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The Donators
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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Don't know if anyone has read it before, but this site is quite good for theories etc.
  2. Oh. I missed that. Excuse me whilst I go an vomit. Thank you.
  3. Where's the lap dancer? I want a lap dancer. The guy that goes in there is lucky, I want in. Not for the fit birds, just to murder Carol.
  4. Is it me or does she look like the flashback Rachel on Friends, when she had a big nose? Probably just me. And coloured.
  5. This woman has the most boring plain voice ever. SPEAK UP A BIT WOMAN!
  6. Fuck me. Hottest housemate in years.
  7. That is genius. Put a complete sexist bloke in there, ratings will be through the roof.
  8. Yeh, she really doesn't fit in. Although there is a 53 year old on that list.
  9. I was thinking that. Now that would make good television.
  10. Wow, snobby upper class lady.
  11. I swear all the 19-23 year old tapes are exactly the same. "I am nuts! I am loud! I don't take any shit!" Etc etc.
  12. This woman talks too much and too fast.
  13. Why are they cheering this fucktard? Seriously, what is it? On the other hand, those twins are niiiiiiiiice.
  14. But he is still pretty fucking good. This sucks. Hope Wenger is taking note, we need to sign some players this summer to compete with this lot.
  15. I'm basically hoping at leat 90% of the current ECW roster is included and also the following; Sabu. Jimmy Wang Yang. Paul London. Brian Kendrick. As far as legends go, I think it is about time they included Owen Hart, Ricky Steamboat and Arn Anderson.
  16. I still think Michael is the one in the coffin. It was in the middle of a black neighborhood. That is just my feeling. I thought John Lantham was the guy who played Jacob. Take it I am wrong? I want to find out who Jacob is, and why Ben is keeping him locked in that cabin and what he needs help from.
  17. Just wondering, the board takeovers file option is unticked by default on the preferences. When I tick it, when I go back it is unticked, how do I keep it on, I want the board takeovers option on. I don't get it.
  18. Oh, I asked for them to send it to my address. So that's it, just send the Xbox without the hard drive to them with label on the box? She does it has to be a plain brown box, does it matter if it isn't plain? Not sure how strict they are.
  19. Yeh, they said they are sending me labels?? Couldn't understand what the woman said, to contact a courier to pick it up and repair it. Is it common that when they repair/replace it, it just happens again? My warranty ends in 2 1/2 weeks, broke just in time really. How do I extend it and how much does it cost, anyone know?
  20. My 360 died. I got the 3 red lights, it won't work, what do I do?
  21. I'm going to the in Brighton, 27th Nov I think. Should be awesome. Bit costly mind you, I think I only paid £17 to see Jimmy carr.
  22. Is it just me, or are there way too many red cards and high scoring games on the new patch? Thierry Henry is a beast. He scored nine against Faroe Islands. 12 in 12 prem games this season as well.
  23. right, I have played my 360 on my mum's TV on 1080i setting on her HDTV, looks pretty awesome. I am thinking about getting a smaller TV for my room, this one, to be exact. On the back of all the 360 games it has the HD settings, 480p, 720p etc. My question is, is there much difference between the three, and what can that TV go up to, and do you think it is worth it?
  24. Holy shit. This series is the best by far. I really hope Locke doesn't die, behind Desmond he is the best character. I heard there is going to be a war of some kind between the others and the survivor's. How many episodes are left?
  25. Couple of questions. First, does anyone have the config file to correct the Germany etc national teams? Secondly, on the preferences, where it says extra files, if I want board takeovers to I need to tick that box? And if i don't want Harchester Utd to I have to untick them?
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