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Mike Ockizitchy

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Posts posted by Mike Ockizitchy

  1. I acctually voted for Toronto. I've been there, people are nuts about hockey. Even though I'm a die hard Rangers fan, I wouldn't even go as far as to say they're the best. Even though anyone from New York would say they're a fan, I bet a large number of those people only say that soley based on the fact that they're from there or live there, not because they acctually like them. I know two kids from Detroit playing on my old hockey team here in town, they love hockey but it's like Toronto just loves it more. And what the fuck? Lincoln, RI. Yea, right.

  2. Thomas Haden Church definetly should have one though! Has anyone seen Sideways? I love when they're going into the restaurant on the double date:

    THC: And if anyone wants to drink some merlot, you're gonna drink some merlot---


  3. I got it on DVD, it's great. I honestly don't think season two is that bad. Yea, it's no season one, but it's definetly still a really good show. I acctually like Zack and Seths new girlfriend(her name is slipping my mind) I hate the other new broad.

  4. "Tina, come get your food you fat lard!"

    "Uncle Rico what the flip were you doin' at my girlfriends house!"

    Rico: So how are things with you're girlfriend? Gettin' kinda serious?

    Kip: Well, we've been talking online for like 3 hours everday. So, I guess you could say we're getting serious yea.

    Hahahaha, great flick. Me and my buddies watched it with my bro. Everyone on in the room was just laughin' our asses off. Agreed though, the first 15 about minutes was just great then it died down, but not to bad. Oh yea another great line, by Rex Kwon Do:

    "You think I got these killer muscles and where I am today by dressing like Peter Pan over here(points to Napolean)?"

  5. Who watched the US/Sweden game last night? It really was a good game played by the US. Kessel played awesome, he had lots of chances to make it 4 goals last night. Montoya picked up his game, but that first goal for the Swedes was a great display on how to finish a 3 on 1. I can't wait to watch the US/Russia game tonight, hope US keeps up the good play.

  6. Does anyone know where I could find posters of bands? I was looking for one of The Killers, and one from Rooney. The one of Rooney being their album cover and under it says "Rooney". If you don't know what I mean by the Rooney one, if anyone has seen The OC, in Seth's room is the one I'm talking about...Any help greatly appreciated.

  7. Yea that episode is fuckin' hilarious. The one where they steal gas and start a gas station in the Trailer Park. I love the part where Ricky has a cig while on the patch gets woozy and sets the place on fire, lol. This is by far the best show on TV. I live in the States but a friends who saw it while playing hockey in Canada bought the seasons and we watched a shit load of them.

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