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Everything posted by TOG

  1. TOG

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    I have jerseys out for 8 days, then I am washing them and starting over, all the way to game day. Go Colts.
  2. TOG

    NFL 06/07 Talk

  3. There 60 hunter. Picture quality brought to you by Paint. My New Pal Making a blood elf that actually looked good without falling into the Legolas wannabe mold was quite difficult, but I think I succeeded. I finally got my addons again and readied my interface. Looking sexy these days. I decided I hated the the males, so here's a blood elf female that I may actually level. Alektria
  4. Scratch that. Just friendly with them. I'm exhalted with Frostwolfs. Where are the Timbermaw anyway? I've never heard of them, higher level mob?
  5. I kind of didn't expect you to be a Star Wars fan. I'm suprised this hasn't already been done.
  6. Wait, they released an album even worse than Every Six Seconds?
  7. TOG

    NFL 06/07 Talk

    It'll be Colts/Sants. I promise. At which point, it will be magical no matter who wins.
  8. Census... Current Population: 2 Srar, Priest Toggy, Mage
  9. Alright, I would like to try an EWB North American Server guild one more time. I am going to find a server with a decent population, that is far from full and nobody has mentioned having characters on, and I will suck it up and play alliance. When I do, join me if you'd like. If not, don't complain that there is nobody to play with. I decided on Lightninghoof, a PVPRP server. PVPRP because if you don't want to RP you certainly don't have to, and we eliminate a large portion of the idiots who populate PVP servers.
  10. I'm assuming you mean from 60 to 70? Otherwise it's pretty much mathematically impossible, since the record for 0-60 speedruns is 4 days 20hrs. And it's a lot, lot longer for non-hunters.
  11. With regards to the second, I looked around hoping that it would be the case but I've yet to find a server where it was true. Mostly people talking about anime I've never even heard of. My brothers are livid. We pre-ordered the expansion weeks ago, only to have the guy say his shipment was held up and he'll try to post tomorrow afternoon. Fucker. If we'd known that, we'd have driven to Tamworth last night for the midnight sale.
  12. It is possible to transfer characters between accounts on the Euro servers, BUT both accounts have to be in your name, i.e. you can only transfer characters between your own accounts... And even then it costs you. A fortune
  13. I'm waiting awhile to get my copy. As for servers, Smolderthorn was supposed to be the place but it didn't work out. My advice is to not worry about it, because trying to get EWBers together fails everytime, but you could certainly come play with me at least on The Venture Company if Alliance is your thing or Smolderthorn if you're a Horde guy.
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