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Gene Kiniski

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Posts posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. The further I get into this game the more issues I have with it. The other night I went to pick a flower and the camera started to pan around, but I never bent down. Marston just stood there and the game wouldn't let me do anything another than look around.

    Then last night I went to loot a couple of bodies and it wouldn't allow me to so I figured it was part of the mission, but when I reached the guy I was supposed to be helping I wasn't able to interact with him at all. After a couple of minutes of trying to figure out what I was doing wrong I realized that I couldn't shoot, switch weapons or anything at all. When I tried to shoot (with the repeater) it would bring up my fist and even then I couldn't fight. It kept randomly switching my weapons.

    Tried playing a bit later and when to throw some fire bottles, aimed, but wouldn't throw. Then came the weapon/fist issue again.

  2. 205 without a 185 chance at this point - or so it has been said. Franklin only went to 185 in the first place as a favor to Dana, he always wanted to fight at 205. Also, Dana has said Rich is done at 185 as long as Silva is fighting there full time so one would presume that he will finish his career out at 205, maybe 195 here or there.

  3. Double post, but:

    has anyone else has problems with Dead Eye? I was doing a duel and for some reason it wouldn't let me paint my target...at all. It's happened to me twice now, once in that duel and another time at random in game.

  4. Cro Cop by submission shifty.gif

    Should be a decent striking contest...as long as they willingly engage with each other. I can see Mirko laying back to try and sneak in that head kick as Barry is a real dangerous opponent for him at this point in his career.

    As for Rashad, the guy has great conditioning and his natural reactions have improved greatly. His recovery was the type that if it had been stopped I'm not sure many would have complained, but since he has put so much time into his conditioning area he was able to grab and survive just enough to get through the slaughter. It isn't like Rampage didn't try to finish him because when Rashad wobbled Rampage swarmed.

    I'd credit that to Rashad's reaction more than Rampage not capitalizing.

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