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Posts posted by LexChaney

  1. Typical England: Good in first half, outplayed in the second.

    Even thougth Owen wasnt 100% he played well in the first half so i was shocked to see him go off, changing the tactic's to 4-5-1 was the worst mistake of the game as Crouch couldnt hold his own up there i thought Gerrad was a little quiet but has also just recoverd from an injury actually lampard had a few good shots.

    And lol the englad fans where booing Hargreaves :D .

  2. Jesus i thought they had scored then, the ref is a cunt giving Gerrad a yellow for nothing, Beckhams free kick was a good shot and a nice own goal off there defender lol.

    The second half should be good and i think we can expect Theo coming on again hopefully he will do something.

    But in all not a bad game i expect a good second half and hopefully Para will not do a france and score 2 :blink:

    QUOTE(ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster @ 10th Jun 2006, 2:53 pm)

    1-0 up at half time...Must be time for Hargreaves then

  3. I really want it to be Kevin Nash as it would add to his feud with Batista if he keeps screwing him over and working as Gm could help or Maybe Hassan i dont know why but im a hassan mark :D .

    Anyway keep up the suspence of this diary and more updates also i like giving feedback becuase you do great shows all the time.

  4. Ok i just wanted to know how many of you watch smallville, im currently watching it on E4 at the moment and tonight the final episode of season five is on so i cant wait for that.

    Smallville has to be a better show than Angel or Buffy the vampire slayer in my book don't get me wrong i do like angel and Buffy but i prefer smallville as the concept they have worked on with the friendship of lex and clark was very interesting to watch develop, as well as many guest appearances off the likes of Tony Todd and James Marsters.

  5. Sorry about not giving you feedback in the last few days lost soul Ive been ill, but i can see you've advanced on a lot and i had some good information and results to look at.

    As i expected the ppv was good and worth the wait it was good to see Rey retain the title and keep his streak and world title run going and i didn't expect Nash coming onto smackdown i knew he had be signed but didn't know he was coming to take out Batista so that was a good, Hassan's return and win over Finlay should be a good push and maybe you can build on it.

    And both members of MNM are being given time to get over in the feud also Melina interaction adds to the feud as well, other than that keep up the good work and keep us updated, also Mercurys world title shot came off well maybe Nitro could have one soon and this feud could be a great way of elevating them to Main event status and at least Matt Hardy is getting the well deserved push at last.

  6. Nice one the Velocity are up man you are really getting along good and quick with these updates which is good just one thing i found fault with, didn't Palmer Canon leave the WWE or something i may be wrong and please correct me if i am but i was wondering if he left did you sign him back as it wasn't in any of the news you posted up, sorry for going on about that.

    Nice results and a good show and i'm glad things are going fast at this as the shows are awesome and the news is always good keep us updated on Hassan's return and Nash, thanks again for the read Lost soul keep up the good work.

  7. lol Booker t didn't win ahhh but good match for Rey and I'm very drawn in by this whole Undertaker thing now.

    Good show you are doing wonders and Jbl's promos Pure gold from you lost soul keep up the good work man, i will add more feedback later.

    Actually Doug Basham's gimmick came across pretty well hopefully a few more stint's from him like this, Muhammad Hassan wow first Nash had me wondering now this Something is gonna happen at the great American bash i can feel it revenge on taker or Helping taker it's too much suspense, keep up the good work and more updates hopefully to come and remember lex luther number one fan :blush: .

  8. Does anyone think big brother will put anymore people in the house to replace Shabang :D and Dawn. Because if someone get's evicted on Friday there's hardly gonna be any house mate's left.

  9. Generation Suitcase

    Big Brother is giving Bonnie and Glyn the chance to win back the contents of their suitcases. Both housemates have three minutes to list as many items from their suitcase as possible.

    All of the items that they manage to list correctly will be returned to them later today, but they have to be precise in their description. So, for example, just saying 'pants' simply won't do.

    Bonnie has been whining and moaning and crying about not having her suitcase, so was more than a little keen to take part in Big Brother's game.

    She was called to the Diary Room and given her three minutes to list her items. She went for it like a crazy woman. "I want my pink hoodie, it's got a hood on it... and my pink fluffy slippers," she fired out at one hundred miles per hour without taking a breath.

    She did exceptionally well, listing off a whole range of things from leopard print pants to the thing with which she scrubs her body.

    Bonnie must not discuss the task with Glyn. If she does, it doesn't matter how many items she managed to list, she won't be seeing any of them.

    Glyn will be called to the Diary Room later today to play the game himself. Hopefully his lifeguard-short days will finally be over.

    Cuddly toy, anyone?

    It's Oh So Quiet

    After Dawn's departure this morning, it's business as usual in the Big Brother House. Thanks to a bit of relaxing sunshine, and a big noise hole left by Shahbaz, peace has descended on the Big Brother House.

    After a big sleep in and then the shenanigans of Dawn's departure, the housemates are now all happily amusing themselves in the sunshine.

    There have been more up and downs than a yo-yo in the House over the last couple of days. The general volume has gone down rather heftily since Shahbaz left and now Dawn is out of the mix too.

    The housemates seem to be enjoying the calm after the housemate departure storm, and are kicking back and taking it easy. Pete and Glyn are happily playing in the pool, while the female housemates have taken the opportunity to don their tiny bikinis and catch some rays.

    It's more like a fun day out at a holiday camp rather than an afternoon under Big Brother's watchful eye. Sezer is so content, he's even singing Spice Girls songs.

    Just you wait, housemates. Big Brother is going to spice up your life any minute now

  10. (Y) this is getting very interesting now and I'm enjoying it, The Undertaker's 7 day message is hopefully gonna be good and the rivalry's are taking off too.

    The Return of Angle and special announcement off Vince McMahon sound very promising also thanks for the Velocity results as well, the match im really looking forward to reading is Matt Hardy's and Gregory Helm's it would be cool if Shannon Moore is involved but you cant have everything lol.

    Thanks for the update Lost soul this is a cool diary.

  11. Good show,the Booker T Vs Rey Mysterio match actually sounded pretty good.

    It will be interesting to see what the Undertaker does when he returns and keeping the Lashley and booker feud alive should keep both men busy until Booker get's his world title shot for winning "king of the ring".

    The Nash storyline sound's interesting as well, keep up the good work.

  12. *Edit spoiler removed*

    I feel a little sorry for Shahbaz he's had a rougth time, but yeah sezer is a hero "go and fall in the pool"

    I think Nikkia is alright now after what she said about pete.

  13. George is the twat, and that Sezer man he's so full of himself the only fit girl is bonnie and i cant forget Imogen.

    The rest are just fucking stupid, but i can see how annoying Pete will become.


    And this ^

  14. I just hope it's not like big brother four, becuase that was shit they treated it like a holiday camp lol.

    But i have a feeling its gonna be better this year, they will also probally some people already playing up to the camera before they even get in the house.

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