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Gene Kiniski

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Posts posted by Gene Kiniski

  1. Leben will be a better fight. I wouldn't be surprised if Leben gets Wandy next if he does pick up the win here. W. Silva still has looked better at 185, but he's still fighting his history of wars.

    Plus, Chris has momentum on his side which could play a major factor.

  2. So, after browsing through some of my music collection today I realized that there are a few songs in each genre that I tend to always stop upon when shuffling (who doesn't?). Since rap/hip hop isn't that big on EWB I figured I would do a small (25 items) list of the top Rap and Hip Hop songs as voted on by the board members.

    This works just like any other list that on here.

    Submit FIVE (5) songs, in no particular order, that you would like to be included in the list to ME VIA PM. You CAN list them in here as well for discussion purposes, obviously. I will tally up the songs from both the PM's and the threads (because I know some of you can't read) and start posting the results next week.

    Start voting! DEADLINE IS SUNDAY JUNE 27, 2010 AT 11:59PST.

    I will put my votes in the thread once things start to get off of the ground.

  3. K-1 has developed in to a style though as it has hydrid-ised tae kwon do, thai boxing and muay thai into a general sport. I don't think you could say a Badr Hari for example was a practioner in any single one of those.

    Much like MMA has now developed in to a style of martial arts in itself as people train in MMA rather than chosing a BJJ or a karate or even a boxing.

    My other part of my original arguement that kind fo got lost along the way was if you are going to be one-dimensional tae kwon do is not necesarrily the best for that. Wrestling, BJJ or even a more mixed form of kick boxing that includes the hands (tae kwon do really does suffer from a lowered guard) would stand a better chance.

    I think we have been arguing ITF versus WTF here, unknowingly to one another.

  4. How is "Pure tae kwon do" not a clear indication of what I am on about?

    FFS, you claim I skim yours, but then at least read mine properly before you get on your pulpit, jeez.

    If I had wanted to talk about tae kwon do as an element is effective I would have said that "An element of tae kwon do could be effective in MMA"

    Vastly different statements.

    I'm not FFS, I'm Toffee Crisp. hmm.gif

    • Like 1
  5. When I say Kick boxing i generally mean the Thai Boxing style that comes out of Europe, primarily the Netherlands.

    And it's not just a Tae Kwon Do kick, nothing ever tends to be just one martial art. The Kimura is not just a BJJ move it is used in judo, sambo and catch wrestling, all with different names. You are twisting what I am saying to prove a point which I am attempting to disprove. you get Thai boxing practioners, Muay Thai practioners, BJJ practioners, Judo, sambo, wrestling, boxing, etc... all come in to the sport and do well. I have not in my recollection seen a pure Tae Kwon Do guy come in and do well

    By using the arguements "well this guy uses this technique from tae kwon do effectively", thats fine, but the guys aren't tae kwon do guys, not even Barry (sanshou) and Cro Cop (much more K-1) aren't, all the guys you metnioned are high level guys who have taken elements from plenty of mixed martial arts, what it says to me is "Mixed martial arts is effective in Mixed Martial Arts." and this I can not disagree with. <_<

    Powerhart gets it (Y)

    K-1 is a kick boxing promotion not a style, Rich. You're making me sad here.

    I get what you are going for now as well too. Half of my point was also "Mixed Martial Arts is effective in Mixed Martial Arts" while the other half was that Tae Kwon is often overlooked while it is just as effective in the sport as BJJ, Muay Thai, etc. and is a base of kick boxing which has been dominant.

    I think we should be on the same page now.

  6. Then his argument defeats the entire purpose of the sport. Bas Rutten was a Tae Kwon Do specialist with a Karate background as well (which I incorrectly cited in The Ring the other day. I accidentally, while knowing his history, switched the two in order of his training. Sorry MPH). Any successful kick boxer that has transitioned to Mixed Martial Arts is an Tae Kwon Do specialist, which is my point.

    Also, I'm not arguing that Tae Kwon Do is superior in the sport because we all know that BJJ is the entire foundation, but an arm bar is going to help on the feet against a Dennis Siver spinning back kick.

    Your wording does clear it up a bit though, Powerhart.

  7. No, my arguement starts here:

    Liver Kick>Anything in Tae Kwon Do.

    And talks about the fighters that have successfully transfered their skill base to MMA and grown from their, Tae Kwon Do guys are never effective

    All I will say about the relative effectivness of Tae Kwon Do is that wrestlers, Kick Boxers and BJJ experts have transitioned effectively, you rarely here about Tae Kwon Do guys going in to MMA and doing well.

    So, you agree with me then?

    I'm not attacking you, btw, I'm just not sure exactly WHAT it is that you're trying to argue about Tae Kwon Do because you're arguments are seemingly contradicting. You say Tae Kwon Do hasn't transitioned well, but Kick Boxing has? Did you skip this sentence in my earlier reply:

    Tae Kwon Do is where most high kicks come from due to it's deep history in kickboxing. The style is actually parent form of kickboxing which translates over extremely well.

    If Tae Kwon Do is a parent form of kick boxing and kick boxing has transitioned well into Mixed Martial Arts then hasn't Tae Kwon Do transitioned well into the sport? Even Powerhart provided a great insight that I touched on before with the Mirko, Pat Barry, Gabriel Gonzaga, Rashad Evans, Chuck Liddell and many others. They have all knocked someone out using one of the most utilized kicks in the sport today which is a Tae Kwon Do kick.

  8. I meant pure tae kwon do div.

    I would like to see a guy who is only good in tae kwon do do well in MMA with out their hands up as a guard. Even Joe Rogan who is very proficient at tae kwon do said in a real fight it it pretty useless, with the exception of the balance and speed you gain from it.

    Well if that is the argument then nothing has transitioned well into modern Mixed Martial Arts. There are no pure divisions in MMA. Every good form needs a secondary, at the least, art to support it. Wrestlers needs boxing, boxers need jiu jitsu, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioners need Muay Thai. Tae Kwon Do isn't an exception to the one dimensional rule of MMA so a "pure division" would be a tournament or sparring session, much like jui jitsu and the CBJJ.

  9. Tae kwon do has never really transmitted itself in to being super effective in MMA

    No, not really actually. Tae Kwon Do is where most high kicks come from due to it's deep history in kickboxing. The style is actually parent form of kickboxing which translates over extremely well. Just ask guys like Sean Salmon. It usually gets lumped in with Muay Thai these days which is backwards as the elbows and knees come from Muay Thai and the high kicks and hip rotation (Mirko left head kick style) is a direct result of the Tae Kwon Do being directly transmitted into the sport.

  10. I used Jay and Silent Bob as a first date movie once in high school. Albeit I knew the girl beforehand for the most part and had joked on her for not having seen the movie so it wasn't as far left field as it seems. It worked though.

  11. It was a close fight that could have gone a number of ways. Jardine took the first round, but Hamill came back and stole the second round. Jardine lost a point due to a thumb to the eye that came with the force of a punch, accidental though. Even without the point loss Hamill completely took the second round. In the third things evened up a bit more, but Hamill was the aggressor and it came down to takedown points thoughout the fight.

  12. On the iTunes Bonus tracks thats released Monday, the Eminem and Slaughterhouse track(minus Joe Budden for legal reasons)is gonna be one of the songs

    What legal reasons?

    Eminem is really true to form on this album. While it's obvious that it's a last ditch effort at some points he still kills his last two efforts.

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