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Status Updates posted by GRIFT

  1. Really? No birthday thread... :(

  2. is in LA for a couple of miserable days.

  3. Ugh. Working, very hung over on my birthday.

  4. I'd switch banks today if one of them offered complimentary urinals directly under their ATMs.

  5. Was Fabulous Moolah ever young? Even the oldest footage of her looks like a leather faced harpy from hell.

  6. The only Libyans I'm interested in seeing be brought to justice are the savages who gunned down Doctor Emmett Brown. NEVER FORGET.

  7. Would have been a lot different if Ziggy had played banjo, jamming good with Beard and Willie, and the Snyders from Nashville.

  8. Today I learned that when I was born, I was roughly the 4,944,483,094th person alive on this planet, and that I am, again roughly, the 79,815,588,257th person to ever be alive-- but I am pretty sure I am the first person to always carry an old Nintendo controller with me so that when death finally arrives I can counter with the Contra cheat code.

  9. If Memphis treats me anything like Nashville did, I reckon a blood transfusion might be in order.

  10. Because I only really check my work email I totally missed it, but I was the featured writer on Everydaypoets.com on May 10th. Neato.

  11. Sadly someone removed my avatar... but hey, that leaves room for more Townes Van Love.

  12. Well, wont you lend your lungs to me?

    Mine are collapsing

    Plant my feet and bitterly breathe

    Up the time thats passing.

    Breath Ill take and breath Ill give

    Pray the day aint poison

    Stand among the ones that live

    In lonely indecision.

  13. You'd be about a billion times cooler if you were Cloud Barton.

  14. Anyone playing destiny right now?

  15. He picked up a still-smoldering cigarette and took a quick drag. "Woomp," he said softly. "For there it is."

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