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Posts posted by GRIFT

  1. New Order. The guy I work with helped himself to my computer and tossed on a two disc collection of singles by them... it has been over two hours and I want to hang myself. It isn't that I hate the band, in fact I like New Order... but more than a song or two and I just want to kill.

    I've spent the last twenty minutes trying to figure out what the opposite of New Order so I can crank it for a few hours.

    So far I've picked Glassjaw.

  2. Lucky You

    Bruce Springsteen + Eric Bana = Pretty cool.

    Pretty cool - Drew Barrymore = Ok.

    Ok. + Robert Duvall = Good.

    Good - shitty character development = fair.

    It was an alright movie, but ultimately not worth much more than the time it takes to watch it.


    Well, maybe not.

    It is the top 25 15 Comic Book Villains. Why 15? Well to be honest, the EWB agreed for the most part and the votes at the top of the list reflected it. The bottom of the list ended up being mass multi man ties of villains who received one or two low point votes. Because I think the method of "Nominee A got the same points, but more votes than Nominee B" of tie breaking, I just dropped the bottom ten in favor of listing the Top 13 or so clear cut winners, and a few ties.

    But, because I am a big comic fan and moreover a big villain fan I will be doing a few intermission pieces to showcase rogues who failed to make the list, almost made the list, or simply fit a theme that my mind happened on when putting the list together.

    But now that the business end of this post is done, lets get into the fun of a list that has taken a reaaaaaaaaally long time to get here.



    15. Ra's al Ghul

    The Demon's Head is the first of many members of Batman's classic rogue's gallery to make the list. While Ra's was brought back into the public consciousness by Liam Neeson's portrayal of the character in Batman Begins, more ardent Bat-fans have been hooked by the international terrorist since his 1971 debut in Batman 232: Daughter of the Demon. Fans of the Bruce Timm and Paul Dini Batman series will also remember the Leader of the League of Shadows as being one of Batman's more formidable opponents, and at times most capable allies.

    The relationship between Batman and Ra's is a complex and strenuous one. Ra' recognizes Batman as his worthiest opponent, and originally sought him out as an heir. Further complicating things is the romantic relationship between Batman and Ra's daughter, Talia al Ghul. Ra's is even the grandfather of Bruce Wayne's only son, Damian.

    But complicated bloodlines are nothing new for Ra's. In the main continuity he has at least two other known children in Nyssa and the White Ghost: an albino named Dusan. Much like King Lear, Ra's puts his faith in his two daughters, who would ultimately betray him, and he scorns his only faithfully child in Dusan until he proves his allegiance in death.

    In Ghul and his loyal army of assassins, the League of Shadows, Batman is presented with the means to achieve his desires of order, a chance for family, and more specifically a chance to fill the void created when his parents died. The cost however is crossing the one line that governs the Bat's existence: A vow not to kill. This is a line that divides the two men and will keep the two fighting until Ra's Lazarus pits either fail to bring him back to life, or he finally defeats the World's Greatest Detective.


    -Incredibly intelligent, and one of the few people to deduce Batman's secret identity of Bruce Wayne.

    - An expert swordsman and well versed in martial arts under his father Sensei. But then you'd be pretty good if you had several centuries to hone your craft.

    - His use of the Lazarus Pits' and their rejuvenating properties have granted him a life that has been estimated as 600 years old, though he has stated that he's been alive for so long even he has lost track of how old he is.

    -Various awesome facial hair styling.

    - His main M.O. is to achieve environmental balance by depleting the over-population that has strangled the planet. His more notorious plots involve unleashing biological weapons upon the unsuspecting populace, including what was, perhaps, his most devious plot in the Ebola Gulf A aka The Clench Virus.

    Required Reading:

    Daughter of the Demon, Son of the Demon, Birth of the Demon, Legacy, The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul.

  4. Really? Because her artist MySpace page says it was written by Sitek & Johansson.

    Ten tracks are covers of songs written by Tom Waits (many of them in collaboration with his wife Kathleen Brennan). The remaining song is an original, written by Johansson and Sitek.


    I must have misread the article I picked up that information in. It said something along the lines of: Anywhere I Lay My Head features four songs written by Tom Waits, six songs written by Tom Waits and Brennan, and one original composition, "Song for Jo."

    Upon review that could suggest that that original is by Johansson.

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