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Everything posted by FLiam

  1. Does anyone know where I can pick this up? I can't seem to find it online, I have been wanting it for ages as I remember playing Grand Prix 3 and it is a far better game than any other F1 games made.
  2. 1. Oasis. 2. Linkin Park. 3. Blink 182. 4. Feeder. 5. Stone Sour. 6. Evanescence. 7. The Doors. 8. Foo Fighters. 9. Snow Patrol. 10. Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  3. I read somewhere there are only going to be 20 wrestlers in game, which is a bit disapointing but if the customization is good that may make up for it.
  4. I noticed this during our game yesterday, and now it is happening during Chelsea's. They keep playing a part of the Champions League music over the speakers at the grounds, has anyone else noticed? It is really annoying. I don't get why they are doing it.
  5. I've been playing for a little while now, international managment seems a little better from what I remember. Going to start a game as Arsenal next.
  6. I'm downloading now. Do you have to use the shit white skin that was in all the pictures? Or is there another one? And I take it the demo runs for 6 months like usual.
  7. You should be able to, because last time if you wanted you use custom music, you just play it on the dashboard, but on this game, when you create an entrance, you choose what music they have there, so it should have crowd reactions as well. I have a question though, how come CM Punk doesn't have all his tattoo's?
  8. Usually I don't want anything other than Arsenal as the main game on football first at 8. But I really want to watch that Portsmouth/Reading game, sounds crazy. As for us, another win chalked up and we weren't at our best apparently, a game we lost last year, still sitting pretty on top.
  9. Man Utd have fielded a shit side. I didn't realise that. Nani is the only one who is any good looking at it. Oh, and Anderson. Oh, look out, they have Adam Ekersley on the bench.
  10. Haha. Utd are losing. Come on, hold out Coventry, I'd love it.
  11. God of War II for PS2, would be a good shout.
  12. I left it downloading while I went on a driving lesson, it was stuck at 28%, and has been for ages, I restarted the download and it's taking forever. I just want to play it.
  13. Apparently, The Daily Mail are reporting he has texted the first team to let them know he is leaving. Ramos has been linked with the job as well. I really hope this is true.
  14. I'm not sure if I can going to buy this, I love the demo, but I can see me getting stuck endlessly trying a trick and never getting past it. I probably rent it, save the frustration of spending £40.
  15. Is the new one season one?
  16. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other PC games out there similar to the CSI games, I played the first one and I quite enjoyed it, not much of a challenge, but quite good, anyone know of anything similar? I really like the point and click games. Anything else like Broken Sword and Monkey Island too would be a great help.
  17. Haha. Chelsea could only attract 24,000 people. That's brilliant!
  18. I was just about to post the custom music thing, all I can say is: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! That is one feature I really wanted, I can use any Triple H theme I want now, I can use Enter Sandman for Sandman, I can use Undertaker's Ministry music, I can use any Rock theme I want. I'm so glad they added it. On another note, does anyone know what arenas are included?
  19. You mean T-Bag? He is the best character on the show. If you'd seen the other season's, you'd know why.
  20. Just to add my gamertag. LiamUK1987.
  21. FLiam

    Madden 08

    Anyone fancy a game? My gamertag is LiamUK1987.
  22. This is shit. His kid was only 5 years old, and his friend was only 6. This is really sad news. RIP.
  23. How do I do that then? Just sign in and then press join XBox live? Because it logs me out when I try that. That's why it created a seperate one in the first place.
  24. Bollocks. Well, I'm using my free month one, when I buy one next month, can I do it then? I don't mind losing my current gametag, it's just annoying because I can't use my CAW's on Smackdown or my unlocked legends at the moment.
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