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Mike Ockizitchy

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Posts posted by Mike Ockizitchy

  1. Unrelated but I live in Bing (Ottawas affiliate) and my buddy was having beers last night at the bar when Andy Hedlund got shipped to Vancouver. :lol:

    Hey grab another round buddy, my agents calling.

    (Goes away comes back and grabs jacket)

    Uhhh I guess a raincheck on that bud, I'm getting shipped roughly 3,000 miles west and in Canada.

  2. Appearantly Zubrus to Buff and maybe Glenn Murray to the Wings. Don't know if they're official yet, but if so watch out for Detroit. They could be deadly. Appearantly Sather thought it'd be good to make minor moves as if we were sellers? I don't know TOO much about Mara, but he's got a horrible +/-, hasn't been a plus in his career except a 16 game stint with Tbay. They need a good solid D man to hold down the defensive zone, along with a center. Dupuis been pretty good since he got there don't see why they'd trade him for, what is as of right now, nothing. They should've made a big run at someone or stripped the team and commited to a youth movement, IMO. Not in between. If they win tonight they're alive, but that's about it. I think it's only a matter of time.

  3. Good. Ward has been crap. I mean he has his games, but sometimes or most times he gets me yelling at my TV or asking myself 'why are we paying 2-3 mill (I think) for this guy?' I don't know what drove Boston to pick him up, I hear maybe to dump Mara on us. I'd rather they'd pick up somebody good off them like Bochenski. I saw him play in the AHL alot and was surprised Ottawa got rid of him. That kid can play hockey and has been good in Beantown so far.

    The Guerin deal was good. I'm a pretty big San Jose fan and I like that pick up for them. Despite giving up a first rounder for whats a thin draft they made out good. Guerins hot right now and will do good things in that lineup. I heard Jason Blake got dealt to Nashville, but that's from Eklund and he has a rep for being wrong. Plus he hasn't reported anything in the past half a day that was right I don't think.

    What do you guys think the Rangers could/could've got for Jags? As a Rangers fan, if they were to commit to a youth movement I'd be willing to see them part with him and Nyl's.

  4. Not sure if anyone is interested, or let alone if this is where I should put this (?), but there is a brand new league. I recently was lucky enough to stumble upon this over at fhockey and joined. I say lucky, because if you're like me you like being in a league from the beginning. Anywho, there's a limited number of teams left, about 10 perhaps. The league is EHM, not NHL:EHM. From my initial impression the league has a good thing going on so far, good boards set up and a website which is soon to be finished. Here's a list of the teams available and a link for anyone interested:







    NY Islanders

    NY Rangers



    San Jose

    From last talking with the head of the league, theres two guys out there right now waiting to decide on which team to pick so if you're interested I'd hurry up and snipe the team you'd want.

  5. I heard Belfour, Auld and a couple other guys were joking around in the hotel lobby and Auld fell and slipped after he spilled his water. Is this a wrong report, or no one else heard this? This Rangers/Blackhawks deal is brutal. I'd rather keep a struggling Malik/Kasper and try to get them to play better then have to deal prucha and one of them to pick up Cullimore who's a salary hit for them and seabrook. Seabrook is good, but this trade is not worthy.

    And total sidenote, and I'm only wondering because it hit me out of the blue, but has anyone else heard the supposed "real" reason why Pronger got out of Edmonton? I'm just not sure as to if it's very well known or not...

  6. They do overuse "Halleujah" but I like it so I don't mind it. To me the fact the rest of the songs they usually use are good so it makes up for it. Definetly thought Seth becoming a stoner was one of the highlights of season 3. When Ryan caught him smoking it was hilarious. The thing is in that episode, if anyone notices he has like 2-3 joints when Sandy offers for him to come to breakfast, then he clips one when Ryan finds him at 330(I think Ryan says). Seems like a long time to puff a couple of joints. I find myself going back and watching the past seasons when the new ones start up again. Yet to get 3 though yet.

  7. So yesterday I hop onto myspace and on my bulletin is an offering to see the first episode. So, of course I watch it. Now I'm not going to spoil it for anyone else but I will say it was good. From all the criticism it's been under for the past summer, not knowing if it will survive, I think this episode will help lead them back in the right direction. In the episode they pretty much answer what's been going on since graduation and the death and so on. Based on this episode I'm looking forward to the rest. It's no secret the show hasn't been the same but I think it should survive this season.

    So has anyone else seen this yet? If so, what do ya think?

  8. Yay, Atlanta beat Buffalo, that makes me pleased because I hate Buffalo (grr) and I like the Thrashers, because I'm going to go see them when they host the Lightning when I go to America at Christmas - so heres to hoping there still looking good in two months.

    Sucks that we lost to the Leafs, they really wanted and needed that win though - with their three match losing streak and all, and even though it's not much consolation in any loss, and even less to a big rival, we still take a point from it. Vital we get points when we can considering all the teams just behind us, couple of losses and we're out of the play off picture quickly. We do have games in hand though, so we can use them to keep our push.

    What about the Wild as well? Top of the West, sort of slipping under the radar there.

  9. I'm disappointed in myself. Atlantas my other favorite team and I didn't realize till the other night when they went into the shootout w/ Philly just how well they were doing. Yea the seasons young but they just gotta hold on now. Glad to see Hossa doing well finally.

    Hats off to Buffalo, great run. It was a pretty good game toinght I caught the second half. Kozlov just can't be stopped on the shootout! Too bad they don't count those goals because he's already doing wonders for my fantasy team.

  10. Wow. This fuckin' guy just knocked Fedoruk THE FUCK OUT! [/smokey impression] I've never even heard of this guy, but from those three videos you can definetly tell this guy knows how to tilt. I can honestly say I'll keep an extra eye on Minny because of him.


    Oh yea and O'brein going after him.... :lmao:

  11. I'll tell ya what. I'm ecstatic our WS this year was not Boston/New York (Mets) or Yanks/Mets. I'm glad a team that truly had to fight to get to be there (Detroit) and a team that had all the ability to be there but didn't have a free ride (St. Louis) were playing. For the innings I did catch I thought it was good baseball. I thoroughly watched Crapenter throw a gem rather then see someone like Johnson out there. Don't get me wrong, Boston's my favorit AL team, but I think it was good to have these two teams playing. Also looking to next year and beyond, If the Tigers build right Leyland definetly has a legit shot at pulling in a WS while he's there. These kids they got on the mound I think will all turn into good pitchers.

  12. I've never actually went and got any Bright Eyes material to listen to, but I've always heard great things. All my friends and people I meet who are into the kind of music I am tell me to check em out. How many albums have these guys have and what's their newest? Also if you guys could recommend some of their older stuff for me to listen to that'd be cool.

  13. I was taking the Cards in 6 games this series. Seeing as my favorite player in the whole league plays for them (Albert) I had to root for them. I'm sad to admit though I've missed more innings of the WS then I'd like. I've been to wrapped up in hockey and school. :(

  14. You know your defense sucks when you say that "after Marek Malik it looks really thin".

    Who said this now?

    I'm really upset with this whole Montreal/Boston reffing business, the parts I saw were bad enough, but then I heard one ref also blew the play down for a Montreal penalty when Boston had the puck?

    Another thing, why were the announcers all over the ref for disallowing Marleau's goal in the SJ game? Marleau was lucky to not get a penalty, running the goalie like that.

  15. Question for you all. I was a HUGE fan of EHM, hated NHL:EHM last year when I downloaded the demo. I actually regretted downloading, just felt it was a waste of time. I thought the interface was shit, I didn't like their drop down boxes, it made it more complicated then it had to be. Also just getting from one screen to another was difficult. I was just wondering if I download this demo am I going to be thoroughly disappointed again?

  16. Yea this 5 game roadie to the west coast should prove to be a good one. When I saw it the other night I thought to myself this is where they need to turn their season around. If they go out there and take 4 games it would do wonders for the whole team I think. I'm hoping I get to catch every game, especially this Phoenix one, we should shilack 'em.

  17. I must say I'm a mix of surprised and not so much surprised of the play of Pittsburgh. Going into the season, not having ever seen Malkin acctually play, I had questioned not whether he would play well, rather if he would click with Sid. I think the answer there is uhhhh....yut. I mean it seems every night I see the Pen's highlight Cros is at least putting up 2-3 points. Also every Pens game I've actually watched a decent amount of this year, Jordan Staal has played real well. I'm just thinking, 'what if he was playing with Eric?' DIRTY.

    Anywho onto my Rangers, who had a brutal loss last night. Or so at least Michaletti and Rosen said, I only caught the last 6 minutes. They keep making plays that keep costing them goals and in the longrun games. Hank is letting in over 3 and a half a game, definetly not good. They should definetly be better then 4-5. I think they really gotta get it turned around because if they go too much longer losing it could cost them down the road.

  18. I haven't been around here in a while, a long while, but while browsing around I saw this thread, and I just have to say this movie was awesome. Best movie I've seen in a while and I mean that. I really enjoyed to storyline, the cast, as loaded as it was, did not let down. I thought DiCaprio did a phenomenal job, I usually think he's a weiner, but he's earned my respect here. (Although I did like Gangs Of NY) I had no idea this was based on a previous film. I don't know about you but going into the movie and the whole time watching it was thinking along the lines of, "Oh Wahlberg's gonna end up the mole, Sheen will end up the mole, blah blah blah" when in the end they didn't really fool you. Everyone just becomes departed. A surprise, not a twist. Great movie that I'd go see again.

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