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Everything posted by Trey

  1. Anyway I can make sure which solo card goes first? I have a Legendary Pro Taker that is much better than my Epic Fusion Pro Uso but the computer kept Taker on the bench for some unknown reason. Taker is on the left, Uso in the middle, and my diva on the right
  2. I'll get whatever I end up with, right now I'm just counting down these last few hours Alford my second straight KotR win. I started 40-0 before tanking the last 5 games so I could go in at full strength.
  3. So should I pick The Miz or Damien Sandow in this PCC?
  4. You're best bet is two singles and a diva as it'll let you be at your lowest rating but you want something Pro level for whatever level you're on. Like me, I have a Legendary Pro Taker, Survivor Flair, and Legendary Pro Nikki Bella to put me just barely in the Legendary bracket so I get the easiest tournaments in the Legendary group. I just won my 2nd KotR with this strategy
  5. Just won a Legendary tier KotR after losing the first game, I hate to say it but 3MB is working wonders for me
  6. Just threw a 1 hitter as Kershaw, it was the other teams pitcher who got the hit after an 8 pitch at bat. Brutal.
  7. Astros it is, I couldn't bring myself to play as the Cubs.
  8. I'm a Cardinals fan but I haven't been keeping up to much lately with baseball, what would be a good team that has a few different great looking prospects I could start a swimming franchise with? Basically I'd like to have a franchise I can sim multiple seasons with and watch how players improve from year to year based on their potential as prospects.
  9. I haven't ran into a time when purchasing anything would've made the difference but for a couple bucks I think I'd bite the bullet.
  10. I got about 35 points from Show and went from winning fairly easily +5's to struggling to go .500 against +1 guys
  11. The rosters are going to be out today
  12. I'm gonna be topping off at Big Show sadly so I'm gonna stick to +1's and maximize my feeders cards from victories. Next go round I'll be disappointed in anything less than a survivor
  13. Knight's rosters are suppose to be out early next week so if you need more than just those top 150 you could always just play RttS a few days until those rosters are out. They are saying these are the best rosters they've ever done by far.
  14. I'm about halfway through Big Show winning +5's but just barely.
  15. I'll take an invite, PSN is finalfinally and I'll take the Cardinals if they are open
  16. Mine is looking all weird too, the colors in the rectangle version of the cards. Different backgrounds. I'm almost through AJ still going strong, haven't had to go away from +5 yet. Hoping to get the Legendary level this go round
  17. I'm going strong through Undertaker with a Legendary level deck, still winning +5's without a single losing hand.
  18. Just won my first legendary KotR and got an AJ Lee to go with my second Nikki Bella so now I'll have an epic pro diva and a Legendary pro diva by the time the meaningful RtG matches are starting. Awesome
  19. I'm gonna be passed if I lose this KotR because of the maintenance going on right now
  20. They moved the RtG back a day so that's rather annoying.
  21. How many games would we be expected to play in this? I like the idea of it being almost like an interactive baseball mogul league with some games sprinkled in but I'm so bad at this game I'd hate to be getting slaughtered relentlessly.
  22. Same thing just happened to me but I've had a lot of luck in the last 24 hours or so. First I got 1 legendary Undertaker from the PCC and just figured I'd use him for Fusion fodder but I just pulled one from exhibition so I can make a Pro version of it now. Add that to the fact I just got a Legendary Fusion Brock and pulled an SV Jey Uso and that's three great cards for the RtG coming up.
  23. So what was the strategy that you guys used the last RtG to grind away past the usual points? I'm asking because I'll have plenty of free time and should be able to grind away relentlessly as I'm playing The Show between at bats. Is it just your best cards or do you throw some fodder in at the bottom?
  24. I pulled my first Survivor that wasn't the one from getting into the tier and it was a support card that gives +28 in TGH and SPD to the deck. I know it isn't that useful in exhibition or PCC but if I use it first in RtG will it last for all 16 of my cards or however many it is?
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