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Posts posted by GRIFT

  1. Motorhead covering Iggy and the Stooges "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell" for no other reason than it'd be one loud awesome band covering another loud awesome band's loud awesome song.

    Personally, I think Motorhead should cover every song they can get their hands on. Lemmy's voice just makes everything a tad more awesome. I don't care if it is Elvis's Blue Seude shoes (which they have covered) or Sweet Caroline (which would be so perfect it would bring about end times.)

  2. The only cover on that album that I was interested in was the Say Anything ODB cover... I just checked it out and aside from how he got around all the NGH lyrics I found it to be a huge disappointment. When I saw that on the list I thought, ODB + Hilarious Song + Max Bemis = Sure thing. Man was I wrong.

  3. I am going to leave off the huge list of local bands and obscure punk shows but I've seen...


    Rage Against the Machine

    Modest Mouse

    Head Automatica

    Our Lady Peace

    Bob Dylan

    Elvis Costello


    Coheed and Cambria (in a tiny ass club before they got super popular. Actually before Eppard was in the band.)



    The White Stripes


    Bright Eyes

    The Magic Numbers

    Killswitch Engage

    Lamb of God

    Ozzy (but only because my friend Sonny's band [Twisted Roots] opened for him.)

    The Wailers

    Bad Religion

    Flogging Molly


    Every Time I Die


    Evergreen Terrace


    Dropkick Murphys




    Robbie Williams (by accident, but fuck it the show rocked.)

    The Vandals

    Henry Rollins (it was a spoken word tour though... but I got to interview him for the Free Press!)

    Jenny Lewis

    Sarah Harmer

    Raine Maida

    Taking Back Sunday with Saves the Day (Worst show ever, and the only show I've ever left early.)

    Foo Fighters

    Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Rustic Overtones

    Paranoid Social Club


    Jimmy Eat World

    Tenacious D

    Ryan Adams

    Ani DiFranco

    Damian Rice

    Ugh, I forgot a ton but I have to close up shop in the real world now.

  4. State of Grace


    This one sadly gets overlooked a lot because it came out at the same time as Goodfellas (arguably the greatest mob movie ever made.) Gary Oldman in one of his finest roles, Ed Harris playing the type of role that made him famous, and Sean Penn playing the conflicted man undercover, but ironically a man more loyal to the organization and his family than the head of the operation. Also a smaller but important role for John C. Reilly and also the chick from Princess Bride's tits.

    Oh, yeah did I mention it is the Irish mob vs the Italian mob with a violent crescendo in the middle of a St. Patty's day parade? Yeah, this movie kicks ass.

  5. If I Should Fall Behind by Bruce Springsteen. My old man used it at his second wedding and ever since I've seen it as the ultimate wedding song. It is slow, beautiful, and the lyrics are topical as hell for the newly wed.

    That version is probably my favorite. He lets each member of his band, including his wife, sing a stanza and then finishes off with the whole lot of them singing the chorus.

  6. The Shadow

    On the one hand you have this character's notorious film flop, and on the other you have a character who ruled radio and was an influential pulp character who helped to shape my all time favorite comic character: Batman. In Raimi's capable hands this could turn into a nice little cult Franchise, afterall this is the character who Raimi tried to get the rights to so many years ago before creating his classic Darkman character as a facsimile.

    Battle Royale

    I'd love to see this one get a proper Western treatment, though without a hard R this film is hardly worth the effort or recreating it here.


    A director re-making his own work? Further, a director re-making his only true great work? I'd pass on this one, but who knows. We might be surprised.

    The Evil Dead

    My only real problem with Evil Dead getting an update is the suggested lack of Bruce Campbell in the leading role. Bruce Campbell is Ash, and without Campbell Evil Dead just isn't Evil Dead. I wonder if they will go for a more horror based film here? Perhaps making the film that they probably set out to make in college.

    Knight Rider

    Kit, I am picking up readings of over exposure.

    Conan The Barbarian

    The role HHH was born to butcher. I hope they go a route that is more loyal to the comics. My dad was a huge Conan comic fan and as such I grew up with a pretty comprehensive Conan library. If they bring that side of the character to life this could be one of the better films listed.

    Logan's Run

    This film seems to get booted around for the re-make treatment every couple of years. I wouldn't count on seeing anything materialize for a few more years.

    Death Wish

    Ladies and Gentleman, Sly is going Get Carter the Death Wish series. Coming from someone who thought the most recent Rambo was one of the most satisfying films he'd seen in ages (that film was everything it was supposed to be) I am not expecting much from this. Sly can be Sly. I don't think he can be Charles Bronson.

    The Taking Of Pelham 123

    I didn't see the original... no comment.

    Fahrenheit 451

    I didn't really like the original film all that much despite loving the book. I am all for this one.

    A Nightmare On Elm Street

    Friday The 13th

    Last House On The Left


    All of these are hopping onto the success of Halloween's remake and hoping for a rebirth of franchise horror. I didn't like most of these films the first time around, but there is certainly a proven market for them.


    This will be great. Period. I don't care what they do, a new Tron will rock.

    Clash of the Titans

    I am excited for this one. The first film was alright, and very cutting edge for its time but I think there is a big hole to be filled as far as Greek mythology goes in cinema. Aside from some shaky Hercules productions it is a surprisingly untapped well for cinema to start drawing from.


    This could be tricky, but if it has a star like Leo at the forefront and is treated with uber realism outside of the suspended belief elements it could be a really amazing adaptation.

    The Birds

    This is the big UGH for me. While Naomi Watts really is like the modern day Tippi Hedron I don't know why they'd update this masterpiece. Outside of getting 'more realistic' birds and special effects there is nothing to be done. The original was one of the finest pieces of cinema ever crafted. To remake this beautifully lyrical film without Hitchcock's watchful eye would surely result in a clunky and shirll work of pseudo suspense.


    Tim Burton is hit or miss for me. I'd like to see him do something from an original source again. His last several films, hell most of his films, have all been adaptations of some sort.


    This could be a fun remake. I loved the premise of the original but always thought it could be executed better.

    The Warriors

    Tony Scott. The Warriors. TONY SCOTT. THE WARRIORS. TONY FUCKING SCOTT MAKING A REMAKE OF THE WARRIORS. That rocks so immensly hard.


    Didn't see the original.

    Escape From New York

    This falls under the Evil Dead category for me. Without Kurt Russell is the remake worth seeing?

    Short Circuit


    Howard Stern's Porkys

    Just when I thought they had finished bastardizing pieces of my childhood.

    The Lives Of Others

    Haven't seen the original. Just added it to the netflix queue though.

    Straw Dogs

    The original was too good to remake. Can't we leave the masterpieces alone?


    Tim Robbins could play a great lead in this film that I think has never been given a proper adaptation from the book.

    Red Sonja

    Why remake the shitty sequel?

    The Dirty Dozen

    I could see this one working out if it had the right cast. Clint Eastwood as the lead anyone? I'd love to see a version of this directed by Tarantino. He could finally stop making remakes of movies as his own, and just do a remake.




    I never got into the Dune madness.

    The Thing

    I loved the original. Kurt Russell is less important to its success than in his previous film on this list.

    Near Dark

    Yeah, because we need more vampire movies.

    The Swarm

    It is like the Birds but with BEES! ZOMG~!


    Bah, could care less.

    The Witches

    Guillermo Del Toro is on fire right now. I don't think this man will do wrong for quite some times.

  7. Obviously I'm going to go with a comic, but The Dark Knight Returns, I swear it should be made, even if it's just an animated film, if DC made it then people WOULD buy it in an instant, no disrespect to their animated films so far (which have generally been good), but it would blow them all out of the park and then some.


    Also I'd like to see a decent adaptation of Lord of the Flies. The two movies that stand simply don't do William Golding's masterpiece justice.

  8. As it just so happens I watched both Ultimate Avengers movies today, and enjoyed them thoroughly. I believe the plan is, as Auto said, to make an Avenger's film with all of the actors from their respective individual franchises reprising their roles. Jon Favereau (ace director currently helming Iron Man) has thrown his hat into the ring for a chance to direct the mega-picture.

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