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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. IDOL

    Pop Prom Request

    or Those are what I was able to come up with
  2. Your take on GLAM! was in line with what I had envisioned in so many ways, and as your diary went on all of my expectations were exceeded by far. Do you mind if many of your event names are incorporated into GLAM! for the release as well?
  3. Credit to Downward Spiral for most of Rena Mero's promo.
  4. Your cut placement needs some improving as the cut of Velvet on the right is very poorly cropped, chopping half of her head off. Scan lines are a bit passe as well. Good attempt though, definitely a nice color scheme.
  5. Some people are under written contracts in smaller promotions for being their homegrown stars, or Aces, and for story's sake you wouldn't want them leaving for the NWA or bigger promotions just yet.
  6. If you're new to iDOM, you might enjoy The iDOM WIKI starting with THIS ARTICLE.
  7. Honestly your best bet is to come up with your own, I don't think many people use the set story lines (more in favor of unchained ones) and even less would go through the trouble of making them and uploading them onto the board.
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