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Posts posted by Lj.

  1. A really good way to take down Chuck while fighting as Rua is in the clinch. If you can grab him by the head and knee his body and toss in a few knees to the head, you're going to win the fight a good amount of times. His clinch defense must be horrible because you can basically get in 6 to 7 shots to his midsection without him really giving you much trouble. Another good way is take downs. When Liddell is starting to build some momentum, shoot and you should take him down pretty easily, if you time it right. I find it really effective to strike with him on bottom, rather than just going straight for a submission.

    A few small things is timing after moves. For instance, when you're in a half guard on top of Liddell, after a few punches he usually pushes you off with his feet so the fight can go back to striking on the feet. Well, when you're both getting up, this is a very good moment to go for a high kick to the side of his head, he barely blocks it 1/4 times. Another time to go for a high head kick is right after you've come out of the clinch with Liddell. It's really all about timing with Rua. You can land a good amount of flying knee strikes when Liddell is going for a strong punch. I bet on expert, everyone who plays as Rua probably doesn't win the fight until the 3rd round, it goes to a decision, or Liddell knocks you out in the second round.

    Yes, Rua's punches are weaker, but you can punish Chuck for a good amount of time if you can avoid his more powerful shots. Usually, according to the judges, you are winning the fight hands down for most of the bout, but, Chuck seems to find a few times where he can clobber you and it's all over. If you fight against Rua, you'll find yourself on your back or in the starts of a submission 9/10 on expert mode.

    Oh, before I finish this up, has anyone else heard about the flash knock outs yet? or any details on them? I watched a video about them a couple days ago and they seem to be randomly placed at various times. But it seems like at the beginning of the second and third round, Liddell can knock you out with a strong move in the first couple of seconds and Rua seems to be able to do it with a flying knee strike or head kick in the early moments of the match.

  2. Alright, I've gotten better at working the body of Liddell and avoiding most of his major shots. The last time I played, I managed to hang in there until the start of the 3rd round. I know to most that isn't much, but for me, it's much better than getting mollywhopped a few minutes into the first round. I still want to know a few things though....

    What are some of the best shots to take in order to wear your opponent down?

    What are some of the combos that you find the most effective?

    When striking while standing, when do you go for the "big" move?

    Now, onto the ground game. I got some advice earlier on getting into different positions with the right stick and it's helped out a great deal, thank you. I would like to know a little more though....

    When underneath your opponent, what is the most effective way to roll into another position and/or into a reversal? By this I mean, do you really need to rotate the stick or is it more about a flicking motion depending on what kind of movement you're looking for?

    When in the start of a submission, what's the most effective way to get free?

    If your opponent has passed your guard and is now in a full mount, how in the blue hell do you roll him over? I can block his hammer fists pretty well now, but after so many times of not being able to get him off of me, it gets very tiresome.

    Hmm, I believe that's it for now, thanks in advance. Oh, has anyone else read up or seen anything else on the Flash Knock Out that's in the game? I must have pulled it off at least 3 times, it's the only reason I won 3 matches on expert mode. The first KO was right of the gate, roundhouse to the side of the head. The second KO was a knee to the face while Rua was attempting to shoot. The third came yesterday against Liddell, about 2 minutes into the second round I managed to land a good right hook to his jaw and sent him down.

  3. I really think the problem a lot of times when playing this game on a harder setting is that myself, a I'm sure others, still play the game for the quick win. We're throwing a lot of heavy shots instead of using the basics to really ware the opponent down, maybe set them up for something, then go for the kill and hope it works. This game is going to be great in the full version just because you really have to pay attention to whom you're fighting and you must adjust your game plan accordingly.

    I'm dying to play Diego Sanchez vs. Nick Diaz or even BJ Penn vs. anyone.

  4. Seriously, just let everyone know the Janitor's name, have JD & Elliot get married or find out she's pregnant, & have the final scene of Dr. Cox & Kelso, who would be moving away in the last episode, shaking hands while the entire casts watches on....with Death Cab for Cutie playing or Overkill. <_<

  5. Has anyone else played on expert yet? God, I must have played it last night at least a couple hundred times with a buddy of mine and between the two of us, we won a total of 3 matches. How did we do this you ask? I have no idea. First round, Rua goes for a right hook, misses, I deliver a roundhouse to the side of his neck and he's knocked out. The second victory, he was trying to shoot, as always, into me. I lifted my knee up and he knocked himself out.

    The third one my friend got, he clocked Rua with a pretty good spinning back fist. Although he didn't win more matches than that, he did manage to German Suplex, Powerbomb, and slam Rua down quite a few times during various matches. This game is far to addicting, I have to keep playing on expert just so I know I'll have a small chance of winning online against all the rest of the Undisputed addicts, lol.

  6. I thought it was a fairly good movie. The acting wasn't the best and they did change Goku's back story, but it wasn't something so bad that you couldn't get behind it. They did stick true to Dragonball/Z's realism with the random camera pans, one fight for the whole episode, and some of the general corniness of the show, lol.

    Good watch, imo, not great, but good.

  7. Lets see today it was most some older Lil Wayne: Canon & Murk Off. I've been listening to a lot of The Chariotsince they're coming through town next week. Other than that, just listening to my own bands stuff: Helen Keller, trying to make sure all the recordings are in tip top shape.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot about Rick Astley. <_<

  8. I agree, they're really making the show better as opposed to most shows that try to highlight some of the lesser known character, but fail.

    I have to get this off my chest, FAMOUS JETT JACKSON! While I forget his real name, that was the first thing I thought of when I saw him on last nights episode.
  9. 3. Brothers and sisters put this record down: "Our Lawyer Made Us Change the Name of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"

    8. I comb the crowd and pick you out: XO

    Fall Out Boy: From Under the Cork Tree

  10. It's happened ladies and gentlemen, the three rings of death. <_< I've read and watched up on how to fix, but I wanted to get advice here as well. I'm sure someone else here has gotten these little bastard rings before and fixed it, so, have at it.

    PM me and I can give you my AIM or my e-mail address, which ever you prefer. I don't mind responses in the thread, but I don't want to shift through a lot of dribble just to get to some factual knowledge, please and thank you!

  11. I agree, it's different than most pop punk and doesn't sound anywhere near bubble gum pop, so it's just a good listen all around. I have dubbed this CD's genre, "Diet Rock." Really though, a lot of the songs have an 80's vibe to it.

  12. I take back what I wrote earlier, I love this damn album the more I listen to it. Shit! I wanted to hate it so much because it wasn't like their old stuff, but it works, and even though it's not pop punk, it's not really straight pop either. It's something new and something that most people haven't heard before, it's refreshing.

    Although Patrick's singing in part of a song reminds me of Meatloaf. <_<

  13. Really? I listen to the stream of it this morning and I don't see why everyone is saying it's so good. With exception of What a Catch, Donnie & Tiffany Blews, the rest of the album just doesn't sound all that good to me. I prefer "Cork Tree" & Infinity on High over Folie à Deux, but, that's just me.

    Maybe I just need to listen to it a few times in order to gain a better feel for it.

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