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Dr. Rated-R

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Posts posted by Dr. Rated-R

  1. Anybody got any thoughts on Gotham by Gaslight or any of the Batman & Dracula books? Hell, any Elseworld titles worth pimping in general, with or without Batman? I've read Batman: Nosferatu, which is beautifully drawn but not an especially great story. I'm looking to try more.

    And, since I'm doing nothing but making idle requests, here's a random observation. I checked out DC's Space Ghost origin story a few days ago. As a fan of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast and Cartoon Network's syndication of the original series, I wanted to like it so much. Wound up being one of the dullest things I've ever read. In the unlikely event anybody's interested in checking these out, if only for their gimmick, don't. <_<

  2. Airing. I find most mid-90s cartoons I have a vague recollection of were oneshots featured on either Nickelodeon's Oh Yeah! Cartoons or Cartoon Network's What A Cartoon!.

    However, possibly remembering more than one episode hurts the chances of that.

    I've done some Google action and found nothing, but I'm sure you probably already tried that. I suggest you ask on the forums at RetroJunk. They helped me remember the name of short-lived cartoon The Completely Mental Misadventures of Ed Grimley, and it doesn't get much more obscure than that.

  3. Got my hands on Kraven's Last Hunt and almost all of the back issues I need to get up to date on Batman/Detective Comics/Robin yesterday. Cap comes next time I get payed.

    Kraven's Last Hunt is a fun read so far, but the art style bugs me. That vintage look. I'm just so used to the uber-detailed style that Marvel and DC have adopted since the '90s that it's hard to get used to.

  4. I really loved Spiderman:Blue, but I personally wasn't to keen on the last installment.

    Something about it being Kraven the Hunter just felt wrong to me. It was built up beautifully, the narration was excellent, but the last villian was just dissapointing.

    But no doubt I'd recomend you to buy Spiderman:Blue, overall I really loved it.

    Meh, I've always been a fan of the person I'm too lazy to spoiler tag. I like his gimmick. With that in mind, it didn't bother me too much. Better choices could have been made, probably, but I was okay with it. Mainly because it was more of a Peter Parker story than a Spider-Man one, so it didn't matter as much, if that makes sense.

    I'd recommend it to anybody looking for a TPB, too. Good for getting into Peter Parker as a character, I think. Blue is definitely a personal favorite, like all the other Loeb-Sale collabs I've read.

    I just wish there were more good Spidey limited series'. Or at least more good ones I know about. I feel like one could waste his life away reading Batman oneshots and the like, but I've seen almost nothing from Spider-Man except Blue and uh, what was it again, Reign? I think.

  5. I've got another trip to the, uh, "local" (about 65 miles away, but I have the misfortune of living in the rural south) comic book/D&D/fanboy store tomorrow in search of the awesome Spider-Man: Blue and a few SNES games, so I'll be sure to take a look for it while I'm there.

  6. You guys were right on Detective Comics. Much better than Batman, which so far (I've read about 3-4 issues in the Batman & Son arc) is switching between above average and meh. Heck, I actually prefer Robin to it, too. Totally surprised me, given I've hated almost all interpretations of Robin in the movies and TV shows, and have avoided him almost entirely in comics up until today. It's pretty solid stuff.

    That said, I'm looking for a few more suggestions for monthly stuff, mainly from Marvel. Favorite characters are Spidey, Iron Man, and Captain America. Anybody got any suggestions on where to start with each? I just don't want to pick up in the middle of any ongoing arcs.

  7. That's a bit too much to keep up with, so I'm gonna start off trying to read the four you suggested.

    Google tells me Morrison picked up Batman from issue 655 in June 2006, so I guess I'm starting with...

    -Batman 655

    -Detective Comics 821

    -Nightwing 122

    -Robin 152

    ...and moving up from there. I've got a lot of free time these days, so these shouldn't be too hard to get up to date on.

  8. The only reason I wanted to go back a ways was for the possibility of a nice, convenient backstory. I've read Year One and figured that may be a good place to start from, but I'm leaning towards starting from Morrison's run now.

    Also, being a bit of a newbie (I've stuck mainly to limited series stuff, like The Long Halloween and Spider-Man: Blue) to reading a proper series, I'm wondering if there is a set "way" to read? Like, just how interwoven are Batman and Detective Comics? Do I need both to get the big picture, or are they set in different continuities?

    I'm sure I phrased that question terribly. I'm a little short on sleep.

  9. I'm looking to get into the main Batman comic series. Where's a good place to start, without having to go all the way back to the first issue? <_<

    Price and availability don't matter. I can start anywhere, really, I just don't feel like reading through the awkward '50s and '60s periods.

  10. No, it would NEVER be that Dent just 'staggered away'... that doesn't make sense at all. There were lots of cops around, etc.... there's just no way. There is one and only one way to make it so Dent is alive... and that's to simply have Gordon place him in Arkham under an assumed name. We never did see a body no in that scene.

    As far as the script goes... it was written before Ledger died. Since the SCRIPT didn't appear in the movie, they could easily ignore that part.

    The phrase "stagger away" was essentially just a placeholder for any number of situations that would lead to his survival. Your own theory, escaping via aid from a character we'll meet later on, or any other situation with even remote plausibility can be plugged in there.

    And yeah, Ledger's death is the key catalyst for a possible Dent return. It sort of throws whatever groundwork that may have been in place for a sequel out the window.

  11. Yeah, everything points to Dent being dead. Even the script.


    And just to hammer the point home further, the script by Jonah and Christopher Nolan -- included in The Dark Knight: Featuring Production Art and Full Shooting Script -- states, "Dent lies at the bottom of the hole, his neck broken. DEAD." The capitalization is their emphasis not ours.

    That's easily worked around, though. It's not like a Battle Royale-esque death indicator popped up when he fell. Considering no story has been penned for the third film, it's entirely possible Dent could return. His entire arc in the film seemed to lend itself to that pretty well, until his demise.

    I'm not disputing the fact that this is solid evidence to look over him, just stating he shouldn't be written out as a consideration completely. Ideas change all the time.

    I forget. Do we see Dent's body at the funeral? Is it possible (based solely on what was ultimately seen on film, not what the script claims) that he was merely assumed dead, only to eventually stagger away on his own power?

    I did the midnight showing, so a few things towards the end are a little hazy.

  12. I finally get to finish Grand Theft Auto IV in a few days.

    I've got pretty shit vision and I've been suffering through playing on a 13-inch television set. This was all well and good until I lost my glasses. Luckily, one of my best friends is getting an HD TV tomorrow and he's gonna give me his old 30-inch.

    I'm pumped.

  13. Hotel Dusk if you can find it cheap

    Mario Party DS is great as you can do a download game, so you can play a whole game with three others, who don't have the game

    Mario Kart is a good racer and also good for an online game.

    Phourglass is great fun, but you will grow to hate the initial temple (can't recall it's name) later on

    Yeah think I am quite far in to it just beat the Temple of the Ocean King for the 4th time(after the Ghost Ship), is there any other DS games like Zelda?

    Funnily enough at 21 this is the first Zelda I have ever played. :blush:

    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate plays kind of like Ocarina of Time. Pretty fun, too.

    If you like platform games Sonic Rush, New Super Mario Bros, The Simpsons Game, and Megaman ZX Adventures (I believe it's called) are all tremendous.

    Tony Hawk's American Sk8land is also surprisingly awesome. Feels just like the classic Playstation games.

  14. Cannibal Holocaust is mine. A friend of mine payed like $70 for a special edition set, and we had a little viewing party. It wasn't exactly easy to sit through. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, though.

    But I think, getting away from cheap answers, I'd have to pickThe Devil's Rejects. The scene with Terri from Three's Company is second only to the masturbation scene in The Exorcist, in my book. The movie was such a mind fuck for me. I felt sympathetic for the Firefly family after the big finish, and that's what gets me.

  15. I'm going to spend some time today working on Dragon Quest VIII. I bought it new for $14, along with a used copy of Legend of Dragoon for $8. I was actually more anxious to get into the latter of those two games, but it didn't occur to me I no longer had a PS1 memory card. So, yeah, Dragon Quest it is until I get some spare change.

    Other than that, I'm still trudging along in Grand Theft Auto IV. It's got a great story, but it just doesn't offer anywhere near as much to do as the last installments that keep me playing. I find I'll beat a mission or two a day, enjoy that, and then take care of any necessities (getting health and body armor before saving, going out on a date, etc.) before turning it off after less than an hour of play. I spent hours a day messing around on the previous titles, though.

    And I'm always playing stuff on my DS. Megaman ZX Adventures, Sonic Rush, and The World Ends With You are my current titles, but I generally don't play it much unless I'm out somewhere and bored. I plan to finish the last two Phoenix Wright games when I travel cross-country with some friends in a few weeks.

  16. There is a better res scane here.

    I've been meaning to post in here for a while so since i'm here now, any suggestions on Dragon/Dinosaur-esque type mons? I feel like collecting them. I have Larvitar, Dratini, Bagon (now a Shelgon) currently being trained, looking for Tropius on GTS and looked at training up to Aggron and Armaldo.

    You still need that Tropius?

    If you can wait till mid-day (EST time) Monday, I can provide you an egg so it has your OT and whatnot. Just send me a Starly or something else that's useless.

    I'm normally quicker to come through on trades, but I left the DS laying at a friend's house and won't see him till Monday. I can give you my FC and such when I get it all back.

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