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Posts posted by TheRyno

  1. Does this mean that the 1997 WWF diary is dead? I hope not because if it is, that would make me a sad panda.

    Not to discredit your talent but I'm not sure about this diary. What's the deal with the "let one person go every week" thing? Right now, it's not that big of deal letting go of guys like BG James and Kazarian but what happens when you get to guys like Daniels and Styles? And why replace them with Development guys? Within a few months, you'll have a ton of guys in Development and half your roster is gone. Is this something created by Shirley Jackson as a sure-fire way for TNA to fail and just write it off and get back to their oil drillin'? I don't know, maybe I'm missing the point or something but it seems way too gimmicky for me.

    All things considered, C-MIL could write a Monkey Poo-Flinging Federation diary and it would go over like gangbusters.

  2. Great diary on all accounts. The defection of Shawn Michaels to WCW is a great idea for a big "What If?" diary. While most people do "What if WCW was still around?" or "What if the 'Invasion' didn't suck?", but with one of the WWF's biggest draws going over to the competition, that changes everything. There would be no DX to help spearhead the "Attitude" movement. Triple H probably wouldn't go on to become the main event superstar he is today. In fact, I'm kinda suprised you gave him the IC title back, let alone not completely buried him. When the MSG Incident happened, it was Triple H who got punished. Now with HBK gone and the Clique practically dead (unless you count Aldo Montoya :-P), I'm surprised that Triple H isn't suffering any repercussions. But I'm sure something will happen along the way. So I'm glad you're not jumping the gun on so many things and letting them play out. Right now, your diary plays out like the pre-Attitude era (which I actually enjoyed) would've happened, but just a bit better. And you're incorporating the ECW invasion in too, which I think will be awesome, especially with the Mankind/Cactus Jack deal. This is definately a diary to keep an eye on and I'll forgive the FUSE hiatus if you keep rocking on this one.

    PS - More Pillman!!

  3. About a month or so ago, I was at my friend's place and we decided to play We Love Katamari 2-player mode. Not only have I never played 2-player mode but it's probably been like a year since I've played the game at all. So I keep getting schooled by my friend. But after about 3 or 4 times in a row of getting beat, the King of the Cosmos, in his standard condescening attitude, will make your Katamari bigger as a form of automatic handicap. It was funny but a bit sad, especially since I still kept losing for like another 10 rounds after that.

  4. Yesterday, I spent two in-day games doing nothing but drinking soda. So unless someone wants to come to my house and get the insane high scores on Banana Fling and Nut Shots, I think I'm done. Though I've thought about starting a new game just so I can play up to winter and do some snowball fights and driveway shoveling.

    Found something out earlier I didn't know you could do . run up to a ball on the ground and hit Square and you'll kick the ball. Still haven't figured out how to catch a ball or frisbee when playing catch. Gonna see if I cna figure out if you can do some special moves with the basketball
  5. Just so you know, Complete Mayhem is the final story mission. Afterwards, the Yearbook photos should be easy to get because everyone's cool with you now. Plus you get Gary's picture automatically after beating that mission, since he doesn't walk around like everyone else. It'll be a lot easier than what I did, which was try to get all the pictures before beating the game. Usually involved getting my ass kicked because I would try to get pics of jocks' faces as they charged for me.

  6. I dusted off GH1 today for the hell of it, and also to psyche me up for GH2, when I had a magical moment. I was playing Bark At The Moon on Easy (yeah, I suck) and I had a great moment where my fingers were moving and I didn't know what I was doing, yet I was hitting everything right. Sadly, it only lasted for about 5 seconds and then ruined everything. But it was nice while it lasted.

  7. Seriously, I'd say there were between 5 and 10 missions that took me two tries. There was only one mission that took me forever (the Greaser boss) but that was because it took me five tries before I finally figured out what I was supposed to do and about 3 more tries to do it without getting killed in a minute.

  8. There are 5 Go-Kart races at the Carnival. But when you beat those, that opens up 3 more city races.

    I don't know if the Red Ninja suit does anything. I never even tried on the Green one. But I do know that the Black one makes you practically invisible to authority figures, even in the daytime, outside of doing something major like hitting someone. Basically, you can Trespass and Break Curfew without getting in trouble.

    Consumo only took me about 2 or 3 tries but the high-score winning try took me like 5-10 minutes. Or at least seemed like it.

    And as far as I know, I don't know if you can do any tricks on the skateboard aside from spinning. You can usually do a 360 spin if you're going fast enough and hold the jump button down. You can get a 540 if you jump over the stairs leading to the football field, maybe a 720 if you do it fast enough.

  9. I had today off so I basically just ran around and punched prefects until I went into detention repeatedly and did that enough times to get the prison outfit. Then I went and bought all the clothes, draining my money from close to $3000 to around $500. Yesterday I found the last rubber band and today I found my last G&G card. So I have like 97% of the game complete. I think all I need for 100% is to get the high scores on Nut Shots and Monkey Fling and drink a shitload of pop. Considering you need to have drank 500 and bought 100 and I think I've drank 85 and bought 50 and considering I suck at both those games, I think I'm done now.

    Dochappy, I'd suggest holding off on the Carnival until you pass all 5 levels of Photography class. Once you pass level 5, you get double tickets. So basically, I just did the strongman game every time for an easy 6 tickets everytime.

  10. Bully's kinda bumming me out right now. I beat it in a little over a week and that with me taking my time. Right now I'm trying to find all the rubber bands and G&G cards, only needing two of each. The thing is I've found them all by wandering around so checking out a FAQ won't do me any good since I don't exactly know where I found everything. So I've been running around every possible inch of the map for the past couple days and not finding anything. The only good thing a FAQ has done for me right now is telling me where the last garden gnome is (on the boat at the docks in Townie...Town, you have to hit it with your slingshot to break it).

    PS - My favorite thing a character says is during a fight, someone yells out "Figure Four Leglock!"

  11. Long time reader, first time replier. I admit, I normally don't get into "original" diaries because they're hard to follow and a lot of writers don't take the time to give their characters individual personalites. But much like FUSE, you've made me want to care about the characters. The premise is a great one but not entirely out of the realm of reality as I've heard of at least one "federation" made up of kids and teens. And if that wasn't enough, you used some solid indy talent to help get some recognition. Though for some reason, the whole thing makes you look like Keanu Reeves from Hardball. Anyways...

    I'm really digging the direction you guys are going. Props to killing off Vinnie, though solving that one problem probably created a whole new slew of them in the long run. The relaunch will give SJW some more credibility though I hope you bring in some of the regulars besides Joey. I can imagine Haxxor running away from his dad and returning. And now, you got Alex Shelley on your roster. So when the cops eventually link you to Vinnie's murder, you can just tell them "Hey, I have Alex Shelley on my roster" and they'd probably let you go.

  12. Grr, sorry for accidentally posting one of my shows in here. Hopefully no one else noticed but since I'm on a slow connection, it took me a little while for me to fix it.

    Anyways, I'm really digging this diary. Congratulations, you've managed to out-"sleaze" XPW. Pat yourself on the back. But not only with the whole "underground gay porn" thing but with using guys like X-Pac, Buff Bagwell and Orlando Jordan and others who probably wouldn't (or at least shouldn't) get another chance in the big time and utilizing them pretty well.

    If there's one negative I have with this diary, it's the "controversy", mainly stuff like The Columbine Kids. I'm not criticizing you for using a low point in history for a wrestling angle, but I feel if this happened in real life, it'd come off too much like you were wanting attention. At least you've split up the kids and made Dylan a babyface. He could use a name change, maybe cut a promo disavowing the gimmick. I think the whole Pogo The Clown brainwashing Caleb's nephew is straddling that line of "controversy for the sake of getting attention"...but maybe I just hate anything involving that piece of crap Pogo. The Muslim terrorist angle might be a bit much but I'm a big enough Daivari mark to believe that he can salvage it.

    And please, for god's sake, put the belt on Angel. If only for the sole purpose of printing up "The Champ Is Queer" t-shirts with an arrow pointing to his crotch or something.

  13. WWE Championship Match

    Title can change hands on disqualification or count-out

    Edge© w/Lita vs. John Cena

    Since you kinda alluded to it in your report.

    ECW World Championship Match

    The Big Show© vs. Sabu

    Sabu will get demolished, which will leave the belt open for RVD to regain.

    World Heavyweight Championship Match

    King Booker w/Queen Sharmell© vs. Batista

    Booker makes a great heel champ. Plus I think it's too early for Batista to get it back.

    Tag Team Street Fight

    The McMahons vs. D-Generation-X

    I'll go out on a limb and say that the McMahons' plan finally works for once.

    Singles Match

    The Undertaker vs. The Great Khali w/Daivari

    Because Khali sucks, though you have been making him a readable character.

    Legend vs. Legend Killer

    Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton

    Just so the Orton experiment isn't a complete failure.

    Grudge Match

    Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero

    Keeps the feud going.

    I Quit Match

    Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair

    I think Foley got the short end of the stick in that feud.

    WWE Tag Team Championship Match

    Finlay & William Regal© vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

    Hopefully a PPV win would give them a push.

    #1: Which member of the team will be pinned in the Tag Team Street Fight between the McMahons & D-Generation-X?: Shawn Michaels, because god forbid Triple H got pinned.

    #2: What will be the official result of the WWE championship title match? John Cena via submission (Pinfall, submission, DQ, count-out, etc.):

  14. To all 3 or 4 of you that might be reading this, I'm sorry to say that my CZW diary will be taking a hiatus. It's getting hard for me to write most matches that don't have a storyline with them and making them seem different than the others. Plus, since I have about 3 years worth of booking in this game, sometimes I look back and think "Wow, I booked that?" and then have to give a legible explanation for it. Right now, I'm working on a current-day WWE game that will probably be turned into a diary so look out for that. If there's anyone out there who's still reading this, I thank you.

  15. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    June 6, 2006

    4-Way Tag Team Elimination Match

    Black Attack (Ruckus and B-Boy w/Julius Smokes) over Beef & Generico, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli and Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween)

    Unsurprisingly, Beef & Generico were the first ones eliminated from a Montezuma's Revenge from MMW onto Beef. What was surprising was that the new team of Hero and Castagnoli didn't fare much better. Hero had B-Boy locked in a cravate and Claudio went to pick up his legs, setting up some sort of double-team maneuver. But Ruckus hopped up on the top turnbuckle and soared over Hero and B-Boy to hit Claudio with a missle dropkick. Hero let go of the cravate to go after Ruckus but Ruckus quickly rolled him up in a small package for the elimination! It was then down to Black Attack and MMW and the two teams had a knock-down, drag-out fight. MMW went to finish Ruckus off with the Montezuma's Revenge but when Halloween went for the finishing dropkick, he was cut off at the pass by a lariat from B-Boy. Damien spun Ruckus around for a little bit longer before letting go and falling to his knees, which left him wide open for B-Boy's specialty, the Shining Wizard. Halloween went to break up the pin but Ruckus got to him first, leading to the final elimination and a win for Black Attack.

    After the match, Julius Smokes takes the microphone and talks about Black Attack proving themselves as the rightful #1 Contenders to the CZW Tag Team titles. But CZW Management AKA "The Man" wouldn't put a title shot on the line because they knew Black Attack would win it. So Smokes is taking this opportunity to call out "those two cracker-ass honkeys" Mark and Jay Briscoe right now to challenge them for a title match at Breaking The Law on Sunday. The Briscoes come out with their title belts and a microphone. Jay says that they are fighting champions and they will accept the challenge and beat them this Sunday!

    Cut to backstage where Simply Luscious walks up behind CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt and taps him on the shoulder. Dutt quickly turns around and rears his fist back but when he sees Luscious, he puts it back down. Dutt asks Luscious where Kendo Ka Shin is at and she laughs and asks if he liked the "message" Ka Shin sent him last week. She tells Dutt not to worry as Ka Shin has taken the night off but she has come to give him another message. Ka Shin wants another shot at the Jr. Heavyweight title at Breaking The Law. Dutt quickly accepts the challenge but Luscious tells him that she's going to raise the stakes and make it a Tables Match before walking off laughing.

    "The Future" Frankie Kazarian over "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

    Definately the match of the night by far but, once again, the crowd really didn't care. This was probably the worst reaction (or lack thereof) I've ever seen from them. I swear I saw a bunch of them get up for a pissbreak. Anyway, the match was great with plenty of back and forth wrestling. Surprisingly enough, Kazarian might have met his match when it comes to attitude as Steen acted like a bigger asshole. But Steen failed to get it done where it counts, and that is inside the wrestling ring. Steen went to finish Kazarian off with the Package Piledriver but Kazarian was playing possum and was able to shift his weight forward and push Steen backwards, resulting in a pin that Steen couldn't bridge out of. After being announced the winner, Kazarian walked to the back proclaiming he was smarter than "Mr. Wrestling" with a point to the temple.

    After the match, Rico comes out with a microphone and his head wrapped in a bandage due to the attack from Justice Pain last week. Rico says that he actually wants to give Pain credit because not many people have brutalized him the way he has. But Pain is making a big mistake in underestimating him. He knows what Pain is thinking, that he can beat up Rico all he wants thinking he won't be able to fight back. Well, he's wrong. Granted, he's never had to go "hardcore" but that doesn't mean he can't. So he's challenging Justice Pain to a Hardcore Match at Breaking The Law this Sunday and he expects Pain to be there.

    Shark Boy over "Vicious" Vic Grimes

    Even though this was a big man vs little man match, Grimes showed respect for Shark Boy and proved he was a better man than Sean O'Haire for not taking advantage of him. With that said, Grimes still had control for much of the match and was about ready to finish Sharky off with the Victimizer when Sean O'Haire made his way out to the ring to yell at the ref. Seeing this, Grimes dropped Sharky and turned his attention toward O'Haire. That proved to be a mistake as Sharky hopped up on Grimes back with a sleeper. Grimes tried to squash Sharky in the corner but that backfired as it set Sharky up for the Deep Sea Drop for the win. Afterwards, Sean O'Haire threw Shark Boy out of the ring and started pounding the defenseless Grimes into the mat.

    Cut to a brief pre-taped promo from Kaos. Kaos is pissed because he thought he had L.A. Par-K's number, yet the past couple weeks, he's ended up tasting Par-K's steel chair. He's sick of Par-K and wants to move on but not before he beats him one last time. At Breaking The Law, it'll be the final encounter of Kaos vs L.A. Par-K!

    Justin Credible and Devon Storm over S.B.S. (Super Dragon and Excalibur)

    There was no dissention between Credible and Storm at all. In fact, they worked as a tighter unit than the former CZW Tag Team champions because Excalibur would bicker at Dragon whenever he would get trumped by Storm. Sick of the bickering, Dragon tagged Excalibur in to see if he could do any better. And he actually did, though only after a few low blows. But the advantage didn't last long as Credible and Excalibur knocked their heads together after bouncing to the ropes, causing them to tag in their fresh partners. Dragon went to finish Storm off with the Psycho Driver #2 but Credible hit Dragon with a chop block to the knee. Excalibur tried to hit Credible with a Tiger Driver '98 but he was able to power out of it and turn it into a That's Incredible while Storm hit Dragon with the Mindbender for the pinfall. The winning team celebrated but the losers were able to come back with a post-match attack. In the end, it was S.B.S. standing triumphant after Excalibur threw Credible out of the ring so he could help Dragon put Storm out with a second rope Psycho Driver #2.

    The show ends with a highlight video of clips from Nicho El Milionario and Christian York's CZW World title match at Best of the Best 6 last month. It then hypes the rematch to take place this Sunday at Breaking The Law.

    Final Thoughts: Once again, another solid show with great wrestling. Unfortunately, the crowd hasn't gotten better due to them being totally silent during Kazarian/Steen and not much louder for Shark/Grimes. Somehow, that needs to get fixed because it's outright annoying. Something else that needs fixed is the scheduling between big shows. Since there were only two episodes of Fake You! TV between BOTB6 and Breaking The Law, about 90% of the matches were scheduled tonight, which seemed awkward.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For June 7, 2006 - Breaking The Law Final Card.

    CZW Presents Breaking The Law

    Live From The New Alhambra Arena in Philadelphia, PA

    June 11, 2006

    The Final Encounter

    Kaos vs L.A. Par-K

    Hardcore Match

    Rico vs Justice Pain

    CZW Tag Team Championship Match

    The Briscoe Brothers (Mark and Jay Briscoe) © vs Black Attack (Ruckus and B-Boy w/Julius Smokes)

    Tables Match For The CZW Jr. Heavyweight Championship

    Sonjay Dutt © vs Kendo Ka Shin w/Simply Luscious

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © vs Christian York

  16. CZW Fake You! TV Report

    May 30, 2006

    Black Attack (Ruckus and B-Boy w/Julius Smokes) over Beef & Generico

    As with most B&G matches, this was yet another squash yet they made the squashers look good, even though guys like Ruckus and B-Boy don't need that help. Black Attack kept making frequent tags to keep El Generico down on the mat but one mere slip-up was enough for Generico to break away and make the hot tag to Beef Wellington. After cleaning house, Beef got a bit cocky and decided to go up top to hit Black Attack with a Double Ass Punch! Unfortunately, Julius Smokes got up on the apron and crotched Beef allowing Ruckus and B-Boy to regroup and hit him with a double superplex. As B-Boy threw Generico out of the ring, Ruckus went up top and hit the Phoenix Splash for the win.

    After the match, the 2006 Best of the Best winner Frankie Kazarian makes his way to the ring with his trophy. In a nice touch, they replaced his generic indy rock music with a techno remix of "You're The Best Around" from Karate Kid, which starts off with Frankie yelling "The Future looks GOOD!" Frankie is given a microphone and he proceeds to cut the following promo:

    "I'd like to thank all the fans that celebrated my Best of the Best victory with me...though I really didn't need you. Come on, you all knew I was gonna win, right? CZW acts like they have the best Jr. division in the world but it's so bare, they had to bring in some 'outsiders' for filler. Worse yet, they had to bring some wrestlers back after they fired them! It was like Management told them 'Hey, we know Frankie's gonna win so just humor the fans into thinking you have a chance, alright?' Just look at what happened. I disposed of Excalibur and Johnny Nitro with ease. People are talking about Jonny Storm and I having the Match of the Year and to those people, I say that's BS! I had the Match of the Year. Jonny was just along for the ride. As for Chris Hero, he wishes he had half the pure wrestling talent I possess. Fact of the matter is I'm the best wrestler around and this trophy proves it. And I'm proud to be carrying CZW on my back into the future and, believe me, the future...looks...GOOD!"

    "The Future" Frankie Kazarian over Mike Quackenbush

    After the promo, Quack quickly came out to ringside and intended to make Frankie eat those words. And after spending a few minutes trying to grab a hold of the cowardly heel, Quack was about ready to do just that as he put Kazarian in a variety of holds meant to wear him down. But when Quack went to finish things with the Lightning Lock Beta, Kazarian was able to reverse it into a pinning position, much like he did with Chris Hero at Best of the Best. Only this time, Kazarian grabbed a handful of tights and got the three count. Quack sat down and slapped the mat as he watched Kazarian get his hand raised in victory. Then, for no real reason, Kazarian went over to Quack and started kicking him while he was down before picking him up and hitting him with the Wave of the Future. With Quack laid out, Kazarian grabbed his trophy and held it up in the air as he walked to the back, bragging that he was the best wrestler in the entire company.

    Cut to backstage where CZW Jr. Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt is backstage watching the monitor, shaking his head at Kazarian's behavior. But as he turns around to leave, he walks straight into a right hand from Kendo Ka Shin. After a few more punches, Ka Shin puts a lock on Dutt's shoulder and flips him to the ground where he locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. But instead of keeping it on, he decides to let go and instead stands over Dutt and makes the belt signal around his waist once again.

    Halloween over Kaos

    Much like Kaos' match with Damien 666 a few weeks ago, this one was a lucha-flavored match that rolled along at a fast pace. In fact, I'd put it at Match of the Night, though the crowd was more involved in the main event. Halloween started off with the ball in his court as he confused Kaos with his speed, even though Kaos himself is no slowpoke. Eventually, Kaos gained control as he countered one of Halloween's maneuvers into a huge tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. For the rest of the match, Kaos was toying with Halloween until he went in for the kill. But as this was going on, L.A. Par-K made his way out to the ring with a chair. When Kaos went to irish whip Halloween into the ropes, the luchadore reversed it which caused Kaos to go head first into a chair from Par-K! As Kaos stumbled backwards, Halloween rolled him up for the pin and got a measure of revenge for Kaos stealing a victory away from his partner. Afterwards, Halloween and Par-K celebrated but Par-K wanted to get in a few more chair shots to the back before they left.

    After the commercial break, we see Justice Pain dragging out a half-conscious Rico. Pain rolls him in the ring before stalking around ringside a bit and grabbing a chair. He slides in with enough time for Rico to stagger up to his feet before blasting him over the head with a vicious chair shot that immediately busts him open. Pain crouches down and starts tearing at the wound with his bare hands to make it even bigger but it doesn't last long as a few security members run out and restrain Pain from doing any more damage.

    While security is dragging Justice Pain to the back and tending to Rico, we cut to a brief pre-taped promo from "Vicious" Vic Grimes. He sarcastically calls Sean O'Haire a "big man" for brutally beating down Sexxxy Eddy in a CZW Iron Man title match a few weeks ago. "What's a matter? Realize you were gonna lose to someone half your size?" He then tells O'Haire that "if you wanna pick on someone your own size, I'm right here." But Grimes says he didn't attack O'Haire a few weeks ago just to save Eddy. As someone who used to follow The Messiah years back, Grimes can prove that it won't get you anywhere. In a way, Grimes pities O'Haire and wants to "show him the light", even if he has to beat it into him.

    Justin Credible over Super Dragon

    The match began with Dragon ambushing Credible as he entered the ring and from then on, Dragon had control for much of the match. It seemed like every time Credible would attempt a comeback and try to mount some offense, Dragon would somehow get the best of him with shady tactics like an eye poke. This continued for about ten minutes until Devon Storm made his way to ringside, looking like he'd seen enough. Storm didn't interfere right away, much like Dragon didn't interfere in Storm's match against Credible a few weeks back, but his presence was distraction enough. Dragon decided to finish Credible off quickly and lifted Credible onto his shoulders, ready to deliver the Psycho Driver #2. But as this was going on, Storm reached in and grabbed at Dragon's ankle. This gave Credible enough time to wrest himself from Dragon's clutches and hop back down onto the mat before picking Dragon up and dropping his head into the mat with a That's Incredible for the win. Afterwards, Storm got into the ring and started beating on Dragon. Credible looked angry as he once again realized that he didn't get the win on his own merit. But seeing that this feud between Storm and Dragon was something bigger, he just waved them off and walked to the back as Storm continued putting the boots to Super Dragon.

    After the match, CZW World Champion Nicho El Milionario makes his way to the ring and asks for a microphone. In broken English, he talks about how he had one of his best matches at Best of the Best 6 and that Christian York was one of the best opponents he had faced so far. So he came out here to grant York a second chance for the title at Breaking The Law on June 11, which gets a good amount of cheers. York then makes his way out to the ring and shakes Nicho's hand to accept as the show ends.

    Final Thoughts: Once again, a very solid show. I'm starting to think that CZW has some of the best wrestling on a television show today. The bad thing is that it doesn't really translate live to the crowd most of the time and, unfortunately, that comes through on the televition broadcast. To fix this, they either need to make a compromise between their "new style" and the old CZW fans...or just get a different crowd.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For June 1, 2006 - 6/6 Fake You! TV Preview, Returns and Contract Signings.

    -A couple CZW wrestlers are preparing for a return to active competition this month. Earlier today, Horace The Psychopath had called CZW Management and told them he has finished his stay in a rehabilitation facility for alcoholism. Also, doctors have cleared Adam Flash to wrestle after suffering a ripped bicep in November. Whether he returns remains to be seen as he was unceremoniously booted from the then Ultraviolent Death Squad by his "friend" The Messiah.

    -A number of contract negotiations were settled today as well. CZW Management has decided to renew contracts for "Vicious" Vic Grimes and Beef Wellington for another year. Also, Management was very pleased at the performances of the "outsiders", who were all free agents, at Best of the Best 6. Therefore, Sonny Siaki, Johnny Nitro and Hector Garza have all signed Written contracts and will wrestle exclusively for CZW. Kevin Steen and Claudio Castagnoli have also signed exclusive contracts which will mark their return to the company.

    -After the main event last night, Devon Storm approached Justin Credible and apologized for inadvertantly getting him involved in the middle of his feud with Super Dragon. Credible accepted the apology and figured out a good way to bury the hatchet and allow Storm to get a piece of Dragon at the same time. Next week, Storm and Credible will team up in a tag match against the former CZW Tag Team Champions, Super Dragon and Excalibur, also known as S.B.S.!

    -Also to take place next week will be a 4-Way Tag Team Elimination Match and while it won't be for a shot at the CZW Tag Team titles, you can bet the winning team will be placed near the top of the tag team division. Two of the four teams are former Tag Team Champions in Beef & Generico and Mexico's Most Wanted. One team that will try to make a name for themselves at their expense will be the Black Attack. The fourth team is a team new to CZW: Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli! While they didn't pull any punches when they faced off in the opening round of Best of the Best 6, Claudio later admitted to CZWrestling.com that he tapped out to the Hero's Welcome to ensure that Hero would advance. It looks like Chris Hero has put his issues with The Messiah on hold so he and his protege can prove themselves in the tag division.

    -Next week's edition of Fake You! TV will be the last before Breaking The Law takes place on June 11 and you can bet we'll see a number of situations develop. One of those situations is between Rico and one half of The New H8 Club, Justice Pain. Last night, Pain dragged Rico out to the ring and brutalized him like an animal. Surely, Rico will not take this lying down as he has told CZWrestling.com while he was getting stitched up that he will appear on Fake You! TV next week to address Pain. But does he have what it takes to defeat a man such as Justice Pain, who is so violent that he is borderline chemically imbalanced?

    -Another developing situation is the attitude of Best of the Best 6 winner, "The Future" Frankie Kazarian. After cutting a promo insulting fans and CZW wrestlers alike, he not only stole a victory from 2005 winner Mike Quackenbush but attacked him post-match as well. Next week, he will face the returning "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen, who actually asked CZW Management for this chance to prove himself once he heard that Claudio Castagnoli intentionally submitted to Chris Hero, essentially screwing Steen out of a chance of winning the tournament. Will Steen be able to dethrone the "Best Wrestler Around" or will Kazarian put another notch in his belt?

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    4-Way Elimination Tag Match

    Beef & Generico vs Mexico's Most Wanted (Damien 666 and Halloween) vs Black Attack (Ruckus and B-Boy w/Julius Smokes) vs Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli

    "The Future" Frankie Kazarian vs "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

    "Vicious" Vic Grimes vs Shark Boy

    Devon Storm and Justin Credible vs S.B.S. (Super Dragon and Excalibur)

  17. CZW Best of the Best 6 Live Report

    From The New Alhambra Arena in Philadelphia, PA

    May 21, 2006

    Best of the Best Tournament First Round

    Chris Hero over Claudio Castagnoli and Kevin Steen To Advance

    Great match to open up the show and kick off the tournament. Hero and Claudio started things off with a handshake while Steen stood off to the side making fun of them and asking the crowd "Aww, ain't that cute?" Hero and Claudio took exception and started double-teaming Steen before throwing him out of the ring to show the self-proclaimed "Mr. Wrestling" how it's done. For roughly five minutes, Hero and Claudio put on a mat clinic for the fans. But as this was going on, Steen stormed into the ring and attacked both men before hitting Hero with his finisher, the Package Piledriver, out of nowhere. Steen went for the pin which was promptly broken up by Claudio. After throwing Steen back out of the ring, Claudio helped Hero to his feet only to hit him with the Ricola Bomb! Claudio went for the pin but Hero shockingly kicked out at two. Claudio went to finish things off and make his way to the next round when he suddenly found himself locked into the Hero's Welcome right in the middle of the ring. It looked like Claudio was going to make his way to the ropes but as he saw Steen climb back into the ring, he tapped out! Hero advances to the finals while Steen throws a tantrum at ringside and Claudio remains in the ring with a bit of a smile on his face.

    Hector Garza over The Joker and Shark Boy To Advance

    Shark Boy and Garza shook hands before the match, acknowledging their brief time together in TNA. Though he didn't quite know what to make of the Joker, Garza extended his hand to him as well. Joker had other plans and, instead of accepting the gesture, started beating on him which got the match underway. A fire must've been lit under Joker's ass as he looked determined to make a name for himself and win the whole tournament. But during the melee, Joker got knocked to the outside, leaving Garza and Sharky to go at it. Building on the momentum from his 4 Way win on Fake You! TV, Shark Boy was ready to advance with a Dead Sea Drop to Garza. But as Sharky was perched on the top rope, Joker got up on the apron and shoved him off into the guardrail below only to take his spot atop the turnbuckle. This momentary lapse in action was enough to give Garza a second chance as he hit Joker with a few punches before throwing him off the turnbuckles with a press slam. Garza then ascended the turnbuckles and came back down onto Joker with a corkscrew plancha for what might be considered an upset. Garza not only wins his first match in CZW but also advances in the biggest Jr. Heavyweight tournament of the year. Will any of the remaining "outsiders" join him in the next round?

    Jonny Storm over Jack Evans and Sonny Siaki To Advance

    Surprisingly, this match was the best wrestled out of all the opening round matches. If it were just Evans and Storm, this match might as well have been held up in the rafters. But Siaki, who is considerably larger than both men, helped bring this match down to earth. But that didn't mean these three men couldn't fly. In fact, they all took turns jumping off the top turnbuckle to whoever was on the outside. Storm started things off with a somersault senton onto Siaki and Evans. Siaki later climbed up and hit a moonsault on the other two. Finally, it was Evans who upstaged them both with a twisting 450 Splash (that's the best I can call it) to the outside which was met with applause from the fans. But in the end, it was Evans' eagerness to pop the crowd that became his downfall. With Siaki out, Evans ascended the turnbuckles once more for a high-risk maneuver onto Storm. But Storm got up to his feet and met Evans at the top and, with both men balancing on the top turnbuckle, Storm somehow jumped up and wrapped his legs around Evans' head, flinging him to the middle of the ring with a standing huricanrana. Storm quickly recovered and was able to pin Evans for the three count to advance to the next round.

    Frankie Kazarian over Excalibur and Jonny Nitro To Advance

    This match started off a bit slowly because each one of these men are so cocky that they didn't want to wrestle each other. Ten bucks says they were bickering about who's hair was more luxurious. Twenty bucks says Excalibur started the argument, despite possibly not having much hair under that mask. Excalibur started the match off by welcoming Nitro to CZW with a Grinning Headlock. Unfortunately, that left him open for a clothesline from Kazarian. Much of the match was spent with Kazarian outwrestling Nitro yet Nitro was able to hold his own considering he's never wrestled either man. Meanwhile, Excalibur laid on the mat, clutching his neck and overselling a clothesline. But as Kazarian was taking care of Nitro, Excalibur suddenly sprang up and rolled him into a pin that might've stolen a victory if Nitro hadn't broken it up. Excalibur chastised Nitro for "not letting him win" and planted him with a Tiger Driver '98. But as he celebrated, Kazarian gave Excalibur a taste of his own medicine by rolling him up from behind, this time getting the three count! The comedy helped the match become the most warmly recieved of the opening round by the fans.

    Best of the Best Tournament Semi-Finals

    Chris Hero over Hector Garza To Advance To The Finals

    This match was probably the down point of the night. Not much was expected of Garza in the opening round but in this round, the crowd was looking for him to deliver. Unfortunately, he didn't. In fact, Hero had to carry him through most of the match. Garza got the upperhand late in the match and went up top to hit his trademark Corkscrew Plancha but, much to the delight of the crowd, Hero moved out of the last second and let Garza crash down to the mat. Hero then cinched in the Hero's Welcome and Garza had no choice but to tap out, forfeiting his chance to take the Best of the Best trophy for the "Outsiders".

    Frankie Kazarian over Jonny Storm To Advance To The Finals

    As if the first time these two went at it (Kazarian's debut match) wasn't great enough, this one was practically flawless. Definate Match of the Year, no doubt. At first, they went with your standard indy reversal-counterreversal sequences. But after that, it was straight-up high-flying wrestling cranked up to Ludicrous Speed. Sadly, about half of it went unnoticed by the crowd. It was even throughout the whole match but Storm looked to make his way to the final round the same way he made it to the semi-finals: with a standing top-rope huricanrana. But Kazarian had him well scouted and grabbed Storm's legs, enabling him to leap off the top rope with a sit-out powerbomb that could've killed a weaker man. A groggy Kazarian was able to drape his arm over Storm and get the pinfall that would advance him to the final round.

    CZW World Championship Match

    Nicho El Milionario © over Christian York To Retain

    While this was a very good match, I have a feeling these guys were holding back. Maybe they didn't want to upstage the tournament? Of course, they didn't really need to bust their asses as they still got the most crowd reaction of the night. I'm sure the fans didn't know what to think of the sort-of haphazard tournament pairings and decided to cheer for the match that they know would be great. Anyways, back to the match, as it began with a feeling out period between the two. Nicho definately didn't want to lose the belt tonight but I'm sure York didn't want to mess up and give Nicho an opening. So both men were pretty guarded and hesitant throughout the match, deciding to forego much of their high-flying offensive maneuvers. The only high-flying move was when Nicho went for the Guillotine Legdrop off the top rope. But York ended up moving at the last minute and picked up Nicho for the Onion Buster. Somehow, Nicho wriggled out of position and was able to roll York up in a sunset flip for the surprise pin. Afterwards, after he got his World title belt back, Nicho extended his hand to York for giving him a good match. York accepted the goodwill gesture and walked to the back while Nicho celebrated his title defense.

    Best of the Best Tournament Final

    Frankie Kazarian over Chris Hero To Win Best of the Best 6!

    After seeing Frankie wrestle a great match with Jonny Storm and watching the World title match, the fans were properly psyched up for the finals. In fact, this would've been Match of the Night hadn't Kazarian and Storm stolen the show earlier. The match started out with some mat wrestling due to both men feeling the wear of already wrestling two matches. Of course, when it comes to technical wrestling, Hero ruled the ring and totally outclassed Kazarian. In fact, the tournament looked to be a lock (no pun intended) for Hero until he went for the Hero's Sidekick. Right before hitting it, Kazarian ducked the boot and swept the other foot out from under Hero. With Hero on the mat, Kazarian hit his springboard legdrop from the second rope. It wasn't enough to get the pin but it was enough to turn the tide in his favor...or so he thought. As he went for another move, Hero shockingly locked Kazarian in the Hero's Welcome. But Kazarian wasn't about to give up the chance to become Best of the Best and struggled his way to the ropes to break the hold. Hero obliged but then dragged Kazarian away from the ropes to lock it again. But out of nowhere, Kazarian hooked Hero in a small package and was able to hold him down for three seconds, leading to what could be considered an upset! Frankie Kazarian has become Best of the Best! After that was announced, the other 10 participants came out to the ring with the trophy and handed it to the victor. Hero graciously gave Kazarian the floor and told the rest to go to the back, leaving Kazarian in the middle of the ring on one knee, clutching the trophy before walking to the back amidst a "Frankie!" chant.

    Final Thoughts: Best of the Best always delivers and this was no exception. Actually, this year's was way better than last year's. In the long run, the "outsiders" didn't really mean that much (especially since half of them have already been in CZW) but they made a nice addition. I was actually surprised that Frankie Kazarian win. They were really building toward a big Chris Hero push and I thought that would culminate with a Best of the Best win. But I think they made a good decision with Kazarian. Hopefully he'll get the rub like Quackenbush did last year.

    CZWrestling.com Press Release For May 22, 2006 - Fake You! TV Preview For 5/30

    -Congratulations go out to "The Future" Frankie Kazarian for winning the Best of the Best tournament last night. It was surely no easy task as he had to go through four men: Excalibur and Johnny Nitro in the first round, Jonny Storm in the semi-finals in a top contender for Match of the Year honors and finally, a grueling match against Chris Hero. Winning a tournament filled with such talent surely puts him near the top of not only CZW's Jr. Heavyweight division but among the great Jr. Heavyweights in the entire business. But the journey to superstardom is just beginning for Kazarian and his first test will come next week as he faces last year's Best of the Best winner Mike Quackenbush. Quackenbush has definately rode the momentum of winning Best of the Best, leading him to become a two-time Jr. Heavyweight Champion and a Tag Team Champion within a year's time. Whether or not Kazarian will amass such honors this year remains to be seen but the result of next week's match may be a sign of what's to come.

    -Also set to take place next week will be a special challenge match between Justin Credible and Super Dragon. A few weeks ago on Fake You! TV, Credible defeated Devon Storm in the main event with help from Super Dragon. This help was not asked for and when Credible found out he didn't win the match with his own help, he laid Dragon out and stormed to the back. After seeing Dragon lay Storm out with a Psycho Driver the next week, Credible decided that something needed to be done and asked CZW Management to sign a match between them.

    -Another match signed due to events stemming from Fake You! TV last week is Kaos vs Halloween. Kaos ended up cheating his way to a victory over one-half of Mexico's Most Wanted, Damien 666. Of course, Kaos got his comeuppance from L.A. Par-K but Halloween felt that wasn't enough. Halloween felt that the outcome would've been different had he been at ringside with his partner and felt he had let MMW down so he asked for a match against Kaos to make things right. But will Par-K make his presence known to Kaos once again? Tune into Fake You! TV to find out.

    Scheduled Matches For Fake You! TV Next Week

    Black Attack (Ruckus and B-Boy w/Julius Smokes) vs Beef & Generico

    Kaos vs Halloween

    Best of the Best 2006 vs 2005

    "The Future" Frankie Kazarian vs Mike Quackenbush

    Justin Credible vs Super Dragon

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