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Tits McGee

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Everything posted by Tits McGee

  1. hmm what about any browser based sims? where you are a cycler or a cycling team?
  2. Probably a weird request but does anyone know of any cycling managers? Preferably free to play but I would check out pay ones.
  3. was that.. Bernie Mac? And who was the huge fat white guy?
  4. So I went to see this movie with my girlfriend today and it was pretty amazing. The whole theater laughed through almost the whole movie. It did have about a 10 minute stretch towards the end where it got kinda slow but it picked right back up. Probably my second favorite Will Ferrell movie behind Anchorman
  5. Is it a live draft? When is draft? Does anyone play over at Fleaflicker.com? It has free keeper leagues. Maybe we can get a league started over there.
  6. I tried the demo with the real world mod and couldn't even get to the start of the season.. only could draft D league players.
  7. I think it said you need a minimum of 10 to start.. we only have 5. People join up
  8. can you not join multiple leagues or whatever?
  9. Can anyone else not wait til this movie comes out in a couple weeks?! Here is the newest trailer on youtube: Step Brothers
  10. Someone join my team and we will kick ass like Talladega Nights! Shake & Bake baby
  11. I only have 1300 dollars left to train with. I need to make a team next season for sure or its pointless to even have a player since I won't be able to train him anymore.
  12. It is like impossible for me to find a team to join.. I post in the teams looking for players and players looking for teams and still nothing. Is my player just bad or what?
  13. How the hell do I get on a team? WR Rumpel Stiltskin and OT Techno Viking need homes!
  14. I just created WR Rumpel Stiltskin
  15. Yeah I am finding it difficult to even have positive money. I took out a 1000 dollar loan and haven't even began to pay it back yet.
  16. Will have my first contract load done by tonight.. I think I can get one more load out of it before Busy Bee contract is up.
  17. Yeah I went up to Trenton from Atlanta before I knew what to do.. now I have to turn all the way back around and deliver some crap to New Orleans before I hit Monterrey for that big money oil carriage.
  18. I'm Tits McGee in game and joined Busy Bee since they contacted me first.
  19. There aren't anymore episodes until January.
  20. http://www.mmanews.com/ufc/Dana-White-Give...e-On-PRIDE.html Pride might as well be gone for good.
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