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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. I'd love to hear your thoughts behind this one. Despite the absolutely beautiful cinemotography, I was begging it to end after forty five minutes or so. To me it just dragged until Silk Spectre II and Night Owl finally put the suits back on, and even then it didn't seem as there was much of a pay off. I'd never read the Novel, but called it being "The World's Smartest Man" as soon as he got rid of the assassin. That, and the characters I was supposed to feel sorry for (Dr. Manhattan) I could give a crap less about for the way in which he was presented. It seemed very flat. The movie LOOKED great though, and was shot brilliantly. EDIT:
  2. The site has been updated with a proper GFX page, as well as new affiliate banner ads. As always, if you see anything that is missing, or if there is something you want added, just let me know.
  3. Don't be stupid--you know I don't actually think you're 12. I think it's insufferable. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that movie wasn't any good! Surprised to see so many praises for it actually.
  4. Bigger, Stronger, Faster - Very well done documentary on Steroids, doping, and the "American Culture." Though, you couldn't help but feel sad about the way it all ended for "Mad Dog" Mike Bell in hindsight, and how devastating his death had to have been for everyone.
  5. IDOL

    True Blood

    I don't find the stuff with Lafayette boring at all. It appears as if he's more special than just being a bad ass gay dude, and with all the wicken/ black magic stuff being hinted at I wouldn't be surprised if it is all setting it up or Lafayette to have an even bigger role next season.
  6. I really hope they dont get rid of the Story Designer mode. That has easily kept me occupied with last year's game still.
  7. Watched Million Dollar Baby for the first time a couple of days ago - great film. 5/5
  8. IDOL

    Weeds Season 6

    I get that it was a set up episode and all, but it in no way felt like an opener. A good continuation I guess, but nothing that screamed "Oh my god, I have to watch next week!"
  9. Anyone else completely underwhelmed by that episode? Seriously, what the fuck?
  10. IDOL

    True Blood

    "And now it's time for the weather... Tiffany?" Haha, after a slow burn, things have really picked up and this season has become a real joy.
  11. Daybreakers FUCKING SUCKED. Most boring, slow-building movie with no pay off, and just utterly unnecessarily gorey movie I've ever had the disappointment in seeing. What a piece of shit of a movie.
  12. IDOL

    True Blood

    My favorite characters made their returns as well this episode - Sookies breasts
  13. IDOL

    True Blood

    Mark me down for the "kick ass episode" group. A lot of things came to a head, more seem to be coming together, and its rather enjoyable.
  14. Well, the data is what most people are after. This week the entire site, and all sections will be up. I'm in the process of moving into a new apartment so things have been a little delayed.
  15. Thanks, I will get that sorted when I get home.
  16. IDOL

    True Blood

    Anyone notice Bill's lack of lighting on fire after sucking Sookie nearly dry? Perhaps this is the big secret to her that would make her seem so valuable?
  17. Yeah DMN, send me a copy of yours, I'll replace the one thats up on the site now.
  18. Soooooo..... more options is a bad thing? Besides, EWR Inventory isn't very easy to navigate.
  19. Use EWWAREHOUSE.INFO for all of your TEW 2005 needs. Because I made it. Okay?

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      People still use counters?

    2. IDOL


      If they want to know how many hits they get...

  20. Having gotten fed up with other resource sites and their inability to keep up with the updates to TEW 2005 now that it's freeware, I made my own - I give to you, EWWAREHOUSE.INFO. I've already included all of TheWho87 and cpt. charisma's monthly updates, as well as many others that have been floating around. If you know of any others, or you have a website you want to advertise for free on there, send me a pm or email ewwarehouse at the address on the contact page.
  21. IDOL

    True Blood

    Tara's problem is that it's ALWAYS "woe is me" with the character. There comes a point when you just want to smack her across the face and say "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
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