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Everything posted by Toasterovenmakingtoast

  1. Think of it like this. Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark ) Even Smackdown 1, for the Playstation, had more superstars, more moves, more weapons, backstage areas. I think you get my point. Should the game with it being the first in the series been on par with the Smackdown games (even if you think those suck too..) no, not really, but there were plenty of things they could have done to make it better, that they didn't. I mean, one weapon? 8 moves per person? Give me a break. Sure, they didn't have a previous game as a base to build off, but they did have years of SD as a reference. And should have known what the standard for wrestling games were. That said, I still want to play, But I'm definitely waiting to find it for less then 30. One last thing to say about this. Personally, I only use 1 weapon and 8 moves anyways. (usually the match is done before I get to the 8th move lol) And face it, yes SD1 had more features but it was a horrible game. Even for it's time.
  2. By gawd... Without pausing? I would die if I had to drum it. Especially from what I have seen for drums on Rock Band 2. I am excited for the photo mode in RB2. I want to see what it's like.
  3. Think of it like this. Halo 3 took what, 3 years to make when they had a HUGE budget and they already had a base game to use. TNA iMPACT! had much less budget, a bit less time and no previous game to use as a base. And to me, they made one hell of a game. Yes it has it's downs but it is still a good first game. It is by the look of it much better than SVR08 at least (that game was HORRIBLE in my opinion). And no I am ont a TNA mark. I haven't watched TNA in like a month and I watch WWE all the time. (Though I may be a TNA game Mark )
  4. Woah I wish I saw this rock band topic earlier. I personally think I am pretty good at Rock Band Vocals: Expert all on default setlist. Cant do some of the downloaded Drums: Expert all on normal setlist except for a few. All downloaded (that I have) except Blackened, Indestructable and Inside The Fire.. And BYOB Bass: All Expert Guitar: Alle xpert but GGAHT and Flirting with Disaster and a few select downloaded ones. If anybody wants they can add me on Xbox live and play some with me. I usually play drums or vocals (with my guitar having a messed whammy and solo keys). I accept all friend requests and I'm on a good ammount. My gamertag is: Aaronicitya
  5. Suicide from the TNA game (and people say he will debut on TNA soon) in case you want to have him in your game.
  6. Woah. 277K views. But on a side note, anybody got a good Triple H? I searched the thread and never found something that I really like. EDIT: Nevermind I found a perfect one while searching for somebody else.
  7. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VXUM5974 The "All Promotions Are Backyard" or "Backyard Circuit" scenario was outdated so I updated it and added some slight changes. Hence the "Backyard Sprint". Up to you if you use it on the site. (sorry for megaupload all the other sites messed up for me)
  8. Who cares about space? The game will load lightning quick anyway as long as there are under 1000 wrestlers and seeing as it is 1984, (even if he adds in people who don't debut or even turn 18 untill the 90's), it will be way under that. But yeah like the idea of making people that would be like 5. Did you get this idea form that thread I posted a while ago or just thouht of it? But yeah it really makes the game interesting because you get to like 1994 or something and you look in the other workers and you go "Look at that, Kut Angle is here. It is also really good for an old scenario because if you don't do that, the game won't last long seeing as everyone will retire and there will only be training camp guys who come in way slower than people retire. Off Topic: Woot my 400th post was a long post about something that could be said with 1 sentence.
  9. Any good Pics of Kevin Thorn on a KYKY background? The ones that came up when I used the search thing weren't that good.
  10. Meh when I did that it looked screwed up. I will just stick with it how it is. I have to do a title page for school and I am doing mine on GIMP. It is for pooetry but I think it might be fairly Good. I will post it here if it looks okay. EDIT: Not really liking this but good enough to get my teacher to get me a good mark. (I had limited time with this)
  11. Whenever I resize stuff it gets all pixelated...
  12. Thanks for the criticism. When I get an other good one I will just post it in this thread so I won't be making lots of threads because to me, lots looks good.
  13. I used GIMP if that makes a difference.... I know in your standards this sucks but in my standard this is a work of art. I spent about half hour on this and rates and criticism are appreciated. So you know, the quality became crap after I saved it as JPEG. I am an idiot... (I made this for a diary I am making on an other forum) April 3rd, 2007(Title Page for Language Arts Poetry Unit):
  14. Sorry I forgot the name but I remember now. The KYKY or something background.
  15. Any updated pics of Jeff Hardy and John Cena? I know they both suck but teh Current hardy one sucks and having a main event with no picture(Cena) also sucks. Oh yeah, if possible, that cool background on them to make them look better(not needed but would be a plus). Thanks in advance.
  16. I know there is finished one with lots of stuff wrong. There are no special movesets though. But somebody should take it as a base and make a new one.
  17. Is it just me or does the HHH on the left have HBK's leg? But otherwise it is awesome.
  18. I wasn't trying to be a cock about it. Nobody asked what I was doing. They just made aimless predictions. But yeah, I totally forgot what I did. I did something like, select half, go into tools and select one of the thigns in color, do the same wiht the other half with a different color and use smear/blur to blend it.
  19. Say wha? Seriously though. The says you guys are saying just makes me laugh.
  20. ^No. Just no. I have no idea what the luminosity effect is anyways.
  21. Yeah I didn't do much but I am proud of it. Before: After:
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