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Posts posted by Lj.

  1. Anyone else think it's kind of funny that Kanye West is getting some much over something that really wasn't a big deal. Yea, it was very disrespectful, but last time I checked, Taylor Swift is still breathing after the "attack." Anyway, he's a douche and she's a sweet chick, don't care for either of their music right now though.

  2. I've been looking for the September 24th, 2006 scenario for a couple of weeks now. I remember it being on EWInvertory, but when I checked back, it was gone. I was looking to start a TNA game right before the debut of Kurt Angle. I downloaded the August scenario & the October scenario, but the September scenario was really on the money. Can anyone help me locate it?

    Please & Thank You.

  3. Yea, the definitely need to change that for next year. It seems a bit petty to have your fighter fighting for cred than just for respect, his legacy, etc. I'd like to see a more detailed career next year as well. Do something with the time frame of the career, have your character age as the years go by, and maybe have your stats slightly decrease over long periods of time.

  4. So in career mode, in order to get into the Hall of Fame, you just need a certain amount of cred when you hang up your gloves? I ask this because my Lightweight character was inducted into the Hall of Fame when I finished my career yesterday. He was 32-2, iirc. I don't remember how much cred I had, and my stats weren't maxed out either. My Strength, Speed, and Cardio were all at the limit, but the rest of my stats were not.

  5. I still believe they could have given the gamer players something better after winning some of the Classic Fights, or at least something after you achieve all of them. I would have liked an unlockable fighter, maybe something for your CAF, something.

  6. I don't think so, but I'm beginning to wonder myself. I've had to drop down to beginner in my career mode, yet when I start to get into the top rankings, I feel like I'm playing on expert again. The CPU goes for the same move over and over, I can counter them no problem, but it's not much fun to play after a while.

    I got to about 8-0 with my Lightweight CAF, then met with Thaigo something. He was playing literally like I hadn't changed the settings down to beginner. No matter what I would do, he'd find a way to get a submission victory, even after I beat the stamina out of him.

  7. I would say read the manual it came with. I had the game for about a week without going through it, needless to say, it helped me out quite a bit. There's a little chart inside of it that shows you the motions of the ground game, how to get from point A to point b, like from side control to mount, etc. Also, practice practice practice mode, I can't stress this feature enough, it will help you hone in your skills on the areas you need to work on.

    Start off on a lower level, Beginner, than move your way up after you've figured a good amount of the controls out. I played the demo on expert right out of the gate, when I played the full game, I had to drop all the way back down to beginner in career mode. There's no shame in it really, just didn't know enough about the controls during the demo, I just stuck with a certain game plan. In beginner mode, take your time. You're going to want go for the easy kills, but work on what you need to work on during this time.

  8. How they hell did you do that? I've never managed to submit the computer since I've been playing the game, even if I have someone with high strength and submission skills. Any pointers on how I need to apply the submission and/or when they should be applied? Also, what method to you use to clinch it in, fast button action or joystick?

  9. Has anyone knocked their opponent out while they're on top of you? I always wondered if that's even possible. If their stamina is pretty much gone, but they happen to counter you and take you down, could you throw a few shots to his head and knock him out? I just think it would be cool to see someone get knocked out and end up laying on you in a defeated position.

  10. God, I keep getting my ass handed to me in career mode. I had it on expert to start off with, because that's how I was playing on the demo since it came out. Then, I had to lower it to advanced just to last more than a round, now I'm all the way down to experienced. I love the game, but I just can't seem to figure out how to stay consistent on expert.

    I'm getting ready to create a new character in the lightweight division and I want to play on expert from the start, any suggestions on how to go about fighting on expert? My stand up skills are good, I counter quite a bit. My ground game has drastically improved, but no matter how many times I reverse some, or try to reverse something, the computer always ends up with the upper hand. I want to run through the career mode on expert like I said before, but I don't want every single fight to end up being a 1 to 2 minute brutalization of my character, lol.

    At the start dodge any fighter who you thinks style will rip you apart, be patient in your fighting and don't just run straight in arms swinging. Most of the time you mess up on the ground because your jerking the stick(panicking) this doesn't work. Just take your time and don't worry if you take a few hits. This works for online too.

    I actually don't panic anymore when I'm on the ground, I usually take the fight to the ground. I have good transitions and I know how to put my opponent back to the guard, it just seems likes when I fight certain people, I can't for the life of me roll them over while they're in full mount, I can't keep them from getting full mount, or I can't catch them in a submission. Any advice on making the computer tap? I can make plenty of people tap online, but I've never submitted the the computer.

  11. God, I keep getting my ass handed to me in career mode. I had it on expert to start off with, because that's how I was playing on the demo since it came out. Then, I had to lower it to advanced just to last more than a round, now I'm all the way down to experienced. I love the game, but I just can't seem to figure out how to stay consistent on expert.

    I'm getting ready to create a new character in the lightweight division and I want to play on expert from the start, any suggestions on how to go about fighting on expert? My stand up skills are good, I counter quite a bit. My ground game has drastically improved, but no matter how many times I reverse some, or try to reverse something, the computer always ends up with the upper hand. I want to run through the career mode on expert like I said before, but I don't want every single fight to end up being a 1 to 2 minute brutalization of my character, lol.

  12. How does everyone usually spend their weeks preparing for the fight? I'm curious as to how I can manage my time better. Also, you can actually train in your training camp? I thought it just made your sparring partner try different things during your sessions?

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