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Dr. Rated-R

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Posts posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. I'm hoping that's roughly what it'll be. Although actually, I'm almost certain the "It's your world now" is just the return of GM mode, or some form of it.

    I'd love the ability to actually customise everything, be able to "design" my own arenas, my own titantron videos etc. Of course all the fanboys are ranting and raving about how it must mean wrestlers attires are changeable, which is obviously near enough impossible.

    I'm unsure how the game could get any MORE customisable. In the last game we could alter movesets, entrances, custom music, rosters, stables, heel/face dynamic/create a finisher etc. I struggle to see what else it could add.

    Sure it's just a "new" version of GM mode, in which case, colour me underwhelmed.

    It was pretty easy in the Nintendo 64 Wrestling games.

    Which used extremely low resolution textures atop extremely low resolution models. <_<

    Christ, that press release said a whole lot of nothing. Either way, I'm excited to hear more. 2009 was easily the best WWE game since Day of Reckoning, IMO.

  2. Andy Richter's laugh being louder than anyone else's is so fucking annoying, but so far a pretty hilarious show. Especially loved Conan sitting in the nosebleed seats as far away as possible from the other celebs

    I agree it's great to see Andy back, but his laughter during the monologue is a bit annoying

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought that. I was starting to feel like an overly-negative bastard. <_<

    I marked out for Ferrell's grand entrance. The show's been really fun so far, and I'm so glad to get Conan at a more reasonable time. I wish Joel was still around, though.

    Anybody know if they'll be following the one guest/one musical guest format, or is that just for this episode?

  3. I'm looking to get into some older Spider-Man. I've loved the character since I was a kid, but I haven't really delved too far into the classic comics. I've just kept up with Ultimate, mostly, and read a few other things here and there. I'm particularly interested in reading about Venom and Carnage. Actually, anything involving Symbiote Spidey, really. What would be some essential reading for them?

  4. Definitely, man. An in-house Spider-Man film would be far better than what we wound up getting. That said, though, I really don't see how anybody can bash the first two. Both were very, very good. They weren't Iron Man or Dark Knight good, no, but I think they were at least on par with last year's version of Hulk.

    I'm fine with somebody saying they weren't perfect or anything. I just don't see how someone can say that the Spider-Man flicks, of all things, were what turned them off of the comic book-to-film genre, when in the same time frame we were also blessed with the Electra, Catwoman, the Fantastic Four films, and a Hulk movie so bad that it was literally retconned.

    To comment on the actual topic, though, I'm fairly nonplussed. The ultimate goal is obviously to have the wonderful nerdgasm that is an Avengers film, and it really looked like they were going for a big name affair with every hero. Next to Jackson, Downey, and Norton, as well as the plethora of big name guys rumored to be in talks for the Captain America role, this guy looks a little out of place.

    That said, I haven't seen him act yet, and I don't know much about him. Is he a big dude?

  5. I really don't see what was so horrible about the Spider-Man films? Kirsten Dunst wasn't that great, and the third film certainly was a pile of crap, but the first two are still two of my favorite superhero films.

  6. I loved both. The books were certainly better, but I always enjoyed the TV show.

    I'm big on nostalgia and horror films, so I actually still check out the show when Cartoon Network (of all channels) randomly decides to run marathons. It's still enjoyable to me, even if it's sort of in spite of itself.

  7. I'm pretty pumped to get into this game. I love 2000.

    Lesnar's stats seem a bit inflated at this point, though. He debuted on WWE, and was only good at the very beginning of his debut. He got better every week, though, and eventually became the excellent performer he was. That wasn't until two years after this, though. I'd take 10 or 15 points off his stats to reflect the fact that he needs to spend time in development before being called up. Cena and Orton's stats both fit what I mentioned, while Lesnar's are among the best in the game.

    Debra needs a Love relationship with Steve Austin, Lita needs appropriate relationships with the Hardy Boyz, and The Kat needs a Love with Jerry Lawler.

  8. As a guy who's been in love with the series since the original games, I thought maybe I should finally learn to EV train so I can battle competitively online. I'm not totally sure I'm doing this right, though. So, umm, yeah, somebody look over this and tell me if I'm doing it wrong.

    I took an untouched Moltres that I got from Fire Red. I attached the Power Lens (+4 EVs in Special Attack) to it, and then infected it with Pokerus (x2 EVs). I went to the old chateau to fight Gastly (1 EV in Special Attack) and attempt to max out my Special Attack at 252 EVs. I used this equation:

    Pokerus (Power Lens + Gastly)

    2 (4 + 1)

    2 (5)


    So, earning 10 EVs per battle, I fought Gastly 25 times (25 x 10), for a total of 250 EVs in Special Attack. I then took off my Power Lens, decreasing my EVs per battle count to 2, and fought an additional Gastly to earn 252 EVs in total.

    Did I do that right? Also, what stat would best to max out the EVs on next, for Moltres? I was thinking either Speed or HP.

  9. DreadCentral.com has a story up about Sid Haig declaring his intent to run for Presidency of the United States of America.

    There's a video of him talking political mumbo jumbo as well...

    Vote for Captain Spaulding in 08!

    He's been at it for over a month now at the very least.

    He did a panel at the Scarefest horror convention on it. I was somewhat surprised at how well informed he seemed.

  10. I second the Frailty love. Tremendous movie. Paxton was also awesome as Coconut Pete in horror parody Club Dread.

    And the F13 DVD will be worth it if you're a fan. Last I heard it was to be an uncut version of the film, which is always nice to see. I made a bit of a semantic error there, though: the Q&A was filmed for the upcoming documentary about the first film. I'm not totally sure if that will be released on its own like the great Halloween docu that came out a while back or if it's related to the upcoming DVD of the film. Either way, pick up whatever it's on. <_<

    I got a signed copy of the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead from Bill Moseley at the convention, too. It was an impulse purchase at best. I've always wanted to see it but never have, and Bill Moseley is quite a fucking salesman. He sold out of Polish copies of The Devil's Rejects, actually. Anybody got any thoughts on NotLD '90? I'll probably check it out later tonight.

  11. Bumping the thread since it's, well, the right thread.

    I just got back from the Scarefest horror convention in Lexington, Kentucky. A surprise hit and, by admission from pretty much everybody there, much bigger than it had any right to be. It actually dwarfed a lot of "credible" conventions in its first year, and a follow-up has already been announced for next year. If you're anywhere near, I implore you to come down.

    Got to meet, get autographs from, and photos with, the following people: Sid Haig, Bill Moesely, Michael Berryman, PJ Soles, David Naugthon, Tom Towles, the guys from Deadpit Radio, and Kane Hodder.


    I also got that. <_<

    It's signed by Adrienne King (Alice), Ari Lehman (young Jason Voorhees), Betsy Palmer (Pamela Voorhees), Harry Manfredini (the composer), Tom Savini (effects, of course), and Victor Miller (the writer; actually his first convention).

    I got the poster from Adrienne (the nicest lady on earth) and got it signed by everybody but Savini. I'd gotten his autograph before I got the poster, and I was too broke to get another signature. I went to thank Adrienne King for being so awesome before I left, and she saw the poster and loved it. Started photographing it herself. I told her I had everybody but Tom sign it, and she told me that wouldn't do, and took it to Savini herself. It was awesome.

    Got to watch an original 35MM print of the film in a gigantic theater that's been around since the 1920s, too. Also awesome. And of course, I sat in on the Friday the 13th Q&A session that was filmed for the upcoming special edition DVD. If you're a fan, get it when it comes out. You'll love it.

  12. Did your friend ever think you maybe try and contact them again to see if the box got sent to the wrong address or something? I mean that's a ridiculous amount of time.

    He's an asshole and he's loaded. After, I think, two complaints he bought an Elite system and quit trying.

    I, on the other hand, just thanked a UPS worker for giving me my box. After two days. The service seems to have really gotten faster than the days when my friends all told me horror stories about the service.

  13. Funny. That was the exact same question I came in here to ask.

    A friend of mine lost his in May and hasn't even received the fucking box yet, so I was a little worried when I ordered my own repair yesterday. <_<

    Good to hear everybody doesn't have horror stories like that.

  14. So, I've recently finished Ultimate Spiderman Volume 6, and I'm enjoying the series tremendously. Ordered The Watchmen last night, as I really want to see what all of the hype is about.

    However, I think the book I've enjoyed the most is The Killing Joke. I'm thinking of buying Batman: Year One, but can anyone recommend any other huge Batman Graphic Novels that are must buy? Really, any graphic novels at all as I'm very much a noob when it comes to Comics.

    Oh, also for anyone who's read it, is the MGS Graphic Novel decent? I only gave it a flick through last time I saw it.

    The obvious choice for a huge Batman TPB is The Long Halloween. It's great, but you've probably heard that at some point. You can go a step further and check out the sequel, Dark Victory. It's good, but the first is better. There's also a third entry into the series, Catwoman: When In Rome, but I've never checked it out. Jeph Loeb's probably a good enough writer to make a Catwoman miniseries work, though.

    There's also Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth. The style is a bit of a mind fuck, but it's good stuff. It's written by current Batman writer, Grant Morrison. I'm playing catch-up on the main series, and Morrison's work from his debut in 2006 through 2007 has been slightly more miss than hit, but he's on form here. A memorable title, IMO.

    But uh, depending on how new you are to things, obvious suggestions would be stuff like Year One or the rest of Frank Miller's Batman stuff. I'd pass on checking out his series, though. All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder, I think it's called. Unless you want comedy, because his "Goddamn Batman" approach lends itself mostly to that, from what little I've read.

    Shit, just check this list out. IGN's 25 Greatest Batman Novels. It's a bit dated, and I can't personally vouch for everything on the list, but it's a good starting point.

    Now, uh, why'd I come in here again? <_<

    Oh, yeah. I'm almost done getting up to speed on Batman, Detective Comics, and Robin. Reading roughly six comics a day is a great way to avoid boredom. Detective Comics 835 and 836, a Scarecrow-centric two parter, are officially among the most awesome Batman comics I've read.

    I'm checking out Captain America #1 tomorrow, most likely. Hope it's as good as you guys have made it out to be.

    Anybody ever read any of the Batman Beyond comics? I assume they're probably uninspired shit, serving mostly to promote the show they were built around, but eh. I'm a fan of the series, so I'm toying with the idea of getting a few. Just not sure if they're worth it when Bats alone has 348344 other things I could waste my money on.

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