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Posts posted by GoN_

  1. I'm happy with Benfica, one of the 'easier' teams out of Pot 2.

    Let's see in a few weeks.

    I meant easy in the sense of location and Benfica being the lesser of the other evils in Pot 2. Shakthar would have been the best draw for us but Benfica was a close second, this way we avoided Italian (hostile crowds), Spanish (high quality teams) , French (bad record) and Russian (long and cold away days) teams.

    But I still think we'll beat Benfica easy though. ;)

    It wouldn't surprise me, but to be honest, after we beat you in 2005 and put you out of the Champions League, with an awful team and coach on our side, I can believe in everything.

  2. I think Chelsea paid too much for him and took too much of a risk. He is undoubtedly good, he took an awful team, mid-season, in Academica and made them play well for those 6 months, and then did an absolutely amazing season in Porto (thumbsdown.gif), but I still don't think he has proven himself, even more to the point of costing 15M€. I don't find his way of playing the most fun to watch, but then again I don't like to watch Barcelona do 500 passes for 10 minutessleep.gif. If he takes at least Falcao with him (even through Chelsea has Drogba and Torres) and Moutinho, it will be a good improvement for the team and may allow him to keep his playing style there.

    Oh and thank you, Mr. Abramovich for taking him away from here. We Benfica fans should made you a statue dear sir.smug.gif

  3. The last time I played a cycling game outside of the pcm series, it was so awful I can't get myself to endure something like that again. Maybe if it gets a big price drop I'll give it a shot but paying 60 or 70 euros for it, is not going to happen.

  4. Surely you can't be an all conquering mountain/sprint guy as they don't exist. So either the sprint finishes are pointless as you're rolling in at the middle of the peloton, OR you're winning sprints but being dropped in the mountains. Neither of which are particularly fun so I can see them just making your cyclist some kind of "superhuman" who's great at everything....Which would suck.

    Actually that's not what is going to happen I think, as you pick a team in the beginning of the tour and not a single rider. I'll use the same example they gave: You pick Lampre, and for the first few stages, since they are mostly flat you go with Pettacchi, but then you get to the mountain stages and change to Scarponi. So, you can change rider's at each stage.

  5. Yay Pro Cycling Manager on the PS3.

    Boo that it's not actually going to be Pro Cycling Manager, just a Tour de France game where you control one cyclist.

    Oh well, probably be an interesting diversion IF it's a proper cycling game and not one of those ones from back in the day which was just a car racing game but on bikes.

    The thing is, you can't even control the riders for the whole race, but only for the "most interesting parts" of the race. So it seems, in a flat race you may only get the last 20 so kilometers, and in a mountain stage you may only get to race the last summits. I can't even imagine how they will process breakaways, ant the fact you only get the 19 stages from the Tour, makes it seem limited. I love pro cycling manager, but this one, probably more expensive game won't get picked up by me. Unless I find some use copy in a few years costing like 10€ like I've seen TNA Impact in the last few months.

  6. Yeah, I was just going to post that. The defender should have seen the yellow then red card, though. Also, is it just me, or is Peixoto playing really well? :o

    In a Portuguese football forum I have an avatar with him so, you're talking to the wrong guy.

    3 Portuguese teams in the Europa League semi-finals, it's great, amazing, awesome...

    And none of them will win. :P

    So, you were sayin'? cool.gif

  7. Yeah, I was just going to post that. The defender should have seen the yellow then red card, though. Also, is it just me, or is Peixoto playing really well? :o

    In a Portuguese football forum I have an avatar with him so, you're talking to the wrong guy.

    3 Portuguese teams in the Europa League semi-finals, it's great, amazing, awesome...

    And none of them will win. :P


    U mad?

  8. Yeah, I was just going to post that. The defender should have seen the yellow then red card, though. Also, is it just me, or is Peixoto playing really well? :o

    In a Portuguese football forum I have an avatar with him so, you're talking to the wrong guy.

    3 Portuguese teams in the Europa League semi-finals, it's great, amazing, awesome...

  9. Really happy with how we outplayed PSV for most of the game and got a really good result out of it. A shame we had to concede that goal, but I think we are in a pretty good situation to get to the semis, something we haven't done in a UEFA competition since 94 in the old Cup winner's Cup, something I don't even remember.

  10. Nobody to blame on Crouch being sent-off but himself. He ruined the game for his teammates. And the first goal is an amazingly bad defensive mistake. You can't let the opponent's striker all alone in the middle of the area in a corner kick. That was just poor defense, and by the time Crouch was out, the game was decided. Real had all the chances to come out of the game with a historic result, and can now start thinking about the semis against either Barcelona or Shakhtar.

  11. Portugal going for gimmick votes:

    Not really a gimmick. They got pretty popular here for the political message, unlike Spain with "Chiki Chiki" a few years ago. The music is bad (I hate it), but I get the point.

  12. 3 Portuguese teams in the quarter-finals. Amazing!

    Quite honestly, I only really wanted Benfica there, since I hate both Porto and Braga.

    Hey, I'm not a hypocrite, I hate them and I don't care if they're Portuguese, and there's no way in hell I'll ever root for Porto, a.k.a. "Corruption R Us".

    Stupid CSKA and Liverpool.

    Oh, and I really loved to see how many Benfica fans were in Paris tonight. There were more Benfica fans than PSG fans! Now THAT is amazing.

    I wanted Braga to go out, but now really want to get through both portuguese teams to win the cup .Shame it might be too much of a dream, but it would be amazing to beat Porto at the final. If we get to the final I will do my best to be in Dublin that night.

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