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En Dub

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Posts posted by En Dub

  1. Pulled a Legendary Rock off the board, so thought it was the perfect time to see about moving up to survivor. Did the math using the point tiers and.....I fall about 100 points short if I filled with enhancements. That Cena pro cannot come soon enough. 

  2. It pained me to do so, but I had to side with Roman. Legendary Wyatt will give me a pro and is doable without too much effort. 


    In better news, finished a legendary KotR last night in first place and won. Woke up this morning to claim my rewards? Legendary Cena, who will make an extremely powerful pro at the end of the month, and Eve who will be my first Lpro diva!

  3. Yeah tapping out this morning was definitely the right call. I did some grinding in exhibition to pro Legendary Stardust and pulled an Epic Nikki, which will give me a second Epic Pro Diva. With any luck, the leg pros, two epic pro divas and survivor Balor will get me close enough to survivor to boost in with enhancements since I'm maybe 100 matches away from my 6500 diva ladder reward. 

  4. Update: I've finished off Paige for another legendary diva but I just did the math. There are 37 hours left in the event. You get 5 matches every hour and fifteen minutes. In order to get Balor, I literally could not miss a bout and would probably still need to drop some money. I'd consider sacrificing my weekend OR spending money, but not both. I'm just gonna have to rely on KotR and Team events for now, sorry guys. 

  5. A little further behind than I'd have hoped, starting in on Paige now. I've only recently started losing a match or two per bout, missing out on the perfect win, but I'm still winning 9-2 mostly. Hopefully I can get a decent way into Paige before I have to slack off of the +5 bouts. 

  6. Well thanks for the second chance I suppose? I find it very strange that there's ANOTHER chance for SV Balor but I'm not complaining. My RtG deck is only in legendary but I'm going to try and grind it out for the pro. Plus there's the sandbagging strategy which should make the grind a breeze

  7. Was right behind you, good work guys. I appreciate everyone grinding since stardust will be my third legendary pro! I'm gonna call it quits since, unfortunately, with just three hours left? I see no possible way we get Finn. 

  8. No worries man. Real life vastly outweighs a silly card game on our cell phones. I'm grinding as much as I can and have been getting lucky with doublers so far so we might get far with some luck. 

  9. Well, I guess I used up my luck on login bonuses last month, nothing makes a pro for me in May. 

    5 Days: Super Rare Bradshaw

    10 Days: Ultra Rare Edge

    15 Days: Epic Randy Orton

    21 Days: Legendary John Cena

    28 Days: Survivor Triple H


    Maybe I'll be able to pull a Cena by month's end from KotR. Also, Team Road to Glory this week introducing Wrestlemania Tier Apollo Crews. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, Quom said:

    Hawks/Celtics series is everything I love about basketball. 

    It's definitely been THE series to watch first round. It's shaving years off of my life because the Celtics are just humanly incapable of holding a damned lead, but God this has been great basketball. 

  11. Just let me know the information to join when the spot comes open. Only epic pros to contribute at the moment (Ambrose, Orton and Naomi are my current line up with Legendary Mr. Perfect as my support), but Seth will be a pro for me when he comes up on the login bonuses. 

  12. Yeah, if you guys need people I could easily jump over. I've been bouncing from team to team for events until I can find a good one. Found one somewhat (we got reigns but 3 of the 10 players didn't contribute) but that was mostly because myself a few others grounded over 20 shards each. 

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