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Everything posted by Trey

  1. So how do you guys decide what games to play in your dynasty? I haven't tried out the option of starting in the middle of the at bat yet but I think I'm going to give it a shot next time I fire up the PS4.
  2. This KotR for me is going to be a gauntlet. Standings right now have two guys at 7-0 and three more at 6-1. The rest are behind obviously so I should get into the top 8 as one of the 6-1 guys so hopefully boosts and energy will be enough to at least get me past the first round
  3. Yeah it is. And I managed to grind back into the 7000's too, I need that legendary and epic for fusion fodder.
  4. 1500 points, I'm hovering around 5000th place right now
  5. I'm at like, 1,500 and thought I was doing really well. I haven't felt this inadequate since my third date with any girl ever.
  6. Who did you have to send away to get Trout?
  7. How do you have so many points, just buying title matches and playing constantly? Also after giving up on going for two legendary cards from this and going back to the Survivor tier I got my second epic Nikki Bella so I'll finally have a decent diva until I can get something good. Now comes the grind of leveling them both up and then the pro.
  8. Not yet, the only legendary cards I have are 2 support cards and Nikki Bella. I think I'm going to burn one of my support cards for one after this next epic fusion is done though
  9. I'm giving it a shot but with only a Legendary diva to work with not even at a Pro level I'm guessing I won't have as much success with it. Still, KotR I got hit by the 3MB so I'm bitter
  10. I would say .280 is a decent average and anything above .300 is really good but I may be wrong. Also, there is a term used called the Mendoza line that sits at .200 which basically means if you can't hit over that you shouldn't be on the field no matter how great you are at defense. I'm also not positive on the others, but it seems like if you guess the pitch right you're going to get solid contact if the timing is right (where as if you time it right without guessing the pitch sometimes you get poor results anyway, such as a pop up to the catcher) so it helps in that sense.
  11. I'm aiming for getting at least a Legendary card out of this one, I should be able to at this rate unless I drop massively while I'm sleeping
  12. Yeah I've resorted to using a Survivor Flair, Epic Pro fusion Jey Uso, and Legendary Bella along with two super rates to knock me from Survivor tier to Legendary+ for the PCC
  13. I don't know that I have that in me, I'd love to get to that 7500 range and get a legendary
  14. I feel like I've been playing all morning and getting pretty good results on +5 matches and have 458 points but am only ranked like 11,200. Ugh
  15. I traded in Dragon Age, Dying Light, and Diablo and got it for nothing. I don't know if you have anything to trade or if that's even an option based on where you live but it's how my broke ass got it
  16. Depending on your position you could request a position change but other than that I would guess a trade request would be your best bet.
  17. My strategy is regular swing no direction unless I read the pitch and know what's coming, then I power swing and drive the ball hoping for a home run or at least something off the wall
  18. Playing my RttS and just got my first home run,it was a grand slam with two outs. I forgot how awesome this game can be when things go right. And right after I post that my next at bat is a 2 run bomb, back to back home runs!
  19. And if you're doing a RttS don't focus on hitting it out if the park, just try and get base hits until you've boosted your stats. At least that's helped me always
  20. This will be my first time getting The Show for PS4 and judging from what you guys have to say about it I'm pretty excited. I usually just do the RttS but with no other games out I'm currently playing I think this will be the year I dive deep into a dynasty or two.
  21. I've gotten it twice, once when I first updated to this newest version and once earlier today after playing while watching Raw so I was on for about an hour and a half.
  22. It says event ended but the countdown thing still has 17 hours left and change. If I would've known I wouldn't have these last 17 hours I would've planned my day differently
  23. I was really long the first one I pulled, it was +75 speed and that was my weakest category. Just sucks getting a second support because I can only use both of them in RtG
  24. First I got a support card for my first legendary pull. So what do I get with my second? Another support card. Fuck
  25. I updated the app but when I go to start it the game gets stuck "preparing to download required assests". Anyone else having this problem?
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