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Posts posted by GoN_

  1. He's a decent central midfielder of the somewhat-more-defensively-minded category, but he's never going to play for the Chelsea first team when Essien, Mikel, Ramires and McEachran are there. To provide some vague measurement of quality: if he stayed in England, he would quite easily find his level in a team in the lower half of the Premier League (ala Mancienne at Wolves or formerly Smertin at Portsmouth), but would be permanent bench material at anything much higher. He is only 22 and will get better, but not likely to a level that would urge Chelsea to keep hold of him too strongly.

    As for what that means he's worth, who knows in the current market. Newspaper reports I've seen seem to infer he'd make an offset of about 5 million euros in the Luiz deal, but that's likely a consequence of youth and potential rather than proven ability.

    Thanks. We are missing someone to play in the midfield, somewhat doing Ramire's role, since we got more offensive players in that spot and our back is suffering a lot from that. Hope he can at least help us with that.

  2. SAF on MUTV regarding Anderson: "He should score more goals," he said. "He's got the pace and power. He's clever, he's accurate with his passing, he should be accurate with his finishing and he's taken his goal well tonight. I'm pleased. That'll help him."


    He was an amazing attacking midfielder before going to the EPL, he had awesome dribble ability and was really accurate with his pass, whatever they did to him in MU took all the magic from his play.

  3. Benfica is having a brilliant game, especially Fábio Coentrão and Carlos Martins. 4-0 against Lyon. I never would've thought it possible, given that our run in the Portuguese League isn't being anything special, despite being in second place. C'mon, let's keep it that way, SLB :D

    EDIT: And just as I write this, Lyon makes it 4-1 <_<

    Went to the stadium to see that game. Awesome match. Awful Scottish ref.

  4. So we (Man Utd) have just bought 20 year old Portuguese striker Bebe for £7.4million. This one really came out of the blue. Anyone from Portugal here able to shed some light on the guy?

    EDIT: Apparently just two years ago he was playing for Portugal in the homeless World Cup? Talk about a dream come true.

    Never heard of him until two days ago.

    I read that Queiroz told Fergie to snap him up, I guess the Portugal manager should know something about Portuguese talent....

    You have no idea how wrong you are.lmao.gif

  5. Well, with your one in one out policy, you can now get that Coencetrao, or whatever his name is.


    The left back for Portugal in the World Cup or is that someone else?


    And bollocks to David Luiz. Even at half his quoted price I wouldn't deem him worthy of consideration.

    And I hope everyone thinks the same. Hope he stays here.

  6. Ramires is a fucking beast of nature. He CANNOT get tired. I saw him playing injured, playing after gaving no break, playing in all sorts of conditions, and he's tireless.

    And he is also a great CM\RM. He is not a Winger, far from that, but he has a great first touch, a great pass, and he is one of the best players I have ever seen off-the ball. The dude is always on the right spot

    But for him to play in the Premier League he definitely needs to change. He has the body of a small 15 year old boy.

  7. If Ramires is really going to Chelsea it will be a shame. I really wanted to see him play a second season with us. The guy is awesome, he played one and a half year non-stop and he did very well. The thing is, I see him shining anywhere but England. I don't think he is a "Premiership player". In Spain or Italy I would have no doubt.

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