn's around to see The Outlaw getting out of the ring and going to the back he wonder's what has just happened.


    Scott Hudson: The Outlaw may have just saved B.G James from a chokeslam to the thumb tacks but it looks as if James doens't know what's gone on:

    :The call out:

    The camera's go backstage to where Trinity who is still working as a staff member doesn't look pleased to be there she is with Christopher Daniels

    Trinity: I'm here at this time with the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels who is set to face a Mystery opponent that Jeff Jarrett has picked, what are your thought's going into this match Chris:

    Christopher Daniels: My thought's well what do you think there are i don't know who I'm set to take on so i can't prepare and watch tape's I'm going into the match blind but Jeff Jarrett if you want a piece of me come right out and get it because Sid isn't here tonight but he's hoping you do so he can get his hand's on you because this is how it is Jarrett and it isn't going to change I'm going to do thing's my way and that my friend's is the Gospal according to the Fallen Angel:


    :The Main Event:

    X-Division Championship Match

    Christopher Daniels Vs ?

    "Coming to the ring from Sin City he is the X-Division Champion and the master of the Angel's Wings he is the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels"

    Daniels get's a really good crowd reaction from some fan's who think he is the future of TNA as he stand's in the ring to see who Jarrett has picked him to take on with his title on the line.

    "From Atlanta, Georgia with a height and weight of 6'0" - 200 lbs he is one half of the NWA Tag Team Chanpion's......Jimmy Rave"

    The fan's booo Rave because he didn't show up for his match with America's Most Wanted.

    Scott Hudson: I'm sorry folk's but that right there is a no good son of a {censored} he cause's trouble in his team and doesn't show up for his match and instead see's it fit to take on the Champion is the Main Event what has Jarrett offered him and will we see Jarrett tonight:

    Both men stand of in the ring as the fan's throw abuse at Jimmy Rave he show's them the finger and shout's that they would do the same and Valentina is a no good b*tch she is the reason he has done this and it has to be done Daniels quickly spin's him around and slap's him to the fan's delight as the referee call's for the bell the match can now get started.

    Daniels hit's Rave with a Step Up Enziguri Rave fall's to the canvas but shake's off the effect and get's back up before he lock's on an Armbar but Daniels get's to the rope's breaking the move before locks up with Daniel's he take's him down with 3 straight German Suplex's to the mat but only get's a two count as Daniels kick's out Rave goes to cover him again but Daniels locks him in a sleeper hold as Jimmy grabs the rope's to save himself.

    In the end Rave win's the match with a low blow and hit's the Greetings From Ghana as Daniels face smashes into the mat he picks up the win.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave

    :The Chosen One is here:

    Jarrett quickly enters the ring with Guitar in hand he shoves Rave out of the way before smashing it into the head of Christopher Daniels who is down and out of it by now, Jarred turns to Rave and thank's him for beating Daniels and offer's his hand but Rave just walks out of the ring with his Tag Team title and new X-Division title belt as TNA Impact! goes off the air.


    Overall Rating: 67%

    1.11 rating for Impact!

    Attendance level was 3007 people.

    $90210 from ticket sales

  9. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    26th December 2003

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before a video package is shown of Hard Justice where Raven retained the NWA Championship with the help of Jeff Jarrett and Sting's arrival at the ppv where he took care of Jarrett, Raven and Russo.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he get ready to welcome the fans to Impact! and give them a quick run down of tonight's action.

    Scott Hudson: Hello fan's and welcome to TNA Impact! here on NBC this is the last Impact! of 2003,

    At Hard Justice Raven retained the title over Christopher Daniels with the help of Jeff Jarrett after the match Sting made his return to TNA and said that Raven was a dead man well Sting isn't here tonight as Raven will take on Jeff Jarrett in the main event with his World Title being on the line....Sting has left it up to Christopher Daniels to get his revenge tonight so what will Daniels have planned for the pair, Also Samoa Joe will take on Shark Boy in our opening match it was at Hard Justice where Samoa Joe tried to end the career of Alter Boy Luke, we have an update on the condition of Alter Boy Luke it seem's when he received the ChimeraPlex off Joe it caused him to black-out he should make his return to TNA some time in the new year we hope he get's well soon:

    Samoa Joe Vs Shark Boy

    After Joe's beat down of Alter Boy Luke at Hard Justice Shark Boy one half of the NWA Tag Team champions didn't look too happy that he was taking him on.

    Joe and Sharky lock up in the opening minutes of the match as Shark Boy take's Joe down to the mat with a running knee to the chest area but this only stun's Joe but Shark Boy seem's to be collecting momentum.

    But the momentum soon change's onto the side of Samoa Joe as he hit's an Island Driver onto Shark Boy stunning him.

    Joe end's the match with the Muscle Buster earning himself a win as Shark Boy is laid out on the mat Chris Harris of America's Most Wanted makes his way to the ring and tries to take out Shark Boy but Samoa Joe quickly hit's Harris with a Modified Tazmission not really saving Shark Boy, Samoa Joe just wanted to add another body to his hit list as he leaves the ring and goes backstage the referee check's on both men.

    Winner: Samoa Joe


  10. TNA Hard Justice

    IPB Image

    Sunday 21st December

    From the Pyramid Arena in Memphis

    IPB Image

    A video package of TNA Hard Justice begin's to play showing the recent show's and the feud's that have been happening as well as high-light's of the friday night's Impact!.

    The action come's to ringside where Scott Hudson is sat as he gets ready to welcome the fan's.

    Scott Hudson: Hello TNA fan's and welcome to this month's TNA ppv Hard Justice.

    Its about revenge for Alter Boy Luke as he take's on a man we don't have much information on, it was at Showdown where Samoa Joe turned up and badly beat up Alter Boy Luke and forced him to miss over as month of action and since then we haven't seen or heard from Joe so tonight it's about one thing and one thing only Revenge, Also Chris Sabin will be hoping to get back into the run for the X-Division title to face a man that has yet to be pinned here in TNA he is one half of the NWA tag team Champion's with Shark Boy he is none other than Jimmy Rave who would like nothing better than to leave Hard Justice with a title shot to face Christopher Daniels now over to you Mike Tenay:

    Mike Tenay: Hello everyone and i'm Mike Tenay please let me welcome you to Hard Justice as well as all those matches that Scott mentioned we have the return of Sabu we've seen the video on friday night and tonight the most Homicidal....Genocidal, and Suicidal wrestler return's to TNA and then that bring's us to the Main Event of the evening the NWA World Title match with Raven the champion taking on Christopher Daniels.

    Is it time for Christopher Daniels to wear World Title gold or will Vince Russo screw Daniels to keep the title around Raven's waist and what about Sting he was at Showdown last month and then at the first Impact! of this month but since then we haven't seen or heard from him, will he turn up tonight to confront Raven and Vince Russo:

    Samoa Joe Vs Alter Boy Luke

    We haven't seen Alter Boy Luke in over a month since the violent match that these two had at Showdown and tonight Luke didn't look in any shape to compete.

    Joe was fresh off his stint in ROH and so he didn't look like any ring rust had built up and he was pumped and looked more angry than he was at Showdown, The referee call's for the bell as the match gets underway Luke tries to size Samoa Joe up but as both men tie up for a test of strength Joe bring's Luke down to his knee's in pain before a violent kick to the head which echo's around the arena this must have been the turning point in the match because Luke just fell back onto the canvas in a heap as Samoa Joe picked him up like a rag doll with his neck before landing some right and left chop's to the chest in the style of a mad man.

    Luke doesn't show any offence in the match so his bid for Revenge goes no-where the size and strength of Samao Joe is too much, but Joe doesn't look like he is going to end the match any time soon as he smashes Luke back onto the ring mat with a side suplex.

    Later on in the match Joe hits a triple combo before hitting Luke with a Dragon Suplex too the mat before he taunt's the crowd as he get's ready to show off his finisher the fan's get ready for the triangle choke but instead of using his usual Ring of Honour finisher he change's into a different move to show the fans that he mean's it here in TNA as he hits The ChimeraPlex the fans stand up to see blood dripping from the face and throat of Alter Boy Luke as Joe pin's him the Referee makes the three count as Luke shows no signs that he was going to kick out after this beating by the monster the referee call's for the bell as Samoa Joe stands in the ring with his towel wrapped around his neck.

    Joe quickly wraps the towel around the neck and throat area of Alter Boy Luke before chocking him out the referee tries to pull him off but Joe gives him a stern kick to the chest knocking him onto the mat before he picks the referee up and hit's him with a muscle buster before walking backstage with the towel around his neck having been stained with the blood of Alter Boy Luke.

    Winner: Samoa Joe


    Scott Hudson: The Emt's have just come to the ring now to check on Alter Boy Luke, we should have an update maybe by the end of the show if not please check out TNA.Com.....Mike that was one brutal match as Samoa Joe makes a statement that he will not go easy on anyone as Luke's quest for revenge may have ended his own career:

    Tenay: Well Samoa Joe really didn't have to defend himself it was a clear one sided match, maybe we need some one like Samoa Joe as our friend because i don't want him as my enemy i can tell you that:

    The camera's go backstage to the locker room where Jimmy Rave is standing by with Trinity who look's like she will be doing the interviews for the rest of the night or her stint in TNA, as the camera's come on her she holds the microphone and gets ready to speak.

    Trinity: I'm standing by with Jimmy Rave who in a few moment's will be taking on Chris Sabin for the number one contender's spot for the X-Division title how do you think you will get on in this match:

    Jimmy Rave :Your forgot that i am one half of the NWA Tag Team Champion's but it doesn't matter because in a few day's i will be the X-Division Champion as well because no one can stop the path to greatness the wheel's of the future are already in motion and my time is now and Chris Sabin in a few years people will just remember you as another figure on my winning streak because tonight your my lucky number 14 and your just another Victim by the Rave's clash:


    No1 Contender's spot for the X-Division Title

    Jimmy Rave with Valentina Vs Chris Sabin

    Jimmy Rave has impressed a lot of people in recent week's with a winning streak of 13 could he make it to 14 tonight,he has teamed up with Shark Boy to form Legend's of the deep and capture the tag team title's as well as get Valentina as his manager who must be pleased also Jimmy Rave's fan base seem's to have picked up as well.

    Sabin who is fresh off his loss to Christopher Daniels at Showdown looks set to beat Rave and get a shot for the title so he can re-claim it.

    The Referee calls for the bell as the contest gets underway Valentina stands at ringside chatting to the fans who seem to enjoy her of late and they should she alway's gives them a flash of what she has under her skirt.

    Rave and Sabin lock up but Sabin take's Rave down to the mat with a hip-toss as he locks on an arm-bar but Rave counters the move into a sleeper-hold but Sabin reaches for the rope's as both men re-group in the early going's on the contest both men are going to have to use tactic's to take each other down.

    Sabin tie's up with Jimmy but he reverses the move and manages to get behind Sabin, As Sabin turns around Rave hit's a standing drop-kick to the face as Sabin falls to the mat Jimmy bring's himself down on top of him with an elbow drop to the chest as both men seem to be gaining ground in the match.

    The closing moment's of the match come when Valentina distracts Sabin by standing on the apron before bending over Sabin who now has only got one thing on his mind doesn't see Rave going up to the top turnbuckle Rave come's off into a cross-body before he connects and pin's Sabin to come away with a title shot and keep's his winning streak alive now going to 14-0.

    Rave and Valentina celebrate the win before Rave plant's a kiss on the lips of Valentina she doesn't know how to react to it Rave see's this and exit's the ring leaving Valentina in the ring wondering what just happened.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave


    Hudson: With the help of Valentina, Jimmy Rave remains undefeated and earn's a title shot but what a lot of people are more interested in is the closing moment's of this match as he planted a kiss on her, what do you make of it Tenay:

    Tenay: How can i react i more concerned in what she was doing with Sabin, But i guess we will have to wait until Impact! to find out the story is there but one thing i must say what does Shark Boy think of all this but still a good win for Jimmy Rave:

    As the ring is cleared from the last match the light's in the arena go out as some far-eastern music begins to start playing before a video on the screen starts to play before the word's Sabu appear.

    The fans in the arena go wild and begin to chant Sabu as the man appears on the stage with a ladder in his hand, Sabu makes his way to the ring before the lights fully come on as Sabu does his taunt in the ring before he reaches around and pulls off his head scarf.

    Hudson: Wait a second thats not Sabu...it's...it's:

    Tenay: Its Jerry Lynn what the hell is he doing here dressed as Sabu this is a total lack of respect from Jerry Lynn towards Sabu:

    Lynn quickly throws the head towel made famous by Sabu onto the floor before he spit's into it before laughing at the fans.

    Lynn: You lot actually thought i was that crazy ass son of a b*tch well i'm not.

    Sabu isn't coming back until he gets a bigger pay off you know what i'm actually glad he's injured and whats so good about being the most Hardcore wrestler there and you people cheer him over me well let me remind you who in the hell i am.....i'm "The new F'n Show" let me tell i'm better than Sabu and there's no way he will ever show up here for you stupid punks so sit down and shut the hell up:

    The lights in the ring quickly go out as the fans cheer and take photos as the lights come on in the ring standing across from Jerry Lynn is Sabu striking his taunt to the roof as a referee comes to the ring to call the match.


    Anything goes match no Dq

    Jerry Lynn Vs Sabu

    Two men who can take to the air are ready to go at it.

    After the total lack of disrespect off Jerry Lynn towards Sabu, Sabu is ready to put his body on the line and take to the air if he has to in this no rule's match where you can bet the ladder will come into play.

    The Referee call's for the bell as the contest gets under way Sabu quickly runs over to Lynn but Lynn takes Sabu down to the mat with a tornado ddt jacking Sabu's head into the canvas but this only stuns the man from Bombay as he gets straight back up before taking Lynn down with a flying leg drop to the canvas Sabu quickly grabs hold of Lynn and places his face onto the ladder before going to the rope's and jumping onto them before coming off and connecting onto Lynn's face with a spring-board leg drop Lynn starts to bleed in the early goings of the match but Sabu only gets a two count as the camera's focus on the scars on his body.

    Lynn crawls out of the ring but as Sabu tries to follow Lynn onto the outside but Lynn throws a chair into the face of Sabu knocking Sabu and the chair back into the ring as Lynn stays on the outside getting some stamina back....he didn't expect this match with Sabu to be more action paced than the one's with Rob Van Dam in ECW.

    As Lynn stays on the outside of the ring Sabu grabs the chair and places it near the ropes and stalks Lynn as Lynn walks over to the announcers table Sabu rushes to the far set of ropes before being shot back off them as he runs for the chair before jumping onto the top of the chair before he jumps onto the top rope in typical Sabu style before he flys right off the top rope onto Jerry Lynn with the Air Sabu, both men crash into the announcers table....both men lie there for a while as the referee checks on them.

    A few moments later Sabu has already got a steel chair before he jump's onto the guard rail before jumping off with a Arabian Facebuster the chair smashing right into Jerry Lynn's face as Sabu pins him to come away with the win as he walks into the ring and stands there pointing to the roof of the arena.

    IPB Image

    Winner: Sabu


    Hudson: After Lynn disrespected Sabu...Sabu returned and beat the hell out of him, Up next up is the World Title match as we now go backstage to hear from Raven:

    The camera's go backstage to where Raven is standing with the NWA World Title on his shoulder.

    Raven: Christopher Daniels you might be able to pull the cotton over everyone's eye's with your scrappy wins but let me warn you...you may be a man of the cloth yourself but in the end you claim to be from heaven and going straight to hell let me tell you that tonight hell will be standing in the ring with you...you may be a preacher but tonight your going to have to pay for sin's of cheating because the greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing people that he didn't exist.....but he does tonight you will see the closet thing to the Devil.

    All the way througth my life there have been people like you and Tommy Dreamer who wouldn't give me second chance i was the outcast of my town where everyone had something that i wanted and i never had but now i stand here with something there all desire a World Title not a lot of people can claim that have held a world a title and tonight the only thing you will be preaching about are the words "I Quit" you see Daniels at school i was the rebel the kid everyone avoided and once in a while i was the one who the pretty girl liked you see they all love a rebel however when i was bullied when i was younger when i was abused in school they didn't realize i was plotting my revenge i was the whispers in class i was the writing on the black board i was the one who made them go crazy the one he struck down on them with great vengeance and tonight i exact my ultimate Revenge......Quote the the Raven Nevermore:


    NWA World Title Match with "I Quit" rules

    Raven © with Vince Russo Vs Christopher Daniels

    Daniels stands across the ring nervous to be in his first ever World title match he screwed Jeff Jarrett to get here so he could finally win a world title and was it his time who know's ?.

    Raven sits in the ring in a typical stance as the referee calls for the bell both men go at it as Daniels pull's Raven in the corner but Raven overpowers him and pushes Daniels into the corner before landing a few stiff punches to the face.

    Daniels nails Raven with a dropkick before he goes across the ropes and come back with an elbow drop to Raven but Raven moves and quickly runs to the ropes as Daniels gets up Raven hits him with a flying knee to face as both men really got at it both men want to win and no one wants to say "I quit" as Russo screams on at Raven but the fans begin to chant "You Screwed Styles" which gets Russo mad.

    Daniels takes Raven out with a copy of Ravens Even-flow and gets ready to ask him if he wants to quit but Russo jumps onto the ring mat and distracts the referee before out of the back comes running Jeff Jarrett he is carrying his guitar he quickly enters the ring before Daniels turns around Jarrett tells him to pick Raven up as Daniels stands there holding Raven...Russo see's what is going on and tries to enter the ring he was trying to buy Raven some time not screw him.

    Jarrett places the guitar onto Raven's head before pulling it back he bring's it down as it smashes everywhere but not on Raven's head at the last second Jarrett aimed at Daniels head as Raven looks up as Jarrett stands there before he grabs hold of Daniels in a cobra clutch the referee turns around and pushes Jarrett out of the way and check's Daniels but Daniels has been knocked out by the guitar and the referee thinks its the cobra clutch so he call's for the bell ending the match making Raven remain the World Champion.

    Russo gives the belt to Raven as the three men stand in the ring.

    Winner: Raven


    Russo grabs hold of Daniels as Raven talks crap to him with there back to Jarrett as Russo and Raven pound away, Jarrett just watches as the fan's plead with Jeff to save his former friend...Jeff tells the fans that he is the chosen one and acts like a right ass to them.

    From behind Jeff the ring canvas shakes a little as a bump begin's to form in it the fans are interested as it moves some more and then again, before a small piece of the mat move's and from under the ring a hand appears with a black glove on before a black baseball bat appears as it points into the air the fans are now keeping quiet so Russo, Raven and Jarrett don't find out the fans want there revenge for Daniels.

    The canvas moves a lot more as the arm comes out before from under the ring Sting climb's up into the ring and stands behind Jarrett with his baseball bat he goes up behind Jarrett who is still talking like a big man.

    Sting walks into him very slowly as Jarrett's facial expression changes a lot as the fans piss themselves at it, Jarrett turns around and Sting screams into his face before kicking Jarrett in the stomach and swings away with the baseball bat to Jarrett's chest Sting then and locks Jarrett into a reverse ddt and plants him into the canvas.

    Somehow Raven and Russo haven't looked behind them yet and seen Sting, as Sting ask's for the microphone he walks up to them as Russo it about to hit Daniels with the World Title belt Russo see's him and it looks like he's wet himself as Sting stands there in the ring Raven also see's him Sting points the bat right at the chest of Vince Russo "You've got no Guts" Russo quickly exits the ring as Sting turns to Raven and points the bat to his chest this time "And you....your a deadman" Raven stands there before Sting nails him with the baseball bat to the face as he falls to the floor Russo drags him out of the ring as Sting stands in the ring swinging his bat around as TNA Hard Justice goes off the air.


    Overall Rating:71%

  11. TNA Hard Justice on PPV

    Sunday 21st December 2003

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    live from The Pyramid Arena in Memphis,Nashville

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    Alter Boy Luke Vs Samoa Joe

    Joe will be hoping to win his second match over the same man he beat at Showdown while Luke will hope to get revenge on the man who has left him recovering from his injury's over the last month after the brutal match at Showdown.

    No1 contender's spot for the X-Division title

    Jimmy Rave with Valentina Vs Chris Sabin

    One half of the new tag team champion's will be looking to take on the former champion Chris Sabin in this number one contender's match.

    Will Sabin be one step closer to getting his title back or will Rave take his winning streak to 14-0

    NWA World Title Match, I quit match

    "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Vs Raven with Vince Russo

    After a win on Impact! Daniels will be hoping to walk away as both the X-Division champion as well as the new World champion.

    Raven will have Vince Russo who without a doubt will have a plan to keep the title around Raven.

    And what about Sting will he be involved in the match.

    *Card subject to change*

    {Your predictions would be nice (Y) ,and a big shock lol this is the first diary that i've kept at so I'm pretty pleased by this}

  12. TNA Impact! on NBC

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    19th December 2003

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before the action come's to ringside where a video package is shown of Impact! last week where Raven called out Sting and Russo claimed that Sting didn't care about the fan's at all

    The camera's leave the ringside area and go backstage to the female locker room where Valentina is fixing her make up before her team Legends of the Deep take on America's Most Wanted.

    The door open's and America's Most Wanted come running in before James Storm nail's Valentina from behind with an elbow to the back of the head before Harris give's her a few kick's when she is down on the floor.

    America's Most Wanted walk out the door as Valentina is knocked out cold before Harris turn's around "Tell Jaws and Rave we said hello"


    Ladder Match for the NWA Tag Team Title's

    Legends of the Deep vs America's Most Wanted

    With Valentina having been taken out before the match Rave and Shark Boy where out here on there own. Last week Storm and Harris retained there title's via Dq but tonight this was a no Dq match, it was the worse of it's kind and can make hero's into Legends....the ladder match.

    Storm went outside to get the ladder as he picked it up Shark Boy came flying off the top rope onto him with a springboard moonsault onto James Storm knocking the ladder into his face.

    Meanwhile Rave was in the ring hoping to keep his winning streak alive as he set the ladder up in the corner and went to throw Harris into it but it was blocked and Chris Harris irish-whipped Jimmy Rave face first into the ladder knocking out a few more brain cell's in the head of Jimmy Rave.

    On the outside Shark Boy was smashed with a chair to the face and went down as Storm got into the ring and placed the chair over Rave's face and preformed a leg drop onto it as both he and Harris climbed the ladder as they reached the top Valentina rushed into the ring as she and Rave both pushed the ladder as it fell over with Storm and Harris on it.

    Storm and Harris fell with a sick bump to the outside of the ring as Jimmy Rave set the ladder back up as Valentina stayed on guard with the chair as Rave climbed to the top and grabbed both of the belts making him and Shark Boy the new tag team champion's.

    Winner's: Legends of the Deep


    After the ladder match a video begin's to play.

    The room is dark as a candle flicker's in the darkness before the words "Homicidal, Genocidal, Suicidal" flash up before showing the Hard Justice ring with a ladder in the middle before the video goes off the air as the action goes back to the arena.


    Jeff Jarrett vs Christopher Daniels vs The Outlaw

    The winner of the match would face Raven at Hard Justice with his World Title being on the line.

    Cm Punk was meant to be in the match but a booking in ROH meant he couldn't make it to the show so the match was turned into a triple threat match.

    As the match got under way the camera's went backstage to show Vince Russo and Raven where watching on a Tv screen to see who he would Vs at Hardjustice.

    Jeff Jarrett thought Daniels was on his side but Daniels nailed Jarrett from behind with a low-blow as the debuting Out Law looked on waiting for his chance to shine.

    The Out Law nailed Jarrett with a "Famous-drop" before Daniels sneaked up from behind and whipped him with a drop kick to the back of the head before Daniels hit Jarrett with the Fallen Wings and pinned him for the win thus getting himself a World title shot at Hard Justice.

    Winner: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels


    Raven quickly entered the ring and aimed for Daniels with a chair but the fast paced Daniels rushed out of the way before connecting with a ddt knocking Raven onto his head.

    Daniels looked down onto Raven before spitting at him and picking up his NWA Title.

    Daniels held up Raven's world title belt to the crowd.....is this what's going to happen at Hard Justice ?....and what about Sting ?......many question's with so little time as Impact! goes off the air with Daniels in the ring with his X-Division title and Raven's World title.


  13. NWA World Champion

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    26th November 2003 Defeats AJ Styles

    NWA Tag team Champion's

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    America's Most Wanted

    June 25, 2003 defeat Elix Skipper & Chris Daniels

    X-Division Champion

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    Christopher Daniels

    26th November 2003 defeats Chris Sabin

    Impact! Card

    Ladder Match

    Legend's of the Deep Vs America's Most Wanted

    Four Corner's match winners Vs Raven at HardJustice 21st December

    Jeff Jarrett Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Cm Punk Vs The Outlaw

    "Two men both alike in dignity,

    In TNA where we lay our scene, From an ancient grudge to break a new munity, Were civil blood makes civil hands unclean, From forth the fatal loins of these two foes as HardJustice awaits the pair"

    Again your views on the recent shows and the ppv are welcome as any problems you may have with the product of TNA as long as it's not my grammar :D .

  14. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    12th December 2003

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before the action come's to ringside where a video package is shown of Impact! last week where Raven and Vince Russo joined forces and Sting came out and marked the sign of death upon Russo and Raven.

    Scott Hudson gives the fans a brief look at the card for tonights Impact! and a run down of what to expect.

    The camera's leave the ringside area before going backstage to Jeff Jarrett's locker room where he is with Dixie Carter as there are talking about something.

    Dixie carries on carry's on the conversation with Jeff "Of course I'm in your corner, that belt has to come off Raven and Russo I'm sure Jeff that you could take care of him and to prove i'm in your corner as from now your my personal client"


    Harris Boys Vs Legends of the Deep with Valentina

    After last weeks loss to America's Most Wanted and the beating Shark Boy, Jimmy Rave and Valentina got they were not in a good shape for tonight's match.

    Jimmy Rave nails Ron Harris with a standing Drop Kick to the face before Shark Boy comes off the top rope with a leg-drop to the throat and chest area of Don Harris as both teams go at it Valentina throws her shoe into the ring and Ron Harris grab's hold of it but the Referee catches him and drags Valentina's shoe out of his hand before walking over to the ropes and throwing it out while this is happening Shark Boy delivers a low blow to Don Harris as both Rave and Shark Boy hit the tidal wave finisher on Ron Harris as they both pin him to get the win.

    From out of the back America's Most Wanted grace the crowd with an appearance as they enter the ring with steel chairs in their hands Ron and Don Harris get straight out of there as both teams stand off in the ring more Referee's and Security come down and sort out the brawl before it happens as the fans looked miffed that both teams didn't pound the hell out of each other.

    Winners: Legends of the Deep.


    Christopher Daniels Vs CM Punk

    After a good win over Kid Kash last week CM Punk hopes his luck will carry on tonight as he face's the X-division Champion none other than the Fallen Angel who beat Chris Sabin at the PPV for the title belt.

    With this being a non-title match you would have expected Daniels not to try and over do himself however as always Daniels was on form as both men went at it in this match, Punk was clean and cut and the fan's choice in this match but many of the fans couldn't count out Daniels as both men took to the air in a dog fight like plane's....Punk nailed Daniels with a drop kick before having him ready for the pepsi-plunge but Daniels reached into his shorts and pulled something out before nailing Cm Punk square in the face and wrapping him up for the pin.

    Daniels didn't wait around too long for Cm Punk to come around and made his escape into the crowd

    Winner: The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels


    Raven Vs Shane Douglas

    Having lost to Jeff Jarrett at the last week's show Raven looks glad that this isn't a title match but he has Russo in his corner which provoke's more chants of "You Screwed Styles" Raven sticks his fingers up to the crowd like an outcast of the world after his promo last week on Impact!.

    Shane Douglas looks focused on his match with Raven, as the bell gets the contest underway both men go at it before Raven connects with a weak headbutt but Douglas shakes it off and irish-whips Raven into the corner before connecting with a clothesline to the throat of him as Raven falls to the canvas Douglas goes for an Elbow drop but Raven moves out of the way as Douglas hits the cavas Raven nails him with several right hands to the face area.

    Raven gets to his feet and extends his arms and taunts the crowd into a frenzy at which they throw there drinks and food into the ring hitting Raven as he stands there cocky as ever with Russo screaming for him to punish Douglas more, Russo goes over to So Cal Val and grabs the NWA World Title off her before tossing it into the ring behind the Referee who doesn't see a thing, Raven signals for him to distract him.

    As the Referee is distracted by Russo....Raven picks up the title belt and lays it on the floor before picking up a groggy Shane Douglas before giving him an Even-Flow onto the top of the belt Russo moves off the canvas to allow the Referee to turn around and see the count as Raven has Shane's shoulders covered.

    The Referee makes the three count as Raven stands in the ring Russo puts in the boots to Shane Douglas.

    Winner: Raven


    Raven takes to the microphone after the match with Vince Russo looking on very happy.

    "Sting i know it was you last week still trying to live on a character created from a film..(Raven smirk's) but me Sting I'm real and i'm your worst nightmare i'm the total outcast this world shoved out and now i'm back to shove it back down there stupid ignorant throats in this stinking world there is only one true person and thats me the Raven.

    Sting wouldn't piss on the lot of you if you where all on fire he doesn't care about anyone but himself.....My title reign wont be a short trip but Stings your will be a short trip with a bad landing by the Even-Flow....Its all about me...Its all about Raven"

    Raven stands in the ring doing his pose as Russo grabs the microphone.

    "Sting save us the bull sh*t and get you sorry painted white ass down here because i'm not going to play politics.

    The cr*p that goes on down here i don't really need the whole world and the locker room after me....what have i done is it because i destroyed WCW you know....you should blame Vince McMahon for that hes the one that paid the money for WCW.

    I did what i had to do to make sure i kept my job because AJ Styles is a no-body and i'm afraid so is Sting he lost his passion for wrestling back in 1999 he'd show up and then jet off again after his match wow that guy was a team player so yeah you fans cheer him and see if he cares he doesn't give a dam about you"

    Raven and Russo await for Sting to show up but Impact! goes off the air without Sting showing up.


  15. TNA Impact! on NBC

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    5th December 2003

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The TNA Impact! music video begins showing several of the wrestlers in the ring, before the action come's to ringside where a video package is shown of TNA's PPV Showdown showing the closing moments of the show where AJ Styles lost the NWA World title to Raven with the help of Vince Russo as Scott Hudson quickly gives a run down of the matchs tonight on Impact!

    Kid Kash Vs Cm Punk

    Two of the fastest stars of TNA, Former X-division champion Kash hopes a win tonight in the opening match of Impact! will get him near his belt that he lost.

    Kash drops a elbow onto chest area of Punk but he shakes it off before taking down Kash with an arm-drag takedown onto the mat before locking him in a slepperhold but Kash makes it to the ropes to cut off any momentum Cm Punk may have gained.

    The momentum changes a lot through out the match as both men gain a lot of ground in there strategy and mental takedown of each other.

    The clean cut Cm Punk walked away with the win in a decent opening contest of the night.

    Kash quickly attacks him again after the bell as both men still begin to fight before pounding away at each other into the crowd.

    Winner: Cm Punk


    NWA Tag Team Title Match

    America's Most Wanted Vs Legends of the Deep with Valentina

    This match has to be the most awaited contest for Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy as well as the fans who has been riding with Legend of the deep, as they get the chance for the tag team championships around the waist of America's Most Wanted.

    Jimmy Rave claimed it was time for them to drop the belts to the better tag team and what better place to do it than on Impact!.

    The undefeated streak of Rave has impressed many people as well as the fans and the fans were behind him and Shark Boy with Valentina at ringside,The legends of the deep had a little more surport from the fans which made sure they gained a lot of ground in the early moments of the match.

    Valentina got the crowd in her teams corner by flashing her panties to the fans....this actually distracted all four men in the ring as well as the Ref but its all good.

    Rave went for a spear later on in the contest on James Storm,But Storm moved out of the wat allowing Chris Harris to nail him with the title belt causing Rave and Shark Boy to win by Dq as America's Most Wanted walked away still the tag champions, But Raves undefeated streak remained intact.

    AMW quickly double powerbomb Shark Boy before the lay Rave out with another shot by the tag team title, before Valentina is brought into the ring and they clothesline her......all three members of the team are laid out in the ring as this War is far from over.

    Winners by Dq: Legends of the Deep


    The Cameras cut to the backstage area where Jeff Jarrett is stood near his locker room talking to some inside he doesn't see the camera and carrys on the conversation

    "So you've got my back then tonight...i swear i will make this worth your while, a win over Raven is one step closer to a title shot and then when i get that and win the belt and i vs....." Jarrett point's into the room,at the direction of the person "You"

    The man in the room speaks to him "Well if thats your plan then my deal isn't going to change...but this is how it is Jarrett if you don't live up to your end of of this deal i swear i will screw you so bad that you will be begging for the Angels to take you away from Satan".

    "Of course ill live up to my end of it....i'm the one who better than everyone around here and theres no way in hell that i'm going to lose that match i'm the one with the stroke and i'm sure as hell the Chosen one"

    Jarrett moves aside from the door as Christopher Daniels walks past him.

    Hudson: What the hell was all that about:


    No Dq Match

    Jeff Jarrett Vs Raven

    Raven had a lot of heat on him tonight due to the screw job that Russo pulled at the ppv but it looked as if Raven didn't know anything about it, Jarrett on the other hand looked a lot more cocky tonight and seemed as if he was hoping his little deal with Christopher Daniels would be good and help him get near a title shot.

    Raven took a headbutt off Jarrett in the early going's of the match but managed to pull back with some right and left hand's as Raven worked at a slow speed trying to get Jarrett to slip up but Jarrett was on form as always.

    Russo joined the action at ringside looking like he was Ravens manager the fans started to chant at him "You screwed Styles" as Russo didn't even listen to them.

    Back in the ring Raven powerslamed Jarrett to the mat and awaited him to get up as he was about to finish him with an Even-Flow from out of the back the Fallen Angel hit the ring armed with a leadpipe and quickly aimed at Raven before smashing it into Ravens head.

    Jarrett gets the pin fall and slides out of the ring to join Daniels on the outside as he stands there before raising his hand,Jarrett gets a few cheers mainly boo's from the fans as they now must see him as a heel.


    Vince Russo gets into the ring with Raven and hands him the NWA Title before taking to the microphone "Like me you must be sick and tired of all this crap that goes on down here...i can change that i can keep that belt around your waist all i need is you to join me we can be a team, you know what goes on back there you know there goning to screw you for what happened.....they aren't going to want to keep the belt around your waist are they"

    Raven quickly snatches the microphone away from Russo "Like the devil i did the greatest trick over the last few weeks i made these stupid fans and everyone else think that a partnership with you and i didn't exist, but to tell you the truth I'm glad it has all my life people have put me down and it was never about me i was never put first,but you did....you told me what was right you were more of Father to me than my real one and if you fans think i sold out...huh not one of you ever thought about me....What about me....What about Raven"

    Raven and Vince Russo shake hands as Raven picks up his title belt off the floor.

    Suddenly the lights around the entrance area go out as smoke begins to rise as flashes of light begin to play down like thunder,in the entrance way an arm appears througth the smoke with a baseball before aiming it towards the ring and straight at Raven as TNA Impact! goes off the air


  16. IPB Image

    credit to gdowson

    Deal's into TNA

    TNA.com has finally let there fans know of the two new superstars they have picked up before TNA Impact! this week.

    Matt Hyson who many of the fans will know has worked in ECW and the WWE before he was released from his contract along with a dozen or so others and TNA can reveal they were lucky as they called first and hopefully Matt Hyson now known as "Brother Runt" will be a major player on this weeks Impact!

    Also coming along into TNA will be Monty Sopp who is also a former WWE superstar when asked about coming into TNA Monty gave us a quick word "No Introduction Needed - You Already Know My Name"

    Deal's out of TNA

    AJ Styles who was fired on screen at TNA's first ppv of the Holden/Jarrett era made a deal with the WWE days after the ppv and will no longer be in TNA.

    TNA Impact! current card

    Main event non-title

    Raven Vs Jeff Jarrett

    NWA Tag Team Championship

    America's Most Wanted Vs Jimmy Rave w/Valentina and Shark Boy

  17. Wilderness: 8/10 from the director of Deathwatch so if you like that film or Dog Soldiers your bound to like this and the tag line says it all :Its's not about Revenge...its about Punishment:

    If im correct this hasnt come out in the cinemas yet but its worth going to watch or get a copy of you have to see it to know how good it is and the plot if very gifted as well.

    Do not watch this movie if you are looking for a message, unless that message is that revenge is sweet. Most of the movie is a bloodfest and the special effects are graphic - not something to be watched alone if you scare easily.

    Trust me you should love this lol.

  18. TNA Showdown

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    26th November 2003

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    The opening credits begin to play showing the footage of all events leading up to tonights ppv where everyone will face there rival, and there will be a final solution and most of all a Showdown in TNA.

    Mike Tenay and Don West quickly give a recap of tonights matchs as well as what can probaly be expected before the camera's leave the ringside area to go backstage to where Dixie Carter is waiting to mention something about tonight Main Event at Showdown with AJ Styles and Raven.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen let me welcome you all this months TNA PPV Showdown as you all know many of the matchs tonight come with a price and tonight who ever loses the Cage match will be fired on the spot...so if Raven loses he leaves TNA and if AJ Styles doesn't win he will be fired....Vince Russo's client has to win for him to stay with TNA"

    Overall Rating: 62%

    Alter Boy Luke Vs Samoa Joe

    In the opening match of the night, fresh from ROH Samoa Joe will make his debut for TNA by taking on Luke.

    The match gets underway with Joe destroying and beating the hell out of Alter Boy Luke who doesn't or cant show much offence as the Mighty Joe lays off a few karate style kicks and chops to the chest of Luke, Luke tries to take down the powerful big man but the size and strength is a big difference Joe quickly locks on a dangerous chokehold from which Luke begins to tap...but Joe keeps the hold locked on way after the bell, knocking Luke straight out as he comes away with his first win in his debut match for TNA.

    Overall Rating:60%

    Jimmy Rave Vs Shane Douglas

    Shane Douglas who has had many of problems with David Flair in recent weeks doesn't look pleased that Flair didn't want a match tonight instead Jimmy Rave who is still undefeated will take on the former ECW champion in the second match of the night.

    Both men lock up after the bell as Douglas goes to work on Rave showing a style that Jimmy Rave isn't used to, well he hasn't had to face many world champions yet with Valentina at ringside as well Douglas knew it was a numbers game.

    Rave quickly hits a slingshot clothesline from the turnbuckle showing the same skill that douglas showed in ECW,as he goes for the pin but only manages a two count from the backstage area David Flair runs down to the ring to distract Douglas as Rave quickly gets him in a pinning position as Flair runs off but again only a two count.

    In the end its with the help of Valentina who sprays some hairspray into the eyes of Douglas that Rave comes away with the win after hitting the Raves Clash a cheap copy of the Styles clash.

    David Flair hits the ring to begin pounding on Shane Douglas after the contest but receives a bulldog from Rave.

    Douglas gets to his feet as both Rave and Douglas beat the hell out of Flair before Valentina hands Shane a chair from which he gest ready to pound Flair, The Sandman who isn't even in the building tonight must be watching at home hoping he was to save his friend.

    Douglas smashes the chair right in the middle of the eyes of Flair to seal him a trip to the hospital as Shane and Rave stand in the ring before walking off backstage.

    Overall Rating:60%

    Chris Sabin appears backstage and begins to cut into why he hates The Fallen Angel and what has he done to make him mad...but Sabin says it doesn't matter because the book of Sabin says that bullies always get whats coming to them.

    Overall Rating:60%

    NWA X-Division Title Match

    Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels

    One of the most biggest feuds in recent weeks both men have beaten each other and screwed each other out of matchs and tonight there must be a winner in this final encounter match for the X-Division title which is around the waist of Chris Sabin.

    Daniels shows a lot of offence after the bell with a massive clothesline to the facial area of Sabin before he locks on a sleeper hold but Sabin wont quit.

    Daniels hits a Hurrancarana which takes Sabin to the mat before he gets back to his feet as Daniels hits the Fallen Wings to seal the match hopefully but a two count prevents him from walking away as champion.

    The two take to the air in a dog fight later in the match which the fans who are in the arena seem to enjoy before Sabin rolls him up but Daniels rolls out of it and covers him to pick up the three count and the belt.

    After the contest Daniels raises the title high but Sabin comes up from behind and grabs hold of Daniels fore-arm and trapping him in a perfect hold.......a hug both men hug each other and shake hands as the fans stand on there feet thanking both men.

    Overall Rating:65%

    Jeff Jarrett, Sting, and Jay Briscoe vs Fame and Fortune

    Sting who Jarrett named as his new partner got a good pop from the crowd as he battled with both members of Americas Most Wanted hitting them both with Stingersplash in the corner as Jarrett went after Killings, Jay Briscoe didn't have much to do but the fans didn't mind he kept them happy with his own facial reactions to Stings and Jarretts moves in the end Sting locked on a Scorpion-death drop ddt to Killings before Jarrett hits the stroke on Harris as Briscoe went after James Storm....Sting snapped on a Scorpion leg lock and it was crack...snap and pop as Killings give's up to mean Fame and Fortune are no more and that TNA has been ridden of the cancer....many fans thought they were the next nWo but Jarrett and Sting proved they were just a poor mans Four Horsemen or Evolution.

    Sting....Jay and Jarrett stayed in the ring to show off there win as Killings quickly attacked Americas Most Wanted on the stage.

    Overall Rating:69%

    The Cameras go backstage to where Vince Russo has just finished watching the match and seen Fame and Fortune gone from TNA he looks worried and he should be his clients match is next he quickly speaks "I have every confidence that tonight my client will win the match"

    Overall Rating:72%

    NWA World Title Match! {Cage Match}

    AJ Styles vs Raven

    These two have been on road to this point for over two months as emotions are running high both men have beaten each other sent each other to the hospital and screwed each other out of wins and tonight there careers are on the line in this unforgiving Cage match which takes years off the stars lives.

    Russo came to ringside with AJ Styles as Raven sat in his typical stance in the ring as the ref called for the bell the fans got to there feet to see each other tear into each other.

    Both men went at it with punches kicks and there typical moves as well as cutting each others faces into the steel,As the fans wanted blood they wanted to see there hero Raven f*ck this young kid up and they made sure AJ Styles heard them as he looked nervous Raven took it to the young kid...Raven went for the even flow but Styles floored him with a dropkick as Russo screamed for him to get out of the cage.

    Styles went for the door as Russo opened it as Styles steps out Russo quickly threw the cage door back into the face of Styles as the fans are shocked AJ Styles turns around to an EvenFlow DDT off Raven as he quickly goes over the top of the cage to win himself the NWA World Title as Russo enters the cage with a chair and begins to smash Styles with it before shouting at him...."AJ Styles you are not my client".

    Russo quickly sprints up to Raven who is on the stage and offers him his hand hand but Raven just looked at him and walks off backstage as AJ Styles is in the ring after being screwed out of his title and his job by his former manager Vince Russo.

    Overall Rating:84%

  19. NBC drops TNA Impact!

    After only two shows on NBC's network TNA Impact! has been dropped which comes as a huge blow to the Nashville promotion.

    *This just came a day before i was going to do the Impact! tv show lol looks like i dont have a tv show now, anyhow that means that the next show thats posted will now be the PPV Showdown of which the current card looks like this*

    Cage match for the NWA Title

    Raven Vs AJ Styles ©

    *If Raven wins AJ Styles and Vince Russo will be fired....if Styles wins Raven will be fired.

    Russo's client AJ Styles must win for him to keep his job*

    TNA Vs Fame and Fortune

    Jeff Jarrett, Jay Briscoe, and Sting Vs Americas Most Wanted(Chris Harris and James Storm) and Ron Killings

    *if Fame and Fortune win they control TNA.

    If team TNA win Fame and Fortune must split up*

    X-Division title match

    Chris Sabin © Vs Christopher Daniels

    Jimmy Rave Vs Jerry Lynn

    Alter Boy Luke Vs ?

    again your views on the recent shows and the ppv are welcome as any problems you may have with the product of TNA.

  20. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    11th November 2003

    The opening credits start to play as TNA Impact! on NBC begins.

    Scott Hudson replays the action from last weeks Impact! showing the Jarrett/Russo argument as well as the list of matchs for tonights Impact! and the PPV in two weeks time.

    The cameras go to the back to Dixie Carters office.

    Where she is with Jay Briscoe, Jay tells her that Mark was beaten up pretty bad last week by Americas Most Wanted and cant make it to tonights show and maybe even the PPV, Dixie lets him know that tonight she will find him another partner for the injured Mark Briscoe to take on Americas Most Wanted and that she will ask Jeff Jarrett about what to do at the PPV Jay tells her thank you before leaving her office as the action comes back to the ring.

    Overall Rating:65%

    Shane Douglas vs Sandman

    Douglas who lost in the tag team match last week looks set to take on David Flairs friend who has been helping him out a lot over the last few weeks and both have managed to get wins over each other and both have a lot of history.

    It comes to no surprise that Shane Douglas is watching his back in this match.

    Both men gain a lot of ground in this match and trade blows and holds until from out of the back David Flair comes to the help of The Sandman with Sandmans own Cane and smashes Douglas round the back of the head from which the Referee had no choice but to call for the bell as Douglas comes away with the win by Dq.

    Shane Douglas manages to fight both men off leaving Flair and Sandman one week before Showdown to come up with a plan to take out Shane Douglas for good.

    Overall Rating:70%

    Jeff Jarrett is sat in his locker room placing on his elbow pads for tonights match with AJ Styles.

    Before Dixie Carters enters his locker room he smiles and stands up to greet her before shaking her hand she explains that Mark Briscoe is badly injured and can not compete tonight so she has placed Jay with Legends of the Deep to Vs Ron Killings and Americas Most Wanted....but Mark Briscoe can not make it to Showdown which leaves Jeff Jarrett to find a another tag team partner for the match.....he quickly smiles and says he knows the right person but its going to cost a lot money Dixie says she has the money if he can get the goods he replies that he can and Russo will have a fit when he knows who it is.

    But who is it ?

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Jay Briscoe, Jimmy Rave, and Shark Boy vs Fame and Fortune

    With Mark Briscoe being injured Jay has found himself with the tag team who are set to face Americas Most Wanted for the Tag titles after Showdown, Jimmy Rave and Shark Boy look pleased that they have been picked and Killings will team up with Fame and Fortune friends Americas Most Wanted who are pleased that they injured Mark but are now worried who Jarrett has in mind for his replacement.

    America's Most Wanted and Killings are out matched by the skill of Legends from the Deep who take it to the tag team champions before Jay takes out Chris Harris leaving him injured on the arena floor before Rave's Manager Valentina runs in and distracts Killings which allows Rave to get him in a roll-up pin for the win as Storm tends to his injured partner, Legends from the Deep with Jay Briscoe and Valentina stand in the ring happy with what they have done.

    Overall Rating:69%

    AJ Styles vs Jeff Jarrett with Raven as the Referee

    Styles knew his luck would run out tonight and would Raven be all fair in the match he was wondering well the same could be said for Jarrett who was still mulling over if his tag team partner for Showdown would sign for TNA.

    Styles and Jarrett finally locked horns as the fans went wild for the action as Raven sat in the corner watching it all on his typical way he was ready for what Fame and Fortune might throw at him at Showdown.

    Styles gained a lot of offence in the match and the better man until Raven hit an Evenflow DDT on him as Jarrett went for the cover Raven made the three count screwing Styles out of a win two weeks before there big match at the PPV.

    Raven quickly exits into the crowd as Styles is laid out in the ring with his NWA title having been laid across him by Raven, Jarrett gets out the ring as Killings runs down the ramp and floors him with a chair shot leaving him out on the floor as TNA Impact! goes off the air.

    Overall Rating:83%

  21. TNA Impact! on NBC

    IPB Image

    From the TNA Asylum in Nashville

    3rd November 2003

    The opening credits start to play as TNA Impact! on NBC begins.

    Scott Hudson replays action from the last TNA on PPV and shows the matchs for tonight as well as a plugging the tickets for TNA's next ppv showdown on November 22nd live only on PPV.

    The Briscoe Brothers come to the ring and say how proud they are to be on NBC with TNA and tonight its going to be better when they defeat Chris Harris, James Storm, Chris Sabin, and Shane Douglas in the 4 on 4 Tag team match.

    Americas Most Wanted's theme music plays up as they make there way to the ring before they attack The Briscoe Brothers with there Tag Team Belts knocking them to the canvas floor.

    Both of the brothers are bleeding from the head due to the belt shots as AMW don't look like there going to give up as Harris takes to the microphone and states "Briscoe Brothers.....Americas Most Wanted find you Guilty" Both of them then apply Sharpshooters until the Referees come down to the ring and stop the action from getting worse as The Briscoe Brothers are taken out of the arena on strechers.

    Overall Rating:62%

    Team Rave (Jimmy Rave, Shark Boy, David Flair, and Christopher Daniels) vs Team Wildcat (Chris Harris, James Storm, Chris Sabin, and Shane Douglas)

    Since the Briscoe Brothers were injured by AMW, David Flair and Christopher Daniels were allowed to find two other tag team partners to help them face America's Most Wanted and Chris Sabin and Shane Douglas, They picked "Legends of the Deep" to team up with them.

    All of the men in ring have issues with each other and the match was a mess well a war with cheating and two on one attacks and chairs being used its a good job the match was no Dq otherwise both teams would have got a Dq.

    Legend of the Deep hit the Tidal Wave on Chris Sabin from which Daniels got the pin and the win for his team and managed to pin his rival he is set to face at Showdown in a few weeks time.

    Overall Rating:68%

    Jeff Jarrett and Raven vs AJ Styles and Ron Killings

    Raven who helped Sandman and David Flair last week come away with a win over AJ Styles and Shane Douglas knows that tonight he will probally get some backlash from last week, as he teams up with Jeff Jarrett who seems that he wants to destroy Ron Killings who has done nothing but annoy him in recent weeks and managed to pick up a few win's over Jarrett several times.

    Raven and AJ Styles are set to face each other one on one at some point for the NWA World Title a date has yet to be named.

    The match was very fair and both teams picked up several advantages over each other and all four men gained a lot of momentum, Jarrett pinned Styles in the end after hitting his finisher The Stroke to prove he didn't need his Guitar, Styles and Killings got there revenge after the match by smashing both members with the World title belt.

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Dixie Carter quickly walks down to the ring from the backstage area with a contract of some sort in her hand and a microphone she gets in the ring which stops Killings and Styles in there tracks as Vince Russo also comes to the ring.

    Dixie take's to the microphone "On the 22nd of November at TNA's ppv Showdown in the Main Event of the evening it will be for the NWA World Title.....Raven Vs AJ Styles in a steel cage match" Russo is quickly joined by the rest of Fame and Fortune as they argue over the outcome Jarrett gets to his feet and grabs the nearest microphone "Listen up Slappy at Showdown its gonna be me...and The Briscoe Brothers Vs Ron Killings.....Americas Most Wanted and You Vince Russo...its gonna be TNA Vs Fame and Fortune winner take all if you lose your fired and if you win....you control TNA" Russo who isn't very happy about this grabs the microphone "Now come on thats no way fair whats....all that about give me a fair chance" Dixie Carter quickly sorts it out "Ok Russo you have two chances to keep your job with the TNA Vs Fame and Fortune match and in the World Title match if AJ Styles wins you and him keep your Jobs and Raven is fired if Raven wins both you and AJ Styles will be fired so your client must win for you to keep your job" TNA Impact! goes off the air with the law for this months PPV having been laid down by Dixie Carter

    Overall Rating:70%

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