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Dr. Rated-R

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Posts posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. So is anybody else about to die from anticipation? >_<

    For the first time in my life I've actually wrote something on a calendar and started X'ing away the dates until I get to it. I don't think I've ever been so excited about a video game, and it's happening just in time. Having an Xbox 360 and not sucking the almighty dick of Halo or any other FPS (except Fear :wub:) is hard, hard work.

  2. I've never done a mural before. Tell me if I've somehow fucked up and I'll fix it. Overlap is 25px, as per Norris' seventeenth edit. :)


    I've no idea what possessed me to go with a Phoenix Wright theme.

  3. EDIT: Yeah, just looking through it, I personally disagree with a lot of the stats.

    Most of the stats are still as-is. Not sure if you've ever played any of the older scenarios made by Anthony, but the stats are awful. I've yet to release a completely overhauled update of the worker stats, instead I've been fixing inaccuracies. I've made a bunch of alterations along the way, but the stats are still bloated as hell.

    Fixed stats are the things I'm looking for most in fixing it up this time around. Everything else is acceptable. Any suggestions on stats would be great.

  4. Yeah. It's been a long while since I last updated my little scenario. With the welcome influx of "Improved..." data being done, I thought it was about time to fix this one up some more. Here are some of the new features:

    • Eight promotions: CZW, IWA, JAPW, NWA Wildside, UPW, WCW, WWF, and XPW.
    • Improved worker ages, determined via Wikipedia and my (poor) math.
    • Even more stat tweaks, aimed at creating a more life like game.
    • A few time-accurate (late March) roster corrections.
    • All of the stuff from my first three improvements.

    As always, tell me what to improve on and I'll get something else out eventually. Stat changes in particular are welcome, as I'm a bit iffy on my own opinions there. I feel I should note, however, that some of the younger guys have lower stats than they deserve today because of their inexperience at the time.

    Download via RapidShare/MegaUpload.

    Download a few time-accurate pictures from my original 2001 thread.

    EDIT - Please note that "March 2001" equates to late March 2001. Like, immediately after the last Nitro in late March.. And, as always, note that this scenario functions under the idea that Eric Bischoff and Fusient Media did indeed purchase WCW. This of course means it's probably best to start in April 2001 instead of March, but it's accurate as of the last Nitro that month. In other words, I'm covering for a major typo. :P

  5. It's nice as a graphic, but the theme just doesn't work for Flair. When, say, Chris Jericho retires, that sort of style would work perfectly. But it just doesn't suit Ric Flair. Something a little more "old school" would fit better. Perhaps throw some grunge in over top of the light blasts, and it'll suit Flair a bit more. Also, consider making the center cut a little more prominent and the others a little less.

    Regardless, though, there's nothing wrong with it from a technical perspective. Good job.

  6. Super Mario World as well as Bros 3 are too obvious examples, I think. As is San Andreas.

    A less popular one would be WWE Day of Reckoning on Nintendo Gamecube. Easily the best WWE game since No Mercy. It's gotten a bit dated, but it has spectacular game play, the best CAW mode of any WWE game ever, and an awesome (if linear) storyline mode. I still play it regularly and it continues to pwn each SmackDown installment based on the virtue that it's actually fun.

  7. I love Nintendo's first party soundtracks. Pokémon, Mario, Donkey Kong, etc. They're generally great.

    But then, the custom soundtrack for GTA III annoys the hell out of me and the music compilations in the later games fit so much better.

    I think my rule of thumb is that I like either, as long as it's not shit. -_-

  8. I got rid of my Giratina for a shiny Charmander or I would. It never served me any real use.

    And egg form is preferred. I can get online any time during the next twenty five minutes or so, if you'll be able to.

    Thanks. =)

  9. Double X, I've got you Charmander, Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Chikorita. All are hatched by me and untouched, waiting in my party to be traded whenever you're around.

    Benji (or anyone), do you have Treecko and Tropius? Both are needed.

  10. So who would be willing to give me previous generation starters? I'm specifically interested in getting a hold of Charmander, Mudkip, Torchic, Cyndaquil and Totodile, but I would like to have access to the rest.
    1. The Exorcist

    2. There's Something About Mary

    3. Superbad

    4. The Shining

    5. The Haunting (1963)

    6. Borat

    7. Juno

    8. The Fly (1986)

    9. The Big Lebowski

    10. Ed Wood

    11. Spider-Man 2

    12. Frankenstein (1931)

    13. The Devil's Rejects

    14. A Nightmare on Elm Street

    15. Chasing Amy

    16. The Blair Witch Project

    17. The Exorcist III

    18. House on Haunted Hill (1959)

    19. Evil Dead II

    20. Walk Hard - The Dewey Cox Story

  11. "Somewhere Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World" - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

    "Jessica" - Adam Green

    "When I Dance", "I'm Straight" - Jonathan Richman

    It's impossible not to cheer up with these four songs.

  12. Rob Zombie's Halloween. I know it had it's flaws, but I personally think it'll go down in history as one of the most memorable horror movies of this decade, and quite possibly the best post-The Fly horror movie remake.

    The Devil's Rejects, too, now that I'm thinking about it.

  13. Chris Cornell would be my number one. A lot of belief is conveyed pretty much universally in his work, I think. Jeff Buckley would be number two.

    Without all that raw emotion, Bright Eyes would be pretty shit. But it's there, so I love them.

  14. The lack of Elf love around here upsets me greatly.

    And, personally, I'm more into the Christmas television specials than the movies. The Grinch, Charlie Brown, Pac-Man, and the Flinstones' specials are awesome.

  15. You did a pretty good job fading the images together, and the colors and contrast are nice.

    However, that border is abysmal and the text is a bit ugly. I like the concept of the placement you've got going with the text, but the fonts and filters (heavy beveling, for one) aren't used effectively here.

    Solid attempt. (Y)

  16. It looks good, although I do have some minor suggestions:

    - Blend the main cut into the background. Not so that it's barely visible, just a little so it meshes with the colors more.

    - Use the feather tool in Photoshop to fade some of the left side of the cut out, so that his partially chopped off bandanna won't be an eye sore.

    - I usually am not a fan, but perhaps a little, white glow around the text may make it look a little better.

    Good job, though.

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